High-school For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/WIN_20150513_192139.JPG.bd732bfd81499cc1b05eb8c59fc10f8a.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56517" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/WIN_20150513_192139.JPG.bd732bfd81499cc1b05eb8c59fc10f8a.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Full Name: Lycian Grey

Nickname: N/A


Race: Werewolf

Appearance:Long Brown hair, Central Heterochromic Eyes, and

Personality: He has a very reserved demeanor, he keeps his notebook hidden worried they will judge him.

Backstory: Orphaned by the werewolf that turned him, Lycian spent 10 years alone in the woods learning to survive, along the way he met fang, when he was 15 he met a girl, who broke his heart, leaving him with a longing to be near people but no way to express it, so he writes poetry. He wants to share, but thinks that everything he does isn't enough, becoming more secluded.

Skill: Writing Poetry (always carries his personal notebook of poetry)


-Ability to change at will

-Speaks to Canines

Pet:Fang his Timber Wolf

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cfcd7f4_images(1).jpg.41f5ae8c7dc732488d14915c69f3c414.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56514" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2cfcd7f4_images(1).jpg.41f5ae8c7dc732488d14915c69f3c414.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Shade Wraith

Gender: Male

Nickname: Phantom Reaper

Age: 19

Race: Human

Appearance: Tall, tanned skinned, 6'3, Long black hair which falls into his face constantly, loves to wear his black Thermite and fire proof ccoat when he travels anywhere, Black jeans and black boots which go well with a torn white t-shirt. He also wears a gas mask on his head or around his neck most of the time.

Personality: Cold, distant, caring, strong sense of right and wrong. Has two different personalities.

BackStory: Back when Shade worked for B.A.B.E.L. he was one of their best operatives, enhanced with nano machines and combat training to give him the edge over his targets. Whats more he was mostly known for his inability to care about killing his targets. It wasn't until he came across his teacher killing the leader of B.A.B.E.L. that he fled the organization where he once saw as home. Now hunted by former friends, he decided to lay low by applying to a school to hopefully evade their watchful eyes.

Skill: Machine/Nano-Tech specialist (Can create weapons with ease), dual wields two chainsaw swords with attachments (grappling hook, stun gun, small shotgun and can set the chainsaws on fire) (note: in school he never dual wields and limits himself to a spectral sword made from Fenris and Nano machines), hacker

Power: can manipulate both nano and thermite (aluminum+rust=chemical that can go as hot as the sun) based substances without taking on damage, can move without making any noise and can blend into the back ground like a ninja, spectral sword

Likes: Machinery, weapons, anything that is said to be to hard to wield or use

Dislike: red heads (teacher was a red head and abused him to the point of becoming almost entirely obedient to red headed women. He has grown mostly out of it but he cannot fight them, he can only evade and hope to escape if he has to fight.), injustice, liars

Pet: Fenris (A stray he found on his way to the school but it turned out it wasn't just an ordinary dog and could become a ghost.) Shade uses this strange animal as his weapon as well. He can make it faze in and out of the spectral realm, can also call the blade back to his side but it has a full 30 sec delay which leaves him vulnerable to attacks from enemies.
Ashlyn Storm


Nickname: N/A

Age: 20

Race: Harpy


Appearance: Ashlyn is a tall girl with long blonde hair and bright jade green eyes. She stands at six feet seven inches. With extremely evident Harpy physiology, it is not even in question as to what species of mythological creature she is. She has long dark gold wings that appear out of her arms, with claw-like hands at the ends of her wings like a bat of sorts. Where her feet would be if she were human are long bird limb legs with lengthy talons. She also has sharper canine teeth than a human. She weighs around seventy pounds due to her hollow bones from being avian. Ashlyn has a decent inverted triangle figure, with a wider chest than what she has of hips.

