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Fandom Hogwarts, A new chapter

Thalia just stayed in her room trying not to listen to the fight going on downstairs, she expected this from slytherin or gryffindor but never ravenclaw. She peaked her head out of her room nervously.
Raven sat quietly on his chair. He hated this, he had been disguised as a muggle for weeks now trying to find his connections. He still didn't know how to go about this, reforming this faction. With the death of Voldemort people aren't as fearful. Wait.. Thats it. The boy who lived, the one who defeated Voldemort. Him, his first target. He chuckled quietly as he stood up and stepped into his fireplace. He grabbed the dust and said "Diagon Alley!" He threw the dust down into the fire place and green flames engulfed him.
Raven walked down the street, Terrence standing on his shoulder, squawking at everyone he passed. People moved from his path and stared at his odd motions. He walked into Eeylops Owl Emporium and looked around. The vendor stared at him. Terrence jumped off the shoulder Destarus's shoulder and began messing with the owls. He walked up to the Vendor and leaned on the desk. "You sell things for Ravens?" He fixed his Purple eyes on the vendor. "Uh... N-no We don't sir, this is a Owl shop." The vendor said Nervously. "Mhm... Well I guess I'll have to use you." Raven said, pointing his wand at the Vendor. He waved his hand and the shades closed. "Nothings Personal, AVADA KEDAVRA!" Terrence suddenly sped toward the vendors body. "Bon appetit!" Raven chuckled and left a Howler on the desk before leaving.
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Next step, Hogwarts. He took had planned this in advance, and he had potential member. He walked down his dark cave, A base he had set long ago, for exactly this purpose. He walked into the brewing room and prepared a Polyjuice potion. He waved his hand and a chair came flying from a door in the rugged wall behind him. The dark arts teacher from the last semester. Destarus never did things to simply, the potion calls for a hair, but, just to be sure. He had acquired learned of a certain spell from old parchment, what a perfect time to use it. He pointed his wand to the Teacher and chuckled. "Sectumsempra!" The teacher slumped over the cauldron as blood leaked into it. "Oh splendid!" He exclaimed. "Thanks for the blood donation Scruffy! But, sadly, you're usefulness had ended." He waved his wand and the teacher was flung off the ledge into the black abyss.
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Marcy grunted, but bent low at the hips and sent a high kick at his head before aiming a sharp right jab towards his solar plexus

"Oh you obviously don't know me.

" she grunted. Taking another hit at his face.

"In Italy, in my family,

You must be prepared for the worst. At all times. So..."

she grinned

"You must be prepared to fight."

Marcy blew a wayward strand of black hair out of her face.

Yes I like to win...but so do you, we are similar Wether you like it or not. Your no better than me. So get off your fucking high horse and admit it.".she growled

Raven drank the potion. A odd sensation ran through his body, followed by sharp pain in his transformation. He grew shorter and became leaner, He tore off his mask, as he didn't need it due to the Polyjuice. He stretched and sent Terrence to Hogwarts as a reconnaissance. He grabbed the teachers wand and claimed it for himself, with him being dead. He wasn't used to a wand as weak as this, but it would do. He apparated in front of the Hjörvarsson house, he burst into the house and raised his wand. Green flashes lit the houses windows. He stepped over the bodies and back outside before waving his wand again and disappearing.
Raven reappeared in his cave base. He ran back to his brewing lab and replaced his mask as the Polyjuice was wearing off. He changed back to his Purple-Black cloak and took his own wand back. He ran and jumped off the caves edge, turning to his Crow Animagus. He flew for a while before reaching the front gates of Hogwarts. He always liked Hogwarts, the design, all the little hidden secrets in it. He flew inside the great hall to join Terrence. They watched from one of the ledges by the window, which was the most malleable and gullible. He had some plans for the morning, the substitute dark arts teacher, to have a chance to talk to his subject. Terrence swooped down and stole some chicken before the teachers could shoo him away while he was down there.
Jórik Aríelsson As she attempted another few hits he simply pushed himself away from her and he held his wand to her throat, "Petrificus Totalus," The fact his wand was pressed firmly against her neck, if she were to dodge it she'd have to react, quickly. Though, had she fallen subject to the Full Body-Binding Curse that would leave her stiff as a nail, "I'm not on a high horse... Winning isn't important to me, I could care less who left this room unscathed or if we both died when you were idiotic enough to cast a non-controlled severing spell... Which proves you get pushed to the point that you'd rather kill yourself along with your target over something so petty as a letter than to simply address me the next day... That's the one thing that separates us... You are an idiotic snake who can very easily become pray to the over-looking eagle that is calm and collected, waiting for the snake to freak out and riot and fall directly into the eagles trap, I never said we weren't the same... But we obviously have different ways of going about things..." he stood up and muttered a counter-curse and unbound her, "Now... If you don't mind, I'd like to go to clean this mess up and go to bed... I don't feel right."

