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Fantasy Hideout (Closed for Now)

Pashpu said:
not sure what you mean by sub-human...
I mean to say that the only two races anybody in the story knows about are human and elves. While vampire are treated as just a rare occurence or disease (you only get vampire from getting bitten anyway), and people don't even know dwarves exist

EDIT: oh LOL you were just making a pun
Usually in roleplays like this, there are many races that can be sorted into categories such as:

Human - Humans, Dwarfs, etc.

Elves - Wood Elves, Orcs, Dark Elves, Etc.

Beastial - Monsters, anything with an animalistic appearance, etc.

Undead - Vampires, etc.

StoneWolf18 said:
Usually in roleplays like this, there are many races that can be sorted into categories such as:
Human - Humans, Dwarfs, etc.

Elves - Wood Elves, Orcs, Dark Elves, Etc.

Beastial - Monsters, anything with an animalistic appearance, etc.

Undead - Vampires, etc.

hmm that makes sense.

Although this isn't the case here, stay tuned for some new lore to explain some things!

Name: Jackson Philips

Nickname: Jack | Demonspawn | The overseer

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 44

The imperial overseer



Personality: A very cold and ruthless ruthless individual, who's somewhat lingering on the boundary between evil and neutral, in terms of his morality alignment, with a certain tinge of order. He'd do anything to achieve his goals but he also does go by a set of rules, or thr law in this case, thus defining Jack as a 'lawful neutral' person, again, in terms of moral alignment. He practically has no mercy for just about anyone who loses in a fight against him or defies him, him and his scenario of order and unity, although he does give someone a chance, especially if that someone was an exceptionally great fighter or just really fearless. Though however he may like to cause chaos everywhere, he likes to maintain, or enforce, unity and order upon his men and the kingdom. He's quite assertive too, and has a quirky sense of elegance, but he's also known to show a zany and sarcastic yet morbid sense of humour. Nevertheless, he's also very calculated and very composed individual too, preferring to keep his calm, and respect, rather than throwing random tantrums full of anger and wrath. Though it's often mistaken for his pragmatic sense of moderate vanity.

History/Bio: Born in a mostly royal family. His father was a very high ranked commodore of the royal navy, which granted him a very zealous social statud. Whilst his mother was of a very high noble class and the daughter of a well established Lord. His father's dreamy job influenced the then young Jack, to aspire to join the royal navy, also living up to his father's expectations since his paternal side all had a hand in the royal navy and the privateers. Back at that time, he was a very introverted and generally quiet kid, and was often bullied around by kids more older than him, which caused him to yearn for vengeance, even if the cause was quite small. He used to mostly comment on this matter, while he's a grown up that it was all simply a 'cause and effect'.

When he was in his more youthful 20's, a time when he learnt to turn more extroverted, his father was unfortunately killed in battle whilst his mother was successfully poisoned by a rival assailant to turn the tide of all those political hijinks, and a feudal war that was going between her family and some other one. Afterwards, was immediately recommended, or to be more precise, drafted to join the navy. An act which he did obedientl, before realizing that being part of the royal navy wasn't really all that fun and games, as he had previously thought it was.

It was also the part of his life where he decided to neuter his now grown up bullies, while of course, not personally, but by a group of drunk mercenaries even though the orders were to give them the scare of their life and not castrate them.

Anyways, after about 5 years of blowing up stuff up with big cannons, and gaining a reputation of being overtly cold and cruel, as he often killed his men, or the rule-breakers in this case, in gruesome and varied ways and if the dared to talk against him, the result was even more excruciatingly painful, that is, to the perpetrator. He also devastatingly killed everyone of the pirates he could ever find. Thus earning him the name of 'demonspawn'. Things finally stepped out of line for him when his crew mates decided to stage an act of mutiny against him. Catching him really off-guard. They shot him, before leaving him for dead in the seas. Presuming him for dead, which was the most wrong assumption in their life.

He lived to tell the tale, and went on to join aboard another passing ship, which happened to be a pirate ship which was the infamous captain sickleback's ship. A armed-to-the-teeth warship which was plated with steel armour. The pirate Lord, feeling sympathetic on that very day, decided to give him a job as a crew member, fully knowing and recognizing that he was the sun of the famous commodore back in the old days.

Many years passed, by now, Jack was the first mate of the
Spectre, having earned the trust of the captain and a reputation of being just like he was back in the old days. Unfortunately, the captain died in a ensuing fight with another pirate ship. The captain however, announced earlier that if he was ever to die, then the ship and all his loot would transfer to Jack.

