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Fantasy Hideout (Closed for Now)

Character Name:

Crista Jude (Landure), most address her as Lady Jude.






Half-human, half-elf

Occupation/Class: Nobility, and she's a dark sorceress, shhh.

Picture or Description of Appearance:

Crista had taken after her mother in appearance, sharing the same shade of dark brown hair and tanned skin. Her eyes are a hazel-green, and her face is sharp and thin, just like the rest of her. She's has a long, beak-like nose, and her eyes seem to see everything. Her ears are round like a humans, much to the relief of her family from her fathers side, though she carries herself in a way that appears elvish; with light steps and long strides. With her dresses and skirts on appears thin and harmless, but underneath the corsets and tight sleeves she is fit and strong. Her expressions only seem to be bored, uninterested, or cruelly amused.


Crista's mother was from a traveling merchant family, and she had hated that life. Her mother craved luxury and wealth that she had seen the nobles from the cities posses, and had targeted one of the wealthiest families to worm into. After seducing the first born son of the Jude family, she had set up accidents for the infant children in the family and quickly became pregnant. Crista was born, and in a twist her mother died during childbirth, but Crista was still recognized as the family heir thanks to her more human like appearance, and things settled down for a while. The family seemed to have been enchanted by Crista, and no one had done her harm.

She grew up experiencing the luxury and wealth her mother dreamed off, never knowing what not having something meant, as she was given pretty much everything. When Crista was 19 she was married to a noble man from another family, but he had taken her name, but hadn't taken her love. When she was 27 she met a woman who opened a door for her, it lead to a world of magic and power, and Crista was captivated. Her gifts of illusions and mind trickery were revealed to her then. It took her 9 years of sacrifices and mental exhaustion but she gained a degree of control of her magic, and another 10 before she could claim skill in them. She has mellowed out, or rather learned how to hide her emotions and thoughts from others, and enjoys manipulating others mostly without the use of her magic. The woman who helped her on this path also gave her a goal: Slaughter those on the throne. It hasn't been revealed to her yet why she must do this, but she has her guesses.

Personality: (To be honest I suck at maintaining personalities for my characters; she could end up a very different person in the roleplay.)

A cruel woman, intelligent and cunning, though she tends to over exaggerates her intelligence. A liar too, spreading "harmless" stories and watching relationships crumble and businesses turn to shambles is a favourite hobby of hers. She does not care for those she thinks are not worth her time, but puts on a mask of being a compassionate woman who helps out the needy. This act is repulsive to her, but she goes a long with it, because if something goes wrong nobody will be looking at her..

Fighting Ability/Magic: A natural charm that makes the weak-willed adore her, and the strong ignore her - mostly. It is not her strength, however. Illusions is where she is good at, though she still struggles with making her illusions solid, but it's quite handy when she wants to conceal her presence or to direct someone's attention elsewhere. The woman helped her learn a spell that allows her to view memories when she has someone's blood inside of her - she knows so much about her mother because of this spell, but otherwise isn't very fond of it, mostly because she has to drink or inject the blood into her to be able to see. She carries around a cane under the pretense of having a bum knee, though really it's to help with her illusions - but she had Gordon wreck her knee for the sake of her lie, not wanting to be caught in it.

(Other Characters, probably/most likely background)

Gordon Jude (Weldis), Crista's husband. Seems to be meek and submissive, but that's just to hide his sadistic and snide self. He loves Crista, and will do pretty much whatever she says, but he knows she doesn't feel the same, her interest in him was brief but he is still helpful to her and her goals. Owns several businesses, which are largely successful, and likes flowers.They've had two children together, twins, both conceived when Crista was in the midst of her dark rituals and thus have been tainted with ~~eeeeevil~~.

Clarissa The Hag, the woman that approached Crista and helped her figure out her magic. She's not a nice person, but pretends to be sweet on Crista for the sake of her own goals, but finds the girl tedious and rather stupid. Clarissa is a very mysterious old woman, it is unknown if Clarissa is even her real name. She seems to have the ability to teleport and turn invisible, and that's about it.

Reyna and Clyde Jude, 12 year old tricksters. They play cruel pranks and often get away with them, they explore a lot and share an insatiable curiosity. Both have a penchant for being creepy and saying random horrifying things, always in unison for added creepy factor. They love the games they play and view people as toys, but they do listen to Clarissa for some reason. They like her. Clyde has shown signs of magic, as he once thrown their maid off the balcony while standing on the opposite side of the room - Crista made sure to hush this scandal up, and Reyna is so very jealous.

(I HOPE I'M NOT STEPPING ON ANYONE'S TOES WITH THIS? ( :o ) I'm roleplaying after a looooonnng hiatus so I'm rusty and a little (*cough* a lot) anxious. If her powers are OP or I'm messing with plot/lore then please tell me,,)
NeverBetter said:
"My name is Sandrew Kan. No, it's been a long time since I was a "Kan". My name is Sandrew _______, and I follow the code of my name: I don't care how strong you are! I'll stop you now. Now and forever."
Name: Sandrew Kan

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Orphan

Picture or Description of Appearance:


Sandrew was born a long time ago, the year didn't matter, it was the date. August 17th. He was always a child of the falling leaves, calm as so we're the world as it began to slow down for winter. The proud parents had been trying for so long to have child, and when he was born, his mild crys were quite a joy. Even as he was just growing up, his presence was so small: it was like he was almost not there, but his parents knew. And they loved him. No matter what he never seemed upset, never really crying, always complacent. Their loves were perfect, until one day, Sandrew's father was drafted for the army and sent out to fight and die in a pointless war. The men of the army said that his last words were that no matter what, the leaders that dared make him enlist should take care of his family. Of course, however, this never happened. His mother worked her ass off to try and keep food on the table for the poor, at this point, even year old. Even when there were weeks with no crumbs to take in, he smiled and beard it. Nothing seemed to phase him, especially after his father's death, where he cried the hardest he had in his life. It was like he just couldn't be sad.

All the smiles he gave his mom were worth nothing, in reality, however. She worked hard for him, and loved him, and every smile kept her going, but she eventually worked herself to near death, illness and labor taking its tole on her. She died when Sandrew was fourteen. To the mark. Her last words were of how she doesn't want him to ever stop being the smiling boy she worked so hard for. That she loved him, that he was the best gift she ever recieved, even if it was on somebody else's birthday. His mom died at the stroke of seven on August 17th, to the minute, of when Sandrew was born.

