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Realistic or Modern High School Mellodrama

Carly walked down the halls, as always most of the boys were staring at her beautiful features, and she smiled at each and every one of them.

"Staring is rude, don't you think?"

She said, waving at the boys and going to her locker, she unlocked it and found an old photo, if was of her and Nicol.


She yelled ripping the photo in two, she then walked down the hallway and eyed a girl with not so pleasing features, dirty blonde hair, the eyes the color of green mold on trees, she looked horrific to Carly...

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Cory flipped to a fresh, clean page and tried to look small to all of the passing students. She didn't like the look of one girl, who was eyeing her, an obvious look of disgust on her face. She tried not to look pathetic, but that was hard for her. She looked away from the girl and decided to sketch the hallway, and the students passing by her.

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She looks at her reflection. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.. I guess. She puts away her makeup bag, taking one last glance at her eyes which are still red but she couldn't change that. She opens the door and walks out into the now busier corridor.
Carly walked up to the dirty blonde girl,

"Ooh! Hold that pose with the notepad!"

She said, taking a picture of the girl with her cellphone.

"No filter needed when I post this!"

she said before Sashaying off to the stadium.

Cory looked up, confused by the girl she had seen earlier and saw her disappear towards the field. Cory shrugged, and went back to her sketch. What did she mean, "No filter when I post this!"? Where was she posting it to? Was that supposed to be a compliment? Was she in a photography contest or something? She had so many questions, but she didn't have any answers.

Michael rises from the bench and sighs. "No need sitting around here all day." He says and finally enters the school. He makes his way to his locker and sighs. Opening it he switches out his books for a moment. He looks in noticing his notebook was missing. He decided not to panic about it. Closing his locker he leaned against it and watched as people walked by. Adjusting his glasses for a moment.
Mikey arrived at school and walked inside before going to his locker and spotting Michael at his. He took his art book out of his locker and closed it. He sighed and plucked at his electric guitar's strings.
Cory to up and walked down the hallway, back down to where her locker was. She got pushed and shoved a couple of times, but that was just... her school life. She got to her locker and unlocked it, putting away her notebook in her bag and taking her bag out of her locker.
Nicol walks down the corridor mostly managing to avoid all the people walking towards her. She walks along next to the lockers lost in thought, she looks up and stops herself at the last moment almost walking into someone. She stops just in time, realising she almost walked into Michael.

"Umm hi.." She looks down. "I wanted to thank you for yesterday."

@Demon Slayer
Cory sees a not-so-nice looking guy who was around an inch or so taller than me coming down the hallway. He seemed to have a crowd with him, which didn't surprise her because she knew most jocks had a crowd following them everywhere. She tried to steer clear of him, but it was just her luck when she bumped into him, sending her books spiraling onto the ground.

Michael was constantly checking his watch. He was going to head into class, but he wasn't feeling up to it. He stopped I'm his thoughts to see Nicol next to him. He turned to face her, slightly worried. He smiled slightly hearing her voice. He fixed his glasses.

"Hey." He said, his smile only growing slightly. But soon turned to a frown. "You're welcome... Im sorry about what she said about you yesterday." He looked down at his feet. "I didn't mean for her to get you involved."

{ @xnicolx }
"No, it's not your fault you don't need to apologise. If anything it's my fault she was there and said all those things." She trails off looking down, then remembers something.

"I think you dropped this.." She opens her bag and pulls out his notepad. She hands it to him.

"You're a great person and I enjoyed hanging out with you yesterday, but hanging around with me will only get you unnecessarily hurt. You deserve better friends than me." She manages to keep a steady voice and avoids eye contact. "I'm sorry.." She turns and walks down through the crowd to her history lesson.

@Demon Slayer
He shakes his head. "No, it's not your fault. I should have just ignored her." He says and frowns slightly. He tilts his head and smiles when she hands him the notebook. "Thanks." He says and puts the notebook away. Then looks back at her. He frowns once again hearing what she said. "Nicol... Don't say that please. You are a great p-" he gets cut off when she starts to walk away. "Nicol wait." He says and starts to follow her pushing through the crowd. "Please.." He says catching up with her once more. He places his hand on her shoulder to stop her. "Nicol, I'm sorry, but you're too cool of a person for me to just let you go. I wish to be your friend. I loved hanging out with you. Just please don't leave me." He frowns and hugs her. Hopping he doesn't end up regretting it.

{ @xnicolx }
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(Just so you know for the future I've changed my username to NightSky)

She hears him call her name but continues walking through the crowd. She stops when she feels a hand on her shoulder and takes a deep breath in.

"Michael..I.." She gets cut off as she's pulled into a hug. She makes a slight effort to pull away but stays close.

"I wouldn't say I'm cool.." She mumbles. "I don't want to leave you but you don't know Carly like I do.. She will do anything to make your life miserable if you're with me."

@Demon Slayer
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Mikey sees Michael and Nicol being a cute couple. Even though he wants t he didn't shout, 'I ship it.' or, 'OTP' like other people would. Instead he looked at the people walking down the hall hoping that no cute boys would show up.
Michael let's go of her and frowns. "Nicol, she can't make my life any worse that it already has been." He says and smiles at her. "Until you came along, my life was pretty suckey." He backs up a little. "Plus, I have way better comebacks than she does." He chuckles slightly. "I mean come on, she tried to use her sucking dicks against me. That's pretty horrible." Michale tilts his head. "Please, don't leave me. I don't know what I would do without you as a friend."

She giggles at his comment on the sucking dicks and nods her head in agreement.

"Okay, I won't leave. But don't say I didn't warn you." She sighs and hopes she wasn't making the wrong choice staying friends.

@Demon Slayer
Serena took one last look in the mirror before she decided that this was the best she'd look for the day. It was her first day at a new school. And she was late. She heard her mother on the phone in the other room. "Yes, I'd like to report that Serena Adams will be coming in late today." Her mother said. Serena had an anxiety attack earlier. She just hoped that it wouldn't come back. She went into the kitchen, said goodbye, and went out the door. She got into her car and took off in the direction her mother told her to go. She took a parking spot on the far end of the lot, and, after grabbing her bag, made her way to the office.
He smiles, trying not to show too much excitement. "Thank you." He says to her. "Hey, if she makes my life a living hell, at least I know that I'm still your friend." He looks at his watch and sighs. "I guess we should get to class?" He said, sounding slightly disappointed.

{ @NightSky }
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Coach had called them in for extra practice, it was free time, or what the teachers liked to call focus, so the teachers didn't mind. Kyle did mind though, his legs still aching from all the running he did yesterday.

But Kyle knew he had to work to get to where he wanted to be, so he reluctantly stood up and made his way to the locker room.
Cory picked up her books and headed to get first class, to her delight, English. She made her way down the hallway and finally found the English room.

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