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Realistic or Modern High School Life... (Always Accepting)

Evan muttered a swear to himself when the bell rang, as it startled him. He wasn't paying attention, he was too busy talking to Lucy, so of course it did. He quickly slung his backpack over his shoulder and shuffled over to where Lucy was. Evan then laughed as he realized he had been poked before Lucy went off towards the door, and said to her, "Nobody pokes me. But I guess I can make an exception." Evan rolled his lower lip into his mouth, wanting to ask whether Lucy would sit with him or with her friends, but he found that it was obvious. You guys have been talking for about an hour, Evan. Of course she's gonna sit with the people she's probably known all of her high school, so far, He thought to himself. He opted to just leave the room with Lucy and begin their walk toward the lunch room.


Tiana heard the bell ring. Lunch. She grinned and got ready to meet up with her clique. She was already by the lunch room, and when she found them, so were they. They probably ditched too, she realized, and she walked up to them. They all greeted her with a hug. "So, we goin' to McDonald's?" She asked, putting a hand on her hip in a fierce way. The group shook their head, and Tiana's eyes widened. "What? Why not?" They explained to her that the McDonald's nearby failed a health inspection and then the closest one was a mile away. Tiana made a face. "So we finna be in the cafeteria? Ugh. Fine." She walked over to her group's claimed table and sat down. Typically, all the fuckboys and manhoes sat somewhere near them, seeing as the two groups get along in a strange way. Sure, her group doesn't take their BS, but their, er, willingness, was good for both groups.
Alyssa smiled when she heard the bell ring. The teacher had been going on and on about some essay that they had to write and finish by next Friday.

She stood up, grabbed her backpack, and quickly made her way to the lunch room, wanting to sit with her soccer team. She bought an apple from the lunch line and sat down at an empty table.

(Sorry it's so short. I just woke up and I'm getting ready for school.)
As Elliot sat and ate at his table, a girl so happened to make here way to sit down and prepare herself an apple. He smirked, and looked down to his own, unhealthy meal. Taking in her appearance, he saw that she obviously played a sport... Maybe... Soccer? Softball? Shrugging it off, he took one of his Snickers and slid it down the table, the candy bumping into the girl's shoulder. This might be someone he could easily connect with - somewhere in his mind, he wanted to ask her about he Marine Corps. He decided to wait on that, if she decided to talk to him.

@Aryn Harris
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Alyssa looked up from her phone when she felt something hit her elbow. She looked at the person who had given it to her and gave a small smile. "Thanks. But I can't take your food. It's your lunch." She stated and quickly finished her Apple. She grabbed the snickers bar and sliding it back over to the guy.

She moved so that she was sitting closer to him and looked him over. "What's your name? I'm Alyssa Scott."

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Jason Poole

Jason sighed as he got out of Ara's car. "Ok, here we are. Casa di Jason." He smiled at Ara. He then picked her up, literally. He held her in his arm, and ran to the door. He gently placed her down, and got the keys out of his pocket. "My parents aren't here so we're home alone." He smiled at Ara and opened the door.

Jason walked in and immediately took Ara too the kitchen. "Sit here" he said as he pointed to a chair right beside the kitchen. It was a bar like kitchen, he cooked and then served. "So anything you'd like to eat?" He smiled at Ara.

He ran his hand through his hair as she slid his Snickers back. Blinking, he grabbed it and put it in his pocket, raising an eyebrow. "Well, aren't you the kind one?" He laughed a little, taking a bite of his already opened candy.

"Name's Elliot." He took note of her name and smiled softly, "Alyssa, huh?... You a senior?"
Alyssa grinned and nodded her head. "I try to be." She laughed quietly and shrugged her shoulders. "And yes I am. What about you? And you never answered my question. How am I supposed to know your name if you don't tell me?" She winked, laughing again.

She placed her phone on the table and gave the guy her full attention.