So, what was the boy to do? He was orphaned. He never learned how to do anything because his mother did everything she could to make his life as cushy as possible. He didn't know. For a while, he just drifted, being unable to afford his home, he abandoned it. For a while he used his innate tallent for lack of presence to spy on others for coin here and there, and eventually, he mastered the ability somewhat. He could vanish from the world almost at a whim, but he couldn't just choose when he was vanished entirely. Sometimes he just ceased. Time flowed on without him on days where he just refused to exist, to just sit quietly and watch the world around him go on. Time held no real meaning anymore, he hardly aged because he almost never stayed out in the world for long enough for him to age much. In a sense, it was almost like fastforwarding a movie, but in the background, a reoccurring extra just popped up and disappeared as he so pleased, nothing ever changed for him. It gave him the ability to survive until one day, when visiting his mother's grave, he met an Orphan that lived in one of the big castles visiting his own mother's grave. The orphan, moved by Sandrew's story, offered Sandrew a place at the palace. He didn't refuse.
Personality: A rather determined and emotional young man with a kind heart. He hates fighting, but by no means is afrail of fighting. He is rather innocent, and has a very calming aura: people can't help but love him. He isn't the most chipper at times, but the way he handles the world around him is like that of a child in some ways, but a mature young man in others. He enjoys building models, and is one of few who appreciates Jun's outlook on life and personality. In a similar vein to Derik, he is very honest and forward, and generally never hides anything.

Fighting Ability/Magic:

Sandrew by no means is any sort of fighter himself, whilst he can use a longsword, he is far more skilled at supportive magic usage to help the stronger fighters. He is incredibly good at element-based magic. Fire, water, earth, and air magics, but only their more supportive roles, such as using Earth magic to create terrain and use it to move around or shield people, or using water to heal people, create obstacles, so on, which helps compensate for his lack of skill with weapons. He has another very odd innate tallent: given the opportunity, he seems to just vanish at times. Not like he turns invisible or teleportation or anything, it's like he just ceases to exist to others around him. Though the power doesn't bother him, others have found this ability startling, including combatants, although he cannot combat enemies whilst they don't know of his presence, they can't harm him either as they, well, can't find him. In fact, he cannot actually affect the normal world when like this, aside from shifting a few objects around, picking things up for short periods of time and so on, which is why he can't steal. Generally, this I why he does most of the research and stalking about in the town. Folks have a bounty on a "boy with brown hair" that the total description very's between person to person, as he is known for being a "squeeler" He mostly uses it for reconnaissance or escape when in battle, should he have to.

Going more deeply into the abilities, Sandrew has a basic magic attack and some supportive elemental magics.

Fire: Can light weapons aflame for extra damage and can destroy burn able objects with a small fireball, can create up drafts of air in tandem with some air magic that let the user soar into the air, but getting down can be a problem. Can create a small ring of fire that does little damage, but can knock enemies away.

Water can be channeled like a short-range throwing knife for its basic attack, allows the user to manipulate water sources so long as they're not very large or powerful (he couldn't manipulate a fast-moving river, but a small body of still water he could) and heal wounds by effectivly cleaning them and speeding up the natural process.

Earth creates small pillars of rock for both attacks and for support as they let the user launch off of them at high speeds for a quick boost, or create defensive walls that are tougher to cut through. The pillars and walls can act as platforms to stand and walk on or other such purposes, and shortly after use, recede into the ground. If damaged enough, the ground falls apart like sand.

Air can create a small blast of wind thst is good for knocking opponents away or combating winged units. Can create winds that can slow or speed up the enemy (or user) to throw off opponents, or give Sandrew a decisive advantage.

These all make up for his lack of sword skill. Whilst he can preform flashy looking attacks, aside from that, he isn't conventionally trained at all, and normally avoids combat as he is far from a fighter, preferring to aid ally's over doing the damage himself.

His Vanishing ability requires for him to be out of the view of someone specifically looking at him for approximately three seconds, which may sound a tad fast, but three seconds can be pretty hard to get on the field of battle.

After he manages it, he becomes completely invisible, in a sense. He's like a very weak poltergeist. He can mess with objects and move them somewhat, but for the most part he can't affect the world. At that, none of his skills work whilst under cloak, and it can take fifteen minutes minimum in normal world time before he can uncloak, thus meaning that if he does this, he is essentially out of combat and has to leave. Generally he will only do this in combat if he absolutely must get away, life and death, and it requires some focus to do.

Whilst cloaked, time on his physical body slows incredibly, his body is only sixteen years old, but he is technically centuries old, if you go by his "actual" age, but he is unaware of this, as time itself has sort of lost all meaning to him. The world around him speeds up when like that, for him, it's only been maybe half a year since his mother died in terms of trying to quantify it, and he is unaware that he has aged two years. The only thing he is aware of is the fact that his body requires little to sustain itself when like that as well, which is why he stays like that most of the time, as it helps keep everyone more effectivly fed.

It is not, however, without caveats. When like that, of course, time speeds up. Anything he sees happen around him, he can do nothing about, without dropping the cloak then and there, but it takes a bit of time. Dropping it in order to take an action requires one to leave it in anticipation of needing to, as a result, he can't do anything to stop a sudden issue.

It also costs a lot of energy to start up. Although maintaining it can be kept up even in one's sleep, their stamina takes a major hit when using it to leave or come back to the world. It cannot be used in quick succession, half an hour of cool downtime is needed before it can be used again. Objects cannot be affected by you aside from minor actions. One can still effectivly use their body as a shield, but other actions like fighting back, blocking with a weapon, so on, are not possible in the form.

In essance, it's a tool to avoid combat or other issues as best he can, but in reality, is not really that useful for much in terms of combat, and is, as is most of his other abilities, built around being able to support others.

Jun: Knows of Jun, and respects him very much, but they don't talk often at this moment, as Sandrew generally keeps to himself.

Ali: Cares deeply for the girl, like a little brother would, often refusing food as when be is hidden, he doesn't seem to require food for very long periods of time, and when she demands he take it, often vanishes. Numerous times she tried to make him take food, even doing so much as to leave some in his room for him to take, but it went rotten because he refused to take it. Often serves as a scout for her marks, whomever they be, learning their patterns for her use.

Uzo: often tries to avoid Uzo, mainly as they are rather intimidating, and he sucks at remembering that they are a "they", and wants to avoid offending Uzo. They often work together to treat the more serious or when there are more Orphans with wounds, and respects Uzo's healing abilities and has no malice for them.

Aleister: Sandrew dislikes Aleister, as his more mean-spiritedness and sharp tounge are very much something he sees as a very, very bad trait that could get him seriously hurt. However, despite his discontent, he treats Aleister just as well as the rest of the Orphans and likes that he is at least honest with people, at least most of the time. He dislikes Aleister's distaste of the Royal Guard, as, though he knows the story, he was able to forgive the Royal Guard, as not all of them, of course, would act in a way similar to the ones who killed the other Orphan.

Lucian: He is unsure what to think of Lucian. At times he seems to act like a younger Aleister, at others, he acts kindly and cheerful. He wants to be much more close with that much kinder side, but fears him in a similar vein to Aleister.

