Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Umbra covered his eyes when the women appeared. He did not need to see that! So many unpleasant memories from last night. He felt like he would be getting hives. 'T-that's just his c-culture, right! Yes, that's normal where he's from. I shouldn't freak out so mu-He's drinking! But wait, we're monsters. We're way over the legal drinking age. Ugh, my head hurts.'

Umbra made his way over to the man, trying not to look at the women around him. He was trying to make friends at his own pace and it would be nice to have a kind king as a friend. He tried to keep his eyes solely on him, which was hard since a woman was in his lap. "H-Hello."
((Ermagerd it seems we have two idiots interacting xD ))

Eona giggled at Metus's actions, wondering what Heil meant, or if it was just a random word he came up with. "All hail who??" Eona tilted her head to side, her deep blue eyes widened with curiosity. "All hail the queen?" The kraken frowned, furrowing her eyebrows together in confusion. "Isn't she dead...?" The monster was talking about Queen Tamar, the ruler back in the 13th Century.

Feeling very confused, Eona recalled all of the English queen's ships that she had sunk, remembering the feeling of the cannonballs hitting her all over. It really hurt, like someone was smacking her repeatedly. The kraken's chest tightened at the memory, not really enjoying how the ugly guppies used to bully her as a larvae when she just wanted to play!
"Lovely to meet you, Sedrian." Nessa said, grinning at Sedrian, not sure whether to be glad about the fact he was now awake or not, because she felt a bit guilty about waking him up.

She decided to yet again take the when-all-else-fails-approach of asking lots of awkward questions, starting with the first one that popped into Nessa's mind.

"So, what are you?" Nessa asked, she had become more accustomed to this question asking and receiving, since everyone here was a monster, it wasn't too personal, she had decided.
Hitagi watched as her uh..roommate, approached the royalist looking boy. Her face turned into a grimace. Hitagi didn't want to ever have to deal with her roommate unless she absolutely had to, but she was mildly interested in this new boy.

He seemed a bit too god-like to be enrolled in this kind of school. He even hand his own little mini belly-dancer harem surrounding him. She decided to watch the two from a distance, clenching the book she unnoticeably stole from the library tightly against her chest. Hitagi also sensed the new boy's cat-like nature, which made her innerself's kitty ears twitch in curiosity. Her hair flowed softly in the breeze as she continued to stand in front of the main entrance.
Ajax raised an eyebrow at the puny little man before him, silently wondering why he was talking to him. The sphinx sighed, knowing that this was going to be very bothersome and annoying. Gesturing for one of the gorgeous genies to talk in his place, Ajax took another sip of his wine, feeling like he wasn't having the best day ever. Those cyclops were very rowdy and it was quite a bumpy ride to come here, Ajax didn't really have the patience to have a peaceful conversation with someone today.

"The Great and Powerful Ajax returns your greeting." The female genie on Ajax's left spoke in a very posh and surperior manner. Flipping her long black hair over her shoulder, the woman frowned as she crossed her arms over her large chest, not liking how she was being bothered by this little pheasant. 
((Lol Ajax is so fun to write about! xD his new name is Ajax the Asshole, okay everyone! Lol))
"Nah, I think it was this Fuhrer guy," Metus thought aloud, "he, like, was the leader of Germany. I think he still is," he said, obviously refering to Hitler's reign in World War 2. He hadn't read any newspapers lately, in fact he hadn't ever read or watched anything, leaving him completely unaware of current events. Due to this, he still believes Russia is the USSR, and holds a grudge against them from when he was in the war. Indeed, he had participated in the war, which ultimately led to the collapse of Nazi Germany, all because of him playing a prank on said dictator.
Umbra felt uncomfortable with the way the woman frowned at him, but he was glad that his greeting was returned. He was making progress, but not quite the amount he was hoping for. Maybe he could actually get the man before him to talk to him.

"Uhm..." Umbra was now floundering. He had no idea what to say to him. Why do you even say to royalty? What do you even say to regular people!? He panicked and went with the first question of choice everyone at this school seemed to have. "W-what's your f-favorite c-color?"
"What's Germany?" Eona was learning about new things everyday at school! She had never heard about this Hitler guy, nor has she heard about Germany, was it some sort of plant? Could the kraken eat Germany? So many question ran through Eona's doughnut shaped brain, causing her to lean towards Metus, wanting to know more about these new stuff.