Nevertheless, Jack continued on a more savage and a more calculated path, creating conflict and wars everywhere while making a new yet more fearsome name for himself.

Thus creating more and more enemies in a very brisk rate, all of whom were particularly intent, actually extremely focused, on sinking the living soul out of him, their original plan involved an enormous amount of frogs, but that was quickly dismissed. While on his daily 'loot' run, he was encountered by what you would describe as a bit of a large competition.

Alas! His ship tragically sunk down to the depths of the abysmal ocean after a fairly concise and fast battle where he terribly lost, leaving 99% of the crew members dead, except one of them, Jackson. Fate was surprisingly ok his side. After being stranded on an island for about a week, a period in which he was close to a sense of commitment to his morality and his past convictions, he was rescued by the another neighbouring kingdom, quite abruptly.

What followed afterwards was a bit of a haze as everything moved way too fast. And surprisingly, he was known in that area too, which also earned him a pardon and a place as grunt in the imperial army. But as it was going like it was going like, he happened to be quite a skilled individual, thus upping the ante, and earning him over 5 promotions in the span of 5 years. And as of now, he's the imperial overseer. Yep, he oversaw the kingdom, with another iron fist, of course.


A clean fight

Rain or cloudy weather


Spicy food

Clever/smart people

Unity and order


Dirty fighting

Hot weather


Stupid/incompetent people

Filthy manners


Flirty people


Collect antique weaponry

Collecting priceless statues of various animals

Collecting historical skulls


Paces along the room if he feels that he's been waiting too long or if he can't think up something.

Whenever he's at the dinner table, he tends to straighten down or just neat out the commodities.

Sexuality: Heterosexual



A light blunt/sharp weapon which is generally classed under the mace category. Despite having a lighter weight than most mace, this weapon is capable of delivering blunt damage all the while inflicting additional piercing attacks simultaneously. This mace is also designed to quickly smash a spooky scary (and shitty) skeleton into a million pieces.



A more broader form of the rapier with a basket-hilt which functions as a hand guard. An overall balanced and useful weapon, and it looks elegant as elegant can be.



Breastplate: Quite able to protect him from most weak to medium attacks which are bound to inflict sharp trauma. A must have for all evil anarchists who have multiple enemies.

Pauldrons: Shoulder armours for protecting his shoulders from any piercing strike which can render him into a weak or exposed state.

Greaves: Armour which protects his shin from getting cut off. Cause nobody wants his shin to get cut or dismembered?

Poleyns: Knee guards which protects his vital knee area from getting crippled or something which may render him into an ultimate weak form as his walking speed is significantly lessened and attacks are received more severely.

Helmet: Basic helmet for protecting against weak sword attacks and any attempts to gouge out his eyes.

That's all, all others are covered by a strong leather (arms, foot etc). And he also wears a coat of chain mail underneath his armour. He also wears a cape and a surcoat which are simply for show and doesn't have any practical.

(Note: All those armour components moderately lessens his running speed.)

Magic: Don't know and don't wanna know. The end.


Peak human prowess: His years of training and experience proved to be quite fruitful to him, especially since he learnt a lot of physical techniques and can keep on fighting longer without tiring. And on a more positive note, he's also quite strong.

Quick hands: While he himself may not be so quick in terms of running speed, he does have a pair of extremely quick hands. Thus enabling him to swing his weapons far more quickly and elegantly than the average human.

Fight Style: He basically uses a very aggressive fighting and fast fighting style utilizing light weaponry, to wear his opponent down in a steady yet brisk, all the while he advances without giving his enemy a chance, using quick methods and advanced techniques to cripple his opponent's defences.

Other: N/A
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Elephantom said:
Name: Jackson Philips

Nickname: Jack | Demonspawn | The overseer

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 44

The imperial overseer



Personality: A very cold and ruthless ruthless individual, who's somewhat lingering on the boundary between evil and neutral, in terms of his morality alignment, with a certain tinge of order. He'd do anything to achieve his goals but he also does go by a set of rules, or thr law in this case, thus defining Jack as a 'lawful neutral' person, again, in terms of moral alignment. He practically has no mercy for just about anyone who loses in a fight against him or defies him, him and his scenario of order and unity, although he does give someone a chance, especially if that someone was an exceptionally great fighter or just really fearless. Though however he may like to cause chaos everywhere, he likes to maintain, or enforce, unity and order upon his men and the kingdom. He's quite assertive too, and has a quirky sense of elegance, but he's also known to show a zany and sarcastic yet morbid sense of humour. Nevertheless, he's also very calculated and very composed individual too, preferring to keep his calm, and respect, rather than throwing random tantrums full of anger and wrath. Though it's often mistaken for his pragmatic sense of moderate vanity.