Mes: thuroly hates. Whereas Aleister or Lucian may be unfavorable to him, Mes outright is the exact opposite of what Sandrew strives to be in demeanor. Whereas he is kind, soothing, and gentle, she is rough, crass, and rude. Though Sandrew avoids fighting and her at most every turn he can, whenever they speak, they seem to come to blows. As a result, if she is in a room, he is not. If she wants food, he isn't going to be cooking that evening nor dining with everyone should he need to, so on. She brings out the worst in him, and at one point, he completely boycotted healing her as he grew more and more sick of her personality.

Vera: As he has no real need of weapons, they don't interact much. Still, he appreciates what she does for them.
...Yeah uh sorry, got a little carried away.
For Vera's relationship, I just wanted to make clear that she's more I'd a motherly figure but the added weapons are a nice bonus. Though he's older and might hold himself as independent.
StoneWolf18 said:
For Vera's relationship, I just wanted to make clear that she's more I'd a motherly figure but the added weapons are a nice bonus. Though he's older and might hold himself as independent.
Sandrew, as nice and kind as he is, still feels ghe sense of severe loss and greif of his mother's passing and isn't ready to accept someone else as a motherly figure yet. Remeber, for him, its only heen half a year, and he is still mentally 14, in a sense.
NeverBetter said:
"My name is Sandrew Kan. No, it's been a long time since I was a "Kan". My name is Sandrew _______, and I follow the code of my name: I don't care how strong you are! I'll stop you now. Now and forever."
Name: Sandrew Kan

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Orphan

Picture or Description of Appearance:


Sandrew was born a long time ago, the year didn't matter, it was the date. August 17th. He was always a child of the falling leaves, calm as so we're the world as it began to slow down for winter. The proud parents had been trying for so long to have child, and when he was born, his mild crys were quite a joy. Even as he was just growing up, his presence was so small: it was like he was almost not there, but his parents knew. And they loved him. No matter what he never seemed upset, never really crying, always complacent. Their loves were perfect, until one day, Sandrew's father was drafted for the army and sent out to fight and die in a pointless war. The men of the army said that his last words were that no matter what, the leaders that dared make him enlist should take care of his family. Of course, however, this never happened. His mother worked her ass off to try and keep food on the table for the poor, at this point, even year old. Even when there were weeks with no crumbs to take in, he smiled and beard it. Nothing seemed to phase him, especially after his father's death, where he cried the hardest he had in his life. It was like he just couldn't be sad.

All the smiles he gave his mom were worth nothing, in reality, however. She worked hard for him, and loved him, and every smile kept her going, but she eventually worked herself to near death, illness and labor taking its tole on her. She died when Sandrew was fourteen. To the mark. Her last words were of how she doesn't want him to ever stop being the smiling boy she worked so hard for. That she loved him, that he was the best gift she ever recieved, even if it was on somebody else's birthday. His mom died at the stroke of seven on August 17th, to the minute, of when Sandrew was born.

So, what was the boy to do? He was orphaned. He never learned how to do anything because his mother did everything she could to make his life as cushy as possible. He didn't know. For a while, he just drifted, being unable to afford his home, he abandoned it. For a while he used his innate tallent for lack of presence to spy on others for coin here and there, and eventually, he mastered the ability somewhat. He could vanish from the world almost at a whim, but he couldn't just choose when he was vanished entirely. Sometimes he just ceased. Time flowed on without him on days where he just refused to exist, to just sit quietly and watch the world around him go on. Time held no real meaning anymore, he hardly aged because he almost never stayed out in the world for long enough for him to age much. In a sense, it was almost like fastforwarding a movie, but in the background, a reoccurring extra just popped up and disappeared as he so pleased, nothing ever changed for him. It gave him the ability to survive until one day, when visiting his mother's grave, he met an Orphan that lived in one of the big castles visiting his own mother's grave. The orphan, moved by Sandrew's story, offered Sandrew a place at the palace. He didn't refuse.
Personality: A rather determined and emotional young man with a kind heart. He hates fighting, but by no means is afrail of fighting. He is rather innocent, and has a very calming aura: people can't help but love him. He isn't the most chipper at times, but the way he handles the world around him is like that of a child in some ways, but a mature young man in others. He enjoys building models, and is one of few who appreciates Jun's outlook on life and personality. In a similar vein to Derik, he is very honest and forward, and generally never hides anything.

Fighting Ability/Magic:

Sandrew by no means is any sort of fighter himself, whilst he can use a longsword, he is far more skilled at supportive magic usage to help the stronger fighters. He is incredibly good at element-based magic. Fire, water, earth, and air magics, but only their more supportive roles, such as using Earth magic to create terrain and use it to move around or shield people, or using water to heal people, create obstacles, so on, which helps compensate for his lack of skill with weapons. He has another very odd innate tallent: given the opportunity, he seems to just vanish at times. Not like he turns invisible or teleportation or anything, it's like he just ceases to exist to others around him. Though the power doesn't bother him, others have found this ability startling, including combatants, although he cannot combat enemies whilst they don't know of his presence, they can't harm him either as they, well, can't find him. In fact, he cannot actually affect the normal world when like this, aside from shifting a few objects around, picking things up for short periods of time and so on, which is why he can't steal. Generally, this I why he does most of the research and stalking about in the town. Folks have a bounty on a "boy with brown hair" that the total description very's between person to person, as he is known for being a "squeeler" He mostly uses it for reconnaissance or escape when in battle, should he have to.

Going more deeply into the abilities, Sandrew has a basic magic attack and some supportive elemental magics.

Fire: Can light weapons aflame for extra damage and can destroy burn able objects with a small fireball, can create up drafts of air in tandem with some air magic that let the user soar into the air, but getting down can be a problem. Can create a small ring of fire that does little damage, but can knock enemies away.

Water can be channeled like a short-range throwing knife for its basic attack, allows the user to manipulate water sources so long as they're not very large or powerful (he couldn't manipulate a fast-moving river, but a small body of still water he could) and heal wounds by effectivly cleaning them and speeding up the natural process.

Earth creates small pillars of rock for both attacks and for support as they let the user launch off of them at high speeds for a quick boost, or create defensive walls that are tougher to cut through. The pillars and walls can act as platforms to stand and walk on or other such purposes, and shortly after use, recede into the ground. If damaged enough, the ground falls apart like sand.

Air can create a small blast of wind thst is good for knocking opponents away or combating winged units. Can create winds that can slow or speed up the enemy (or user) to throw off opponents, or give Sandrew a decisive advantage.

These all make up for his lack of sword skill. Whilst he can preform flashy looking attacks, aside from that, he isn't conventionally trained at all, and normally avoids combat as he is far from a fighter, preferring to aid ally's over doing the damage himself.

His Vanishing ability requires for him to be out of the view of someone specifically looking at him for approximately three seconds, which may sound a tad fast, but three seconds can be pretty hard to get on the field of battle.