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Marcy spun deftly and paused her fight. loosing her smile and no longer having fun toying with him.

"well, your no fun. I am not petty stupid. you're just arrogant. the way you speak, the way you carry yourself, all of it. you're arrogant and snobbish and it annoys me, because you lie to yourself.

you belittle others and act like some great saint.

and i love it. because i see the ability to let loose, its just being held in by that rod up your ass.

do me favor and let me know when your not such...a self righteous asshole.

she she finished, pushing her tousled inky hair over her shoulder. glancing around, she waved her wand and the room straightened itself, even the gash on his cello retransfigured itself to perfect condition.

Marcelle cast a smirk his way before turning around and heading for the door.

only to pause in step.

"you play beautifully."

she whispered, turning slightly to give a fleeting real smile, that was gone as quickly as it came.

Jórik Aríelsson "I don't belittle people... I've only ever belittled you, and honestly, I don't think I can tell you why because it doesn't even make sense to me..." He walked over and grabbed Nidhogg and sat him in his lap as he had put on his plaid pajama bottoms and shirt behind a wall which prevented her from seeing him in his boxers. Once he was dressed, he hid his wand in a hidden compartment somewhere within his room that had a locking enchantment to prevent people from entering it and stealing his wand, not that it would matter. He'd had formed an unbreakable bond with his wand thus meaning anyone who tried to yield his wand would more than often have it backfire on them. He sat on the edge of his bed as he watched everything straighten itself up and the mark on his Cello vanish. Just before hearing her compliment, though, for some reason of which he couldn't explain he felt empty... Like something had just been snatched from his life that he'd grown up with...

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Fraser Cian "Fray" Riddle - Sixth Year - Hufflepuff || Cecil Alexander Riddle - Sixth Year - Slytherin

"You know they're going to try to recruit us, right?" It was a normal day, as far as the word 'normal' could cover in this time. Fray and Cecil were sat in the Great Hall among many of the other Hogwarts students, at the end of the Slytherin table, a few empty seats separating them from everyone else. Cecil looked up from his chicken, which he was less eating than he was pushing it around his plate with his fork, examining his twin silently for a few moments.

"You say that a lot," he commented, clearing his throat and reaching for his cup.

"Because it hasn't happened yet," said Fray, eyes darting around the corners of the hall as if searching for any potential dangers that may be present. Cecil stared at him as he drank, putting his goblet quietly down again and frowning slightly.

"You're scared," he said softly, and Fray's eyes came to rest on him. Cecil could read him better than anyone, and Fray didn't even have to speak because he could see it in his brother's eyes. He was terrified, and that's why he kept saying it.

"We're Riddles. They expect us to say yes... What're they going to do when we refuse?" asked Fray, though it wasn't actually a question. The twins sat in silence, thinking of the same thing, thinking about their unfortunate surname. Since they were children they'd known there was something wrong with the name Riddle, and once they came to Hogwarts they of course figured out why. But no matter the name, the two had never once even come in contact with their grandfather's cousin Tom Riddle, and never would. They just couldn't seem to get people to disassociate the Dark Lord from themselves.

"We'll figure it out," said Cecil quietly, eyes looking around the ceiling. He couldn't shake the feeling of being watched... Though he knew it could easily be some student deciding how to beat up his brother later today. Cecil got off easier with the bullying as he was the 'scary twin', being a Slytherin and all. Fray... Not so much. But Cecil just shook his head, returning his attention to his less than interesting meal.
Terrence squawked at Raven, getting his attention to the Slytherin table. He looked down at the one of attention. He instantly recognized the one at the table. A member of the Riddle bloodline, interesting indeed. He and Terrence flew out of the hall and around the castle. They both flew into the Slytherin common room through a little entrance he found when he was a student. He perched and Terrence perched on the couch waiting.