History/Bio: Born in a mostly royal family. His father was a very high ranked commodore of the royal navy, which granted him a very zealous social statud. Whilst his mother was of a very high noble class and the daughter of a well established Lord. His father's dreamy job influenced the then young Jack, to aspire to join the royal navy, also living up to his father's expectations since his paternal side all had a hand in the royal navy and the privateers. Back at that time, he was a very introverted and generally quiet kid, and was often bullied around by kids more older than him, which caused him to yearn for vengeance, even if the cause was quite small. He used to mostly comment on this matter, while he's a grown up that it was all simply a 'cause and effect'.

When he was in his more youthful 20's, a time when he learnt to turn more extroverted, his father was unfortunately killed in battle whilst his mother was successfully poisoned by a rival assailant to turn the tide of all those political hijinks, and a feudal war that was going between her family and some other one. Afterwards, was immediately recommended, or to be more precise, drafted to join the navy. An act which he did obedientl, before realizing that being part of the royal navy wasn't really all that fun and games, as he had previously thought it was.

It was also the part of his life where he decided to neuter his now grown up bullies, while of course, not personally, but by a group of drunk mercenaries even though the orders were to give them the scare of their life and not castrate them.

Anyways, after about 5 years of blowing up stuff up with big cannons, and gaining a reputation of being overtly cold and cruel, as he often killed his men, or the rule-breakers in this case, in gruesome and varied ways and if the dared to talk against him, the result was even more excruciatingly painful, that is, to the perpetrator. He also devastatingly killed everyone of the pirates he could ever find. Thus earning him the name of 'demonspawn'. Things finally stepped out of line for him when his crew mates decided to stage an act of mutiny against him. Catching him really off-guard. They shot him, before leaving him for dead in the seas. Presuming him for dead, which was the most wrong assumption in their life.

He lived to tell the tale, and went on to join aboard another passing ship, which happened to be a pirate ship which was the infamous captain sickleback's ship. A armed-to-the-teeth warship which was plated with steel armour. The pirate Lord, feeling sympathetic on that very day, decided to give him a job as a crew member, fully knowing and recognizing that he was the sun of the famous commodore back in the old days.

Many years passed, by now, Jack was the first mate of the
Spectre, having earned the trust of the captain and a reputation of being just like he was back in the old days. Unfortunately, the captain died in a ensuing fight with another pirate ship. The captain however, announced earlier that if he was ever to die, then the ship and all his loot would transfer to Jack.

Nevertheless, Jack continued on a more savage and a more calculated path, creating conflict and wars everywhere while making a new yet more fearsome name for himself.

Thus creating more and more enemies in a very brisk rate, all of whom were particularly intent, actually extremely focused, on sinking the living soul out of him, their original plan involved an enormous amount of frogs, but that was quickly dismissed. While on his daily 'loot' run, he was encountered by what you would describe as a bit of a large competition.

Alas! His ship tragically sunk down to the depths of the abysmal ocean after a fairly concise and fast battle where he terribly lost, leaving 99% of the crew members dead, except one of them, Jackson. Fate was surprisingly ok his side. After being stranded on an island for about a week, a period in which he was close to a sense of commitment to his morality and his past convictions, he was rescued by the another neighbouring kingdom, quite abruptly.

What followed afterwards was a bit of a haze as everything moved way too fast. And surprisingly, he was known in that area too, which also earned him a pardon and a place as grunt in the imperial army. But as it was going like it was going like, he happened to be quite a skilled individual, thus upping the ante, and earning him over 5 promotions in the span of 5 years. And as of now, he's the imperial overseer. Yep, he oversaw the kingdom, with another iron fist, of course.


A clean fight

Rain or cloudy weather


Spicy food

Clever/smart people

Unity and order


Dirty fighting

Hot weather


Stupid/incompetent people

Filthy manners


Flirty people


Collect antique weaponry

Collecting priceless statues of various animals

Collecting historical skulls


Paces along the room if he feels that he's been waiting too long or if he can't think up something.

Whenever he's at the dinner table, he tends to straighten down or just neat out the commodities.

