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Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay


belle épave



Bloodline (Pure, Half-blood, Muggle-born, Squib, Giant, Half-Giant, Etc.):

Physical Appearance:

Personality Traits:

Family Details:

Activities at School (Quidditch, Prefect, Clubs, Etc.):


Other Important Details:
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Name: Yoska Petulengro

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: Romani

Sexuality: Heterosexual

House: Ravenclaw

Bloodline: Muggleborn

Best subject: Divination

Wand: Cedar wood, 14 inches, kelpie mane hair, sturdy.

Personality: Yoska tends to keep to himself, a survival tactic that's kept him alive so far. He has a group of close knit friends at Hogwarts, and that's really all he needs. If approached, he's still fairly friendly, if not a bit shy. Yoska is fairly tolerant and thick skinned, having learned to ignore the teasing often directed at him. Names like 'gypsy boy' and 'mudblood' no longer phase him.

He enjoys being outdoors, and can often be caught staring out windows during class. He's a bit of a daydreamer.

Other: Yoska is a werewolf, and has been for quite some time. When he transforms, he appears as a large, wolf-like creature with black fur. His eyes turn yellow, humanlike, but filled with rage and wildness.

Appearance: Tall and lean. Yoska stands at 5'11" and has a lean, muscular build. His skin is a dark tan, and his hair is dark brown with natural red highlights, worn very long and straight. He has a mixed accent that's hard to place, a result of traveling the continent over his lifetime. His eyes are dark brown. Yoska has faded scars on his back and arms from a gruesome attack. He typically wears long sleeves to cover them. He's considering getting tattoos to permanently hide them.

His family doesn't have much money, so all of his robes (and most of his clothes) are hand-me-downs. A few have been hand sewn by his grandmother. His books are raggy and worn, and his shoes are often scuffed. As a kid, his robes used to hang on them, having belonged to his older cousin. Now he's grown into them.

History: Yoska grew up in a traditional Romani family, one of the last ones in existence. They traveled the European country side with horses and wagons, living off of the land and trades with townsfolk. Some towns they came to adored them, seeing them as a novelty and quickly buying up their colorful blankets and scarves, and having their fortunes read. But some places weren't so accepting of their free spirited lifestyle. As a boy, Yoska could remember being chased off or even threatened several times.

When Yoska was 11, he was sent an acceptance letter from Hogwarts. It really came as no surprise, as Yoska came from a long line of witches and wizards. His parents were both squibs, born of a magic bloodline, but retaining no mystical abilities. They were delighted when Yoska informed them of the letter. He had already showed promise in divination from a young age.

Yoska did well in school until his third year. At age 13, during summer break, Yoska was attacked by a horrible, wolfish creature. He had been traveling with his family's caravan all summer. Around dusk, he had ventured into the forest to gather firewood when the beast accosted him. The creature, he later found out, was a werewolf.

Yoska had been mauled, horrible wounds left on his back and limbs. His family was able to patch him up, but nothing could stop him from becoming a lycanthrope. As the summer months drew near, Yoska was taught by his great aunt to make wolfsbane potion to help keep his symptoms in check. He was instructed by his family to continue going to school, but to tell no one about his condition, fearing that he would be expelled.

Yoska has, so far, only told a few people. The potion's teacher knows, as Yoska often borrows supplies from the classroom to make his potion. A few of his close friends know, often helping to keep him under control when he transforms. So far, he hasn't had much trouble with it.

Yoska is now in his sixth year at Hogwarts. He does very well in Divination, but his favorite topic is defense against the dark arts. His dream is to one day break out of the ranks of Roma fortune teller, traveling with his family, to become an auror, hunting down dark wizards and witches.

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Metronome said:

Name: Yoska Petulengro

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: Romani

Sexuality: Heterosexual

House: Ravenclaw

Bloodline: Muggleborn

Best subject: Divination

Wand: Cedar wood, 14 inches, kelpie mane hair, sturdy.

Personality: Yoska tends to keep to himself, a survival tactic that's kept him alive so far. He has a group of close knit friends at Hogwarts, and that's really all he needs. If approached, he's still fairly friendly, if not a bit shy. Yoska is fairly tolerant and thick skinned, having learned to ignore the teasing often directed at him. Names like 'gypsy boy' and 'mudblood' no longer phase him.

He enjoys being outdoors, and can often be caught staring out windows during class. He's a bit of a daydreamer.

Other: Yoska is a werewolf, and has been for quite some time. When he transforms, he appears as a large, wolf-like creature with black fur. His eyes turn yellow, humanlike, but filled with rage and wildness.

Appearance: Tall and lean. Yoska stands at 5'11" and has a lean, muscular build. His skin is a dark tan, and his hair is dark brown with natural red highlights, worn very long and straight. He has a mixed accent that's hard to place, a result of traveling the continent over his lifetime. His eyes are dark brown. Yoska has faded scars on his back and arms from a gruesome attack. He typically wears long sleeves to cover them. He's considering getting tattoos to permanently hide them.

