Highschool is Hell

He wraps his arms around her and kisses her deeply and he slides his hands down squeezing her butt slightly "sweet."
He frowns and walks out the door this was his free period he goes to a secluded part of the music room and lightly strums his guitar singing with his beautiful voice that he hated
She ran to her first class, slipping a couple times as she turned the corner. She was late. Mr. Thompson wouldn't hold the door for any students who weren't there in time. Her Vans screatched against the linolium waxed floor. He was closing the door as she ran in, panting. The class was all the way at the other end of the building from her locker.
He started singing 'You're Beautiful' "I saw your face in a crowded place and i dont know what to do cause ill neve be with youuu". One of the girls that had a crush on him comes up to him and starts hitting on him 'Damnit when will nicole get here' she said "Hey cutie" He talks back to her "Hey." he felt uncomfterable
What she's wearing.



With a tank under




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(( What is happening? He went from a scrawny picked on kid to.. popular? ))
((nope he just stayed under the radar and this girl has known him for a while she is one of his "Friends")) he wanted to tell her to go away as the bell rings she asked where he was yesterday
Nicolette tapped her foot in class. She checked her watch necklace and read the time. "8:43" Okay, That leaves 3 minutes to get to Algebra.
He sighs putting his guitar away he uses the back halls to get to algebra quickly he walks in and sits down in his seat at the back of the room
She rushed out of the class, pulling her pants up. She ran into the B building and walked into class, setting her books at her desk in the front of the room, all the way across from Roarke.
He frowns and writes "I love you " on a peice of paper and folds it into a paper airplane throwing it and it doing a loop lands on her desk
She oppened it and glanced at him, smiling. She tore a tiny slip of paper and wrote on it. "I love you(:" She had people pass it down to him.
The teacher looks at her "Ms.Nicole." then he walks up and starts teaching

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Roarke looks at her and smiles as class is finaly over

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(shower brb)

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(( Back are you still here?))

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(( Back are you still here?))
She looked at him.

(( [MENTION=2048]Roarke[/MENTION], Sorry I had to shut my computer off and give it a rest. ))
As he is about To get up the girl finds him again and starts talking he looks at Nicole and mouths the word "Help"
She looked at him and wrote something on a piece of paper and held it up for him to see. "Tell her you have a girlfriend"
"i have a girlfriend" Roarke saysShe turns to him and kisses him on the cheek "We all know you dont have a girlfriend Roarke."

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