Highschool is Hell

Hello, this a friendly message from your neighborhood staff member as a simple precaution for a just in case moment.

As it stands, I've noticed a few posts that are on the borderline of breaking a rule we take rather seriously on RpNation, and if I may I would like to leave a small suggestion to save all of us future trouble, just in case. If you could, we would be ever so grateful if you would be able to steer away from more sexual content headed posts (The kissing and such is fine, but if we could avoid the "and stuff happened" posts, it would be swell). Thank you, Darlings, it is greatly appreciated for your time and understanding in reading this.


-This Message will be removed within twenty four hours-
She looked at him and shook her head. "I'll see you tomorrow.." She kissed him softly and walked out and past Jen with her head down. "Good night."
She nodded slightly. "Well, I have to get home. My dad will be mad if i'm late.." She said very softly.

(( It's Pregnant ))

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