High-school For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Since there are more pages in the IC than there are days in a year, could someone kind of update me on what's happening at the moment?

And is this more a sandbox kind of setting or is there an underlying plot going on?
No underlying plot.... Writer (@AkwardWriter 's) Character had a heart attack and Adelain (My first OC's bro) Is hanging out with her while Silas (my first OC) waits to see what happens on a nearby rooftop.... That is everything of importance... Oh and Jasmine is on a roof being depressed and shit

"My name? why would you need to know that? it's not like you'll be alive long enough to remember it. ...but. if you must have something to call me... let it be- Daten Shi. it means Fallen angel....what? not good enough for you? foolish child. then let it be known, the only name I've ever been called is Princess of the Dead"

City Of Birth:

"whoever said I came from somewhere? is it not true that though we all come from separate places this world is one in the same? I guess you people enjoy calling me a 'drifter' though..."


"As old as time yet as young as the wind that blows from the sea... in other words, Tis' not important."


"Female and I thought that were rather obvious?..."


"I have no time to spend on such trivial things as... 'love'..."

Station(Knight, Royalty, Citizen etc.):

"I clearly stated this before.... Drifter. are you that deaf as to ask me twice?..."

Appearance(Anime not preferable):









"I've been described as many things...cold, harsh, deadly, pianful, dark, hideous, a monster. or occasionally... the most beautiful thing they ever saw, before they died that is."


"I carry with me nothing but my bare hands... oh? this? it's just-... a trinket from somewhere.... or do you really think I could kill someone with a rosario? I guess it is rather pretty though... Deus misereatur... May God have mercy... that's what's etched into it, and the gemstone you see within it... you won't find one like it anywhere else..."


"It once was said that I have a beautiful voice, spoken by a man who died shortly after. his knowledge did lack however the fact of my talent at both Violin, Piano and drawing."


"Pet? such a filthy creature owned by one such as myself? I think not."


"It wouldn't be very fun if I told you, would it?... it shall be revealed, but you are in the best mind to hope it isn't, for when it is... that is the time of your demise."


"For the time being that information shall be kept to me and only me..."


"that- is something I am not willing to discuss at this point in time... nor am I willing to answer any more of these... useless questions..."


"now I believe it's time for you to die. it's been a... 'pleasure' but I'm afraid I'll have to leave you now."

TheHappyPikachu said:


"My name? why would you need to know that? it's not like you'll be alive long enough to remember it. ...but. if you must have something to call me... let it be- Daten Shi. it means Fallen angel....what? not good enough for you? foolish child. then let it be known, the only name I've ever been called is Princess of the Dead"

City Of Birth:

"whoever said I came from somewhere? is it not true that though we all come from separate places this world is one in the same? I guess you people enjoy calling me a 'drifter' though..."


"As old as time yet as young as the wind that blows from the sea... in other words, Tis' not important."


"Female and I thought that were rather obvious?..."


"I have no time to spend on such trivial things as... 'love'..."

Station(Knight, Royalty, Citizen etc.):

"I clearly stated this before.... Drifter. are you that deaf as to ask me twice?..."

Appearance(Anime not preferable):









"I've been described as many things...cold, harsh, deadly, pianful, dark, hideous, a monster. or occasionally... the most beautiful thing they ever saw, before they died that is."


"I carry with me nothing but my bare hands... oh? this? it's just-... a trinket from somewhere.... or do you really think I could kill someone with a rosario? I guess it is rather pretty though... Deus misereatur... May God have mercy... that's what's etched into it, and the gemstone you see within it... you won't find one like it anywhere else..."


"It once was said that I have a beautiful voice, spoken by a man who died shortly after. his knowledge did lack however the fact of my talent at both Violin, Piano and drawing."


"Pet? such a filthy creature owned by one such as myself? I think not."


"It wouldn't be very fun if I told you, would it?... it shall be revealed, but you are in the best mind to hope it isn't, for when it is... that is the time of your demise."


"For the time being that information shall be kept to me and only me..."


"that- is something I am not willing to discuss at this point in time... nor am I willing to answer any more of these... useless questions..."


"now I believe it's time for you to die. it's been a... 'pleasure' but I'm afraid I'll have to leave you now."
Spooky Scary Skeletons.... Spoooky
Stamper said:

Ah, okey c:

Name || Love Candice

"Call me Liv. Anything else and Ill break your nose."


Age || 17

Race || Augmented Human

Gender || Female

Sexual Orientation || Demi-Pansexual

Personality || Liv doesn't play around. There are few times she ever smiles and if you point it out you might get the opposite reaction. Her temper is easily triggered but she doesn't completely lose control. She remains quiet most of the time and hardly speaks to anyone. It's hard to get on her good side since just about everyone starts on her bad side. She's really smart. Liv is also independent. There are thing she'd rather die for before asking for help. While she doesn't have many friends, she claims she doesn't need them either. Liv does have a soft side it's just buried behind a very thick shell.

Backstory || Liv grew up by herself. Her parents were always working and didn't pay much attention to her or her smaller brother. The only one she was ever kind to was her brother and she took care of him when her parents would not. At first, she was picked on for dressing more boyishly and not socializing with others. Then, she just kind of snapped. People who hurt her usually ended up with a black eye or a broken wrist and people started to avoid her altogether. It wasn't until she was about thirteen did she become aware of her powers and she became accustomed to them fairly quickly.

|| Skill ||

- Drawing

- Video Games

|| Power ||


Shit ! I forgot that this roleplay was open and this character was my love child... I mean... She is the greatest character... Heh. Heh. Heh... Join the roleplay peasant !