Elliot laughed along with her and turned his form slightly to face her. "Yeah. I'm a Senior; I transferred here at like the end of last year, so I'm pretty new, I guess. To be formal, though, my name is Elliot Blaine - United States Marine Corps poolee and aspiring tuba player." he said with a jokingly professional tone. With music softly playing in one ear, he took a little interest in the girl; she seemed charismatic.

@Aryn Harris
"And he walked you to your class?" Jax held a plastic salad container that was filled with more meat than greens. He was feeling pretty carnivorous. Gwynn laughed, sitting down with her sandwich. Jeff lazily slurped his protein smoothie through a straw.

"Yeah, what can I say? He's a gent where it counts." Gwynn replied, earning a sigh from Jax. His rolling eyes caught the now familiar head of hair in the distance. He glanced, noticing that Elliot was talking to some pretty girl whom he only knew was also a senior. a frown turned on his lips as he speared a piece of lettuce and took a halfhearted bite.
Alyssa quirked an eyebrow and smirked. "Marine Corps, eh?" She smiled, and watched him carefully. "That's really cool. I don't think I could do that. I think I'm just going to stick to soccer." She laughed and ran her fingers through her curly hair before pulling her hair up in a ponytail.

"So that's what you plan on doing for the rest of your life?" She questioned. "What period do you have next?" She added, aware that it was a total change it topic. She was a bit ADD sometimes.

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"Yeah," he said with pride. After hearing her next statement, however, he frowned. "Aw, come on; it's a beautiful experience!" A laugh escaped his lips, knowing that within the "beauty" was pain and fatigue. "You should try a practice one day, we meet up on Wednesdays. It's not too different from soccer... Well, in terms of running."

He watched her fix her hair, then decided to do the same with his, taking one of his Marine Corps bands and tying his his brown locks into a messy, sports-like ponytail. He laughed a little; it felt weird for him to have his hair like that, but he was indirectly mocking the girl, and it seemed like a good idea. "I think I'll go 5 -10 years, actually." Next, another question came. "Uhm... Pre Cal, I think."

As he spoke, his eyes gazed over to Jackson, who was across the room, with a friend it seemed. He gave a quick wave before returning his attention to Alyssa.
Dru said:
Evan muttered a swear to himself when the bell rang, as it startled him. He wasn't paying attention, he was too busy talking to Lucy, so of course it did. He quickly slung his backpack over his shoulder and shuffled over to where Lucy was. Evan then laughed as he realized he had been poked before Lucy went off towards the door, and said to her, "Nobody pokes me. But I guess I can make an exception." Evan rolled his lower lip into his mouth, wanting to ask whether Lucy would sit with him or with her friends, but he found that it was obvious. You guys have been talking for about an hour, Evan. Of course she's gonna sit with the people she's probably known all of her high school, so far, He thought to himself. He opted to just leave the room with Lucy and begin their walk toward the lunch room.

Tiana heard the bell ring. Lunch. She grinned and got ready to meet up with her clique. She was already by the lunch room, and when she found them, so were they. They probably ditched too, she realized, and she walked up to them. They all greeted her with a hug. "So, we goin' to McDonald's?" She asked, putting a hand on her hip in a fierce way. The group shook their head, and Tiana's eyes widened. "What? Why not?" They explained to her that the McDonald's nearby failed a health inspection and then the closest one was a mile away. Tiana made a face. "So we finna be in the cafeteria? Ugh. Fine." She walked over to her group's claimed table and sat down. Typically, all the fuckboys and manhoes sat somewhere near them, seeing as the two groups get along in a strange way. Sure, her group doesn't take their BS, but their, er, willingness, was good for both groups.

As they walked to the lunch room Lucy was chatting on about whatever came to her mind, you know, to start a conversation, "So, last night I read apart of this book I enjoyed and-"n As the two teens made it to the cafe she looked around and wondered if they should go their separate ways or sit with each others friends, "So, how is this going to work?" Lucy turned around to face Evan when she asked the question.


