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Realistic or Modern High school romance

Jack looked up from his seat to see a boy looming over him, probably introducing himself, the boys screams could be heard all over the classroom.

"H-hi, i'm Jack" he said, looking a little confused by all of this.
Dana frowns as she enters the class "People already? Ugh, I can tell this is going to be a terrible day" she mutters as she takes her seat in the back corner of the class and readies her school supplies for the day.

Vivian just shook her head and smiled after she heard what her twin had said, "Every day is a bad day for you" she thought, but didn't say anything as she sat near the two boys and the other girl "Hi" she smiles warmly "I'm Vivian and that ray of sunshine back there" she points to Dana "Is Dana, the other half of the dynamic duo, but I'm the half that is least likely to kill you" she says to the people around her
Avery completely ignored her and went back to reading her book (Antisocial! Tut tut (^U^))

Toby walked a little nervously into the room pulling down the tip of he fedora.He sat one seat in front of Vivian
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((I'm just assuming that I've been accepted cause I kinda want to do my entry post now xD Just tell me if I'm not and I'll delete this.))

Jay walked into class pretty slowly with his head tucked beneath his hoodie. He didn't care to try and greet anyone and avoided most eye contact. He walked straight to the back left corner of the class and found a seat near the back, next to a window and dropped his bag on the desk. He sat down and stared blankly out the window as he usually did in class. Another day he thought sarcastically, sighing inwardly I'm sure this one will be just as interesting and exciting as the last.
Avery lifted her blonde head up from her book and glanced at the guy that had just took a seet next to her she noticed how good looking he was and blushed hiding her face behind her book so he wouldn't notice


Toby smiled at everyone in class shuffling his feet awkwardly
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Jay glanced sideways for a moment, just enough to see the girl next to him reading one of his favorite books of all time, 'Lord of the Flies'. He couldn't help but smile a little. "Thats a great book" he muttered, half to himself and half to the girl "A true classic."
Monique stepped into her first class then realized that everybody looked like they had friends and are getting along. So she sat at the very back corner right next to the window. She plugged in her earphones in one ear then took out her notebook and started brainstorming about ideas for a story she is writing.
Jay realized he had just sucked himself into a conversation, the exact thing that he had been trying to avoid. Whats the worst that could happen if I actually socialized a bit He thought Wouldn't hurt to at least know some people. He decided to just go with it and engage with the girl. "Then don't let me spoil anything for you about the ending" he said, with a half smile "I'm Jared, but you can just call me Jay."
Avery gave a small smile back "I'm Avery"She said fiddling with the rough pages of Lord of the Flies."I just started at this school"
River slowly walked onto the school grounds and looked around. He might have been a couple days late geting to the new school but it wasn't his fault so he shrugged slighty and walked in while brushing some hair from his eye as he walked
Monique was silently whisper-singing her current favourite song "Find You" by Zedd after she quit brainstorming and starting doodling. She forgot she was at class since listening to her favourite tunes and doodling makes her daydream off to space.

Logan McCoy

Late again? Ah geez mom will really have my neck this time. Logan was walking calmly to his first class, his blue eyes glanced up at the school's ceiling as he made his way down toward his classes door, glancing down at the black covered iphone to check the time, He was fashionably late for everything. Logan pushed his way into class an gazed around a moment before his eyes fell onto a girl up in the back corner of the room, next to the window. One of his favorite spots. Logan calmly made his way to the back, taking a calm seat next to her, He was going to introduce himself but he didn't want to interrupt her music.​

River sighed and walked into the administration office "umm hi" he said quetly to the receptionist as she smiled at him "what can I do for you" she asked in a cheerful tone as river sighed slightly "umm I transfered here... Can I have my class list" he asked before she nodded and handed him the list "here you go bye bye" she said as river walked out with the class list and a pass for class before he started to walk to his first class

Monique continued to sing quietly until she noticed a boy sit next to her and stopped singing in embarrassment. She didn't like to sing when people are around her unless she is in a musical, but she's usually singing with someone in musicals which doesn't make her afraid to do it.

Logan McCoy

Being a simple child, Logan wore a plain black t-shirt with fitting light wash jeans and a pair of DC high top skate shoes, his light brown hair combed nicely but the wings swooped on either sides an on the front an back of his head, maybe he should get a hair cut? The number 182 tattooed on his forearm in bold lettering just simply black with a tire tread mark underneath. Logan takes his motocross career very seriously an often dreams slightly too high. Raising an eyebrow, he noticed the girl slightly notice him so he threw a slow an polite wave her way, again not trying to disturb her.​
River stood at the door of the class room and sighed and taking a deep breath before he slowly opened the door and walked in interrupting the class "h-hi" he said quietly as the teacher looked at him then walked over "who are you" he asked him

"Oh sorry." says Monique to the boy sitting next to her as she stopped her music and unplugged her earphones out of her ear. "Hello." she smiles at him.

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"I-im new here" river said quietly before the teacher sighed and looked over the not before pointing to a seat "you can sit there" the teacher said as river looked at the seat then walked over to it brishing some hair from his eye as he sat down

@Right okay then
Toby looked a little embarrassed and pulled his fedora down over his face.He attempted to focus on the teacher but it was pointless school was so boring
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Just as Jay was about to respond to Avery, the teacher started to "teach" and he sighed loudly. He scribbled a note on a piece of paper quickly that said Talk after class and passed it to Avery with a quick smile. He then started to "listen" to the lecture while he doodled on his exam pad.

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