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Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay



"A simpleton like you doesn't deserve my name but pureblood protocol demands I be nice. My name is Janus, not Janice, JANUS Pollux Lestrange. In case you're too stupid to know, I am named after the Roman Two-Faced God."


"I'm thirteen."


"I'm a third year student at Hogwarts though my Head of House would be a better Headmaster than that coot Dumbledore. Previously I went to Durmstrange for the first two years of my magical education. I'm a proud Slytherin though could have been in Ravenclaw. I'm not reckless like those stupid Gryffindors and Hufflepuff is a house for losers."

Bloodline (Pure, Half-blood, Muggle-born, Squib, Giant, Half-Giant, Etc.):

"A muggle-born? Really? I'm a pureblood from the Ancient Pureblood line of Lestrange!"


"I have black hair, fair skin and brown eyes. I have only the finest clothing, basilisk battle armor thanks to a trip to Greece and a few cloaks of Acromantula silk. I'm 4'8" and 95 lbs but I exercise every day."

Personality Traits:

"I want to join the Death Eaters and proudly serve my Lord. I hate Muggles and Squibs. I am loyal to the Death Eaters but my aunt says whether I will inherit the Black Family Madness remains uncertain. Among Slytherin Traits I have resourcefulness, cunning, am ambitious, determination, cleverness, self-preservation, leadership qualities, and my aunt would say I am a bit arrogant though not as horrible as Draco. I'm quiet and like to read which is probably odd for a Slytherin. Oh and I have a love of power and knowledge. Among my Ravenclaw traits; they would be intelligence, originality, creativity, and wisdom."

Opinions on Muggles, Squibs, Creatures:

"Muggles are stealing our magic and marrying them is causing the Old Religion and our customs to die out. Instead it's being replaced with stupid nonsense since Dumbledore became Headmaster. Squibs should be killed or have their memories wiped and sent to live with the Mudbloods in their towns. As for creatures...Fenrir Greyback is honestly an idiot. I don't know why he wasn't put down like the rabid dog he is. I feel sorry for dark creatures for they will never accepted among wizards and witches. Dragons are neat and I wouldn't mind having a Griffon Familiar."

Best Class:

"Potions, followed by Herbology. Charms, and Runes. It's a pity that Runes can't be taken until third year at Hogwarts."

Worst Class:

"Defense Against the Dark Arts is a waste of time. Does that answer your question?"


"I strive to do well in all my classes, even DADA. I make EE's and sometimes O's. O's tend to be in Charms, and Potions."

Magical Strengths:

"Dark Arts from both parents, Charms from my mother, Flying from my parents, Occlumency and non-verbal spells from my mother and dueling from both parents."

Magical Weaknesses:

"Light spells, Transfiguration, Healing, and I cannot cast a Patronus."

Lives With:

"I live with Aunt Narcissa, Cousin Draco and Uncle Lucius. A respectable pureblood family."


"Are you daft or just hard of hearing? I'm a Lestrange! I'm Heir of the Lestrange family and fortune."


"I would have to say water would be my element."


"I'm loyal to my parents, Death Eaters, and my Lord. May he rise again! Or if you need a layman term, I am evil. Yes I proudly admit that I am a junior Death Eater or hope to be. What of it?"

Favorite Founders:

"My favorite founders are Salazar Slytherin and then Rowena Ravenclaw."


"My colors are greens of any shade, silver, royal blue and black. If you even think about putting me in red and/or gold, I will hex you!"

Secret Goal:

"I would like to become an animagus and learn Runework as well as Necromancy. Though I would also like to see Dark Creatures be accepted."

Planned Electives at Hogwarts:

"I will be/am taking Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Care of Magical Creatures."

Classes You Wish were at Hogwarts:

"Alchemy, Warding, Spell-Crafting, Wand Lore, Swordsmanship, Martial Arts. Yes I suppose Muggles have a
few uses."

Family Details:

"Every family has their Black sheep. My parents are Rudolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange. My uncle on my father's side is Rabastan Lestrange. My mother's side includes the Malfoy family; Aunt Naricissa, Cousin Draco, and Uncle Lucius (the man by marriage). I don't consider the blood traitors Sirius Black, Andromenda Tonks or her Half-blood spawn family."