Elizabeth heard the bell ring and she quickly gathered up her things and was stopped by the teacher, "Did I make this too confusing for you, I understand you're a celebrity and you've probably didn't take too much care in your work..." He went on and she felt so upset at he was saying, "Okay, stop it please. First of all check my grades, they're better than most likely half of the peoples grades in this class, I probably even have more knowledge on french than you do, because well I've been there... A lot!" She turned around, her long hair accidentally hitting the teachers face as she sashayed out of the room and to the cafe.

She was so pissed off. Just because she's famous doesn't mean she doesn't know her shit.

Elizabeth now was worried on a new thing, a place to sit.

Thankfully she found Tiana and decided to try and make friends with her, she seemed nice in Elizabeth's eyes.

Elizabeth made her way to Tiana's table and flashed her best smile, "Hey, you mind if I sit with you guys?"

Riddler said:


Jason Poole

Jason sighed as he got out of Ara's car. "Ok, here we are. Casa di Jason." He smiled at Ara. He then picked her up, literally. He held her in his arm, and ran to the door. He gently placed her down, and got the keys out of his pocket. "My parents aren't here so we're home alone." He smiled at Ara and opened the door.

Jason walked in and immediately took Ara too the kitchen. "Sit here" he said as he pointed to a chair right beside the kitchen. It was a bar like kitchen, he cooked and then served. "So anything you'd like to eat?" He smiled at Ara.


Arabella was a bit surprised when he picked her up, but she didn't tell him to stop, she felt cozy and she was a bit annoyed when Jason put her down.

"Casa di Jason seems nice." Ara smiled and patted his arm as they walked to the kitchen. Arabella sat down and thought about what she wanted to eat, "You happen to have a toaster, american cheese and bread?" Arabella grinned at her question.

Grilled Cheese is absolutely her favorite food someone could make for her, Ara knows it sounds childish but she really doesn't care.


Lucas casually walked into the cafeteria after his p.e class where they really didn't do much, just hung around playing some volley ball.

He didn't really know where to sit, he was popular and all but he was never in a certain crowd, just hung out alone or with anyone. But Lucas really wanted to find Gwynn.

Thankfully to his luck he found her. He walked up behind and whispered in her ear, "Boo, Miss School Ghost." He chuckled and waited for her to turn around.

@Dru @RedIncubus @Riddler
Jackson saw the wave because he was watching the boy with an unabashed look in his eyes and his mouth sorta open. It was a sharp jab to his side with an elbow that roused him from empty thoughts. "Hey man, play that song I like." Jeff said, pouting in the way that he knew Jackson couldn't say no to. They were too much like family for any attraction, whatsoever, so they resorted to lovingly bugging the hell out of each other. Jax sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to get out of this one. Gwynn clapped giddily as he pulled out his guitar and started tuning the instrument. They really didn't get to make requests that often. The air seemed to still as Jax stuck the first note, followed by the second. Soon, their area was filled with the sounds of Coldplay. "When you try your best, but dont succeed..." Jackson hummed while playing what was secretly one of his favorite songs.

Meanwhile, Gwynn turned around and shushed Lucas with one finger. She took him by the hand and sat him down next to her.
"He's really good. I keep telling him that." she said, her hand not leaving his lips.
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Lucas was shushed than was sat down by Gwynn. She said, "He's really good. I keep telling him that." As she still had her hand on his lips.

He listened to the boys song and it was really good. Lucas smiled and watched then noticed her finger was still on his lips. Lucas smiled and softly kissed her hand before setting it down on the table then whispered, "He is really good." @RedIncubus
River sat down at an empty table when he got to the cafiteria. He didn't feel like eating so he skipped the lunch line when he had entered and immidiately went to a table. It was his first day to this new school and he already didn't exactly like it so he did what he always does when he didn't like things. He pulled out a Medium sized drawing note book and set it on the table before pulling out a pencil then Flipping to a page that had a half done and almost professional drawing of his car. The only things the drawing was missing was detail and the head lights of the car and he started to work on finishing up this drawing which was baciacly the only other talent besides cars that he had. 'I wonder if I'll even be accepted here.' He thought to him self as he drew waiting for one of those movie style ways of some one coming to say hello to happen.

