Highschool is Hell

She walked home and inside, closing the door. Her dad was sitting in a chair, staring at her. "Hi.." She said softly.
Roarke turns his bike off his muscles tense as he grabs her he waits but if things go south he wa going in. Hopefully her sister didnt see him
ROarke sIghs as he hops on his motorcycle as he puts his helmet on he sees her sister out of the corener of his eye "Shit."
He sLips his helmet off showing his messy but still atractive hair he decided to keep talking to a minumum so she doesnt hear his "cute" accent the last thing he needed was her having a little crush on him "Yo."
She laughed when he said "Yo." He sounded so funny she began to laugh a little bit. "May I help you.." She was now serious.

(( She looks like this ))

He decides to be mean "Tell your dad i said hi and tell your sister i love her" he puts on his helmet stars his bike and rides a wheely down the street
The next morning at school he finds her and sits with her holding her hand but sure enough jake comes up to him "Yo roarke where were you yesterday." Roarke looks over at Nicolette "U-umm."

--- Merged Double Post ---

[MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION]
She smiled and looked at him. "You can tell him why you were gone..." She shoed him away and walked to her locker, putting a pile of books inside.
he turns to Jake "I was..Busy."

Jake looks at him "Doing what."

"Ask her." Roarke points at nicolette

Jake walks over and asks her

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