How did you come to live with your family?

"What kind of a question is this?" *Stares in disbelief at the interrogator.* "I was born in Azkaban as my mother was pregnant when my parents were sentenced. My father didn't even know until I was born eight months later on the cold stone floor of mother's cell and thankfully Aunt Narcissa took me in when I was taken away from my mother. Sometimes Aunt Narcissa takes me to see my parents. Mother and Father always say that when the time comes, I'll make a loyal follower of the Dark."


"Why do you need to know my wand? Blackthorn, 13 1/4 inches, Dragon Heart String, Slightly Yielding,"

Activities at School (Quidditch, Prefect, Clubs, Etc.):

"I hate Quidditch. I study as grades are important to me. I also am in Potions Club which is nice."


"I have a calico kitten named Atlas."


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Name: Delancy Armistead

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: French

Sexuality: Heterosexual

House: Hufflepuff

Bloodline: Muggle born

Best Subject: Herbology

Wand: Elm, 12 inches, unicorn hair core

Personality Traits: Having been raised by that muggle mother who bakes cookies for everyone in your class every friday, Delancy was raised to be a polite, well mannered, kindhearted young man, and that is exactly what he has become. While most people only see Hufflepuffs as loopy, airheads who, on occasion, have exceptionally good looks, Delancy's personality goes a lot deeper than that. He's a hard worker. Life hasn't been easy on him and instead of letting it make him cold or hopeless, he's used his trials and tribulations to make himself stronger and he's turned his pain and heartache into unfathomable hope and affection. He cares a lot, sometimes too much even, and becomes close to people almost immediately. He's extremely friendly and loyal to all those he befriends, though he is not afraid to stand against those friends if their taking part in something he believes to be immoral. Delancy is over all a very charismatic person. People tend to gravitate towards him. He's warm and inviting and he's a hugger. He also loves, absolutely loves, to help people, which translates into him being a great listener and a great advice giver. However, he doesn't seek help for his own personal troubles, who prefers not to talk about them at all. He'd rather hide them inside all the other parts of himself and hope that everyone is too busy enjoying his company to notice the parts of him that are a little more battered and bruised.

Other: Herbology may be his best subject, but it is his least favorite by far. And part of the cause of that may be that he's not a big fan of Professor Sprout, despite the fact that she is the head of his house. He also owns a spectacled owl named Hermes and is the keeper for Hufflepuff, though he prefers the arts over athletics.

Appearance: As a kid, Delancy was known as "Bones", this was because before Delancy hit the age of fourteen, his body kept shooting up in height and his metabolism just didn't want to slow down long enough for him to develop any kind of meet on his bones. So he was a thin, lanky, 6'8" thirteen yearold wizard, who was so clumsy, Snape made him wear a caution sign around his neck during Potions class. But as soon as he turned fourteen, no later than a few weeks after his birthday, his growing came to a halt and his metabolism slowed just enough for him to start gaining some weight, and with all the working out he did for Quidditch, muscle. Now that he's entering into his last year of school and he's basically a man, Delancy is a thick, yet lean muscular machine. He still towers over most of his classmates and his metabolism is still faster than most people's, but he's filled out in all the right places with broad shoulders and a ripped chest. His hair is a copper color that grows into little curls when he lets it get too long. His eyes are a nice deep blue, so deep that they often look darker from farther away, like black or brown. When he smiles, two very deep dimples show up on either side of his mouth which have proven to be real lady killers for him in the past.

History: Delancy was born as the oldest son to Reina and Bellamy Armistead and most people would probably guess that his childhood was grand, considering the kind of person he is, but that is not exactly true. Bellamy Armistead, who was an ordinary man who worked as a stockbroker for a small firm in Normandy Orne, France, had a rather nasty drinking habit and by the time Delancy was seven yearsold, his father had walked on him, his three younger sisters, and his mother was pregnant with his fourth sister. At the age of seven, Delancy became the man of the house and often spent all of his free time helping his mother out around the house and helping her raise his four sisters: Darcy, Elaine, Rosie, and Marigold. Spending most of his time with women is probably what led to him being so kindhearted and sensitive to people's feelings. Though it probably also helps him out with the ladies. Every girl wants a sensitive man.