It's only been recent that Eona has entered the land of ugly guppies, everything was so new! So different! Although, the kraken did remember hearing a few fishies talk about some Pearl Harbor, or something like that. Well, anyway in the end Eona ate the fishes before they could finish up their conversation. The kraken also wondered what the Pearl Habor was, was it a pearl? A hard bour made out of pearls?!
"It is the Fatherland," Metus began to explain, remembering how he had lived in the great land of Germany, "imagine everything you've ever wanted, and multiply it by a hundred bajillion!" He had a huge smile on his face as he began to announce his biased opinion on all of the countries he knew. "Y'see, there's France, but they aren't very cool. Then there's the Soviet Union! Those guys tried to kill me!" He shouted, suddenly appearing more sad than before. "We were the good guys! I think..." Honestly, Metus couldn't remember a thing about his homeland, nor many details about his past. He mostly just made stuff up as he went, telling tales of extravagant battles that had never happened. "...And robots! A lot! We like, destroyed the Emperor of Space with our bare hands!..."
A bored expression slid across Hitagi's face. His favorite color? She was curious how the royalist would react to this question, seeing how weird it was of a question to ask in the beginning of a conversation that started rather poorly.

Hitagi opened her book and covered her face, pretending like she was doing her own thing instead of listening to their private conversation. She wanted to hear the royal snob's voice, see if he would even take interest in talking to anyone else in this school. She took a chance and glanced passed the woman genie, looking straight at the new kid. Was, he going to speak for himself?
Ajax scoffed at the stupid question, and decided that this mere pheasant was just wasting his time. "It's razzmatazz." The sphinx smirked and laid back down, bringing one of the genies with him as he snuggled in her jasmine smelling hair while the female genies scratched him behind his ear. Releasing a soft purr, Ajax stared down at the little monster, wondering what else the weak thing was going to say.

The well endowed genie was surprised that the sphinx had even bothered to speak! Sitting down next to him, the beautiful genie flipped her hair back once more and glared penguin beaks at the monster. Wrapping her arms around her man, the genie's harsh glare intensified as if daring the little boy to say something offensive to her master.
Lucien sighed, feeling a little lonely and wondering who he should go talk to, 'Hey, Lulu. Why not go talk to that guy with the cyclops cavalry? He seemed interesting and the kind of guy I could get along with. You'd have to let me use your mouth or something though.' Lucien couldn't believe it, but he actually decided to do what his alternate personality suggested, simply for lack of anything else to do and considering somebody was introducing himself to Eona by acknowledging his loyalty to 'Das führer' Adolf Hitler,

'Oh I remember seeing that a lot in the Second World War, but I was mostly just pretending to use a flammewerfer or something. See that elementalist knew to let me out loads and loads and then I took him over, why can't you do that.'

When he could see out of the door, Lucien noticed that there was many girls around the man and somebody from his class was talking to the man. Instead of his original plan to let his alternate personality talk to the man he decided to just watch the whole event unfold. It was while watching he noticed someone else was watching from the main entrance so he decided to approach her instead. He built up as much confidence as he was ever going to muster before talking to a stranger and approached her, "erm.. hi.." he said quietly, but loud enough to be heard.
Umbra tried his best not to run away when the woman glared at him. The display before him made him want to run away even more. That was public indecency! No, i-it was culture, right? All he knew for sure, is that he didn't want to be on the other end of that woman's fury and he really wanted this interraction thing to work for once.

He took on a confused expression when the royal have his answer. 'R-Razzmatazz?' He tried to break away from the glare and face the man. "B-But that's not a real c-color." When Umbra said that, he immediate regretted it. He never spoke his mind, why did he have to start now!? You're not supposed to argue with royalty! He feared for his life. 'W-What's gonna happen to me!?'
Hitagi was right! The royal did have a cat-like nature about him! Her keen sense of hearing (thank's to Black) definitely picked up the soft coo of a purr! Her eyes widened, innerself's kitty ears twitching wildly. Maybe this boy could be a Sawarineko like her?! She had been searching Japan for centuries, seeing if at least one person like her wasn't killed-off yet. Had she finally found one? She stopped listening to her uh..roommate and put all her attention on the new boy, seeing if he'd make another familiar kitty sound.