Sexuality: Heterosexual



A light blunt/sharp weapon which is generally classed under the mace category. Despite having a lighter weight than most mace, this weapon is capable of delivering blunt damage all the while inflicting additional piercing attacks simultaneously. This mace is also designed to quickly smash a spooky scary (and shitty) skeleton into a million pieces.



A more broader form of the rapier with a basket-hilt which functions as a hand guard. An overall balanced and useful weapon, and it looks elegant as elegant can be.



Breastplate: Quite able to protect him from most weak to medium attacks which are bound to inflict sharp trauma. A must have for all evil anarchists who have multiple enemies.

Pauldrons: Shoulder armours for protecting his shoulders from any piercing strike which can render him into a weak or exposed state.

Greaves: Armour which protects his shin from getting cut off. Cause nobody wants his shin to get cut or dismembered?

Poleyns: Knee guards which protects his vital knee area from getting crippled or something which may render him into an ultimate weak form as his walking speed is significantly lessened and attacks are received more severely.

Helmet: Basic helmet for protecting against weak sword attacks and any attempts to gouge out his eyes.

That's all, all others are covered by a strong leather (arms, foot etc). And he also wears a coat of chain mail underneath his armour. He also wears a cape and a surcoat which are simply for show and doesn't have any practical.

(Note: All those armour components moderately lessens his running speed.)

Magic: Don't know and don't wanna know. The end.


Peak human prowess: His years of training and experience proved to be quite fruitful to him, especially since he learnt a lot of physical techniques and can keep on fighting longer without tiring. And on a more positive note, he's also quite strong.

Quick hands: While he himself may not be so quick in terms of running speed, he does have a pair of extremely quick hands. Thus enabling him to swing his weapons far more quickly and elegantly than the average human.

Fight Style: He basically uses a very aggressive fighting and fast fighting style utilizing light weaponry, to wear his opponent down in a steady yet brisk, all the while he advances without giving his enemy a chance, using quick methods and advanced techniques to cripple his opponent's defences.

Other: N/A

I like this, not only because the character is a badass, but it helps me from a worldbuilding perspective. Now I can say that Dendra has a standing Imperial Army of whom the Imperial Overseer is the commander. And then the Imperial Guard is a subdivision of that who deals with criminals/intruders.
"Hmph. Not bad. But you lack what makes me strong: A thick dome and little intelligence."

Name: Derik J. (Jameson) Absolon

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Skilled Mercenary and assassin, as well as a craftsman in basically every area, but most notably, blacksmithing.

Picture or Description of Appearance:

Background: Born to a family of strong noble warriors who only cared for strength, Derik, being the runt of the litter, was kind of cast aside. His parents tried training him but he never seemed to get any better. As a result, his family eventually sort of forgot about him, or beat him when they were upset. Eventually, of course, he became sick of this, and ran away when the time was right in order to cut out his own destiny, so to say. He works for just about anyone and everyone who will pay him, but if during a job he grows to dislike the cause he so fights for, he will fight against it with everything in him. Bad for business, getting him known as a backstabber, but he didn't particularly "Give a shit." as he so said. He lives in the city, although he isn't a fan of city life.

Personality: (I've never been great at writing a set personality because I suck at describing how my characters act in that way..) While he is never cocky, he is very confident in his abilities and swordsmanship. he can come off as arrogant, more stubborn than a mule, thick headed, and a very insulting man. Making up nicknames on the fly for just about anyone, ranging from endearing to insulting to morbid. He's a good man if you get past his more rough exterior, blunt, to the point, and he never lies. He loves his bad jokes, including puns.

Fighting Ability/Magic:

He's one of the best dual wielder in this part of the world, with great physical strength, he prefers an unbalanced set of weapons, one larger, one smaller, to give him an edge in combat as it's not usual to see someone dual-wielding but using such different blades. Ranging from using claymores, greatswords, and buster swords, and the like in his right, he prefers lighter weapons like the rapure, short swords, knives, so on, for is left. Whilst one may mistake this for dominant hand placement, he is in fact ambidextrous but was taught to use everything with his right hand when available. On top of all this, he wears an enchanted coat that protects his legs and head from damage, whilst the coat itself, made out of various high-density and high strength metals, guards the body in a similar method to a mixture between chainmail and plate armor, it's incredibly strong as a result and resists a lot of heat and other radiation, but still can be melted if enough heat is applied. Obviously, this is incredibly heavy, and slows him down, but he uses it to train. Removal of the coat makes him significantly faster. He's also known for being able to craft items as he goes, his jacket is stocked with tools of various kinds so he can use them when needed. Given a hot enough source, he is able to forge a sword that works as a one-time-use weapon and will shatter instantly after combat is finished, or will shatter much easier than a well-forged blade.
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NeverBetter said:
"Hmph. Not bad. But you lack what makes me strong: A thick dome and little intelligence."
Name: Derik J. (Jameson) Absolon

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Skilled Mercenary and assassin, as well as a craftsman in basically every area, but most notably, blacksmithing.