Personality: A very calm and level-headed woman, Ashlyn is a big people's person. She loves to talk and be around others, making friends practically everywhere she goes. She's very outgoing and kind, albeit being very shy when pertaining compliments and kind words about her from others, despite being a little bit flirtatious herself. She's a very diligent person, always following through with things she starts until the end, as well as being quite organized. She likes to help others, sometimes even going completely out of her way to do so and make others happy. Ashlyn is a very chipper girl, usually always wearing a bright and happy smile on her face that's incredibly genuine. She absolutely hates liars and gossipers, and won't every play into such a cruel game about others. She's very bright and sometimes loud, but loves to go and have fun with others, even if it occasionally breaks the rules. She loves to be in the sky and do intrepid stunts, sometimes trying to get others to do the same. Being a Harpy does Ashlyn not necessarily understand human feelings, but she's trying incredibly hard to be accustomed to these foreign emotions of other species as well..

Biography: It's mostly unknown as to where Ashlyn came from, except for that she formerly lived in a small of people just like herself. A fire tore through hey small residence deep in a forbidden jungle, thus forcing her to find her own, new home, now being of official age to live by herself. So that's what she did around the age of sixteen in human years, only to them be asked to take refuge to a school that was made for mythological misfits like herself.


• Organization — Ashlyn is an obsessive organizer, always having things pristine and orderly around her.

• Cooking — Ashlyn possesses a natural knack for cooking and loves to do so and be in the kitchen.

• Memory — Ashlyn has a superb memory to easily learn a variety of things involving memorization.


• Flight — As a Harpy can Ashlyn fly, large birdlike wings stemming from her arms allowing her to do so.

• Wind Generation — Ashlyn can stir up wind, making either headwinds or tailwinds. Harpies an also use this to assist in perfect flight.

• Storm Manipulation — Harpies cannot necessarily manipulate the weather, but they can create storms. Ashlyn can, with quite a bit of effort, form small storm clouds.

Pet: (optional)

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

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Full Name:Shibe Senketsu

Nickname: Top Dog


Race: fallen Angel

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.1dd8596586119463156a59ca1a1cb19b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.1dd8596586119463156a59ca1a1cb19b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Long black hair, storm grey eyes, pale skin, two tattoos of black angel wings on her back(they are her wings) and an X tattoo on her right collarbone. Stands at 6'

Personality: tough, smart ass, snappy, angry, crazy, badass, lonely, broken, incredibly loyal and a loud mouth

Backstory: An orphan from birth, Shibe grew up on the streets, fighting, stealing, and breaking things. They called her Top Dog because she never lost a fight and she put her foot down with the rules when she was only 13. After a year of being in Juvie, Shibe decided to accept an application to go to this high school.


- loyal



-Street smart

-martial artist

Power: the wing tattoos on her back can turn into her real wings.

- can create fire from nothing and can't be burned

Pet: TravisView attachment 129981<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.b5ba42bf33c75eaf027a18ec088fa437.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.b5ba42bf33c75eaf027a18ec088fa437.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Yes I meant six feet. She was an angel but fell from heaven when she fell in love with a human. Her age was reversed and she came to earth an orphan and young
Full Name: Gresh Powers

Nickname: (optional) Gresh

Age:(14-20) I'm 13 in real life so I'll be 14 in game.

Race: White person who is 90% American and 9% superhuman and 1% of whatever Stan Lee (Stan Lee created Marvel Comics and most of the characters in the Marvel universe) is.

Appearance: I appear as a superhero because I want people to know of my powers and I am safe sharing my secret of being a superhero because I live in a town with tons of superheros in it.

Personality: I am nice and friendly. Not shy at all and am not afraid to stand up to school bullies because I have my powers but since this school is for those with powers so I'm a little scared of the bullies.

Backstory: I was born to 2 parents with superpowers. My mom was skilled with guns and had a special power allowing her eyes to make a target to have great aim with a gun and my dad had super strength. I went to this highschool because at middle school I was the outcast because of my powers. In elementrary school and preschool I attended superhero schools but I couldn't get into any superhero middle schools. So when I got to high school my parents found this school and it looked cool to me so I am applying for it.

Skill: (human quality you have)

-I can talk to most animals

-I am skilled with a sword and most handheld weapons like swords, lightsaber, staffs, sticks (like sticks from trees and other plants), etc.