Hitagi's mind raced with so many questions, she was already getting ahead of herself now. C'mon, he's not even japanese..I don't even know what he is honestly. Her face turned as unemotional as stone once again. She told herself it wasn't possible, she should've never gotten her hopes up for even a second.

She then heard a voice from behind her that caused her to let out a terrified mew. She hadn't been so caught off guard in her life. Realizing the noise she made, she began to turn pink in the face. "W-what do you want?" She muttered, looking down at her feet.
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Eona's jaw dropped in amazement of this Fatherland, it sounded almost as fin-tastic as Atlantis! The kraken leaned closer to Metus, wanting to know more. "Land's can be fathers!?" Eona blubbered, trying her best to take in all these new information! It seems that France is very boring and Russia is evil, what else is there to this world of ugly guppies? The kraken held her face in her small hands, she wanted to visit this Germany now.

"All the things I've ever wanted...?" The kraken began to picture a mountain of fish, and then multiplied it by ten fold. "Wow.." Eona licked her lips, remembering that she hadn't eaten yet and felt her stomach rumbled lightly for the food. The picture of all that seafood made Eona beam brightly, literally almost blinding the people around her from how much sparkles were coming from her.

Without hesitation, Raven immediately headed towards the school library, while it seemed as if her hand was a ninja twiddling around a pencil. Like the visual? A girl almost skipping to the music and twiddling a pencil in her fingers that she could at any moment trow at your eye as if it was a throwing knife.

How cute.

Before she would do that, Raven had decided to pick up some books before class would start. While she still had her headphones on, she searched for some interesting books indeed. Possibly like:

Illusion tricks.

A 'How To' on Fear.

Who is she kidding? A school library wouldn't have those books, would they? I mean? Really? Who would?

Beep Beeeeep. Beeep. BEEEEEP!Went the phone, when Raven pulled it out since she has a new notification that DroneMusicOfficial has uploaded a new video. "Yaaay!" She cheered, then remembered to stay quite. BORING! Spotting a table with the least amount of people, she cleared them mentally as they scrambled to the next table. Well, there really was no more tables. Time for them to sit in the dirty corner.

'Huh, so this is indeed school for monsters, how lucky for me.' He thought to himself sarcastically. "Well if you must know, I'm a vampire." He said to her. Then decided he would ask the same thing. "What are you?" He asked becoming a little curious as to what kinds of monsters were in this place.

All of the female genies gasped in horror at the boy's words, their ombre eyes flickering back and forth from their master and the other guy, hoping that Master Axel wouldn't get angry. They all did their best to calm their little sphinx, but, it was too late.

A cat like hiss came from Ajax's mouth as he stood up abrutly and glared feriously at the pheasant before him. He dared question his authority? He was a mighty sphinx! Worshipped by the mortal humans, they gave offerings to him and sacrifed their own to avoid his wrath. And this little monster boy says that razzmatazz ISN'T a colour! How dare he!

Kicking away anything that was in his way, Ajax could feel her nails getting longer and sharper, bristle like fur growing from his skin. "What did you say, pheasant?" It was a rhetorical question, but the rage in Ajax was already growing into a giant ball of irritation. It was rare for Ajax to get mad, but with all the stress that had been happening over the week, the sphinx was on the edge of destroying a colony!
"Uh huh! It is the father of all things great!" He watched as Eona seemed to grow more and more ecstatic about whatever it was she was thinking. He tried to remember more about his past, only to be greeted with more falsified stories about cyborgs and evil space communists. Metus didn't mind, as he couldn't tell fiction from fact. I heard that, uh," he started, thinking hard about his 'memories', "the Russians, are actually in space listening to everything we say!" Metus gasped at his own words, imagining a large Russian man floating in space with binoculars, looking right at the them with a big grin on his face. He turned to see the Librarian walking over, before suddenly having a 'vision' that the librarian was an armed soldier firing at him. Diving over a table, he yelled out, louder than ever, "Es ist die Sowjets! Hit the deck!"
Lucien noticed the girl he was talking to seemed rather interested in the new boy, 'Lulu if you tell a girl she's fat then she'll pay attention to you,' Lucien shook his head at his alternate personality's remark and then realised that he had shaken his head to nobody as no-one else could hear the remark. His silly act made him go a little red. He shook the thoughts out of his mind and turned his attention back to the girl he was trying to talk to, he noticed how she was interested in the new person and decided he might as well make his way back to the library.