Picture or Description of Appearance:

Background: Born to a family of strong noble warriors who only cared for strength, Derik, being the runt of the litter, was kind of cast aside. His parents tried training him but he never seemed to get any better. As a result, his family eventually sort of forgot about him, or beat him when they were upset. Eventually, of course, he became sick of this, and ran away when the time was right in order to cut out his own destiny, so to say. He works for just about anyone and everyone who will pay him, but if during a job he grows to dislike the cause he so fights for, he will fight against it with everything in him. Bad for business, getting him known as a backstabber, but he didn't particularly "Give a shit." as he so said. He lives in the city, although he isn't a fan of city life.

Personality: (I've never been great at writing a set personality because I suck at describing how my characters act in that way..) While he is never cocky, he is very confident in his abilities and swordsmanship. he can come off as arrogant, more stubborn than a mule, thick headed, and a very insulting man. Making up nicknames on the fly for just about anyone, ranging from endearing to insulting to morbid. He's a good man if you get past his more rough exterior, blunt, to the point, and he never lies. He loves his bad jokes, including puns.

Fighting Ability/Magic:

He's one of the best dual wielder in this part of the world, with great physical strength, he prefers an unbalanced set of weapons, one larger, one smaller, to give him an edge in combat as it's not usual to see someone dual-wielding but using such different blades. Ranging from using claymores, greatswords, and buster swords, and the like in his right, he prefers lighter weapons like the rapure, short swords, knives, so on, for is left. Whilst one may mistake this for dominant hand placement, he is in fact ambidextrous but was taught to use everything with his right hand when available. On top of all this, he wears an enchanted coat that protects his legs and head from damage, whilst the coat itself, made out of various high-density and high strength metals, guards the body in a similar method to a mixture between chainmail and plate armor, it's incredibly strong as a result and resists a lot of heat and other radiation, but still can be melted if enough heat is applied. Obviously, this is incredibly heavy, and slows him down, but he uses it to train. Removal of the coat makes him significantly faster. He's also known for being able to craft items as he goes, his jacket is stocked with tools of various kinds so he can use them when needed. Given a hot enough source, he is able to forge a sword that works as a one-time-use weapon and will shatter instantly after combat is finished, or will shatter much easier than a well-forged blade.

Accepted...interesting character, he has a lot of potential
Pashpu said:
Accepted...interesting character, he has a lot of potential
Derik's been my main OC for years now, I've wrote him so many ways it's not funny xD

In example, in one incarnation, because of said abuse, he never ever trusted his team or the leader characters, and was rather open about it. He just sounded like a crazy paranoid person until they actually turned on us, a boy who pointed a rocket shooting gauntlet got his head blown off by a weaponized portal gun, the portal gun guy got run through with a giant flaming katana, everyone blamed me even though all I wanted to do was stop him from blowing up half the members with a rocket including himself with a kick that was followed up by the portal gun shot, we got in mechs, I fired a Kamehameha from about 100M KM above the Earth's surface, a great shipping war went on...

...That was the weirdest yet most fun RP I have ever been in, btw.
Pashpu said:
I like this, not only because the character is a badass, but it helps me from a worldbuilding perspective. Now I can say that Dendra has a standing Imperial Army of whom the Imperial Overseer is the commander. And then the Imperial Guard is a subdivision of that who deals with criminals/intruders.
NeverBetter said:
Derik's been my main OC for years now, I've wrote him so many ways it's not funny xD
In example, in one incarnation, because of said abuse, he never ever trusted his team or the leader characters, and was rather open about it. He just sounded like a crazy paranoid person until they actually turned on us, a boy who pointed a rocket shooting gauntlet got his head blown off by a weaponized portal gun, the portal gun guy got run through with a giant flaming katana, everyone blamed me even though all I wanted to do was stop him from blowing up half the members with a rocket including himself with a kick that was followed up by the portal gun shot, we got in mechs, I fired a Kamehameha from about 100M KM above the Earth's surface, a great shipping war went on...