His family doesn't have much money, so all of his robes (and most of his clothes) are hand-me-downs. A few have been hand sewn by his grandmother. His books are raggy and worn, and his shoes are often scuffed. As a kid, his robes used to hang on them, having belonged to his older cousin. Now he's grown into them.

History: Yoska grew up in a traditional Romani family, one of the last ones in existence. They traveled the European country side with horses and wagons, living off of the land and trades with townsfolk. Some towns they came to adored them, seeing them as a novelty and quickly buying up their colorful blankets and scarves, and having their fortunes read. But some places weren't so accepting of their free spirited lifestyle. As a boy, Yoska could remember being chased off or even threatened several times.

When Yoska was 11, he was sent an acceptance letter from Hogwarts. It really came as no surprise, as Yoska came from a long line of witches and wizards. His parents were both squibs, born of a magic bloodline, but retaining no mystical abilities. They were delighted when Yoska informed them of the letter. He had already showed promise in divination from a young age.

Yoska did well in school until his third year. At age 13, during summer break, Yoska was attacked by a horrible, wolfish creature. He had been traveling with his family's caravan all summer. Around dusk, he had ventured into the forest to gather firewood when the beast accosted him. The creature, he later found out, was a werewolf.

Yoska had been mauled, horrible wounds left on his back and limbs. His family was able to patch him up, but nothing could stop him from becoming a lycanthrope. As the summer months drew near, Yoska was taught by his great aunt to make wolfsbane potion to help keep his symptoms in check. He was instructed by his family to continue going to school, but to tell no one about his condition, fearing that he would be expelled.

Yoska has, so far, only told a few people. The potion's teacher knows, as Yoska often borrows supplies from the classroom to make his potion. A few of his close friends know, often helping to keep him under control when he transforms. So far, he hasn't had much trouble with it.

Yoska is now in his sixth year at Hogwarts. He does very well in Divination, but his favorite topic is defense against the dark arts. His dream is to one day break out of the ranks of Roma fortune teller, traveling with his family, to become an auror, hunting down dark wizards and witches.

Name: Maeve Cassidy

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Nationality: Irish

Sexuality: Pansexual

House: Slytherin

Bloodline: Pureblood

Best Subject: Charms

Wand: Willow, 13 1/2 inches, dragon heartstring core

Personality Traits: Though most people think Maeve is another stereotypically horrible Slytherin, in reality, she is far from it. Maeve is not ruthless, heartless, or dark by any means. She's actually quite kind hearted and friendly. But, she's also very ambitious and driven. When she wants something, she sets her mind on it and her mind is not easily changed. She's stubborn and often times quite sarcastic. Her humor is rather dry and witty, though it can also be rather childish at times. She's clever and resourceful and often finds herself having to wiggle her way out of tough situations with her uncanny ability to lie on the spot. She often disregards the rules and spends a lot of her free time pulling pranks on her fellow classmates. But, over all, Maeve is as kind hearted as a Hufflepuff, as clever as a Ravenclaw, and as courageous as a Gryffindor.

Other: While Maeve excels in Charms, she is just plan terrible at Transfiguration and Astronomy. Maeve is also an Animagus. Her animagus form is a sleek black panther with her eyes. Maeve has two pets: a male siamese cat with striking blue eyes named Jax and a female barn owl named Soren. She is on the Slytherin Quidditch team as one of their starting Chasers.

Appearance: Though Maeve is rather on the short side, standing at a meek 5'3", what she lacks in height, she makes up for in her athletic and slim build. She is by no means curvy, but she's not a stick either. She has pleasant slight curves and more muscle than body fat. Her skin is a soft peach color and is dusted in round freckles on nearly every inch of it. Her hair is a deep auburn color and falls down to her mid back in nice ringlet curls. Her eyes are a light sea green. Her facial features are actually rather sharp edged, especially around her cheekbones and her jawline. Maeve's family is pretty well off and her robes and other clothing items and belongings reflect that.

History: Maeve was born into a very well known pureblood family. Though her family, unlike most pureblood families, was not well known for being deatheaters or even supporters of the You-Know-Who. In fact, her parents had both been part of the Order in the First Wizarding War. The youngest of ten, Maeve has 7 older brothers and two older sisters, the oldest of which being 33 and the youngest of which being 18. She often had to deal with being beat up and made fun of by her older siblings, though they are also extremely protective over her. Especially her brothers.

Because she was raised with brothers who rough housed with her constantly, Maeve very tough. And being raised in an all magical family who lived in a community of wizards and witches, she was already practicing magic before her Hogwarts letter came a week after her eleventh birthday. Which is what put her ahead of the game in Charms, though she lacks skill in Transfiguration and Astronomy. But her favorite subjects are Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology.