When he got back to the oh so familiar doors he pushed them open and looked around. He noticed there was someone new sitting on a table. he gave another look at the new person and noticed it was a girl with headphones on. He shrugged and made his way over to her, "hey," he said in a hushed library tone.

(Oops Meow I didn't see you added that bit there xD I guess Lucien like went away before Hitagi said that or something...?)
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"Dragon." Nessa happily replied, she'd gotten more and more used to this question.

Vampire, huh? Good he wasn't around during the nosebleed incident, Nessa thought, grinning to herself.

Then she noticed a girl wearing headphones enter the library, the second she went over to a table, everyone left the table.

That's strange. Nessa thought, mentally marking her as someone interesting, someone she would definitely need to talk to soon, although the fact that she had scared all those people away did nothing to boost the potential friendship quality in Nessa's book.
Umbra held back a shriek when the man hissed. 'I screwed up! I screwed up!' That's it, he was dead, he just knew it. If he actually had anything valuable, he would start writting a will right now. Why was he cursed with such bad luck!? This was the worst thing that could happen.

"I-I'm sorry!" Umbra put his hands over his head in fear of being struck. He was terrible with social interaction. Instead of making a friend, his nightmares became a reality. He made an enemy! There was nothing he could do now. He could only wait and receive some sort of punishment.
"Eeep!" Although the kraken didn't know what Metus had said, she dived down under the table and cowered in fear. What were these Russians? Were they -...aliens!?! Eona gasped in fear, her ocean blue eyes widening at the thought. "A-a-aliens!" Eona squeaked out as she curled up into a little ball and began shivering at the scary thought.

"They're going to dissect me!!" The kraken began hyperventilating, her human lungs suddenly finding it hard to breath. The ugly guppy world was scary! Tears pricked at Eona's eyes as she began to sob, wanting to just crawl back into the sea and not walk on land anymore. The waterworks fell from the kraken's eyes as her bottom lip started to quiver. 
Ajax's eyes narrowed at the guy's words, he was apologizing to him after he insulted him? Does this puny pheasant think he could get away with such things?! "Sorry doesn't cut it." The sphinx could feel himself growing larger every second, fur covering his skin and a bright red mane around his neck. This puny scum needed to be taught a lesson.

The genies hurried into their lamp, not wanting to witness Ajax's fury, after all, sphinxes are very proud creatures. It would be best to never question them. The girls had seen what had happened last time Ajax got this angry, let's just say that Anubis had lots of work to do after that little mishap.
Hitagi heard the commotion behind her and turned to see the new boy standing now, angrily transforming into his true form. Her roommate, even though they didn't get off on the right foot, was in trouble. Her kitty instincts seeped through and she pounced, transforming as she landed in front of her uh..roommate. "Look here nyaa(new) boy.." She crouched in a protective stance infront of her uh..roommate. "I don't want you hurting one of my new play toys." She purred at the royal.


"Or..maybe you could be my master? You seem to be strong enough nyaaa~" She smiled mischievously, barring her fangs. This kitty looked interesting, maybe they could even play together, if he could last long enough without any energy. Black let out another meow.
After checking the song, it was nothing interesting to her. it was like Interstellar Journey by Felxprod. It was a really good song, but wasn't really the scary type. Well, it was pretty unfortunate for that there really hasn't been any new songs. But her newest and favorite was Execute - Excision.

What a Bad-Ass song.

Raven continued to sit in boredom, while watching her surroundings.

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