Oddly enough, Delancy was the only one of his mother's four kids that was a wizard and when he started showing signs of magic, his mother became quite frightened and stressed which in turn made him resent himself. This led to a lot of self hatred in the mind of a ten year old and he slowly slipped into depression. He, of course, kept all his pain to himself and bottled it all up in order not burden his mother anymore than he felt he already had. This, unfortunately, led to him scarring himself, mostly on his inner arms. And, by the time his letter finally arrived, he was almost too far gone in his mental turmoil.

But, after his first year of school at Hogwarts and finally realizing where he belonged and gaining control over his magic, Delancy returned back to his bubbly, friendly, overly caring self that he was before the magic had turned his old muggle life upside down and all the remains to remind him of that dark time in his life are his scars which are almost completely faded now.

Delancy hopes to become a professor, much like the ones that helped him and took him under their wings when he first came to Hogwarts scared and uncertain. And maybe, one day, he'll even become Headmaster at whatever school he works for.

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Bethany Royston








12 inches, Holly wood, dragon heartstring

Physical Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-24_21-29-5.png.f03d537dd819229fa7a1131ade9b307c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-24_21-29-5.png.f03d537dd819229fa7a1131ade9b307c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality Traits:

Bethany is a hard girl who is mature for her young age and often hears comments from other teachers that she acts more like a adult than like a 13 year old girl. She is very intelligent and manipulative, she always tries her hardest to succeed in anything. She is an incredibly loyal person who will never swich sides or turn her back on someone she trusts. She admires people who think like her and often tries to form relationships with them, knowing she will need allies when she graduates from Hogwarts. Bethany wants power and is a very good leader who always knows what to do in extreme situations.

Family Details:

Like many other pure blood families, Bethany's family is a very ancient and respected family with many of their members following the dark Lord. Unlike the other pure blood students, Bethany was not raised by death eaters or had anything to do with the dark Lord or his most devoted followers. This is because Bethany's father is the heir of the Royson family but her mother was a blood traitor. Her father, Augustus Royson was burned off the Royson family tree after he fell in love with Kaitlin Venus. They got married a few months later and had their first child, Raymond Royson. By the time Bethany was born, the dark Lord had fallen and some of his most loyal followers were looking for him everywhere. Her mother was the first one to die in the hands of death eaters and her father took care of them until Bethany's 11th birthday. When she was in Hogwarts, an owl arrived announcing the death of her father. No one knew who killed her father but she wasn't sad or mad after she heard the news. She had always been fascinated in the dark arts and pure blood families but her father had never allowed her to learn about such things. Her uncle, Constantine Royson learned how interested she was in the dark arts that he asked her to live with him and let her in the Royson family tree as long and she promised to serve the dark Lord when he came back. Which she gladly did.

Activities at School


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-24_21-37-38.png.e929f6a6e742335d8710a8d427f2aa86.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76593" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-24_21-37-38.png.e929f6a6e742335d8710a8d427f2aa86.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Other Important Details:



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Name: Robyn Maldroit

Age: 16

House/Profession: Ravenclaw

Bloodline: Half-Blood

Wand: Unicorn Hair, 11 inches, Willow Wood, Rigid

Physical Appearance: Robyn is rather short at only 5'3, many mistake her for as young as a first year. Her light brown hair often covers her face since she always forgets to tie it back. Eyes are a muddy brown with a series of freckles underneath and large red glasses on her tiny nose. She was given braces in her 4th year and has yet to have them removed, which she constantly complains about. Robyn often wears black gloves to conceal the scars left behind by a series of failed spells way out of her league during her first year and refuses to remove them. Due to her height, the hand-me-down robes don't exactly fit and require constant rolling.

Personality Traits: A true nerd at heart, completely counteracted by her clumsiness. She will stay up all night studying and will run off as little sleep as possible, facing the world with a strange distant stare. Robyn tends to get flustered easily, a very good reasons to avoid Potions and Defense Against The Dark Arts. Despite her inability to function properly under stress, she is independent and stubborn, changing her mind is more difficult than uprooting the Whomping Willow (Which she things is actually a really tall Treant). In no way is she a leader, but many can count on her to get something done, but don't expect it without a few accidents.