-I am ok with guns and am training to be good at shooting with guns

-I have tons of pairs of teeth and can grow back my teeth many times, but my first pair are baby tet hand all other pairs are pairs of adult teeth (I added this because yesterday I had 5 teeth taken out. 2 baby teeth and 3 permanent teeth and it hurts for me to eat)

-I also can use a power similar to the force only that I can use this power with my mind or any other part of my body so you'd have to stop all of my body parts and mind for me to not be able to use this power.

-I also can fly because I think the ability to fly sounds cool. I don't have wings that allow me to fly it is just an ability I have.

-I can also drive most cars and fly most planes.

Pet: (optional) Cat named "Powers" who has a black belt in TaeKwonDo (and no I don't have a blackbelt or know any kind of karate in real life)

Other (I added this section for my sheet):

-I'll never do drugs ever in real life or in this roleplay

-I'll never get any tattoos in real life or in this roleplay
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Full Name: Everett Vesper Morse

Nickname: EV

Age: 18

Race: He's mostly human but he definitely has something else in his genes. The "something else" is unknown




EV is very calm and collected most of the time, and can fit into almost any social situation. He can be a bit flirtatious to almost anyone he meets. He is a generally friendly person who wants to do the right thing, even if how he goes about doing that isn't the best way.

However, if he gets angry at someone enough, his temper is extremely volatile. He will destroy anything in his path before he finally gets what he wants, without hesitation. He doesn't like to be like that and will usually suppress his anger if he can. Good thing it's hard to get him angry.

Backstory: EV's life has been relatively normal for most of his life, apart from his powers. His mother died during childbirth one year after he was born, so he never knew her. That left his father to raise him and his newborn sister, Patricia. A few years before this RP takes place, EV heard something hitting the attic floor (which was right above his ceiling). He didn't investigate for a few weeks until he heard it again. He went upstairs and found ten to fifteen purplish, glowing orbs flying around. Not long after they started orbiting around him. Thoroughly freaked out, he ran to his father's room and asked him what the orbs were. He explained that his mother used to be able to use her mind to control them and do a variety of things with them. He started to learn to use them like his mother did, has been honing his technique ever since.

Skill: EV is very good with words, and he is able to manipulate people into doing something he wants. He is also a very good leader, and he may use his previous technique to get in a leader position.


EV has several glowing orbs that he can control telekinetically. These orbs can be used for a variety of things, including:

  • Using them as a weapon. The orbs are very good weapons to have in a fight. They can rapidly fire energy beams that track targets with EV's sight (whatever he looks at, that's where they will shoot). They can also release an energy shield that can protect EV from most attacks. The orbs can also move at high speeds, so they can also be used as physical weapons. However, all weapons need ammunition, and in this case it's EV's energy. His energy is drained slightly every time he shoots energy, but that slight eventually turns into a lot since the shots are fired rapidly. When he uses a shield, the energy is used, but unless the shield is broken, the energy can be retrieved.
  • Holding items in them. Anything that is the size of a chair or smaller can fit into an orb. There is a finite space inside an orb, so he needs to organize them regularly. An orb that is used to carry something cannot use energy.
  • Using many types of energy. Light energy, electric energy, thermal energy, magnetic energy, and sound energy can all be utilized by an orb.

Pet: An albino cat named Games

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[QUOTE="Lycian Grey]View attachment 129542 Full Name: Lycian Grey
Nickname: N/A


Race: Werewolf

Appearance:Long Brown hair, Central Heterochromic Eyes, and

Personality: He has a very reserved demeanor, he keeps his notebook hidden worried they will judge him.

Backstory: Orphaned by the werewolf that turned him, Lycian spent 10 years alone in the woods learning to survive, along the way he met fang, when he was 15 he met a girl, who broke his heart, leaving him with a longing to be near people but no way to express it, so he writes poetry. He wants to share, but thinks that everything he does isn't enough, becoming more secluded.