After he manages it, he becomes completely invisible, in a sense. He's like a very weak poltergeist. He can mess with objects and move them somewhat, but for the most part he can't affect the world. At that, none of his skills work whilst under cloak, and it can take fifteen minutes minimum in normal world time before he can uncloak, thus meaning that if he does this, he is essentially out of combat and has to leave. Generally he will only do this in combat if he absolutely must get away, life and death, and it requires some focus to do.

Whilst cloaked, time on his physical body slows incredibly, his body is only sixteen years old, but he is technically centuries old, if you go by his "actual" age, but he is unaware of this, as time itself has sort of lost all meaning to him. The world around him speeds up when like that, for him, it's only been maybe half a year since his mother died in terms of trying to quantify it, and he is unaware that he has aged two years. The only thing he is aware of is the fact that his body requires little to sustain itself when like that as well, which is why he stays like that most of the time, as it helps keep everyone more effectivly fed.

It is not, however, without caveats. When like that, of course, time speeds up. Anything he sees happen around him, he can do nothing about, without dropping the cloak then and there, but it takes a bit of time. Dropping it in order to take an action requires one to leave it in anticipation of needing to, as a result, he can't do anything to stop a sudden issue.

It also costs a lot of energy to start up. Although maintaining it can be kept up even in one's sleep, their stamina takes a major hit when using it to leave or come back to the world. It cannot be used in quick succession, half an hour of cool downtime is needed before it can be used again. Objects cannot be affected by you aside from minor actions. One can still effectivly use their body as a shield, but other actions like fighting back, blocking with a weapon, so on, are not possible in the form.

In essance, it's a tool to avoid combat or other issues as best he can, but in reality, is not really that useful for much in terms of combat, and is, as is most of his other abilities, built around being able to support others.

He is also probably the best chef in the land, ironically enough. His mother taught from a young age how to cook, and he was a natural.

Jun: Knows of Jun, and respects him very much, but they don't talk often at this moment, as Sandrew generally keeps to himself.

Ali: Cares deeply for the girl, like a little brother would, often refusing food as when be is hidden, he doesn't seem to require food for very long periods of time, and when she demands he take it, often vanishes. Numerous times she tried to make him take food, even doing so much as to leave some in his room for him to take, but it went rotten because he refused to take it. Often serves as a scout for her marks, whomever they be, learning their patterns for her use.

Uzo: often tries to avoid Uzo, mainly as they are rather intimidating, and he sucks at remembering that they are a "they", and wants to avoid offending Uzo. They often work together to treat the more serious or when there are more Orphans with wounds, and respects Uzo's healing abilities and has no malice for them.

Aleister: Sandrew dislikes Aleister, as his more mean-spiritedness and sharp tounge are very much something he sees as a very, very bad trait that could get him seriously hurt. However, despite his discontent, he treats Aleister just as well as the rest of the Orphans and likes that he is at least honest with people, at least most of the time. He dislikes Aleister's distaste of the Royal Guard, as, though he knows the story, he was able to forgive the Royal Guard, as not all of them, of course, would act in a way similar to the ones who killed the other Orphan.

Lucian: He is unsure what to think of Lucian. At times he seems to act like a younger Aleister, at others, he acts kindly and cheerful. He wants to be much more close with that much kinder side, but fears him in a similar vein to Aleister.

Mes: thuroly hates. Whereas Aleister or Lucian may be unfavorable to him, Mes outright is the exact opposite of what Sandrew strives to be in demeanor. Whereas he is kind, soothing, and gentle, she is rough, crass, and rude. Though Sandrew avoids fighting and her at most every turn he can, whenever they speak, they seem to come to blows. As a result, if she is in a room, he is not. If she wants food, he isn't going to be cooking that evening nor dining with everyone should he need to, so on. She brings out the worst in him, and at one point, he completely boycotted healing her as he grew more and more sick of her personality.

Vera: As he has no real need of weapons, they don't interact much. Still, he appreciates what she does for them.
...Yeah uh sorry, got a little carried away.
I like how you did the relationships with each character. Nice touch fam.
Khaz said:
I like how you did the relationships with each character. Nice touch fam.
Gratzi. Considering the idea behind the Orphans is that they're all familiar with one-another, relationships tab seemed to be one of importance, at least from my pov.
NeverBetter said:
"My name is Sandrew Kan. No, it's been a long time since I was a "Kan". My name is Sandrew _______, and I follow the code of my name: I don't care how strong you are! I'll stop you now. Now and forever."
Name: Sandrew Kan

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Orphan

Picture or Description of Appearance:


Sandrew was born a long time ago, the year didn't matter, it was the date. August 17th. He was always a child of the falling leaves, calm as so we're the world as it began to slow down for winter. The proud parents had been trying for so long to have child, and when he was born, his mild crys were quite a joy. Even as he was just growing up, his presence was so small: it was like he was almost not there, but his parents knew. And they loved him. No matter what he never seemed upset, never really crying, always complacent. Their loves were perfect, until one day, Sandrew's father was drafted for the army and sent out to fight and die in a pointless war. The men of the army said that his last words were that no matter what, the leaders that dared make him enlist should take care of his family. Of course, however, this never happened. His mother worked her ass off to try and keep food on the table for the poor, at this point, even year old. Even when there were weeks with no crumbs to take in, he smiled and beard it. Nothing seemed to phase him, especially after his father's death, where he cried the hardest he had in his life. It was like he just couldn't be sad.

All the smiles he gave his mom were worth nothing, in reality, however. She worked hard for him, and loved him, and every smile kept her going, but she eventually worked herself to near death, illness and labor taking its tole on her. She died when Sandrew was fourteen. To the mark. Her last words were of how she doesn't want him to ever stop being the smiling boy she worked so hard for. That she loved him, that he was the best gift she ever recieved, even if it was on somebody else's birthday. His mom died at the stroke of seven on August 17th, to the minute, of when Sandrew was born.

So, what was the boy to do? He was orphaned. He never learned how to do anything because his mother did everything she could to make his life as cushy as possible. He didn't know. For a while, he just drifted, being unable to afford his home, he abandoned it. For a while he used his innate tallent for lack of presence to spy on others for coin here and there, and eventually, he mastered the ability somewhat. He could vanish from the world almost at a whim, but he couldn't just choose when he was vanished entirely. Sometimes he just ceased. Time flowed on without him on days where he just refused to exist, to just sit quietly and watch the world around him go on. Time held no real meaning anymore, he hardly aged because he almost never stayed out in the world for long enough for him to age much. In a sense, it was almost like fastforwarding a movie, but in the background, a reoccurring extra just popped up and disappeared as he so pleased, nothing ever changed for him. It gave him the ability to survive until one day, when visiting his mother's grave, he met an Orphan that lived in one of the big castles visiting his own mother's grave. The orphan, moved by Sandrew's story, offered Sandrew a place at the palace. He didn't refuse.
Personality: A rather determined and emotional young man with a kind heart. He hates fighting, but by no means is afrail of fighting. He is rather innocent, and has a very calming aura: people can't help but love him. He isn't the most chipper at times, but the way he handles the world around him is like that of a child in some ways, but a mature young man in others. He enjoys building models, and is one of few who appreciates Jun's outlook on life and personality. In a similar vein to Derik, he is very honest and forward, and generally never hides anything.