@anyone that wants to interact
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_nufc0nhUJQ1stlvxfo1_400.jpg.adf1413716455a14201a6610d5c3f43c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97272" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_nufc0nhUJQ1stlvxfo1_400.jpg.adf1413716455a14201a6610d5c3f43c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Today Marcy was in such a good mood, except for the fact that she feels like her mother basically hates her. Could what they said to each other this morning be counted as emotional abuse. Marcy didn't know. All she knew was the time and excitement she felt when she makes it to the art gallery she works at after school.

Marcy walked into the cafeteria and smelled the nauseating smell of spoiled lunch food, sweat and teenage hormones (No, you can't smell hormones but go with it, this is Marcy's mind we're in... She's a bit... Interesting.)

The brunette never really had any friends, she usually sat with her brother but she didn't want to bother him seeing he was with a girl.

Marcy looked around the cafeteria with a paper bag in her hand that held her sandwich. She saw a boy with black hair sitting alone sketching. In her mind Marcy thought that she could potentially make an acquaintance... She was a bit straight forward though, so that normally didn't help her case when making friends, but Marcy would give it a go anyway.

Marcy walked over to the table and sat down next to him, looking at his creation on the drawing notebook, "Wow..." She mutter and glanced at the boy then at the notebook, "You have some talent, my friend." Marcy giggled, patted his back gently and sat down next to him, "My name is Marcy Abrams, you?" @Daniel reaving



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Floridxkilos said:

Today Marcy was in such a good mood, except for the fact that she feels like her mother basically hates her. Could what they said to each other this morning be counted as emotional abuse. Marcy didn't know. All she knew was the time and excitement she felt when she makes it to the art gallery she works at after school.

Marcy walked into the cafeteria and smelled the nauseating smell of spoiled lunch food, sweat and teenage hormones (No, you can't smell hormones but go with it, this is Marcy's mind we're in... She's a bit... Interesting.)

The brunette never really had any friends, she usually sat with her brother but she didn't want to bother him seeing he was with a girl.

Marcy looked around the cafeteria with a paper bag in her hand that held her sandwich. She saw a boy with black hair sitting alone sketching. In her mind Marcy thought that she could potentially make an acquaintance... She was a bit straight forward though, so that normally didn't help her case when making friends, but Marcy would give it a go anyway.

Marcy walked over to the table and sat down next to him, looking at his creation on the drawing notebook, "Wow..." She mutter and glanced at the boy then at the notebook, "You have some talent, my friend." Marcy giggled, patted his back gently and sat down next to him, "My name is Marcy Abrams, you?" @Daniel reaving
River had zoned out on his drawing before the voice of a girl said wow from rather close behind him making him look up and at the girl when she sat down. He was immidately struck with nervousness at how he seemed to be getting accepted here and didn't say anything for about five seconds before he replyed. "Th-thanks..... I'm only good at drawing when it comes to cars and other vehicles though. And my names river." He said to her as he looked back down at his drawing and brushed some of his hair out of his face and continued to work as he glanced at her. "You like art?" He asked her mostly because his drawing was what most likely brought her over to him in the first place. I mean it was rare that people come over for other reasons than why she had come over or to see his car (which I will explain how he own's such a nice and expensive car when I reveal his history) so why would it be different now?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/07e963824f6c617a69cf68f9c159c8f4.jpg.89c3a88c728a7202b999dd9713dfadd7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97273" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/07e963824f6c617a69cf68f9c159c8f4.jpg.89c3a88c728a7202b999dd9713dfadd7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"You like art?" The boy named River asked to Marcy, which Marcy quickly nodded with excitement, "The world without art is just... 'Eh'." Marcy shrugged and opened her wrapped sandwich, "You know what I mean? Anyway, whether or not you're good at other things that car sketch is just spectacular." @Daniel reaving



