Highschool is Hell

Roarke sighs "Sorry." he grabs his laptop and throws his backpack over his shoulder then picks up his guitar case "Lets go then."
he raises an eyebrow "About what?" his heart was beating quickly he was always so nervous around her
She smiled and took his hand. "Maybe after graduation.. We could move in together.." She smiled slightly. "What do you think?"
She smiled and kissed back. "Now.. I know we need money so I figured maybe we could both find part time jobs and save up.." She shifted on his lap a bit.
"Well i was planning on joining the army after graduation but ill find something else." Roarke hugs her tight
Brb quick shower

--- Merged Double Post ---

She smiled and nodded slightly, getting up and holding his hand.
Roarke grabs her and kisses her deeply as the principle walks around the corner "Roarke my office go."

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