Skill: Writing Poetry (always carries his personal notebook of poetry)


-Ability to change at will

-Speaks to Canines

Pet:Fang his Timber Wolf

View attachment 129538

Lycian seems like a very good character but may I please see a bit more info on how he was turned, please and thank you

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
[QUOTE="Shade Wraith]Name: Shade Wraith
Gender: Male

Nickname: Phantom Reaper

Age: 19

Race: Human

Appearance: Tall, tanned skinned, 6'3, Long black hair which falls into his face constantly, loves to wear his black Thermite and fire proof ccoat when he travels anywhere, Black jeans and black boots which go well with a torn white t-shirt. He also wears a gas mask on his head or around his neck most of the time.

Personality: Cold, distant, caring, strong sense of right and wrong. Has two different personalities.

BackStory: Back when Shade worked for B.A.B.E.L. he was one of their best operatives, enhanced with nano machines and combat training to give him the edge over his targets. Whats more he was mostly known for his inability to care about killing his targets. It wasn't until he came across his teacher killing the leader of B.A.B.E.L. that he fled the organization where he once saw as home. Now hunted by former friends, he decided to lay low by applying to a school to hopefully evade their watchful eyes.

Skill: Machine/Nano-Tech specialist (Can create weapons with ease), dual wields two chainsaw swords with attachments (grappling hook, stun gun, small shotgun and can set the chainsaws on fire) (note: in school he never dual wields and limits himself to a spectral sword made from Fenris and Nano machines), hacker

Power: can manipulate both nano and thermite (aluminum+rust=chemical that can go as hot as the sun) based substances without taking on damage, can move without making any noise and can blend into the back ground like a ninja, spectral sword

Likes: Machinery, weapons, anything that is said to be to hard to wield or use

Dislike: red heads (teacher was a red head and abused him to the point of becoming almost entirely obedient to red headed women. He has grown mostly out of it but he cannot fight them, he can only evade and hope to escape if he has to fight.), injustice, liars

Pet: Fenris (A stray he found on his way to the school but it turned out it wasn't just an ordinary dog and could become a ghost.) Shade uses this strange animal as his weapon as well. He can make it faze in and out of the spectral realm, can also call the blade back to his side but it has a full 30 sec delay which leaves him vulnerable to attacks from enemies.

Shade is accepted you may post your starter whenever :3

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Ashlyn Storm

Nickname: N/A

Age: 20

Race: Harpy


Appearance: Ashlyn is a tall girl with long blonde hair and bright jade green eyes. She stands at six feet seven inches. With extremely evident Harpy physiology, it is not even in question as to what species of mythological creature she is. She has long dark gold wings that appear out of her arms, with claw-like hands at the ends of her wings like a bat of sorts. Where her feet would be if she were human are long bird limb legs with lengthy talons. She also has sharper canine teeth than a human. She weighs around seventy pounds due to her hollow bones from being avian. Ashlyn has a decent inverted triangle figure, with a wider chest than what she has of hips.

Personality: A very calm and level-headed woman, Ashlyn is a big people's person. She loves to talk and be around others, making friends practically everywhere she goes. She's very outgoing and kind, albeit being very shy when pertaining compliments and kind words about her from others, despite being a little bit flirtatious herself. She's a very diligent person, always following through with things she starts until the end, as well as being quite organized. She likes to help others, sometimes even going completely out of her way to do so and make others happy. Ashlyn is a very chipper girl, usually always wearing a bright and happy smile on her face that's incredibly genuine. She absolutely hates liars and gossipers, and won't every play into such a cruel game about others. She's very bright and sometimes loud, but loves to go and have fun with others, even if it occasionally breaks the rules. She loves to be in the sky and do intrepid stunts, sometimes trying to get others to do the same. Being a Harpy does Ashlyn not necessarily understand human feelings, but she's trying incredibly hard to be accustomed to these foreign emotions of other species as well..

Biography: It's mostly unknown as to where Ashlyn came from, except for that she formerly lived in a small of people just like herself. A fire tore through hey small residence deep in a forbidden jungle, thus forcing her to find her own, new home, now being of official age to live by herself. So that's what she did around the age of sixteen in human years, only to them be asked to take refuge to a school that was made for mythological misfits like herself.


• Organization — Ashlyn is an obsessive organizer, always having things pristine and orderly around her.