At a young age, Maeve realized what she wanted to do with her life: to become a healer at St. Mungo's. Being a naturally driven person, once she realized her dream, it became all she focused on. Thus, most of her time is spent studying different healing potions and charms and different magical medical practices. Her dream also has led her to take harder classes and to push herself rather exceedingly hard in academics. If all else fails, her fall back plan is to work for the Ministry of Magic in the Department of Muggle Relations. However, her determination to reach her goals has caused her to lack a great social life and, with that, friends. She has a few acquaintances, but no one she really considers a friend. Which, she supposes is fine because you can't get into fights with books and homework, but she does get rather lonely.

During Maeve's 4th year of school at Hogwarts, her brother, Alexander, was killed in an accident on the job in the Department of Dark Artifacts. He and Maeve had been very close and the loss hit her very hard. To deal with the grief, Maeve buried herself even further into her studies and spent even less time interacting with people. Except for during Quidditch season, when she's almost always with the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Name: Lucina (Lucy) Matthews

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: British

House/Profession: Slytherin/Student

Bloodline: Pure-blood

Wand: Willow,10 inches,Unicorn Tail,Springy

Best Subject: Charms (Potions is only a little bit under Charms)

Physical Appearance: Lucina is what you would consider normal in some terms in ways of appearance for a thirteen year old girl.She stands at 5'1"and weighs about 100 pounds at most.She has blonde hair that goes a little past her shoulders and grayish blue eyes to compliment her pale skin.She tends to wear her hair in a braid whenever she is casting spells out making potions so that it doesn't get in her face.Lucina has her own robes and books since her family is well off in the means of money.


Personality Traits: Lucina may not seem like someone who would be in Slytherin due to her relaxed nature around others besides pure-bloods but true to the Slytherin's qualities she is very careful on making decisions but she's very ambitious to be the best she can be.She also has the bad side of her relaxed personality that only ever comes up whenever someone insults her abilities or assumes that they would win against her at anything.The other side of the coin is that she is insecure about what others think of her, especially since she was sorted into Slytherin her first year, but this fear also makes her strive to be as good as she could be without being evil and stuff.

Family Details: Lucina grew up in a family of pure-bloods that consisted of her mother,Annabell, father,Maxwell, and her older twin sisters, Ashley and Thalia, all of them being sorted into Hufflepuff and Lucina being the odd one out by being in Slytherin.Lucina's mother was from a line of respected Death Eaters but once she became pregnant with Thalia and Ashley she decided not to join and works as a Hit Witch,one of the best in the Magical Law Enforcement Patrol.Lucina's father works for the Animagus Registry in the Ministry of Magic and both of her parents makes more than enough money to leave everyone well off for the rest of their lives.

History: Lucina was the last child out of her entire family and therefore was stereotyped as weak and frail due to being overshadowed by her older sisters magical abilities at their young age and Lucina showing none whatsoever.She eventually grew resentful for a long time and grew more angry at her family up until she ran away for a few days and didn't come back until she got her letter from an owl telling her about Hogwarts.She eventually went back home and decided to make a name for herself and tried not to become Ashley and Thalia's shadow.

She eventually got shoved out of her sister's shadow when she was sorted into her house and that was when Lucina's life changed forever, in a family sense and a personal change.She tried to make a name for herself and she eventually did with her skill in Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, and Charms, all of which are her favorite core subjects.She planned to take Care for Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies when she had entered her third year at Hogwarts and kept her plan since she knew that this was her sister's sixth year and that they would start getting ready to leave Hogwarts and that they wouldn't bother her.

Activities at School: Charms and Potions Club


Has a barn owl by the name of Athena.


Other Important Details:

She is scared of thunder and lightning and will run and hide underneath almost anything.

Lucina excels in almost all of her class except for Herbology, History of Magic, and Astronomy since they confuse her to no end.

When Lucina can conjure a full patronus it would become a penguin.
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CrystalYoshi said:
Name: Lucina (Lucy) Matthews
Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: British

House/Profession: Slytherin/Student

Bloodline: Pure-blood

Wand: Willow,10 inches,Unicorn Tail,Springy

Best Subject: Charms (Potions is only a little bit under Charms)

Physical Appearance: Lucina is what you would consider normal in some terms in ways of appearance for a thirteen year old girl.She stands at 5'1"and weighs about 100 pounds at most.She has blonde hair that goes a little past her shoulders and grayish blue eyes to compliment her pale skin.She tends to wear her hair in a braid whenever she is casting spells out making potions so that it doesn't get in her face.


Personality Traits: Lucina may not seem like someone who would be in Slytherin due to her relaxed nature around others besides pure-bloods but true to the Slytherin's qualities she is very careful on making decisions but she's very ambitious to be the best she can be.She also has the bad side of her relaxed personality that only ever comes up whenever someone insults her abilities or assumes that they would win against her at anything.The other side of the coin is that she is insecure about what others think of her, especially since she was sorted into Slytherin her first year, but this fear also makes her strive to be as good as she could be without being evil and stuff.