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Floridxkilos said:

View attachment 216411

"You like art?" The boy named River asked to Marcy, which Marcy quickly nodded with excitement, "The world without art is just... 'Eh'." Marcy shrugged and opened her wrapped sandwich, "You know what I mean? Anyway, whether or not you're good at other things that car sketch is just spectacular." @Daniel reaving
"Thank you. I've had a lot of time and a good subject to look at." He said to her with a small chuckle finding her comment about the world without art true in almost every way. "So what do you like to draw?" He asked figuring he wouldn't let the conversation die and leave them both in an awkward silence.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/07e963824f6c617a69cf68f9c159c8f4.jpg.c9b4d94f243bbac0e29233795cb8c83e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97274" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/07e963824f6c617a69cf68f9c159c8f4.jpg.c9b4d94f243bbac0e29233795cb8c83e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marcy smiled at River's question and took out her phone, "Well, my sketching can be really anything, but it must have color... And a lot. Marcy giggled and went to her photos on her phone and handed the phone over to River, "Heres one of the very many pictures I've sketched then painted." She smiled and tucked some hair behind her ear then bit her lip, "What do you think?" @Daniel reaving

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/my_art_painting_016.jpg.831737427443faf6452310b3612e7e17.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97275" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/my_art_painting_016.jpg.831737427443faf6452310b3612e7e17.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Floridxkilos said:

View attachment 216412

Marcy smiled at River's question and took out her phone, "Well, my sketching can be really anything, but it must have color... And a lot. Marcy giggled and went to her photos on her phone and handed the phone over to River, "Heres one of the very many pictures I've sketched then painted." She smiled and tucked some hair behind her ear then bit her lip, "What do you think?" @Daniel reaving

"Looks like you stole it from a professional art gallery." He said jokingly before handing the phone back and saying a little more incase she hadn't gotten his little attempt at humor. "It's very beautiful." He said to her as he closed up the drawing book and smiled slightly, happy he had some one to talk to now

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Jason Poole

"You happen to have a toaster, american cheese and bread?" Jason laughed since he knew exactly what she wanted. His knowledge of food, and recipes was perfect. Mostly, since he had been cooking for a long ass time. "Grilled Cheese sandwich? One of my personal favorites." He smiled at her as he walked to his fridge and got out the ingredients. He placed the cheese ontop of the bread, and placed each slice in the toaster.

Once he set the food, he walked back over to Ara. "So, what are you thinking?" He knew that she was deep in thought, and he wondered what she was thinking. He smiled at her, with that cute and sexy smile.

Alyssa nodded her head and gave a small shrug. "I'll think about it." She smiled, and watched him out his hair up into a bun.

When she saw him wave at somebody she glanced at whoever it was and gave another smile. "Friend of yours?" She asked, turning her attention back to Elliot.

Elliot grinned widely, "Awesome." His eyes glanced back to Jackson as Allysa looked, and answered her question. "Moreso acquaintance - he helped me get to class earlier." Embarrassment trailed in his tone as he admitted the act, wondering why the male across the room was setting up a guitar. His eyes trailed back to Alyssa and he smiled "So...-". His sentence was cut off the by resonating sounds of Jackson's song hit his ear. His heart nearly skipped a beat. He loved that song. "And you get what you want, but not what you need," he mouthed.
Alyssa nodded her head. "It happens to the best of us." She stated, taking note of his embarrassment. She smiled when she saw him mouthing along to the song that was being played a few tables away. "Come on. Sing the song. I'm sure your voice is amazing." She said matter-of-factly. Alyssa glanced back over towards Jackson and his table and sat silently, watching him play, a smile still adorning her features.

@TakAttack @RedIncubus

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