Fighting Ability/Magic:

Sandrew by no means is any sort of fighter himself, whilst he can use a longsword, he is far more skilled at supportive magic usage to help the stronger fighters. He is incredibly good at element-based magic. Fire, water, earth, and air magics, but only their more supportive roles, such as using Earth magic to create terrain and use it to move around or shield people, or using water to heal people, create obstacles, so on, which helps compensate for his lack of skill with weapons. He has another very odd innate tallent: given the opportunity, he seems to just vanish at times. Not like he turns invisible or teleportation or anything, it's like he just ceases to exist to others around him. Though the power doesn't bother him, others have found this ability startling, including combatants, although he cannot combat enemies whilst they don't know of his presence, they can't harm him either as they, well, can't find him. In fact, he cannot actually affect the normal world when like this, aside from shifting a few objects around, picking things up for short periods of time and so on, which is why he can't steal. Generally, this I why he does most of the research and stalking about in the town. Folks have a bounty on a "boy with brown hair" that the total description very's between person to person, as he is known for being a "squeeler" He mostly uses it for reconnaissance or escape when in battle, should he have to.

Going more deeply into the abilities, Sandrew has a basic magic attack and some supportive elemental magics.

Fire: Can light weapons aflame for extra damage and can destroy burn able objects with a small fireball, can create up drafts of air in tandem with some air magic that let the user soar into the air, but getting down can be a problem. Can create a small ring of fire that does little damage, but can knock enemies away.

Water can be channeled like a short-range throwing knife for its basic attack, allows the user to manipulate water sources so long as they're not very large or powerful (he couldn't manipulate a fast-moving river, but a small body of still water he could) and heal wounds by effectivly cleaning them and speeding up the natural process.

Earth creates small pillars of rock for both attacks and for support as they let the user launch off of them at high speeds for a quick boost, or create defensive walls that are tougher to cut through. The pillars and walls can act as platforms to stand and walk on or other such purposes, and shortly after use, recede into the ground. If damaged enough, the ground falls apart like sand.

Air can create a small blast of wind thst is good for knocking opponents away or combating winged units. Can create winds that can slow or speed up the enemy (or user) to throw off opponents, or give Sandrew a decisive advantage.

These all make up for his lack of sword skill. Whilst he can preform flashy looking attacks, aside from that, he isn't conventionally trained at all, and normally avoids combat as he is far from a fighter, preferring to aid ally's over doing the damage himself.

His Vanishing ability requires for him to be out of the view of someone specifically looking at him for approximately three seconds, which may sound a tad fast, but three seconds can be pretty hard to get on the field of battle.

After he manages it, he becomes completely invisible, in a sense. He's like a very weak poltergeist. He can mess with objects and move them somewhat, but for the most part he can't affect the world. At that, none of his skills work whilst under cloak, and it can take fifteen minutes minimum in normal world time before he can uncloak, thus meaning that if he does this, he is essentially out of combat and has to leave. Generally he will only do this in combat if he absolutely must get away, life and death, and it requires some focus to do.

Whilst cloaked, time on his physical body slows incredibly, his body is only sixteen years old, but he is technically centuries old, if you go by his "actual" age, but he is unaware of this, as time itself has sort of lost all meaning to him. The world around him speeds up when like that, for him, it's only been maybe half a year since his mother died in terms of trying to quantify it, and he is unaware that he has aged two years. The only thing he is aware of is the fact that his body requires little to sustain itself when like that as well, which is why he stays like that most of the time, as it helps keep everyone more effectivly fed.

It is not, however, without caveats. When like that, of course, time speeds up. Anything he sees happen around him, he can do nothing about, without dropping the cloak then and there, but it takes a bit of time. Dropping it in order to take an action requires one to leave it in anticipation of needing to, as a result, he can't do anything to stop a sudden issue.

It also costs a lot of energy to start up. Although maintaining it can be kept up even in one's sleep, their stamina takes a major hit when using it to leave or come back to the world. It cannot be used in quick succession, half an hour of cool downtime is needed before it can be used again. Objects cannot be affected by you aside from minor actions. One can still effectivly use their body as a shield, but other actions like fighting back, blocking with a weapon, so on, are not possible in the form.

In essance, it's a tool to avoid combat or other issues as best he can, but in reality, is not really that useful for much in terms of combat, and is, as is most of his other abilities, built around being able to support others.

He is also probably the best chef in the land, ironically enough. His mother taught from a young age how to cook, and he was a natural.

Jun: Knows of Jun, and respects him very much, but they don't talk often at this moment, as Sandrew generally keeps to himself.

Ali: Cares deeply for the girl, like a little brother would, often refusing food as when be is hidden, he doesn't seem to require food for very long periods of time, and when she demands he take it, often vanishes. Numerous times she tried to make him take food, even doing so much as to leave some in his room for him to take, but it went rotten because he refused to take it. Often serves as a scout for her marks, whomever they be, learning their patterns for her use.

Uzo: often tries to avoid Uzo, mainly as they are rather intimidating, and he sucks at remembering that they are a "they", and wants to avoid offending Uzo. They often work together to treat the more serious or when there are more Orphans with wounds, and respects Uzo's healing abilities and has no malice for them.

Aleister: Sandrew dislikes Aleister, as his more mean-spiritedness and sharp tounge are very much something he sees as a very, very bad trait that could get him seriously hurt. However, despite his discontent, he treats Aleister just as well as the rest of the Orphans and likes that he is at least honest with people, at least most of the time. He dislikes Aleister's distaste of the Royal Guard, as, though he knows the story, he was able to forgive the Royal Guard, as not all of them, of course, would act in a way similar to the ones who killed the other Orphan.

Lucian: He is unsure what to think of Lucian. At times he seems to act like a younger Aleister, at others, he acts kindly and cheerful. He wants to be much more close with that much kinder side, but fears him in a similar vein to Aleister.

Mes: thuroly hates. Whereas Aleister or Lucian may be unfavorable to him, Mes outright is the exact opposite of what Sandrew strives to be in demeanor. Whereas he is kind, soothing, and gentle, she is rough, crass, and rude. Though Sandrew avoids fighting and her at most every turn he can, whenever they speak, they seem to come to blows. As a result, if she is in a room, he is not. If she wants food, he isn't going to be cooking that evening nor dining with everyone should he need to, so on. She brings out the worst in him, and at one point, he completely boycotted healing her as he grew more and more sick of her personality.

