Highschool... Never ends

(i've completely forgotten which classes I'm supposed to have, oops, lol. But don't you have a Justin post coming up somewhere? Or did I miss it?)
Justin smiled at her, "Sure no problem, I don't mind showing a pretty girl to her class. Come on, it's over here." his voice wasn't sarcastic when he said "pretty".

--- Merged Double Post ---

Thats wht i posted last
(Sorry, I guess I missed it before. Lol, that's what I get for rping tired)

she smiled. "Oh, well aren't you just the sweetest thing" she said, shouldering her bag and following him down the hall. "I hope this isn't too out of your way..."

Conner got to class early. He sat in the back wtth his feet on the desk, texting some friends about the party he was planning for the weekend. Everyone who went to the school knew about Conner's parties. The first of the school year was usually a blast, most of the school went. By then end of it, most of the new kids were well known, either in a good way, or a bad way
Justin shrugged, "Don't worry, it's near my class. And here we are." he said while opening the double doors reveling the drama class running around. "They're usually hyped before classs....and durning it.... and it after it." He looked at her and smiled. "I got to get to class, see you later?" he asked her.

Emma was slouched in her seat as she waited for class to begin, she shook her head while she thought. 'That can never happen again.' she told herself.
She laughed as he described the class. At his question, she nodded. "Sure. What class do you have next? I've got History" she looked up at him, smiling while she waited for an answer
He laughed, "I have math so I won't be seeing you." he thought for a second, then pushed the thought away. "Maybe I'll see you later." he said as he walked to go to class, the bell had already rung.
She stuck out her tongue. "Sucker" she teased when he told her what class he had. When the bell rang, she smiled. "See ya" she called, then disappeared into her class

(Should/could we timeskip to after school?)
(Let's just time-skip the class.)

Emma streached her arms as she stepped out of history. She had almost fell asleep multiply times. She looked at her classes. "Gym, oh thanks god." she knew where that was and made her way to the gym, she alwyas loved this class.
Conner left class and headed for math. He sighed. "Just one more to fo..." he said to himself, texting as he walked

Sierra'd had a blast in drama. Now she just had to find her history class. She also sort of hoped she'd find Justin...but she kept that thought to herself, just letting a small smile sit n her lips as she wandered the halls
Justin smiled as he walked out of english to see Sierra walking around, he snuck up on her. "Hey, was drama fun?" he asked her.
She jumped when someone spoke right behind her. "Oh, jeez!" she laughed. "Jeez, scare a poor girl to death, why doncha?" she smiled. "Drama was lots of fun. how was your class?"
He looked at her, "It was class, what do you think?" then he remembered, "So do you need help to your next class, you look like a lost puppy?" he asked jokingly.
She bit her lip and looked around. "Um....." she smiled up at him sweetly. "I'm sorry to be a pain in the butt" she laughed
She smiled. "History" she told him. "But really, you could just tell me where it is....I feel bad taking up your tie, I'm sure there's other things you'd rather be doing between classes"
"And what, miss out on showing a girl to her class? No, i couldn't pass up on that opportunity." he said smiling. "No come one." he said leading her down the hallway.

Emma got there early since she knew where the gym was. After the coach showed her around she went to the locker room and got dress. After a couple minutes she came out in black shots and a white t-shirt, she was also wearing knee pads, since she knew they were playing volleyball, which she loved.
Sierra smiled. "So, how am I going to thank you for all this help?" she asked with a smile, walking beside him
Dahlia was walking to her last class of the day which was history.

Jake walked as slowly as he could, not wanting to go to class but yet not so slow as to actually be late.
(When I'm talking about a party, I mean Connor's, you knwo how people invite people to parties xD )

Justin shrugged, "Maybe you can come with me to a party my buddies invited me to?" he asked her, they arrived to her class. "Here we are, so what about it. You wanna come?"

The split into teams, she noticed no one on her team wanted to play, which was going to make it fun for her. The other team was shouting and jumping around, even more fun. Emma volunteered to serve. The first sevre hit the other team's floor right away, she smirked at how quiet they became.

Sierra smiled. "A party? Sounds like fun? when and where?" she asked, readjusting her bag on her shoulder. "But only if you promise not to ditch me with the snot flickers" she joked
(You guys don't mind if I join do you? I really new to this site, so if I get something wrong, please correct me, thanks:D)

ame: Rebecca Celine Martinez (Call her Celine, close friends call her Celly)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personaliry: SHes usually pretty sweet, but she says what shes thinking and doesn't like drama. She doesn't chose friends easily, and she can seem intimadating, but once you get to know her, shes really cool, funny, and a fun time. She loves animals, especially her dog Riddick, a Pitbull-Dogo Argentino mix.

favourite subject: P.E.

lest favourite subject: Math

timetable: Science






New student or not: Naw

Jock, emo, geek, Ext: She doesn't like lables and shes cool with everyone, as long as their cool with her

View attachment 2697 With pale green hazel eyes, she has dimple piercings and spider bites on both sides

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