Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(Noone ever really dies on this thread, right, Lucem?)

Left alone in the library, Eli wandered around, finding something called a 'pool' he stood in it, not making a ripple, looking through memories that had been made there
"Yeah. That's good." he chuckled. "Since we were..like...i dunno. How old were we when we met?" He asked Chiaki.

"About 13-14...All I know is we've been friends for a long time."
"That is a long time." Nessa said, getting lost in her thoughts for a moment.

"Flynn, do you have any pictures of you as a child?" She asked, she thought children were adorable, like most people, and whilst she was thinking of a long time ago and Flynn, her mind combined the two and made her think of Flynn a long time ago, which led to the asking about pictures.
Darn it. I can't look at pictures of tiny Flynn. Nessa thought, mentally sighing at the sadness - she was feeling a bit dramatic.

"Why don't you like having your picture taken? You're attractive enough." Nessa said, then blushed. She couldn't believe she'd just said that!

(Just so you guys know, I'm going through this thread and the sign up sheet, liking all of paipai's posts to get her attention) 
(I have to have liked 100 posts so far, HOW DOES @paipai900 NOT NOTICE THIS!?)
He blushed, embarrassed a bit. "I just...feel weird in pictures...you think so?"

"What about me? Am I attractive enough?" He said, striking poses, some manly, others...not so much. He laughed. "You don't have to tell me. I already know."
(Eona is sobbing in the girl's locker room, Eli is standing in the pool, also, do you get notifications when I do THIS? *Starts furiously mashing like/unlike button)
"I know so. Do you think I'd be dating you if you weren't attractive?" Nessa asked, grinning at Flynn.

When Chiaki asked, she started laughing, she couldn't figure out a response other than laughter too it, though, so she decided not to say anything.
"That sounded pretty shallow Wyrmie...."he comments, before cracking up at Chiaki. "Knock it off you idiot."

"Jealous?" He did a super feminine pose and giggled. "You should be."
(That's a beautiful story, Mordor. Btw I have just given up with the LOTR map. It will not stay up! Also I'm gonna sleep now. Gnight~)
(Nothing, really, @Lucem Tenebris, well... except Elisedd Belenus, a Welsh wisp showed up, made Eona debate her feelings for Chrys, Brought to mention spire's death, and all around was an idiot that really made you think. Also Chiaki or whatever Flynn's new character showed up and is old friends with Flynn. Plus in a side story, Chrys got stabbed and murdered three people... but other than that, nothing) 
(Pai, shouldn't you be writing Eona out of sobbing fetal position?)
Kima walked back onto the campus with his sword around his back and quite a few bags in his hands. Having realized he was confused by way too many things Kima had decided to take a trip around Japan for a while to catch up on his homelands culture and some of the more recent historical happenings. He had found out two things, one was that he had been quite behind historically and two being that his father's library was rather behind. he had bought hundreds of books and filled the bags he carried with them. They ranged from historical texts to romance novels. He sighed as he stepped onto the campus and headed to his dorm. "I doubt anybody even noticed I left Ajax is too busy with himself and his harem probably kept him company." He made an obvious sneer at the word harem as he opened the door to his dorm.

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