Highschool is Hell

Too late to join?

Name: Huey


Personality: Funny guy

Description/pic: 5'5, blue eyes and black hair, wears t-shirts and the same black jacket most of the time.

Other: Pretty popular, has huge weakness for women.
((Nope you are welcome to join)) He smiles and laughs "Come on sleep we have School in the morning."
((Probably should've asked this earlier... how should I jump in and can I subscribe to this and get notifications or something?#noobissues))
((Bully your guy, got it :P and thanks anyway, I think I just found out.))

Huey slapped around like a seal until he found his alarm clock, which he shut off with a groan.
(( What is up with these super short guys? O.o I'll reply in a minute. I'm going to make another girl(: ))

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Name: Dillan McKenna


Personality: Dillan is funny and sweet. She cares about her friends and isn't afraid to throw a punch.

Description/Picture: Dillan is 5'5" with long red hair and baby blue eyes. She usually wears vintage jewelry.


Other: Dillan has an industrial and a nose stud.

--- Merged Double Post ---

She looked at him and nodded, falling asleep.
Roarke groans as Nicole's Alarm clock went off he slips out of her bead and throws his shirt back on and puts in his contacts
Huey rolls out of bed and fixes up his hair in the bathroom. He then puts on his clothes and goes to eat breakfast.
((Gah, Bed**)) Roarke runs his hand through his hair to 'fix' it and he lightly whispers "Wake up."
Huey finishes his bowl at lightning speed, slips on his shoes, brushes his teeth and walks out the door to the bus stop.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((I gtg, don't go too far without me))
Dennis was heading to his locker, eating a klondike bar. He was in a good mood today so he pulled his ukulele from his locker after stuffing his backpack inside the locker. He began playing it while walking down the hall and looking for his best friend Alice
She grumbled and swatted at his arm. "Where's the off button( xD )"

Dillan got up and popped in her contacts, brushing the knots out of her hair.
Amelia walked through the halls holding a Trig textbook and a notebook, listening to her iPod as she did
Huey arrived late, as per usual, and went straight to his locker, his shirt still on backwards.
Alice was pissed, her purple and pink hair in a disarray after rolling out of bed this morning. And now, she was late. No thanks to her ever loving mother, who had ONCE AGAIN forgotten to make breakfast for two. Super.

Her bookbag was slung over her shoulder, banging against her back as she was walking. Towards the east bridge, they said her locker was. But she was damn lazy to look for it. So instead she was wandering, her mind blank as she looked around. And that's when she spotted him.

Dennis had suddenly heard Alice's voice, and stopped playung after a fast riff. "Hey Shortie!" Dennis replied, metting her in the middle of the hallway.
Vetta said:
Huey arrived late, as per usual, and went straight to his locker, his shirt still on backwards.
As Amelia walked by she noticed something weird "Um" She said, tapping Huey on the shoulder "Is the picture on your shirt supposed to be on your back or..."
"Finally made it.." Alex said to himself after getting to school late. He had to run down here from his house after missing the bus ride. That's what I get for forgetting to set up my alarm clock for school.. He thought to himself as he walks down the hallway carrying his bookbag. But as he was walking down the hallway, he had a good view of two of his good friends. Alice and Dennis

"Well well, look who we have here!" Alex said as he walks up to the two of them, feeling glad that he isn't the only one that's late. "So, you two ready to barge into class late or what?" He said, smirking.
Huey blushed a bit and did a quick grin, "Sorry, I was in a hurry.". he fixed up the shirt and said, "Hey, your name is Amelia, right?" clearly struggling to remember.
Huey shook it, then withdrew the handshake. "So...uh..." -damn, I usually have something to say- he thought, "What's up?" he asked lamely.

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