Highschool... Never ends

(Lol, it's ok. I was just saying that because there is already 4 girls and 3 guys.)

--- Merged Double Post ---

The other team, which consisted of boys, huddled up and started whisphering loudly. Emma put her hand on her hip and the volleyball in-bteween her other arm. After a couple minutes they came back into position and was ready. Emma served it, but this time they spiked it back. Emma caught it right in time, and another girl spiked it back. Emma's team got a point. While the guys cried out, "Not fair." and all kinds of other stuff Emma high-fived the other girl and got back into position.

Justin smiled that she said yes, "Umm, my buddies haven't given me the details." then he thought of something, which made him grin. "How bout you give me your number and I'll text it to you?"
Sierra laughed. "Oh, that is such a transparent excuse" she shook her head. "But I guess cause you're cute, I'll go along with it" she said, then gave him her number. "So it's this weekend?" she asked
Celined happily walked down the empty hall-ways. She was supposed to be in class, but was hungry, so she didn't go. She sat down outside the gym doors and pulled a chocolate pudding out of her back pack. She pulled a plastic spoon out of her pocket and smiled mischievously. She opened up the pudding and began to eat it.
Justin laughed, "Oh come on give me more credit." then he nodded his head to her question, "Yah, hey I better go before I'm late. See ya." he said before sprinting down the hallway.

--- Merged Double Post ---

([MENTION=1965]Martimars[/MENTION] I know your new so I just wanted to ask. Did the author/host accepet you?)
Sierra grinned, watching him go. "See ya...." she said. "Looks like this school might not be so bad afterall..." she chuckled to herself, heading into class
After the game was over the teacher apporached her, "You're pretty good at volleyball, did you play at your old school?" She shrugged her head, he continued. "How would you like to play for this school." He eyes widden, the coach at the old school never asked her about joining. She nodded her head, he held out his hand. "I would love to, thanks you." she said as she shook his hand. "Practice is on wednesdays after school in the gym. See you then." She nodded before leaving to go to the locker room.

Justin smiled, happy that she said yes. He made his way to math on time, boring. He doddled in his notebook, while the teacher rambled on and on. She sighed in relief when class was almost over.
History class was dragging by. Sierra doodled absently, not really paying attention at all. The teacher looked like he was old enough to have experienced te things he was talking about first hand. that thought made her laugh quietly

Conner was, in all honesty, asleep. his class was boring, and the teacher just pretty much let them get away with anything. Including sleep. Conner'd never been sure if it was because the teacher just didn't care, couldn't control the class, or figured you'd either pass or fail. Either way, everyone knew that Mr.McGonagal's class was naptime
The bell rang as Emma finished in the locker room. She streched her arm above her head, "Time to visit my locker." she wanted to wait till the end of the day to find her locker, easier that way she thought.

Justin jumped when the bell rang, he was to occupied with his doddling. "Time to go home," Everyone laughed, "What? I can go staright home from. school." everyone stared at him. "Whatever" he said jokingly before heading to his locker.
When the bell went, Sierra jumped up. She was a bit slow getting out the door, a few other girls stopped her to talk. When she got close to her locker, she couldn't help smiling. "Hey, don't I know you frome somewhere?" she said to Justin, who's locker appeared to be right close to hers

Conner grinned. "Annnd, I'm outta here!" he announced when he got up. Some of the other students laughed, some just stared blankly. "It's funny. Laugh" he told them as he left. He shook his head and chuckled to himself as he walked. "Bunch of morons..."
As everyone else around Emma's locker left, she kicked her locker a couple of times, "my god, why won't you open." she was getting annoyed. All she wanted to do was go home and unpack, but that probably wouldn't happen.

Justin looked for the source of the voice, he grinned when he saw Sierra, he pointed an acussing finger at her. "Hey your not stalking me are you?" he asked her jokinly.
Dahlia was relieved when the bell rang. She packed her belongings and headed to her locker after picking up her bass from the band room. She put a few things in her locker and kept out the homework she needed to take with her. She looked around to see if any of her friends were around. If not, she would just start walking home...

Jake walked out of class and immediately threw his things in his locker. He wanted to be out of here as soon as possible. Even half a day felt like torture. Once his things were locked up, he walked out to the student parking lot to find his car amongst the other fifty or so that were there.
Conner spotted Dahlia and jogged up to her. "Hey! Long time no see, plotting new ways to cheat in phys ed?" he teased

Sierra pointed to herself, giving him a wide eyed, innocent look. "Moi? Stalk you? Why good sir, I never!" she grinned. "But you, my dear, are standing in front of my locker, so shove a bum. I need to drop some of these books, no point in taking them all home" she smiled
Dahlia smiled. "You know it!" she said, laughing a little. "Hmm... I think tomorrow I'll humiliate you in gym by... oh... I don't know, being better than you at volleyball!!" She laughed, joking around. "You might have a chance at winning, if we ever play basketball." She giggled a bit. "I'm too short to play basketball very well." It was true, she was only about 5'2". "You heading straight home?"
He laughed. "Oh, you sly little devil! You know just how to thwart my plans of being the best in everything! Curses!" he shook his fist at the sky dramatically. Well, the ceiling. But close enough. "yeah, I was planning on heading home. What're you up to?"
"Probably the same, unfortunately." she said. She stopped by the front doors of the building. "Probably practice a bit..." Her parents were leaving tonight and would be gone for a week on a business trip, so she would have the house to herself. Which could be a good thing or a bad thing... "I hope it doesn't storm..." she mumbled quietly to herself.
He smiled. "Scared of storms?" he asked. he wasn't really poking fun, just seriously asking. He stepped out of the way of a group of people leaving the school. "hey, so I'm having a party this weekend. You should come" he grinned. "We could use some more good looking women there"
Dahlia blushed. "Of course not..." she said when he asked if she was afraid of storms. She would never admit to something so.... childish. She moved over to the side to let the other students through. "If you want good looking women there, why would you invite me?" she asked, sticking her tongue out. "But yeah, sounds fun."
After a couple more minutes of trying, Emma eventualy kicked the locker one last time before leaving it. "I'll try tomorrow she mummbled to herself. She walked near the doubled doors, but stopped to get out her keys. She glanced sround to see if someone she knew was around.

Justin slid to the side. "Well sooorry." he said sarcasticly as he put his hands up in a defensive mannor. "So, how was first day of school? Not trying to act like parents if I sound like it." she said smiling.
He laughed. "Well, sometimes you've just got to take good enough..." he teased, then bumped her with his shoulder. "Nah, I'm kidding. Come on, you're gorgeous!" he laughed. "But, uh, it is supposed to storm tonight. just fyi." he smiled. "Should I get your number so I can check in on you?" He watched people go through the doors, then spotted Emma. "Hey, Em! Over here, it's a cool person pow wow here" he called to her

Sierra laughed and hip checked him lightly. "School was school. But there're lots of cool people here. I think I like it" she smiled, spinning her combination easily. "What about you? Bored out of your pretty little mind?" she grinned
Dahlia's face went pale when he told her about the weather prediction. Her parents would already be gone by now. "You don't have to do that." she said. "But I'll give you it anyway so you can give me the details about the party later..." she wrote down her number on a piece of scrap paper she had in her purse and handed it over.
He smiled and pocketed the scrap of paper. "You need a lift home?" he asked. "I've got nothing to do but homework, so I don't mind" he offered.
"Sure." she said. She would have been walking half an hour to get home otherwise. Which, of course, she didn't mind. It just seemed like a waste of valuable practice time if someone was willing to give her a ride. "Thanks."

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