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Fandom Hogwarts 2015


New Member
experience life as a wizard at Hogwarts as of the present day you can make up your own character or you can choose from the list below of students or professors known to or believed to be attending Hogwarts presently (if you choose a character that is a known student or professor please be familiar with the character before you roleplay as them)

known students or professors

Nevile Longbottom-professor of Herbology

Victorie Weasley-4th year (dating Teady Lupin and 1/8th Vela unknown house, likely gryffindor)

Teady Lupin-6th year (dating victorie and a Metamorphmagus unknown house)

James potter: 1st or 2nd year (may not attend Hogwarts until next yea unknown house likely gryffindor)

Fred weasley II (Georges son) 1st-4th year (unknown house likely gryffindor)

Roxanne weasley 1st-3rd year (Fred's younger sister may not attend Hogwarts yet unknown house)

filius flitwick-professor of charms and head of ravenclaw house

Sybill Trelaway divination

New Characters




blood status:

physical description:




NAME: Lunafire Elphick. (Luna)

YEAR: 5th.

HOUSE: Hufflepuff

BLOOD STATUS: Pure-blood

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A short 15 year old witch. She has red hair, almost orange, and freckles all around her eyes and nose. Her eyes are a dark blue, and her hair goes to her shoulder.

PERSONALITY: A shy, sweet girl. She focuses on her studies, and only talks to a few people. She can be quite feisty if you get on her bad side.

BACKGROUND: Her mom and dad were both Hufflepuff house. They lived a quiet life, and raised a beautiful and smart daughter.

OTHER: Luna can transform into a rat.
NAME: Astraea Lynx (Tray, Ash Tray (because of her smoking habit), Ass Tray, Lynx, Huff and Puff (her brother's name for her))

YEAR: 5th

HOUSE: Hufflepuff


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 15 years old, long and unkempt blonde hair, usually up in a messy ponytail. Wide, gray eyes. Tall for her age, lean, athletic build. Her undershirt is usually not tucked in, and her shoes are never polished.

PERSONALITY: Astraea is one of the Hufflepuffs who share a few of the regular house traits, but was sorted into the house mostly because she didn't fit in with the others. A proud outcast, Astraea doesn't want to be a leader, but draws in shy or usually introverted people with her easy-going personality. Because she's always joking, everyone always assumes that Astraea is happy, and shares her emotions freely. This couldn't be further from the truth. Her humor is a front, and her selflessness is a product of a low self esteem. A nurturing person, she is taken advantage of easily. Since she has so much pent up emotion that has no outlet, Astraea has developed insomnia, a bad smoking and drinking habit, and a position as one of Hufflepuff house's quidditch beaters.

BACKGROUND: Astraea's father is a wizard who held bigoted views until he fell in love. Marrying a Squib caused him to be disowned from his pure-blood and Slytherin dominated home. Astraea and her family aren't in contact with part of her extended family because of this, and have more of a distaste towards Pure-bloods rather than Muggles. That doesn't include the Lynx's oldest son Helix, however. Helix is a 7th year Slytherin, a pure-blood enthusiast despite his background. Because his sister is a known "blood-traitor", he despises her whole heartedly and hates it when she saves him from trouble or attempts to take care of him. Because Astraea speaks so dotingly of her older brother, no one suspects his negative feelings towards her until they see how bad he treats her in the hallways, and how he walks all over her. To Astraea, it doesn't matter - he's still her family, blood runs deep.

OTHER: Astraea doesn't do very well in school, preferring socialization over studies. That is, besides Care of Magical Creatures. Monsters and creatures seem to have a natural affection for the normally boisterous yet nurturing girl.

NAME: Helix Lynx

YEAR: 7th

HOUSE: Slytherin


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Average height, thin. Long, straight blonde hair that is tied into a pony tail at the nape of his neck. Small brown eyes, neat and put together appearance. Impeccable hygiene.

PERSONALITY: Intense, shrewd, sensitive, easily stressed and very self conscious. Helix puts on an egotistical aura to mask his sensitivity. His feelings are hurt very easily, but he doesn't trust people enough to show his feelings, in fear of being hurt. Because of this he has a passive aggressive nature. The reason that he obsesses over social networking and bettering himself is to show his father, and his father's extended family, that he's good enough. He wants to show the world and his family that he and his dad are good enough. Helix's sister just doesn't understand this. He loves her, but she only gets in the way. Deep down he just doesn't want her to be hurt by blood supremacists, and he doesn't want her to see how much he's bullied and made fun of, so he pushes his little sister away.

BACKGROUND: Ever since a little boy Helix has been upset that his pure-blooded extended family doesn't accept his dad. It made him embarrassed, and obsessed with proving himself and his father to be good enough. Helix's drive makes him forget to take care of himself emotionally, so his sister was always there to help him with his feelings. Now that he's in high school with her though, she just gets in the way and gets him made fun of.

OTHER: He rarely breaks the rules in fear of falling down the totem pole that he worked so hard to climb up. After the war, most blood-supremacists don't vocalize their views, but Helix hangs out with a hated posse that is very vocal. That being said, he's seemed to take a surprising attraction to a shy 5th year girl who's friends with his sister... A pureblood named Luna.

(Also, if no one else wants to, I could play Sybill or Filius too!)
New Characters

Name: Daniel Kenton

Year: 5th Year

House: Gryffindor

blood status: Pure-Blood

Physical description: Possessing a reasonably big build for someone of his age from years of Boxing and Rugby, Daniel stands at 5'7", which is the average height for his age. His natural complexion is tanned showing the healthy lifestyle he lives. A clean side parted comb over of black hair sits on his head in a gentlemanly way. Hazel eyes, glow with passion and a cliche film smile often lights the room.Daniel stands at 5'9".

Personality: Daniel is quietly confident in his own abilities, Although others may doubt him, he never gives up. He is quick to get on with others, especially those who also show confidence. All of which is why he tends to be a peoples favourite, being everyones best friend. He tries hard to understand both sides of an argument before getting involved, but seems to always be the one people go to when they need help. This only gives Daniel a reason to try to help others and stay in everyones good books.

Background: Daniel's parents were both pure-blood's and fell in love during their time at Hogwarts. His father, James, works as an Auror for the Ministry, while his mother, Grace, also works for the Ministry of Magic in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Daniel grew up in a loving home, especially when his younger sister came along. Although he placed remarkably well in his studies and got on well with his family, Daniel seemed happiest when doing practical things such as sport and music. It was no surprise when his Hogwarts acceptance letter arrived, and he looked forward to his many adventures he would have.


Strengths: Confident, quick-witted and possesses a sarcastic sense of humour. Experienced Boxer and Rugby player. Happy to spend time studying as long as he can enjoy himself after. Looks out for everyone no matter how big or small.

Weaknesses: Sometimes can be perceived as very controlling when he is only trying to help out. Not great at putting feelings into word. Can often lose himself in the current activity without external stimulus to distract him. Is often blunt with his opinions and can cause offence when speaking without thinking but always tries his best not to.

Fears: Being alone (esp. without family), heights (esp. falling from), rejection (esp. personal relationships or groups), water as he can't swim (esp. the ocean).

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