Family Details: Lucina grew up in a family of pure-bloods that consisted of her mother,Annabell, father,Maxwell, and her older twin sisters, Ashley and Thalia, all of them being sorted into Hufflepuff and Lucina being the odd one out by being in Slytherin.

History: Lucina was the last child out of her entire family and therefore was stereotyped as weak and frail due to being overshadowed by her older sisters magical abilities at their young age and Lucina showing none whatsoever.She eventually grew resentful for a long time and grew more angry at her family up until she ran away for a few days and didn't come back until she got her letter from an owl telling her about Hogwarts.She eventually went back home and decided to make a name for herself and tried not to become Ashley and Thalia's shadow.

She eventually got pushed out of her sister's shadow when she was sorted into her house and that was when Lucina's life changed forever, in a family sense and a personal change.She tired to make a name for herself and she eventually did with her skill in Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, and Charms, all of which are her favorite core subjects.She planned to take Care for Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies when she had entered her third year at Hogwarts and kept her plan since she knew that this was her sister's sixth year and that they would start getting ready to leave Hogwarts and that they wouldn't bother her.

Activities at School: Charms and Potions Club


Has a barn owl by the name of Athena.


Other Important Details:

She is scared of thunder and lightning and will run and hide underneath almost anything.

Lucina excels in almost all of her class except for Herbology, History of Magic, and Astronomy since they confuse her to no end.
I'm going to post a starting post to the rp just to get the ball rolling. People can join in as they come as long as we don't get too far into anything.
Name: Rohan Derricks



Nationality: British/French


House: Gryffindor

Bloodline: Half-blood

Best subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Wand: Holly wood, 12 inch, Phoenix feather core

Personality: Rohan is very friendly and cheerful. He isn't a huge fan of talking to people, but if they approach him, he does his best to be friendly. He is best at being friends with one or two people and just sticking with that. He is a major jokester and uses magic to up the ante on his pranks or jokes. His 'idols' and role models are the Weasley twins and he loves what they do. Since he isn't good at starting conversations, he hasn't talked to them before, even though he really wants to. He likes following Quidditch matches, like most people from the wizarding world, and he always try's to get better by watching their techniques. He doesn't get scared easily which means he walks into almost any situation and isn't prepared. He isn't rash necessarily, but he doesn't want to show weakness which is why he sometimes rushes into things. It is also difficult to get him frustrated or angry, unless someone is hurting Heiro or other animals.

Other: Rohan is on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as their keeper or seeker. He also has a black owl named Heiro.

Appearance: Rohan is around 6'1 tall with copper-red hair and unique auburn colored eyes. He is very pale and lean, but toned. He has a small white scar on his jaw, but it is hard to see since he has such a light-complex. He has a light British accent with the slightest hint of a French accent every now and then.

His robes, books, and cauldron were originally his older brother's, but they still look new thanks to his brother's perfectionist attitude. His wand is new and in great condition since he takes very good care of it, unlike most of his other things.

History: Rohan was raised in a relatively well-off wizarding family. His father was the wizard and, since his mother was basically a saint, she didn't mind how different he was from 'normal' people. Rohan had an older brother named Lucas that was the pride and joy of the family. His parents were very loving and fair but when Lucas became a prefect in Hogwarts they went all out to congratulate him. Lucas got new robes and supplies as well as his own personal owl. Rohan did his best not to be jealous and he was glad to at least get Lucas' old robes and supplies. When Lucas became Head-boy, his parents were beside themselves with joy. They got him all sorts of new magical goodies and supplies. Once again, Rohan tried not to be jealous, but it didn't really work. He promised himself he would become Prefect and Head-boy as well, so his parents would adore him too.

One day, he was wandering around Diagon Alley when a cloaked stranger offered him an owl. Naturally, he refused until the stranger said that he couldn't take care of the owl or give it the attention it deserved. After thinking it over, Rohan accepted the owl and it seemed to take an instant liking to him. Rohan and the stranger began talking and suddenly Rohan realized he had started venting all his problems to the stranger. The man remained thoughtfully quiet until Rohan stopped talking from embarrassment. 'A smart man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others. Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.' The stranger said after a moment. Before Rohan could say anything else, the stranger walked away and disappeared.

Despite, or maybe thanks to how odd the whole situation had been, he couldn't forget what the man had said. He decided to do whatever he wanted, rather than trying to compete with Lucas for his parents' attention. That was when he really started doing pranks and telling jokes. The owl the man had given him was really well behaved and did its job flawlessly. He really wanted to find the stranger and thank him for the brilliant owl and advice. Unfortunately, no one seemed to have heard of or seen the cloaked man before. Finding the man wasn't an obsession, but he still occasionally asks people if they have seen a cloaked man before.

Rohan is working on making himself into an Animagus, with the form being a red fox or maybe a bird of some kind. He always wanted to be an Animagus, but his parents refused to let him. (As a side note: He is often mistaken for a Weasley due to his red hair, slightly tattered robes, and mischievous nature. Totally pointless, but kind of fun.)