Vera: As he has no real need of weapons, they don't interact much. Still, he appreciates what she does for them.
...Yeah uh sorry, got a little carried away.
Accepted, but his magic ability is too strong. Even if he is not that "powerful", having knowledge of all four aspects of elemental magic is way too much for a mere boy. I mentioned elemental magic in the lore as one of the most difficult aspects of magic to master, so he should at most have partial control over only one element.

QuestingBeast said:
Altross Banor

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Race: Human

Occupation: Squire to a Landed Knight

Picture: View attachment 252612

Background: The young squire has lived a laborous life. At the age of 7, the comforts of his own home was traded for the arduous task of serving Sir Vernon, a short-tempered and lazy master. The knight's insignificance, for he presides over the guards of the Eastern Quarter of the capital city, chafes on him, and he spends his irritation on his treatment of Altross, who bears it bitterly, and releases that resentment on the criminals he captures. It has become such a common practice that Altross has forgotten any happy memory, and thinks life full of hardship and nothing else.

Personality: Bitter and unhappy, he speaks with disdain to those in station below him, and obsequious manners to those above. He has no relationships beyond the professional, and to those that are peers, he holds at a cold arm's length, unwilling to risk their betrayal, and so it would remain easy for him to betray them if need be.

Fighting Ability: Trained with a tennis ball at first, now he holds a sword in hand. Aside from the bow, he has basic training in all knightly weapons from the lance to the blade. With the arming sword alone, Altross has fought a fair few duels on Sir Vernon's behalf. He has scars and stories to tell thereof.

Magic: Healing spells derive their power from the sun's light. He knows how to heal broken bones and stem the blood flow of fatal wounds, as well as the reverse of some curses. But he is still learning his runes and has yet to approach any advanced techniques.
Not accepted (yet). You're not at fault for not knowing this, but this kingdom does not have the knights/feudalism/guilds system. It is easy to conflate a medieval style with that of medieval Europe. But this kingdom as mentioned so far has the Imperial Guards to protect the castle and the Imperial Army acting as a standing army. The nobles are just rich people who control the government, not knights. My fault for not having it explained thoroughly yet.

You could have your guy be a servant to one of the nobles or something like that and I would accept
Pashpu said:
Accepted, but his magic ability is too strong. Even if he is not that "powerful", having knowledge of all four aspects of elemental magic is way too much for a mere boy. I mentioned elemental magic in the lore as one of the most difficult aspects of magic to master, so he should at most have partial control over only one element.
Not accepted (yet). You're not at fault for not knowing this, but this kingdom does not have the knights/feudalism/guilds system. It is easy to conflate a medieval style with that of medieval Europe. But this kingdom as mentioned so far has the Imperial Guards to protect the castle and the Imperial Army acting as a standing army. The nobles are just rich people who control the government, not knights. My fault for not having it explained thoroughly yet.

You could have your guy be a servant to one of the nobles or something like that and I would accept
See, that's quite a pickle, because Sandrew in himself is an elemental magic user by design (I mean, Sandrew) and as a result, elemental magic is kind of all he is normally good at. I've never really had a plan for an occasion where he couldn't use the four classic elements. Would it be possible for him to gain more elemental control as time goes on?

(side-note, I'm so use to elemental magics being commonplace in RPG's that it seems quite odd that they're set as the most powerful. Not bad, just a little unnatural xp)

Otherwise, he will retain healing (I guess just not specifically with water magic) and Earth magic, but I would request that i buff his strength in Earth a little.
NeverBetter said:
See, that's quite a pickle, because Sandrew in himself is an elemental magic user by design (I mean, Sandrew) and as a result, elemental magic is kind of all he is normally good at. I've never really had a plan for an occasion where he couldn't use the four classic elements. Would it be possible for him to gain more elemental control as time goes on?
(side-note, I'm so use to elemental magics being commonplace in RPG's that it seems quite odd that they're set as the most powerful. Not bad, just a little unnatural xp)

Otherwise, he will retain healing (I guess just not specifically with water magic) and Earth magic, but I would request that i buff his strength in Earth a little.
well it came to my mind logically that elemental magic should be the hardest to master/most powerful as you're literally harnessing the power of the Earth himself. Not saying that there aren't people who CAN master it (although most people will only master one form of it as in Avatar) but for a teenage boy being an elemental master just sounds lol to me

Healing and Earth sounds fine, he can be the strongest magic user in the bunch

I'm not familiar with magic in roleplaying too much so I apologize
Pashpu said:
this kingdom does not have the knights/feudalism/guilds system. It is easy to conflate a medieval style with that of medieval Europe.

But this kingdom as mentioned so far has the Imperial Guards to protect the castle and the Imperial Army acting as a standing army. The nobles are just rich people who control the government, not knights.
No fault lies with you. I am not quick to draw judgments, but having read the thread, I did become aware of the imperial army's presence. However, upon reading your responses, I have also come to consider you a rather tolerant DM. That made me willing to take a risk.

Allow me to propose a third organization besides the imperial guard, made up of commoners and lower nobles without inheritance. Yet they are as far below the imperial guard as policemen are below the US Army. Their lot is menial; they keep the law in the marketplaces, check papers of travellers, and guard the holding cells of the everyday drunkard.

A landed knight could serve as a captain of a district of these lesser lawkeepers (merely called Guards rather than Imps), perhaps. After all, a knight is the mere servant to a Lord; the name carries a multitude of roles.
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Pashpu said:
well it came to my mind logically that elemental magic should be the hardest to master/most powerful as you're literally harnessing the power of the Earth himself. Not saying that there aren't people who CAN master it (although most people will only master one form of it as in Avatar) but for a teenage boy being an elemental master just sounds lol to me
Healing and Earth sounds fine, he can be the strongest magic user in the bunch

I'm not familiar with magic in roleplaying too much so I apologize
It depends on how the magic is manifested. If it were done in a method akin to Avatar, yeah, only one per person would be fair, as it's total control of the element. However, in most RPG or RP settings, they function like other spells. A fireball is just a dinky little fireball, a party trick more or less. Most of the time it's not total manipulation, but rather a channeling of said power that produces an effect similar to the element that it corresponds to. Focused mages generally get the more high-end control stuff, like giant fireballs or levitating stones or making a path in between a large body of water, so on. Those who prefer being a jack of all trades get the benefit of more options, but at lesser power, so to say.

And it does quite depend on the spell and world the character comes from as well as their talent with magic. Some are more innately talented with magic as a whole than others, some figure out things in their own specific way, which can take more time. I wouldn't assume basic healing magic would be hard to learn, but applying it in an effective way would be. Kinda like with any weapon, anyone can swing it around or fire it, but only through practice does one gain it's innermost secrets and skills. Anyone can point and fire a gun, but not everyone can hit a shot from miles away, if you catch my drift.