...That was the weirdest yet most fun RP I have ever been in, btw.
*cough* OP *cough*

EDIT: Just read what you actually wrote and remembered that I was there lmao

I was just assuming you were talking about one of the several dozen times of terrible overpoweredness

In any case, characters coming soon
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"Strength comes from the things that matter. Discipline and duty."

Character Name: Rija Ramirez

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Dendran Elite Guard

Picture or Description of Appearance:


Background: Rija was raised by her father, who was an Imperial general. Her mother had died in childbirth, but her father took to fatherhood quickly. He taught her everything he knew. Duty. Discipline. Kindness. Where this tactic would create a rebellious youth, Rija thrived. She enjoyed routine. Self control came easily to her. A natural soldier. Her father couldn't be prouder. She enlisted at 18, and rose through the ranks swiftly. However, she had never been one for leadership. She denied any offer of troops to lead, or even small units. So instead, she was placed on the Elite Guard, a select group of incredibly skilled soldiers. She has lived this life for a while now, and has thrived in the job.

Personality: Compassionate and kind. Courteous, trusting, loyal. Motherly and dutiful. Naive.

Fighting Ability/Magic: Rija's been training since she wanted to hold a weapon, about 8. She is particularly skilled in ranged weaponry. Her bow is to be feared, as are her throwing knives, and crossbow, and hatchet, and javelin. She prefers these, but carries a short sword for emergencies. Rija owns all of the above, but only carries the bow, knives, and sword normally. The suit of armor she wears is also custom, and made by the best armorsmith in town. She saved up for a long time to get it.
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[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Character Name: Rija Ramirez
Gender: Female

Age: 18

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Orphan - Currently: Waitress at local Inn and Pub

Picture or Description of Appearance:


Background: She never knew her parents. Never would. Death took them before Rija even opened their eyes. She was abandoned, a crying babe in her home, left to die. But... she didn't. She was saved, taken in by one of the officers that came to investigate the crime site. And so she was raised with a sense of duty, and heroic justice. But her impromptu father's career was a dangerous one. It was not long before he perished as well. This time there was no gentlemanly man waiting to take in young Rija. She wandered the streets for a while, surviving doing what she could. For someone willing to work, there was plenty to be done. It wasn't difficult. Before long, she had a steady influx of money, and had joined up with other orphans in a small group. With her natural compassion and duty-bound personality, she swiftly became a mother-like figure for the group. She kept things tidy, cooked, cared for the younger ones when she wasn't at work. She is happy with this life.

Personality: Compassionate and kind. Courteous, trusting, loyal. Motherly and dutiful. Naive.

Fighting Ability/Magic: Her daily routine consists of training early in the morning before the others wake and before she has to go to work. She is particularly skilled in ranged weaponry. Her bow is to be feared, as are her throwing knives, and crossbow, and hatchet, and javelin. She prefers these, but carries a short sword for emergencies. Rija owns all of the above, but only carries the bow, knives, and sword normally. The suit of armor she wears is also custom, and made by the best armorsmith in town. She saved up for a long time to get it.

When you reach 18 you're technically an adult so she wouldn't be an orphan.

That and Vera is a motherly figure so I guess there's going to be some competition...

Rules said 18 and below so just following that guideline

Also oops didn't realize I was stepping on toes lol

The role is not one that is normally played so I tend to just assume that it's always open
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Rules said 18 and below so just following that guideline
Also oops didn't realize I was stepping on toes lol

The role is not one that is normally played so I tend to just assume that it's always open

-shrugs- if it said so

Oh that's fine. I would prefer you to change it but it doesn't matter consider Vera would treat her like the rest regardless.
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]*cough* OP *cough*
EDIT: Just read what you actually wrote and remembered that I was there lmao

I was just assuming you were talking about one of the several dozen times of terrible overpoweredness

In any case, characters coming soon

You're just still salty over the last beating I layed on you, my protege.
StoneWolf18 said:
-shrugs- if it said so
Oh that's fine. I would prefer you to change it but it doesn't matter consider Vera would treat her like the rest regardless.
On it

NeverBetter said:
You're just still salty over the last beating I layed on you, my protege.
I do not even remember what our last fight was
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]On it
I do not even remember what our last fight was

Lies. You lie so poorly as well lol.
NeverBetter said:
Lies. You lie so poorly as well lol.
Was it the Ryonne/Derik fight? That was BS miscommunication but I wouldn't say I'm still salty.

