Highschool,Chocolate and Secrets [Inactive]

Alex noticed her necklace and grabbed it. Alex was about to give it but Nichole had gone. Alex took the hear shaped necklace with him and went back home.
Nichole changed back and sniffled hiding in her room and refused to come out for anyone. She didnt even want to eat her favorite meal. Curry over rice. Nichole was just that hurt emotionally.
Alex went to his room and noticed his cellphone in his bed.


"She was crying... and it's my fault...But how can i talk to her?! I want to but im so scared."

Alex grabbed his phone and called the Unknown number phone from before.
It went straight to voicemail. "Hello sorry I cant come to the phone right now. Im either crying my eyes out or busy with other things. If you leave your name, and telephone number, I'll get back to you soon. Bai!"
Alex was sad about this all thing and he couldn´t sleep. In the morning, alex ran to school and he was really late.
Nichole showed up but wasn't as bubbly. She didn't smile. She did the work, but turned it in after class. Nichole said not one word, her eyes dull.
The class had already began. He had dark circles under his eyes and his voice was low. He was tired and he went to Nichole's desk. He gave her the necklace and said sorry once again. He sat on his desk and fell asleep.
Nichole hrld her necklace but didnt say anything. Not even a thank you. She just looked out the window with a lost look in her eyes. A tear slid down her cheek again and hit the desk. "Kudo-chan? Whats wrong with you and alex?" Asked the teacher concerned.
Alex woke up and nobody was there. An empty classroom just like an empty life. No friends... Alex walked into the cafeteria and saw everyone laughing. Everyone had friends and they were all smilling. He grabbed his food and went to the roof. It was a sunny day...
Alex felt the sun in his face.


He turned away and saw Nichole. He knew that Nichole wouldn't apologize him. He saw that Nichole was not really hungry, so he took some milk and chocolate with him. "H-hey there..."
Nichole froze and started to pack her bento. She moved away further and sat at the edge of the roof. Her eard flattened against her head and her hair covered her eyes."what do you want now? Haven't you done enough to hurt me?"
"I'm sorry, i'm really sorry..."Alex gave her a packet of milk and a chocolate bar. "Here! I know you like it!" He smiled. "and be careful there you are in the edge of the roof!"
Nichole said"im a cat. I'll land on my feet." She then started to nibble on the chocolate and her ears perked up and her tail swished happily.
"Not with you! You are awesome the way you are."Alex said. "It's just i'm not good with new people. It's hard to make new friends...! Alex closed his eyes and felt the sun in his face once again. "I hope one day, i can have lot's of friends!" Alex opened his eyes and turned to Nichole... "Thank you for talking with me. It was a pleasure." He smiled and turned back, walking to the classroom.
Alex went to pe and his class there. He went to the boy's lockeroom and changed to his sports clothes.
Nichole jogged around the track to clear her head. She sighed and then sniffed. "Sniff...beef jerky. JERKY!" She said running at some guy and tackled him. "Nom nom nom. Jerky.." Nichole sat as she sat on his sstomach eating
Everyone was running around the gym. It was a free class, so all the boy's were playing soccer and all the girls were playing volleyball. Alex stood in the bench because he didn't know how to play either.
Alex noticed that Nichole ran away and followed. He had nothing better to do, so hi jumped the same fence and and went to the forest.

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