Highschool,Chocolate and Secrets [Inactive]

Nichole smiled letting out her ears and tail. She waved to the forest wildlife smiling. Then sat under a tree eating a nice juicy cheeseburger.
Alex hidden near a tree and saw Nichole eating. He removed a notebook from his backpack and started drawing.
Alex was amazed. "She really like's the nature..."- he thought. He continued to draw her and her animals.
Alex climbed to a tree to get a better view. He saw her smilling and took a photo. The flash hurted the bear's eyes and Alex fell out of the tree, falling right next to the bear.
The bear roared and he stoof on his hind legs roaring more. Nichole hung on to his neck blinking. "Calm down River. Calm down." Whispering in his ear and petted him. River calmed and went back onto all fours.
Alex stood on the floor, looking at the bear's eyes. "H-h-h-hi rir-river... I am a-a-a-lex." He said scared. His draws were on the floor ripped apart.
River sniffed him and looked at Nichole. "He's good. " she said. River nodded and walked to a river. He watched the water then caught two salmon. "Yay salmon!" Nichole said climbing off and grabbed one.
Alex went to the river and saw them eating salmon. Suddenly a wolf appeared and walked towards Alex. Alex tried to run but the wolf tackled him.
Silver growled some at him. She didnt like humans. Thats why she attacked. "Do you think he can understand me child? "silver asked Nichole. Nichole said"I dont believe so."
"Di-did you j-just talked?!" Alex pointed to silver. "Bu-bubu-but you are a wolf!" Alex slowly turned his head to Nichole. "Am i crazy?" He asked
Nichole said"no you're not." Silver sighed. "Humans. I dont like them. Do you wish to meet my pups nichole?" Nichole nodded and followed her.
They were little and cute. Alex looked at them and smiled. "Your pups are so cute" He said. He reached for his backpack and removed a scrap of paper. He began to draw the little pups.
Alex started to realize that Nichole was in fact the mother nature herself. All she touched became good. That was her way to be. He wanted to pet silver's pups. "Can i pet them?! Please?" he asked.
Silver growled and Nichole laid down purring. The pups pulled on her ears and tail. Nichole hissed a bit to tell them to be gentle. They loved it when she visited. They all got to know her when she first came to the town.
Alex laid down in the grass. He could feel the fresh air while looking at those pups and Nichole. He was really happy for being there. He wanted to know more about the nature and animals.
Nichole smiled and then went to pick some berries. She sniffed them and nodded. They were safe to eat. "Al-kun!" She said running over holding them

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