StoneWolf18 said:
I may not know the situation but it seems as if you're being a bit rude..



nah jk we're cool bros from way back this is normal

Name: Mes Orem

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Elf

Occupation: Orphan and Resident Brat



Background: An orphan for as long as she can remember. Mes has regarded the world as out to get her. And so, she's out to get the world too. She has never treated anyone with a lick of respect, and it's landed her in a lot of trouble. Fortunately, she has a lot of good friends in the other orphans. Though she never treats them very well, and is often crass and mean with them, they are the only one she has any love for. If anything were to happen to any of them... Hell would be paid. Her other love is the study of magic. Being an elf, she has a natural gift for it, and loves learning new things about it. She's still weak, but with her so intent on learning, it is only a matter of time before she becomes quite the powerhouse.

Personality: Bitter and mean. A short temper and sharp tongue. She doesn't treat anyone or anything with respect. But, in the end, is fiercely loyal and vengeful.

Fighting Ability: Owns a rapier. She has been practicing it for a while, but is certainly not good enough to beat anyone that has been sufficiently trained. Is also a student of fire magic, and is always aiming to further her magic training. Because burning shit is her way of flipping off the world.
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NeverBetter said:
If there is an open Orphan slot I call it.
Go ahead, though it will be the second to last one. (Although more may be added later depending on activity levels)
"My name is Sandrew Kan. No, it's been a long time since I was a "Kan". My name is Sandrew _______, and I follow the code of my name: I don't care how strong you are! I'll stop you now. Now and forever."

Name: Sandrew Kan

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Race: Human

Occupation/Class: Orphan

Picture or Description of Appearance:


Sandrew was born a long time ago, the year didn't matter, it was the date. August 17th. He was always a child of the falling leaves, calm as so we're the world as it began to slow down for winter. The proud parents had been trying for so long to have child, and when he was born, his mild crys were quite a joy. Even as he was just growing up, his presence was so small: it was like he was almost not there, but his parents knew. And they loved him. No matter what he never seemed upset, never really crying, always complacent. Their loves were perfect, until one day, Sandrew's father was drafted for the army and sent out to fight and die in a pointless war. The men of the army said that his last words were that no matter what, the leaders that dared make him enlist should take care of his family. Of course, however, this never happened. His mother worked her ass off to try and keep food on the table for the poor, at this point, even year old. Even when there were weeks with no crumbs to take in, he smiled and beard it. Nothing seemed to phase him, especially after his father's death, where he cried the hardest he had in his life. It was like he just couldn't be sad.

All the smiles he gave his mom were worth nothing, in reality, however. She worked hard for him, and loved him, and every smile kept her going, but she eventually worked herself to near death, illness and labor taking its tole on her. She died when Sandrew was fourteen. To the mark. Her last words were of how she doesn't want him to ever stop being the smiling boy she worked so hard for. That she loved him, that he was the best gift she ever recieved, even if it was on somebody else's birthday. His mom died at the stroke of seven on August 17th, to the minute, of when Sandrew was born.

So, what was the boy to do? He was orphaned. He never learned how to do anything because his mother did everything she could to make his life as cushy as possible. He didn't know. For a while, he just drifted, being unable to afford his home, he abandoned it. For a while he used his innate tallent for lack of presence to spy on others for coin here and there, and eventually, he mastered the ability somewhat. He could vanish from the world almost at a whim, but he couldn't just choose when he was vanished entirely. Sometimes he just ceased. Time flowed on without him on days where he just refused to exist, to just sit quietly and watch the world around him go on. Time held no real meaning anymore, he hardly aged because he almost never stayed out in the world for long enough for him to age much. In a sense, it was almost like fastforwarding a movie, but in the background, a reoccurring extra just popped up and disappeared as he so pleased, nothing ever changed for him. It gave him the ability to survive until one day, when visiting his mother's grave, he met an Orphan that lived in one of the big castles visiting his own mother's grave. The orphan, moved by Sandrew's story, offered Sandrew a place at the palace. He didn't refuse.
Personality: A rather determined and emotional young man with a kind heart. He hates fighting, but by no means is afrail of fighting. He is rather innocent, and has a very calming aura: people can't help but love him. He isn't the most chipper at times, but the way he handles the world around him is like that of a child in some ways, but a mature young man in others. He enjoys building models, and is one of few who appreciates Jun's outlook on life and personality. In a similar vein to Derik, he is very honest and forward, and generally never hides anything.

