Highschool is Hell

She looked up at him. She wasn't joking, she was serious. "My dad put me on birth control a long time ago." She let go of his hands.
"You didnt think that was as great as i did.." Jeff (Roarkes foster dad) enters the room and looks at them he laughs and highfives Roarke "Nice Roarke shes hot.Dont tell jen though" Roarke throws a pillow at jeff "Get the hell out." jeff laughs and leaves
"of course.what are we going to tell people at school tomorrow when they ask why we weren't there?I know my friend Jake will ask where i was."
He laughs "You want to stay the night?The only thing you have to worry about in the morning is" then he yells loudly "JEFF NOT SHUTING THE HELL UP!!"
"B-but.." he didnt want her to leave but he knew itd be better for her "fine but if he touches you im going to kill him." he got up too and got dressed "I'll throw your clothes in the dryer and bring them to you tommorow? Can i walk you home again"
She put his clothes on and his sweatshirt. She shook her head slightly. She wanted him to walk her home so badly, but she knew that it would make things worse. She kissed his cheek softly. "Night." She put her shoes on and oppened his door, stepping out.
"Night" said jeff as she passed Roarke couldnt sleep he hopped on his motercycle and follows her at a distance

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