• Cooking — Ashlyn possesses a natural knack for cooking and loves to do so and be in the kitchen.

• Memory — Ashlyn has a superb memory to easily learn a variety of things involving memorization.


• Flight — As a Harpy can Ashlyn fly, large birdlike wings stemming from her arms allowing her to do so.

• Wind Generation — Ashlyn can stir up wind, making either headwinds or tailwinds. Harpies an also use this to assist in perfect flight.

• Storm Manipulation — Harpies cannot necessarily manipulate the weather, but they can create storms. Ashlyn can, with quite a bit of effort, form small storm clouds.

Pet: (optional)

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Ashlyn is accepted

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
[QUOTE="Church Burning]Full Name:Shibe Senketsu
Nickname: Top Dog


Race: fallen Angel

Appearance:View attachment 129975Long black hair, storm grey eyes, pale skin, two tattoos of black angel wings on her back(they are her wings) and an X tattoo on her right collarbone. Stands at 6'

Personality: tough, smart ass, snappy, angry, crazy, badass, lonely, broken, incredibly loyal and a loud mouth

Backstory: An orphan from birth, Shibe grew up on the streets, fighting, stealing, and breaking things. They called her Top Dog because she never lost a fight and she put her foot down with the rules when she was only 13. After a year of being in Juvie, Shibe decided to accept an application to go to this high school.


- loyal



-Street smart

-martial artist

Power: the wing tattoos on her back can turn into her real wings.

- can create fire from nothing and can't be burned

Pet: TravisView attachment 129981

Shibe is accepted, but for future reference put how ur char was turned in the bio...

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Name: Barbra Joyce Nhean

Nickname: Bobbie

Age: 15

Race: Element Bender (Fire)


Personality: Bobbie is a hot and a hard head. She has a fiery temper but is very loyal. She is a rebellious girl and is somehow always found in trouble.

Backstory:Bobbie always led a normal life. She had both her parents living with her and her older brother. Bobbie and her brother would always attempt idiotic challenges. So one day they wanted to see who could keep their hand on the stove the longest. After about a minute, her hand was engulfed in flames. This was how they realized she was an element bender.

Skill: A great soccer player, Very witty

Power:Fire manipulation and Pyrokinesis

Pet:Maverick her German Shepard
TheGoldenGear said:
Full Name: Everett Vesper Morse
Nickname: EV

Age: 18

Race: He's mostly human but he definitely has something else in his genes. The "something else" is unknown




EV is very calm and collected most of the time, and can fit into almost any social situation. He can be a bit flirtatious to almost anyone he meets. He is a generally friendly person who wants to do the right thing, even if how he goes about doing that isn't the best way.

However, if he gets angry at someone enough, his temper is extremely volatile. He will destroy anything in his path before he finally gets what he wants, without hesitation. He doesn't like to be like that and will usually suppress his anger if he can. Good thing it's hard to get him angry.

Backstory: EV's life has been relatively normal for most of his life, apart from his powers. His mother died during childbirth one year after he was born, so he never knew her. That left his father to raise him and his newborn sister, Patricia. A few years before this RP takes place, EV heard something hitting the attic floor (which was right above his ceiling). He didn't investigate for a few weeks until he heard it again. He went upstairs and found ten to fifteen purplish, glowing orbs flying around. Not long after they started orbiting around him. Thoroughly freaked out, he ran to his father's room and asked him what the orbs were. He explained that his mother used to be able to use her mind to control them and do a variety of things with them. He started to learn to use them like his mother did, has been honing his technique ever since.

Skill: EV is very good with words, and he is able to manipulate people into doing something he wants. He is also a very good leader, and he may use his previous technique to get in a leader position.