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Winnie Park







Best subject:



british oak, 11 3/4 inches, unicorn hair


165 cm


52 kg

Physical Appearance:

Winnie was born and raised in Great Britain, but she doesn't look british at all as both of her parents originate in korea. She has a pale skin, dark almond eyes and long black hair which she likes to dye with brownish colors. Her figure is quite slim and less curvy whereon she isn't proud, but that's how nature works. She likes wearing her hair loose and loves cozy clothes such as hoodies, scarfs and leggings.

Personality Traits:

Winnie is a fair and pleasant girl who will always stay on the good side of the wizarding world, and a proud Gryffindor. She is very humorous, and might act quite childish and lighthearted sometimes. You will often see her with a wide smile on her face, and small crinkles below her eyes. She is a good sport, and loves nice jokes. She might have some problems to manage grave situations though, as she likes to take things easy. Yet, this is necessary as the time grows darker. Winnie is not that mature yet, and she still has to grow up instead of living in her lighthearted world, but sometimes a little bit of humor won't hurt anyone.

Family Details:

Sohee Park, mother, 45, half-blood, works for the daily prophet

* reliable

* graceful

* likeable

Minsu Park, father, 47, half-blood, lawyer

* ambitious

* honest

* oblivious

Emily Park, sister, 13, half-blood, hufflepuff

* good-natured

* smart

* naive

Activities at School:

Wizard's chess club




* cuddly

* clingy

* greedy

* favourite place: in front of the fire

* favourite food: Winnie's sweets

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name joey age 14 house is griffindor wears well a griffindor robe under it black jeans a red shirt personality brave kind smart and kinda shy extra- its his 3rd year at hogwarts and his favorite club is dueling and his favorite subject is potions
Shadow said:
Name: Rohan Derricks


Nationality: British/French


House: Gryffindor

Bloodline: Half-blood

Best subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Wand: Holly wood, 12 inch, Phoenix feather core

Personality: Rohan is very friendly and cheerful. He isn't a huge fan of talking to people, but if they approach him, he does his best to be friendly. He is best at being friends with one or two people and just sticking with that. He is a major jokester and uses magic to up the ante on his pranks or jokes. His 'idols' and role models are the Weasley twins and he loves what they do. Since he isn't good at starting conversations, he hasn't talked to them before, even though he really wants to. He likes following Quidditch matches, like most people from the wizarding world, and he always try's to get better by watching their techniques. He doesn't get scared easily which means he walks into almost any situation and isn't prepared. He isn't rash necessarily, but he doesn't want to show weakness which is why he sometimes rushes into things. It is also difficult to get him frustrated or angry, unless someone is hurting Heiro or other animals.

Other: Rohan is on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as their keeper or seeker. He also has a black owl named Heiro.

Appearance: Rohan is around 6'1 tall with copper-red hair and unique auburn colored eyes. He is very pale and lean, but toned. He has a small white scar on his jaw, but it is hard to see since he has such a light-complex. He has a light British accent with the slightest hint of a French accent every now and then.

His robes, books, and cauldron were originally his older brother's, but they still look new thanks to his brother's perfectionist attitude. His wand is new and in great condition since he takes very good care of it, unlike most of his other things.

History: Rohan was raised in a relatively well-off wizarding family. His father was the wizard and, since his mother was basically a saint, she didn't mind how different he was from 'normal' people. Rohan had an older brother named Lucas that was the pride and joy of the family. His parents were very loving and fair but when Lucas became a prefect in Hogwarts they went all out to congratulate him. Lucas got new robes and supplies as well as his own personal owl. Rohan did his best not to be jealous and he was glad to at least get Lucas' old robes and supplies. When Lucas became Head-boy, his parents were beside themselves with joy. They got him all sorts of new magical goodies and supplies. Once again, Rohan tried not to be jealous, but it didn't really work. He promised himself he would become Prefect and Head-boy as well, so his parents would adore him too.

One day, he was wandering around Diagon Alley when a cloaked stranger offered him an owl. Naturally, he refused until the stranger said that he couldn't take care of the owl or give it the attention it deserved. After thinking it over, Rohan accepted the owl and it seemed to take an instant liking to him. Rohan and the stranger began talking and suddenly Rohan realized he had started venting all his problems to the stranger. The man remained thoughtfully quiet until Rohan stopped talking from embarrassment. 'A smart man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others. Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.' The stranger said after a moment. Before Rohan could say anything else, the stranger walked away and disappeared.

Despite, or maybe thanks to how odd the whole situation had been, he couldn't forget what the man had said. He decided to do whatever he wanted, rather than trying to compete with Lucas for his parents' attention. That was when he really started doing pranks and telling jokes. The owl the man had given him was really well behaved and did its job flawlessly. He really wanted to find the stranger and thank him for the brilliant owl and advice. Unfortunately, no one seemed to have heard of or seen the cloaked man before. Finding the man wasn't an obsession, but he still occasionally asks people if they have seen a cloaked man before.

