Highschool is Hell

(yeah man just find a good way to join)

--- Merged Double Post ---

He looks at her "Ill see you at school tomorrow."
Name: Amelia McEntire

Age: 16

Personality: A kind and simple girl, Amelia has known little more then life at her family farm and is unaccustomed to her knew life in the city. Large crowds scare her a little and she's a tad claustrophobic. Amelia may be shy at first because she doesn't want to make a bad first impression but once she opens up to you she's really fun and sweet


Other: In the closet
Name: Alex Smith

Age: 16

Personality: Alex is a chill type of guy. He always loves to hang around with his friends. Alex is also very mature, so he doesn't go on doing terrible things to himself or to his pals. And he loves to play on any type of musical instrument he can get his hands on, even though if he doesn't know how to play some of the instruments.

Description: http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/62391d8d9e6f4bf5ec14c91f7cdb4af9/http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll305/Spirit-Whisper/Anime boy/Taikisan.jpg

Other: He always wears this wooden eagle necklace as a sign of good luck. He also has a black dragon tattoo on his right arm.

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