Family Details: Magic was open to Robyn from the day she was born, both her parents were supportive and helped her study whatever she wanted. With her impatience she never really waited to gradually work up to spells, and even wrote to Hogwarts asking about her pending application at the age of 9. Other than the usual parental issues, her childhood was rather dull, no friends outside of books and yards of paper with notes. The note from Hogwarts left her ecstatic, and unconscious. The first three years of Hogwarts were rather difficult, however she is dedicated to passing every year, with or without getting into immense amount of trouble.

Activities at School: Studying in the library and wandering about the campus while reciting spells.

Pets: A card with a moving picture of a rabbit she got from some kind of candy bar in Diagon Alley

Other Important Details: Excels in all her classes, unfortunately not at the beginning of the year and finally kicks in once the last half of the year kicks in.
silverghost said:
Bethany Royston








12 inches, Holly wood, dragon heartstring

Physical Appearance:

View attachment 171345

Personality Traits:

Bethany is a hard girl who is mature for her young age and often hears comments from other teachers that she acts more like a adult than like a 13 year old girl. She is very intelligent and manipulative, she always tries her hardest to succeed in anything. She is an incredibly loyal person who will never swich sides or turn her back on someone she trusts. She admires people who think like her and often tries to form relationships with them, knowing she will need allies when she graduates from Hogwarts. Bethany wants power and is a very good leader who always knows what to do in extreme situations.

Family Details:

Like many other pure blood families, Bethany's family is a very ancient and respected family with many of their members following the dark Lord. Unlike the other pure blood students, Bethany was not raised by death eaters or had anything to do with the dark Lord or his most devoted followers. This is because Bethany's father is the heir of the Royson family but her mother was a blood traitor. Her father, Augustus Royson was burned off the Royson family tree after he fell in love with Kaitlin Venus. They got married a few months later and had their first child, Raymond Royson. By the time Bethany was born, the dark Lord had fallen and some of his most loyal followers were looking for him everywhere. Her mother was the first one to die in the hands of death eaters and her father took care of them until Bethany's 11th birthday. When she was in Hogwarts, an owl arrived announcing the death of her father. No one knew who killed her father but she wasn't sad or mad after she heard the news. She had always been fascinated in the dark arts and pure blood families but her father had never allowed her to learn about such things. Her uncle, Constantine Royson learned how interested she was in the dark arts that he asked her to live with him and let her in the Royson family tree as long and she promised to serve the dark Lord when he came back. Which she gladly did.

Activities at School


View attachment 171355Other Important Details:
[QUOTE="Irresponsible Waifu]Name: Robyn Maldroit
Age: 16

House/Profession: Ravenclaw

Bloodline: Half-Blood

Wand: Unicorn Hair, 11 inches, Willow Wood, Rigid

Physical Appearance: Robyn is rather short at only 5'3, many mistake her for as young as a first year. Her light brown hair often covers her face since she always forgets to tie it back. Eyes are a muddy brown with a series of freckles underneath and large red glasses on her tiny nose. She was given braces in her 4th year and has yet to have them removed, which she constantly complains about. Robyn often wears black gloves to conceal the scars left behind by a series of failed spells way out of her league during her first year and refuses to remove them. Due to her height, the hand-me-down robes don't exactly fit and require constant rolling.

Personality Traits: A true nerd at heart, completely counteracted by her clumsiness. She will stay up all night studying and will run off as little sleep as possible, facing the world with a strange distant stare. Robyn tends to get flustered easily, a very good reasons to avoid Potions and Defense Against The Dark Arts. Despite her inability to function properly under stress, she is independent and stubborn, changing her mind is more difficult than uprooting the Whomping Willow (Which she things is actually a really tall Treant). In no way is she a leader, but many can count on her to get something done, but don't expect it without a few accidents.