Rohan is working on making himself into an Animagus, with the form being a red fox or maybe a bird of some kind. He always wanted to be an Animagus, but his parents refused to let him. (As a side note: He is often mistaken for a Weasley due to his red hair, slightly tattered robes, and mischievous nature. Totally pointless, but kind of fun.)


Accepted! Start rping as soon as you can.
paperdog said:


Winnie Park







Best subject:



british oak, 11 3/4 inches, unicorn hair


165 cm


52 kg

Physical Appearance:

Winnie was born and raised in Great Britain, but she doesn't look british at all as both of her parents originate in korea. She has a pale skin, dark almond eyes and long black hair which she likes to dye with brownish colors. Her figure is quite slim and less curvy whereon she isn't proud, but that's how nature works. She likes wearing her hair loose and loves cozy clothes such as hoodies, scarfs and leggings.

Personality Traits:

Winnie is a fair and pleasant girl who will always stay on the good side of the wizarding world, and a proud Gryffindor. She is very humorous, and might act quite childish and lighthearted sometimes. You will often see her with a wide smile on her face, and small crinkles below her eyes. She is a good sport, and loves nice jokes. She might have some problems to manage grave situations though, as she likes to take things easy. Yet, this is necessary as the time grows darker. Winnie is not that mature yet, and she still has to grow up instead of living in her lighthearted world, but sometimes a little bit of humor won't hurt anyone.

Family Details:

Sohee Park, mother, 45, half-blood, works for the daily prophet

* reliable

* graceful

* likeable

Minsu Park, father, 47, half-blood, lawyer

* ambitious

* honest

* oblivious

Emily Park, sister, 13, half-blood, hufflepuff

* good-natured

* smart

* naive

Activities at School:

Wizard's chess club




* cuddly

* clingy

* greedy

* favourite place: in front of the fire

* favourite food: Winnie's sweets
animefan374 said:
when do we start
hi, okay, i don't want to come off as rude, but this roleplay is a descriptive roleplay which means that replies are at least a paragraph, perferably more and have correct grammar and build the image of a character and the setting and the plot of the story. i think you'd find that a simple roleplay would suit you much better than a descriptive roleplay. so i'm really sorry, but i'm not accepting your character and i'd like to ask that you please stop posting in this rp. thank you.
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Hey~ This is my first RP on this website so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong... I have Rp-ed before though, so you don't have to worry about that :D

Name: Demi

Age: 16

House: Ravenclaw

Bloodline: Half-Blood

Appearance: Icy blue eyes, pale blonde messy hair, wares the Ravenclaw uniform

Personality: Shy, kind, cheerful, quiet, clever

Family: Her mom (witch) was born in Australia and her dad (muggle) in America. They both moved to England and met each other at work in London. They fell in love, blah blah blah, and had Demi. It was only after they were married and Demi was born that Sarah (her mom) told Rowan (her dad) that she was a witch. Rowan reacted in a bad way and left the family, Sarah was left to care for Demi. Demi grew up in a little cottage in the countryside, so she grew to love nature.

Activities: -none-

Pets: A barn owl named Freya

Other: 156 cm, short for her age. Quite weak. Doesn't like to talk to people that much - she's scared she'll mess up with something and they'll hate her after.

Is this ok?
Name: Alexander 'Alex' Reeve

Age: 16

Nationality: Northern Irish (I personally refer to it as British since Northern Ireland is part of the UK but some people don't understand so yeah)

House/Profession: Ravenclaw, Although he would have been sorted into Slytherin as most expected but his intelligence was obviously the dominant trait.

Sexuality: Straight

Bloodline (Pure, Half-blood, Muggle-born, Squib, Giant, Half-Giant, Etc.): Pure Blood

Best Subject: Transfiguration

Wand: Redwood, 11 inches, Unicorn hair

Physical Appearance: Alex is 6'1 and a muscular build. He has dark brown hair and striking blue eyes. His eyes are the winning score for his smooth talking. is body is well built but he pretty agile for his build. He has peculiar accent. It's a mix of American, English and Scottish which actually works for him.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a4539e6_rpnationcharacter.png.a129fcf689685ed42b3cb44fa1445ea4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a4539e6_rpnationcharacter.png.a129fcf689685ed42b3cb44fa1445ea4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality Traits: Alex is cunning and smart. He is a smooth talker and con-artist. His father being a very sly Death Eater, taught him ways of seducing people. He is very believable and a master at manipulation. The teachers can usually look past his 'disguise' but most people his age always fall for it. On the other hand Alex can be a very mysterious. His intelligence is very overwhelming even for teachers and he aces nearly every subject. Back to his good side, he reckons the Death Eaters and Voldemort are wrong in every aspect but that doesn't stop him from being terrified of He who must not be named. He has been referred to a sociopath in the past but in all honesty he just finds it hard to fell, empathy, sadness, or love.