Nickname: Coco


Race: Half Human Half Devil



Personality: Caring, Stubborn and Shy

Backstory: Celestia was brought up in a Royal manor, her future was to be the queen as she is heir to the throne of Britannia, Celestia (Coco) doesn't like this though, she

just wants to lead a normal life, sadly for her she is half devil as well... hence she can't do so properly, hence instead of attending a normal school she is made to attend a school for the supernatural. Celestia is only half devil though, so all she has is twin horns on her head pointing forward at times, If possible her family want to hide her identity as the 3rd princess to Britannia. ^^

Skill: Can cook really well

Power: Can summon demons at free will (you can put like a thing that stops me from doing so if you want? ^^)

Name: Manuel Rubio

Nickname: Manny, also known as "manual" in the underground

Race: Equal parts Hispanic and Irish

Age: 18


Sexual Orientation: straight

moral orientation: chaotic good. while he is friendly to most people, if his freedom is compromised by anyone, he will not hesitate to fight them.

What Year of highschool your in: senior

What kind of being you are: He is human. just a human. seriously, he's human.

Powers/gifts: While possessing no powers whatsoever, he has a somewhat unnatural ability in acquiring things which becomes so ridiculous to the point where people often think he has powers, which was the reason why he was put in that school in the first place. he is also an adept in all sorts of weaponry, although he prefers hand to hand combat, usually using a mix of drunken kung fu and russian sambo to incapacitate his opponent. he had learned all of his techniques by video, which he somehow has an eidetic memory for, but nothing else. he is also a gifted artist, but can only show off his skills with graffiti. the only magical property about him is his bag of holding, which holds EVERYTHING he stuffs in there, and leaves it in the state it was before placed in.

Likes: graffiti, shopping, hip hop culture, anime(sometimes he might turn into a raging weeb), the smell of spray paint on walls, running away from the law, and food (he has the appetite of a thousand whales)

Dislikes: starving, studying, breathing in paint fumes, perfume, hiding feelings, staying in one place for too long(unless he's tired), controlling people, and enclosed spaces (he's claustrophobic.)

Personality: while he is friendly to most, he is also superbly blunt, not being afraid at all to display his feelings. He also has no concept of subtlety, which makes it a problem of hiding things with him. he is always adamant about freedom, which is why even though he drinks and smokes, he will never ever force it on anyone. he hates people who control others, seeing them as "pigs who need to know their place".

Appearance: schoolboy Manny:


out of school Manny:



Born in the outskirts of Puerto Rico, Manuel had always lived a rough life. He was raised by an abusive alcoholic dad along with his mother, who surprisingly got off on the abuse. after 12 years of constant torment, Manuel had run away from home, leaving Puerto Rico and finding the factory which he had called his home. it was here where he discovered the bag of holding, a bag allowing anyone to carry any item inside of it, leaving it in the state it was in before being inside the bag, along with his ability of finding anything, even the most ridiculous of things. As he grew older, he had grown tougher, and flourished in the underground, where he had made a name for himself as "Manual", the man who can get you anything. after making a living out of pawning items in his shop/home, he had decided to get a better education. unfortunately, when he had signed up for high school (with fake grades. the underground community is known for their near-perfect forging skills), and telling them about his "ability", he was successfully joined into the school. Now he must get through high school with nothing but his knowledge, his social skills, and a bag full of everything.

AkwardWriter said:
Character sheet must have:
Full Name:

Nickname: (optional)






Skill: (human quality you have)

Power: (inhuman quality you posses)

Pet: (optional)
Full Name: Yo Nagumo

Nickname: Nagu


Race: Dragon


-Human Form-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50dc0715_YoNagumo.jpg.b8b7b03f52dc5873e9372982dabee0bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79837" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50dc0715_YoNagumo.jpg.b8b7b03f52dc5873e9372982dabee0bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Natural Form-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50dc3b81_YoNagumoMorph.jpg.2171921ef3bc2a53f7d551ac9ccaa3aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79838" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50dc3b81_YoNagumoMorph.jpg.2171921ef3bc2a53f7d551ac9ccaa3aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Yo is a quick tempered dragon with little patience. He is kind and helps others but is reluctant to accept help himself.

Backstory: Yo is a dragon with the ability to morph into a human shape, allowing him more mobility in smaller areas. Being a hybrid dragon in a sense he has many capabilities to help him survive. He never had a family after he hatched, he was alone and this made him easily angered. He has traveled around looking for somewhere to go until he found this place and has decided to stay for a while. He chooses the form of a small child even though he is 18 for reasons he refuses to tell.

Skill: Quick Learning, Adaptive, Highly Dexterous

Power: Fire Breath, Extreme Strength (Due to being a dragon), Scaled Armor, Flight (In Natural Form), Human Morph



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    Yo Nagumo.jpg
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    Yo Nagumo Morph.jpg
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Full Name:Alph Kingsheart Short

Nickname: (optional) Al

Age:(14-20) 18

Race:Human with powers (If that's all right)


Personality:Kind, Sweet, Caring, Has a dark side, He likes more than not to keep to himself

Backstory:He came from a dead family as they had all been assassinated for the power they possess. Al doesn't ever talk about this however

Skill: (human quality you have) Well duh. He has a body that of a Human

Power: (inhuman quality you posses) Can manipulate Fire

Pet: (optional) N/A

Please do say if there is something wrong with this

Fullname: Virtute Dragon

Nickname: King

Age: 17

Race: human

Appearance: wears a black coat, has a beard that is like Bard Pitt, Black hair

Personality: looks down on everyone, views them all with contempt,

Backstory: Unknown, but is believed to be from England

Skill: Sharp mind, quick reflex

Power: can use his will to attack people, protect himself, and enslave others

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