And it's fine. I've just been trying to be a video game developer, story writer, so on, for a long time now, and RPing for a little longer. Just my experience xD

...God this post is long. Sorry! And thank you for OKing Healing and Earth, changes incoming.
If you will permit me butt in and declare elemental magic oft undefined in RP and thus overpowered.

I sympathize with the DM and believe the diagnosis wise.
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QuestingBeast said:
If you will permit me butt in and declare elemental magic is oft undefined in RP and thus overpowered.
I sympathize with the DM and believe the diagnosis wise.
Nah, I'm not trying to argue. It's his world, just saying for future refrence.
QuestingBeast said:
No fault lies with you. I am not quick to draw judgments, but having read the thread, I did become aware of the imperial army's presence. However, upon reading your responses, I have also come to consider you a rather tolerant DM. That made me willing to take a risk.
Allow me to propose a third organization besides the imperial guard, made up of commoners and lower nobles without inheritance. Yet they are as far below the imperial guard as policemen are below the US Army. Their lot is menial; they keep the law in the marketplaces, check papers of travellers, and guard the holding cells of the everyday drunkard.

A landed knight could serve as a captain of a district of these lesser lawkeepers (merely called Guards rather than Imps), perhaps. After all, a knight is the mere servant to a Lord; the name carries a multitude of roles.
It's a nice suggestion, though I am not in favor of that organization right now as I like the feel of the "policemen" being efficient and kind of cruel government people. However I could definitely consider this as a change that happens in the near future as the people demand more control, or in a time of war
NeverBetter said:
It depends on how the magic is manifested. If it were done in a method akin to Avatar, yeah, only one per person would be fair, as it's total control of the element. However, in most RPG or RP settings, they function like other spells. A fireball is just a dinky little fireball, a party trick more or less. Most of the time it's not total manipulation, but rather a channeling of said power that produces an effect similar to the element that it corresponds to. Focused mages generally get the more high-end control stuff, like giant fireballs or levitating stones or making a path in between a large body of water, so on. Those who prefer being a jack of all trades get the benefit of more options, but at lesser power, so to say.
And it does quite depend on the spell and world the character comes from as well as their talent with magic. Some are more innately talented with magic as a whole than others, some figure out things in their own specific way, which can take more time. I wouldn't assume basic healing magic would be hard to learn, but applying it in an effective way would be. Kinda like with any weapon, anyone can swing it around or fire it, but only through practice does one gain it's innermost secrets and skills. Anyone can point and fire a gun, but not everyone can hit a shot from miles away, if you catch my drift.

And it's fine. I've just been trying to be a video game developer, story writer, so on, for a long time now, and RPing for a little longer. Just my experience xD

...God this post is long. Sorry! And thank you for OKing Healing and Earth, changes incoming.
This makes sense. I guess I was just making the distinction in my head of normal magic and elemental magic, with elemental magic being literally drawing on the earth's power to aid you in the creation of something. And normal magic more the manipulation of stuff that's immediately around you. I guess all magic can be considered elemental magic in a way, and the line between them is blurry. But I like having a distinction for this roleplay :3

about the simple fireball part, I guess you can make one using non-elemental magic by using a spell to heat up the air around you, but with elemental magic you would be literally able to summon and draw upon the fire
Character Name: Oliver

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Sorcerer

Picture or Description of Appearance: Long grey robe with a hood with face always covered. Chiseled face with green eyes and a soft nose. 6 ft tall somewhat muscular

Background: Came from a noble family and ran away to learn magic. His mother is alive but his father is dead and he had a traumatic childhood

Personality: Wise, protective, Queer, and temperamental when sleepy

Fighting Ability/Magic: (nothing overpowered please) Able to shoot light balls from his wooden staff and create a light shield without staff he can swordfight fairly well. (Hopefully what I can do magic wise isn't considered overpowered if it is please make a suggestion of what I could have.)
Lighthouse8477 said:
Character Name: Oliver
Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Sorcerer

Picture or Description of Appearance: Long grey robe with a hood with face always covered. Chiseled face with green eyes and a soft nose. 6 ft tall somewhat muscular

Background: Came from a noble family and ran away to learn magic. His mother is alive but his father is dead and he had a traumatic childhood

Personality: Wise, protective, Queer, and temperamental when sleepy

Fighting Ability/Magic: (nothing overpowered please) Able to shoot light balls from his wooden staff and create a light shield without staff he can swordfight fairly well. (Hopefully what I can do magic wise isn't considered overpowered if it is please make a suggestion of what I could have.)
Accepted :) A bit more description would be nice though. How does he make his living, for example? Is he a sorcerer for hire?
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Pashpu said:
Accepted :) A bit more description would be nice though. How does he make his living, for example? Is he a sorcerer for hire?
Yes he is a sorcerer for hire. He pretends he can read the future although it's really just very good guesses.
Pashpu said:
This makes sense. I guess I was just making the distinction in my head of normal magic and elemental magic, with elemental magic being literally drawing on the earth's power to aid you in the creation of something. And normal magic more the manipulation of stuff that's immediately around you. I guess all magic can be considered elemental magic in a way, and the line between them is blurry. But I like having a distinction for this roleplay :3
about the simple fireball part, I guess you can make one using non-elemental magic by using a spell to heat up the air around you, but with elemental magic you would be literally able to summon and draw upon the fire
Yeah. It really depends on the type of magic one so chooses to use, and how the person wanted to handle them. Since it's your world, it's your portrail, though, so it's good we have this sort of cleared up. It wasn't my intention to make him seem like an elemental master, but more like he picked up a few useful parlor tricks in everything aside earth.

Anyhow, Sheet Updated.
Pashpu said:
It's a nice suggestion, though I am not in favor of that organization right now as I like the feel of the "policemen" being efficient and kind of cruel government people. However I could definitely consider this as a change that happens in the near future as the people demand more control, or in a time of war
As implied in my character sheet, the policemen are far from unstained by the allure of power. The majority practice cruelty on their prisoners and take what advantage they can of their station, even going so far as to frame innocent men for crimes. Simply being of lesser influence does not make a man pure. Goodness requires good discipline. But the ruled often become as cruel as those that rule them, if not more so.

I will make the organization whatever you require it to be. Only give me my knight and I will never fail you.
QuestingBeast said:
As implied in my character sheet, the policemen are far from unstained by the allure of power. The majority practice cruelty on their prisoners and take what advantage they can of their station, even going so far as to frame innocent men for crimes. Simply being of lesser influence does not make a man pure. Goodness requires good discipline. But the ruled often become as cruel as those that rule them, if not more so.
I will make the organization whatever you require it to be. Only give me my knight and I will never fail you.

Don't mean to be harsh but I don't see the need for another organization when the Imperial Guard (as I had in my mind and as assumed by many other players) already fulfills most of those duties. And the system is already complicated enough as it is.

I'm still highly open to other suggestions though!
Pashpu said:
How... unfortunate.