Family Details: Alex's father and older brother are both Death Eaters. Alex himself hates them but he has no one else to go to. His mother was killed when he was two years old so he doesn't remember her but his brother told him stories as a child about how his mother was killed by The order of Phoenix.

Activities at School (Quidditch, Prefect, Clubs, Etc.): Alex is the Beater for Ravenclaw. He is a decent player and enjoys it. He attends Duelling club were he is one of the best. Alex got into trouble way to often to become a Prefect but takes enjoyment in tormenting a few.

Pets: Alex owns a Hawk owl called Fizz. It was given to him by his fathers friend (Knott) when he started Hogwarts. Fizz was pretty much the only friend he had for the whole of first year.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a4577db_rpnationowl.jpg.95f3aa247a1e3776bec87433d0b3a346.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a4577db_rpnationowl.jpg.95f3aa247a1e3776bec87433d0b3a346.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other Important Details: Alex having been an ace at Transfiguration he is interested in Animagus's. Although he really wants to become one (he actually is but let's on he isn't as he is an excellent liar) he doesn't know how to do it. If he really wanted to become one it would definitely be his patronus: A pure black lion.

Alex isn't the most social person but he does have a few close friends.

(Hope this is ok as I am new to this site and I haven't roleplayed in a few months)



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Physiicz said:
Name: Alexander 'Alex' Reeve
Age: 16

Nationality: Northern Irish (I personally refer to it as British since Northern Ireland is part of the UK but some people don't understand so yeah)

House/Profession: Ravenclaw, Although he would have been sorted into Slytherin as most expected but his intelligence was obviously the dominant trait.

Sexuality: Straight

Bloodline (Pure, Half-blood, Muggle-born, Squib, Giant, Half-Giant, Etc.): Pure Blood

Best Subject: Transfiguration

Wand: Redwood, 11 inches, Unicorn hair

Physical Appearance: Alex is 6'1 and a muscular build. He has dark brown hair and striking blue eyes. His eyes are the winning score for his smooth talking. is body is well built but he pretty agile for his build. He has peculiar accent. It's a mix of American, English and Scottish which actually works for him.

View attachment 169177

Personality Traits: Alex is cunning and smart. He is a smooth talker and con-artist. His father being a very sly Death Eater, taught him ways of seducing people. He is very believable and a master at manipulation. The teachers can usually look past his 'disguise' but most people his age always fall for it. On the other hand Alex can be a very mysterious. His intelligence is very overwhelming even for teachers and he aces nearly every subject. Back to his good side, he reckons the Death Eaters and Voldemort are wrong in every aspect but that doesn't stop him from being terrified of He who must not be named. He has been referred to a sociopath in the past but in all honesty he just finds it hard to fell, empathy, sadness, or love.

Family Details: Alex's father and older brother are both Death Eaters. Alex himself hates them but he has no one else to go to. His mother was killed when he was two years old so he doesn't remember her but his brother told him stories as a child about how his mother was killed by The order of Phoenix.

Activities at School (Quidditch, Prefect, Clubs, Etc.): Alex is the Beater for Ravenclaw. He is a decent player and enjoys it. He attends Duelling club were he is one of the best. Alex got into trouble way to often to become a Prefect but takes enjoyment in tormenting a few.

Pets: Alex owns a Hawk owl called Fizz. It was given to him by his fathers friend (Knott) when he started Hogwarts. Fizz was pretty much the only friend he had for the whole of first year.

View attachment 169178

Other Important Details: Alex having been an ace at Transfiguration he is interested in Animagus's. Although he really wants to become one (he actually is but let's on he isn't as he is an excellent liar) he doesn't know how to do it. If he really wanted to become one it would definitely be his patronus: A pure black lion.

Alex isn't the most social person but he does have a few close friends.

(Hope this is ok as I am new to this site and I haven't roleplayed in a few months)
Lara said:
Hey~ This is my first RP on this website so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong... I have Rp-ed before though, so you don't have to worry about that :D
Name: Demi

Age: 16

House: Ravenclaw

Bloodline: Half-Blood

Appearance: Icy blue eyes, pale blonde messy hair, wares the Ravenclaw uniform

Personality: Shy, kind, cheerful, quiet, clever

Family: Her mom (witch) was born in Australia and her dad (muggle) in America. They both moved to England and met each other at work in London. They fell in love, blah blah blah, and had Demi. It was only after they were married and Demi was born that Sarah (her mom) told Rowan (her dad) that she was a witch. Rowan reacted in a bad way and left the family, Sarah was left to care for Demi. Demi grew up in a little cottage in the countryside, so she grew to love nature.

Activities: -none-

Pets: A barn owl named Freya

Other: 156 cm, short for her age. Quite weak. Doesn't like to talk to people that much - she's scared she'll mess up with something and they'll hate her after.

Is this ok?
both of those are fine and accepted, start roleplaying as soon as you can. thank you!