EV has several glowing orbs that he can control telekinetically. These orbs can be used for a variety of things, including:

  • Using them as a weapon. The orbs are very good weapons to have in a fight. They can rapidly fire energy beams that track targets with EV's sight (whatever he looks at, that's where they will shoot). They can also release an energy shield that can protect EV from most attacks. The orbs can also move at high speeds, so they can also be used as physical weapons. However, all weapons need ammunition, and in this case it's EV's energy. His energy is drained slightly every time he shoots energy, but that slight eventually turns into a lot since the shots are fired rapidly. When he uses a shield, the energy is used, but unless the shield is broken, the energy can be retrieved.
  • Holding items in them. Anything that is the size of a chair or smaller can fit into an orb. There is a finite space inside an orb, so he needs to organize them regularly. An orb that is used to carry something cannot use energy.
  • Using many types of energy. Light energy, electric energy, thermal energy, magnetic energy, and sound energy can all be utilized by an orb.

Pet: An albino cat named Games


Everett is accepted, amazing job

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Karen said:
Name: Barbra Joyce Nhean
Nickname: Bobbie

Age: 15

Race: Element Bender (Fire)


Personality: Bobbie is a hot and a hard head. She has a fiery temper but is very loyal. She is a rebellious girl and is somehow always found in trouble.

Backstory:Bobbie always led a normal life. She had both her parents living with her and her older brother. Bobbie and her brother would always attempt idiotic challenges. So one day they wanted to see who could keep their hand on the stove the longest. After about a minute, her hand was engulfed in flames. This was how they realized she was an element bender.

Skill: A great soccer player, Very witty

Power:Fire manipulation and Pyrokinesis

Pet:Maverick her German Shepard
Barbra is accepted

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Full Name: Alex

Nickname: Golden Boy

Age: 17

Race: Caucasian (Human)

Appearance: Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Faintly Golden Skin


Golden Forms:



Black Form:


Personality: Quiet, mostly keeps to himself.

Backstory: Alex was the poster child for the typical American family. Successful and attentive Parents and a good education, until Alex's talents began to emerge. It started with simple injuries healing at an accelerated rate. This of course came to a climax when a school bus trip resulted in a crash and Alex's talents emerged. His skin went from White to Gold and along with himself and 4 other students completely healed from their injuries.

With other deaths on the bus, some families blamed Alex for not saving their children as his powers had done for others. This changed Alex from a Bright and happy individual to a quiet soul who kept to himself. Overtime tensions rose until the older brothers of one of the crash victims attacked Alex. This caused his powers to lose control and his "Dark" side to come out and caused his attackers blood to boil inside his body.

After this incident Alex was abruptly switched schools and Now in this school Alex just wants to keep his head down and keep to himself but something tells him it will not be that simple.

Skill: Alex was on the track team of his old school so he has a high running speed. He is also very flexible from regular Yoga practice.

Power: Alex is able to heal on a molecular level both to himself and others. He can also hurt and eventually kill because of his powers second effect. This also takes a toll on his body's strength.

Pet: None
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Name: Jasmine Aryan Homato

Nickname: Jas or Freaky Eyes

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: Elemental Avian

Light tan skin, She has heterochromia, one blue and one purple eye, long curly dirty blonde hair, with abnormal natural faint turquoise streaks here and there, 5'3 1/2, also turquoise Hairstreak's change color according to mood.

Personality: Sarcastic, Loyal, Brave, (lil bipolar) Fun, Smart/quick thinker, short temper, curious, can take the lead sometimes, very protective of those she cares about.

Backstory: Jasmine never had a family. All her life, she's never remembered a moment not being at the orphanage. And let's just say, nobody really wanted her, or liked her. They would think of her as a freak when she accidentally unleashed some of her elemental powers and revealed her wings when she was 12. She ran away, always on the run, and even got into the skill of thieving. Until one day, she comes across a certain school.

Skill: Thieving, singing, gaming, writing, running at a very extraordinary speed.

Powers: Working on telekinesis, controls elements such as water, fire, earth, light, air, shadow, etc. Has purple/blue wings with a span of 13ft, runs at 92 mph, flies to 93 mph. Hair streaks change colors according to mood.

Pet: A Sulcata Tortoise named Raph, who she found stranded near the road, figuring that someone left him behind.

Other: When mad, wings unfold automatically, always tries to keep wings hidden by wearing large hoodies. Can summon her elemental weapon, kyoketsu shoge

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