Even as an organization subservient to the Imperial Guard, knights are not up for consideration. The unique circumstances that form my character are effectively made implausible.

Very well. Regrettably, I must take my leave then.

Fare ye well.
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[QUOTE="ghoul queen]Character Name:
Crista Jude (Landure), most address her as Lady Jude.






Half-human, half-elf

Occupation/Class: Nobility, and she's a dark sorceress, shhh.

Picture or Description of Appearance:

Crista had taken after her mother in appearance, sharing the same shade of dark brown hair and tanned skin. Her eyes are a hazel-green, and her face is sharp and thin, just like the rest of her. She's has a long, beak-like nose, and her eyes seem to see everything. Her ears are round like a humans, much to the relief of her family from her fathers side, though she carries herself in a way that appears elvish; with light steps and long strides. With her dresses and skirts on appears thin and harmless, but underneath the corsets and tight sleeves she is fit and strong. Her expressions only seem to be bored, uninterested, or cruelly amused.


Crista's mother was from a traveling merchant family, and she had hated that life. Her mother craved luxury and wealth that she had seen the nobles from the cities posses, and had targeted one of the wealthiest families to worm into. After seducing the first born son of the Jude family, she had set up accidents for the infant children in the family and quickly became pregnant. Crista was born, and in a twist her mother died during childbirth, but Crista was still recognized as the family heir thanks to her more human like appearance, and things settled down for a while. The family seemed to have been enchanted by Crista, and no one had done her harm.

She grew up experiencing the luxury and wealth her mother dreamed off, never knowing what not having something meant, as she was given pretty much everything. When Crista was 19 she was married to a noble man from another family, but he had taken her name, but hadn't taken her love. When she was 27 she met a woman who opened a door for her, it lead to a world of magic and power, and Crista was captivated. Her gifts of illusions and mind trickery were revealed to her then. It took her 9 years of sacrifices and mental exhaustion but she gained a degree of control of her magic, and another 10 before she could claim skill in them. She has mellowed out, or rather learned how to hide her emotions and thoughts from others, and enjoys manipulating others mostly without the use of her magic. The woman who helped her on this path also gave her a goal: Slaughter those on the throne. It hasn't been revealed to her yet why she must do this, but she has her guesses.

Personality: (To be honest I suck at maintaining personalities for my characters; she could end up a very different person in the roleplay.)

A cruel woman, intelligent and cunning, though she tends to over exaggerates her intelligence. A liar too, spreading "harmless" stories and watching relationships crumble and businesses turn to shambles is a favourite hobby of hers. She does not care for those she thinks are not worth her time, but puts on a mask of being a compassionate woman who helps out the needy. This act is repulsive to her, but she goes a long with it, because if something goes wrong nobody will be looking at her..

Fighting Ability/Magic: A natural charm that makes the weak-willed adore her, and the strong ignore her - mostly. It is not her strength, however. Illusions is where she is good at, though she still struggles with making her illusions solid, but it's quite handy when she wants to conceal her presence or to direct someone's attention elsewhere. The woman helped her learn a spell that allows her to view memories when she has someone's blood inside of her - she knows so much about her mother because of this spell, but otherwise isn't very fond of it, mostly because she has to drink or inject the blood into her to be able to see. She carries around a cane under the pretense of having a bum knee, though really it's to help with her illusions - but she had Gordon wreck her knee for the sake of her lie, not wanting to be caught in it.

(Other Characters, probably/most likely background)

Gordon Jude (Weldis), Crista's husband. Seems to be meek and submissive, but that's just to hide his sadistic and snide self. He loves Crista, and will do pretty much whatever she says, but he knows she doesn't feel the same, her interest in him was brief but he is still helpful to her and her goals. Owns several businesses, which are largely successful, and likes flowers.They've had two children together, twins, both conceived when Crista was in the midst of her dark rituals and thus have been tainted with ~~eeeeevil~~.

Clarissa The Hag, the woman that approached Crista and helped her figure out her magic. She's not a nice person, but pretends to be sweet on Crista for the sake of her own goals, but finds the girl tedious and rather stupid. Clarissa is a very mysterious old woman, it is unknown if Clarissa is even her real name. She seems to have the ability to teleport and turn invisible, and that's about it.

Reyna and Clyde Jude, 12 year old tricksters. They play cruel pranks and often get away with them, they explore a lot and share an insatiable curiosity. Both have a penchant for being creepy and saying random horrifying things, always in unison for added creepy factor. They love the games they play and view people as toys, but they do listen to Clarissa for some reason. They like her. Clyde has shown signs of magic, as he once thrown their maid off the balcony while standing on the opposite side of the room - Crista made sure to hush this scandal up, and Reyna is so very jealous.

(I HOPE I'M NOT STEPPING ON ANYONE'S TOES WITH THIS? ( :o ) I'm roleplaying after a looooonnng hiatus so I'm rusty and a little (*cough* a lot) anxious. If her powers are OP or I'm messing with plot/lore then please tell me,,)

Accepted, all of them. I'm sorry I had accidentally skipped over your post
Character Name: Mont'Kais O'Shava

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Evil Warlord

Picture or Description of Appearance:

Background: {WIP, you will find out as he makes his appearance}

Personality: Kais is a over ambitious man, seeking nothing but the destruction of... non-human bastards as he calls them. To many people, he can seem insane, a zealot with one goal: And some might be right. However, around other humans, he can be very calm, and will do anything to help, or protect humans. He tends to be quiet, only speaking when needed to. He is not very social, and tends to falter when confronted. He stays away from large crowds, as he is not a very social person.

Fighting Ability/Magic: He is the master of indirect assaults. Using means from vendettas to riots, he will direct assaults, but will generally not undertake them himself. He is capable of creating golems, as he is a decent enchanter, which is the main means of his attack.
One such of his creations.
Arty said:
Character Name: Mont'Kais O'Shava
Gender: Male

Age: ???

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Evil Warlord

Picture or Description of Appearance:

Background: {WIP, you will find out as he makes his appearance}

Personality: Kais is a over ambitious man, seeking nothing but the destruction of... non-human bastards as he calls them. To many people, he can seem insane, a zealot with one goal: And some might be right. However, around other humans, he can be very calm, and will do anything to help, or protect humans. He tends to be quiet, only speaking when needed to. He is not very social, and tends to falter when confronted. He stays away from large crowds, as he is not a very social person.

Fighting Ability/Magic: He is the master of indirect assaults. Using means from vendettas to riots, he will direct assaults, but will generally not undertake them himself. He is capable of creating golems, as he is a decent enchanter, which is the main means of his attack.
One such of his creations.
Accepted. This is good, very good. He would be a very strong ally for some of the villains I'm planning to introduce. But one question: What exactly does he do for a living? Not sure what you mean by warlord exactly. Does he have an army or something?

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