Victor Knight











Best subject



12 inches, ebony wood and dragon heartstring

Physical Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_21-20-59.png.a42ca9c18bf35c2745673c15af1b9ece.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75873" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_21-20-59.png.a42ca9c18bf35c2745673c15af1b9ece.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality Traits:

Victor is a guy who enjoys taking risks and living life at the fullest. He is a very active person who never stays in one place and always manages to get in some sort of trouble and is quite loud. Incredibly charismatic, he enjoys meeting new people and always wants to talk with someone. He can make friends very easily and is very popular with the ladies due to his habits of flirting with every attractive girl he can find. He is also very manipulative and intelligent, making him angry is not a good idea because he enjoys fighting and will find any reason to pull out his wand and hex someone until he wins or is too wounded to continue fighting. He can be a bit arrogant and mean sometimes.

Family Details:

Josephine Knight (mother, deceased)

Brighton Knight (father, in Azkaban)

Jezebel Clare (aunt, legal guardian)

Carlos Clare (uncle, legal guardian)

Harley Knight (twin sister)

Activities at School

Seeker for the Slytherin Qudditch team


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_21-41-21.png.14ed90f7a75a434b5a0b31cea31fa618.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_21-41-21.png.14ed90f7a75a434b5a0b31cea31fa618.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A female owl, Silver

Other Important Details:

His patronus is a Leopard


Heather Knight











Best subject

Defense Against the Dark Arts


12 inches, blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring

Physical Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_21-43-53.png.ef64ad560a939905bede363ece2eeeaf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_21-43-53.png.ef64ad560a939905bede363ece2eeeaf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality Traits:

Harley is the opposite of her brother. She is a quiet and introverted girl who doesn't like to get in trouble and always thinks before she acts. She is incredibly logical and always manages to get her brother out of trouble with one or two lies and a plan. Not a big fan of crowds or being outside, she prefers staying inside and reading something or practicing her favorite spells. When she opens up to someone, she can be extremely talkative and has a very good (and dark) sense of humor. She is very intelligent and manipulative, one of the few traits she shares with her brother, and finds everything fascinating. Even things like death and the dark arts.

Family Details:

Josephine Knight (mother, deceased)

Brighton Knight (father, in Azkaban)

Jezebel Clare (aunt, legal guardian)

Carlos Clare (uncle, legal guardian)

Victor Knight (twin brother)

Activities at School

Dueling club


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_21-56-41.png.ba3732ab663c61937d7f7b7c1f7d1d6b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-20_21-56-41.png.ba3732ab663c61937d7f7b7c1f7d1d6b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A female cat, Azul

Other Important Details:

Her patronus is a rabbit



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thefan1 said:
Victor Knight











Best subject



12 inches, ebony wood and dragon heartstring

Physical Appearance:

View attachment 169856

Personality Traits:

Victor is a guy who enjoys taking risks and living life at the fullest. He is a very active person who never stays in one place and always manages to get in some sort of trouble and is quite loud. Incredibly charismatic, he enjoys meeting new people and always wants to talk with someone. He can make friends very easily and is very popular with the ladies due to his habits of flirting with every attractive girl he can find. He is also very manipulative and intelligent, making him angry is not a good idea because he enjoys fighting and will find any reason to pull out his wand and hex someone until he wins or is too wounded to continue fighting. He can be a bit arrogant and mean sometimes.

Family Details:

Josephine Knight (mother, deceased)

Brighton Knight (father, in Azkaban)

Jezebel Clare (aunt, legal guardian)

Carlos Clare (uncle, legal guardian)

Harley Knight (twin sister)

Activities at School

Seeker for the Slytherin Qudditch team


View attachment 169871

A female owl, Silver

Other Important Details:

His patronus is a Leopard


Heather Knight











Best subject

Defense Against the Dark Arts


12 inches, blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring

Physical Appearance:

View attachment 169873

Personality Traits:

Harley is the opposite of her brother. She is a quiet and introverted girl who doesn't like to get in trouble and always thinks before she acts. She is incredibly logical and always manages to get her brother out of trouble with one or two lies and a plan. Not a big fan of crowds or being outside, she prefers staying inside and reading something or practicing her favorite spells. When she opens up to someone, she can be extremely talkative and has a very good (and dark) sense of humor. She is very intelligent and manipulative, one of the few traits she shares with her brother, and finds everything fascinating. Even things like death and the dark arts.

Family Details:

Josephine Knight (mother, deceased)

Brighton Knight (father, in Azkaban)

Jezebel Clare (aunt, legal guardian)

Carlos Clare (uncle, legal guardian)

Victor Knight (twin brother)

Activities at School

Dueling club


View attachment 169874

A female cat, Azul

Other Important Details:

Her patronus is a rabbit
Also, sorry I haven't been replying to the roleplay. I've only had my phone for awhile which isn't ideal for typing out three or four paragraphs, but I should have my computer sometime today and then I'll start posting again.

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