Fraser Cian "Fray" Riddle - Sixth Year - Hufflepuff || Cecil Alexander Riddle - Sixth Year - Slytherin

The two boys finished their meals without speaking much to one another. When they finally decided to leave the Great Hall, they were interestingly enough some of the first to go. They walked together, finding comfort in each other's company, though there came the point where they had to part.

"I'll meet you in the common room later," said Cecil, referring to the common room meant for all the houses to share. His brother nodded, turning and making for the Hufflepuff common room. Meanwhile Cecil went towards the Potion's classroom, his own common room near by it. He muttered the password under his breath, walking in without looking up... Until he had that feeling of being watched yet again. He stopped in his tracks, slowly letting his gaze move upwards. Birds, that was what was watching him. And yet there was something in their eyes... He suddenly wished the other Slytherins were here.

"You aren't birds, are you?" said Cecil cautiously, catching the eye of one. There was simply too much intelligence... "What do you want?"
Raven changed out of his animagus, and sat on the couch, grabbing some tea the house elves left. "I am Destarus, This Raven here is named Terrence." He took a sip and gave a disgusted face before passing it to Terrence. "You are a riddle, right?"


Marcy shook her head , tossing her in black waves as she did so, and strutted confidently out of the room flicking off a few Ravenclaws as she went.

'Damn boy...'

she thought.

'It was fun though. ..' she grinned to herself.

As she left the common room to head to her own, she Passed her brother Marcello.

Blue met green, before green turned away sharply and hurried out of the common room.

"Idoit." She cursed as she power walked back to her common room.



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Marcello stormed into the common room. After one person in Particular. A certain Norse boy who his sister seemed to have posed an interest in. For whatever reason.

"What the hell do you want with her."

He snarled. Not even caring about those that watched on in fear of yet another fight breaking out

Themoosemaster said:
Raven changed out of his animagus, and sat on the couch, grabbing some tea the house elves left. "I am Destarus, This Raven here is named Terrence." He took a sip and gave a disgusted face before passing it to Terrence. "You are a riddle, right?"

|| Cecil Alexander Riddle - Sixth Year - Slytherin ||

Cecil eyed the man- Destarus, as he'd called himself- wearily, staying a safe distance away from both him and the Raven. His teeth clenched, and he held his chin just a little higher.

"One of few," he said in a clearly cautious manner. He didn't trust this man, not in the least. All he could hear was his brother speaking in his head, saying that they'd try to recruit them. He wondered if his twin were in his same situation now. "So what if I am?"
Destarus stayed quiet for a moment staring at him. He waved his hand and Terrence flew back out the passage. "Then you're extremely lucky! You do know you're ancestry?" He queried. He drew his wand and waved it a bit. The stone surrounding the entrance to the common room collapsed in on itself, blocking the way. He set his wand back back.
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|| Cecil Alexander Riddle - Sixth Year - Slytherin ||

Cecil stared at the moving stone with wide eyes, a mixture of fear and of wonder mixing within their depths. He knew that this man had to be bad, had to be because of how enthusiastically he spoke of the Riddle family tree. And yet there was that hint of curiosity in his stomach, the one that made him look back at Destarus and then decide to sit on the coffee table across from him.

"I know, of course. Been told about it my whole life," said Cecil, eyeing Destarus over. "It's felt more like a curse than any sort of luck... Though I suppose you have a counter argument."
Raven nodded and leaned forward. "What if I told you... You could have that power?" He chuckled and leaned back. "Imagine what you could do!? You could stop world hunger and whatever you kids want to do these days." He talked doing wild gestures with his hands, he moved sporadically. "Now, just imagine, you're family was attacked and you're parents disarmed. Only you have a wand. Imagine now you had the power, you could stop those... Killers in an INSTANT!" He snapped his fingers. "I'll be back later to take you're reply." He turned back into a crow and flew out.
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Raven knew that experience alone would not be enough. He had to give him something more... persuasive. He flew to the Hufflepuff common to find the brother. He didn't really bother going in discreet. He burst through the window and turned back to his normal form. He grabbed his wand and pointed it at Fray "CRUCIO!"(The torture spell) He roared. He chuckled and repeated it multiple times. He waved his wand while walking out, making him forget the attacker.

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