High-school For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Well ill rp abit

watching a new anime called elfen lied some random guy in an ape mask told me it was a good show
Full Name: Amy Frost

Nickname: Frost

Age: 17

Race: Werewolf

Appearance: Human - She has dirty blonde hair that is semi-straight and reaches a little past her shoulders. She is about 5'5" and has an average weight. Half her eyes are a bit of a dark blue while the other half is an ice blue color. She normally wears black t-shirts, some with pictures of wolves, dragons and horses or shirts with usually rude sayings on the front. She wears dark blue jeans along with a comfortable pair of black goth boots.

Werewolf -

Personality: Amy has a mouth on her and a very rude attitude towards anyone that she finds annoying, which is almost everyone. She will yell and shout when she's upset or when she is telling the truth. Her temper does blind her to everything and erveryone around her along with her short attention span. Most of the time she barely takes anything seriously but will force herself to focus if a child's life is on the line. She is not afraid to fight and is extremely violent when it comes to fighting others. Amy is also a bit anti-social and never talks to others unless she is spoken to. She loves adventuring into dangerous areas, damaging or destroying anything that belongs to other people and practicing on her fighting skills.

Backstory: Not much is known about Amy since she keeps her childhood a secret from everyone. Her parents sent her to the highschool, with some persistence and force from them since Amy had refused to go. Unfortunately she had no choice in the matter and was sent to the highschool.

Skill: Hand-to-hand combat, very good with weapons and explosives.

Power: Control over blue fire.

Pet: Raven named Edgar
"Oh my God! you killed Nick! You Bastards!"

Full Name: Nickolas (Nick) Stanley

Nickname: (optional) Deadman


Race: Human/Regenerator



Personality: Easy going. Hard to take things seriously when what doesn't kill you only makes you laugh. And the things that don't kill you are on a very very long list.

Backstory: Nick has always been lucky yet unlucky at the same time. He is always at the right place at the right time for the wrong reasons. Usually those reasons get him into some pretty big trouble and either riddled with holes or in the bottom of a lake. However if there's one thing he's bad at, it's keeping spoilers related to Marvel and DC to himself. If there's another thing he's bad at, it's staying dead. His regenerative abilities make it quite difficult to truly die, surviving impossible wounds to vital organs only to regrow them quickly, he's

Skill: (human quality you have)

+Good writer

+Good study skills

+Good illustrator.


-a bit senile.

-A true joker.

Power: (inhuman quality you posses)

Regeneration. Nick can regenerate any part of his body, internal or external. He does so subconsciously without thinking about it, allowing him to do so even in states he cannot think straight. He can do so instantaneously making him effectively immortal.

Luck: For some reason, being in the right places at the right times and doing the right things just comes naturally to Nick Stanley. Even the right things oddly happening to him.
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Airagog said:
"Oh my God! you killed Nick! You Bastards!"
Full Name: Nickolas (Nick) Stanley

Nickname: (optional) Deadman


Race: Human/Regenerator



Personality: Easy going. Hard to take things seriously when what doesn't kill you only makes you laugh. And the things that don't kill you are on a very very long list.

Backstory: Nick has always been lucky yet unlucky at the same time. He is always at the right place at the right time for the wrong reasons. Usually those reasons get him into some pretty big trouble and either riddled with holes or in the bottom of a lake. However if there's one thing he's bad at, it's keeping spoilers related to Marvel and DC to himself. If there's another thing he's bad at, it's staying dead. His regenerative abilities make it quite difficult to truly die, surviving impossible wounds to vital organs only to regrow them quickly, he's

Skill: (human quality you have)

+Good writer

+Good study skills

+Good illustrator.


-a bit senile.

-A true joker.

Power: (inhuman quality you posses)

Regeneration. Nick can regenerate any part of his body, internal or external. He does so subconsciously without thinking about it, allowing him to do so even in states he cannot think straight. He can do so instantaneously making him effectively immortal.

Luck: For some reason, being in the right places at the right times and doing the right things just comes naturally to Nick Stanley. Even the right things oddly happening to him.
Nick is accepted

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Bael Julius Lake

The Lighthouse Poltergeist

"I am fear in the dark."



Name: Bael Julius Lake

Age: Physically 17 | DOB: January 17, 1898 - Date of Death: Between May and June, 1915

Race: Human/Poltergeist

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heteroromantic Asexual

Occupation: Died as Assistant Keeper at a lighthouse

  • Appearance

    Height: 6'1''

    Weight: 165 lb

    Hair: Messy, short black hair. Very unkept, but not unclean.

    Eyes: Bright Green

    Body: Thin

    Attire: Vest, dress shirt, dress pants, tie, and a pocket watch on a necklace.

Sleipnir said:
Bael Julius Lake
The Lighthouse Poltergeist

"I am fear in the dark."



Name: Bael Julius Lake

Age: Physically 17 | DOB: January 17, 1898 - Date of Death: Between May and June, 1915

Race: Human/Poltergeist

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heteroromantic Asexual

Occupation: Died as Assistant Keeper at a lighthouse

  • Appearance

    Height: 6'1''

    Weight: 165 lb

    Hair: Messy, short black hair. Very unkept, but not unclean.

    Eyes: Bright Green

    Body: Thin

    Attire: Vest, dress shirt, dress pants, tie, and a pocket watch on a necklace.

Bawl is accepted

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•

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