Family Details: Magic was open to Robyn from the day she was born, both her parents were supportive and helped her study whatever she wanted. With her impatience she never really waited to gradually work up to spells, and even wrote to Hogwarts asking about her pending application at the age of 9. Other than the usual parental issues, her childhood was rather dull, no friends outside of books and yards of paper with notes. The note from Hogwarts left her ecstatic, and unconscious. The first three years of Hogwarts were rather difficult, however she is dedicated to passing every year, with or without getting into immense amount of trouble.

Activities at School: Studying in the library and wandering about the campus while reciting spells.

Pets: A card with a moving picture of a rabbit she got from some kind of candy bar in Diagon Alley

Other Important Details: Excels in all her classes, unfortunately not at the beginning of the year and finally kicks in once the last half of the year kicks in.

both are accepted.
Name: Bathilda Robins

Age: 14

House/Profession: Gryfindor

Bloodline (Pure, Half-blood, Muggle-born, Squib, Giant, Half-Giant, Etc.): Pure

Physical Appearance: 57, Light Brown Hair, Blue eyes

Personality Traits: Sneaky, Fun, and Adventurous

Family Details: Both parents are working for the ministry of magic

Activities at School (Quidditch, Prefect, Clubs, Etc.): Prefect

Pets: Cat

Other Important Details: Gay<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Goals.jpg.31a5e8dcc8ca47181c83855ffbd64916.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Goals.jpg.31a5e8dcc8ca47181c83855ffbd64916.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Goals.jpg
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joy9203 said:
Name: Bathilda Robins
Age: 14

House/Profession: Gryfindor

Bloodline (Pure, Half-blood, Muggle-born, Squib, Giant, Half-Giant, Etc.): Pure

Physical Appearance: 57, Light Brown Hair, Blue eyes

Personality Traits: Sneaky, Fun, and Adventurous

Family Details: Both parents are working for the ministry of magic

Activities at School (Quidditch, Prefect, Clubs, Etc.): Prefect

Pets: Cat

Other Important Details: Gay
Name: Cosette Fleur Jerovik

Age: 16




Metamorphmagus (the ability to change his or her physical appearance at will, rather than requiring Polyjuice Potion or a spell like the rest of the wizarding population. )

Physical Appearance:


Personality Traits:

She is very down to earth. She loves nature and the wild, her hobbies includes exploring, taking a stroll outside, planting flowers and daydreaming. She isn't the smartest in her House but she aims to learn more about magic.

Family Details:

Elise DeLiere (witch, decease)

Damien Jerovik (Metamorphmagus, Writer)
Name: Laurana Throsar

Age: 12

House/Profession: Slytherin, but does not know exactly why, as she acts more like a Ravenclaw.

Bloodline (Pure, Half-blood, Muggle-born, Squib, Giant, Half-Giant, Etc.): Pure Blooded

Wand: American Cedar, 1 foot long, firm.

Magical Aptitudes: Laurana would be adept, once taught, in both the art of Legilimens and Occlumens, using her guardedness and insight to great advantage. She similarly shares an aptitude with visual spells, and spells founded in adamant and astute principles. Defense against the dark arts would be a good class.

Physical Appearance:

Personality Traits: Quiet, a little bit shy. Extremely intelligent. She prefers books and music to people, not because they are mostly beneath her, (which they are) but because she has not use for them. She sees everything for what it is, and can see to the heart of any issue with alarming alacrity. It is because of this that she dislikes socializing, as she is often frustrated by the behavior of other people. She is hard to draw out, but once you have achieved this, but once you have done so, she would be willing to die for you, and expects the same. She understands the power concepts and with her intuition and luck, she would make a natural leader, once she has gotten over her disdain. She is slightly possessive, and focused to the core. If she wants something, she gets it. With her hard work she can learn most information over time. She never lies, and expects others to be similarly inclined.

Family Details: Related to the Lovegoods, and shares certain intellectual traits with them.

Activities at School (Quidditch, Prefect, Clubs, Etc.): She does not yet know what she wants to do, but would likely join any given club in an instant if she knew a friend was in it and wanted her there. She is a genius at strategic games such as wizards chess, and gambling games, such as poker or yes, go fish.

Chrys, a snowy owl.


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