Fighting Ability/Magic:

Sandrew by no means is any sort of fighter himself, whilst he can use a longsword, he is far more skilled at supportive magic usage to help the stronger fighters. He is incredibly good at element-based magic. Earth Magics being his main specialty, but only their more supportive roles, such as using it to create earthen pillars for mobility and so on, as well as healing magic. He has another very odd innate talent: given the opportunity, he seems to just vanish at times. Not like he turns invisible or teleportation or anything, it's like he just ceases to exist to others around him.

Though the power doesn't bother him, others have found this ability startling, including combatants, although he cannot combat enemies whilst they don't know of his presence, they can't harm him either as they, well, can't find him. In fact, he cannot actually affect the normal world when like this, aside from shifting a few objects around, picking things up for short periods of time and so on, which is why he can't steal. Generally, this I why he does most of the research and stalking about in the town. Folks have a bounty on a "boy with brown hair" that the total description very's between person to person, as he is known for being a "squeeler" He mostly uses it for reconnaissance or escape when in battle, should he have to.

More detail:

Earth creates small pillars of rock for both attacks and for support as they let the user launch off of them at high speeds for a quick boost, or create defensive walls that are tougher to cut through. The pillars and walls can act as platforms to stand and walk on or other such purposes, and shortly after use, recede into the ground. If damaged enough, the ground falls apart like sand. He can somewhat levitate some stones, but nothing quite too big, at max about as big as a basketball, as long as it's not made of a more dense rock, like Basalt.

He also comes with a variety of healing magics, though he isn't as good at is as, say, Uzo, his skills prioritize healing of illness and damage. He's able to fix broken or rotten teeth, for example, and can heal scars. Normally he acts as a sort-of assistant to Uzo with this form, in order to aid their healing be more effective. He can still do minor healing, but nothing too great on that front.

His Vanishing ability requires for him to be out of the view of someone specifically looking at him for approximately three seconds, which may sound a tad fast, but three seconds can be pretty hard to get on the field of battle.

After he manages it, he becomes completely invisible, in a sense. He's like a very weak poltergeist. He can mess with objects and move them somewhat, but for the most part he can't affect the world. At that, none of his skills work whilst under cloak, and it can take fifteen minutes minimum in normal world time before he can uncloak, thus meaning that if he does this, he is essentially out of combat and has to leave. Generally he will only do this in combat if he absolutely must get away, life and death, and it requires some focus to do.

Whilst cloaked, time on his physical body slows incredibly, his body is only sixteen years old, but he is technically centuries old, if you go by his "actual" age, but he is unaware of this, as time itself has sort of lost all meaning to him. The world around him speeds up when like that, for him, it's only been maybe half a year since his mother died in terms of trying to quantify it, and he is unaware that he has aged two years. The only thing he is aware of is the fact that his body requires little to sustain itself when like that as well, which is why he stays like that most of the time, as it helps keep everyone more effectivly fed.

It is not, however, without caveats. When like that, of course, time speeds up. Anything he sees happen around him, he can do nothing about, without dropping the cloak then and there, but it takes a bit of time. Dropping it in order to take an action requires one to leave it in anticipation of needing to, as a result, he can't do anything to stop a sudden issue.

It also costs a lot of energy to start up. Although maintaining it can be kept up even in one's sleep, their stamina takes a major hit when using it to leave or come back to the world. It cannot be used in quick succession, half an hour of cool downtime is needed before it can be used again. Objects cannot be affected by you aside from minor actions. One can still effectivly use their body as a shield, but other actions like fighting back, blocking with a weapon, so on, are not possible in the form.

In essance, it's a tool to avoid combat or other issues as best he can, but in reality, is not really that useful for much in terms of combat, and is, as is most of his other abilities, built around being able to support others.

He is also probably the best chef in the land, ironically enough. His mother taught from a young age how to cook, and he was a natural.

Jun: Knows of Jun, and respects him very much, but they don't talk often at this moment, as Sandrew generally keeps to himself.

Ali: Cares deeply for the girl, like a little brother would, often refusing food as when be is hidden, he doesn't seem to require food for very long periods of time, and when she demands he take it, often vanishes. Numerous times she tried to make him take food, even doing so much as to leave some in his room for him to take, but it went rotten because he refused to take it. Often serves as a scout for her marks, whomever they be, learning their patterns for her use.

Uzo: often tries to avoid Uzo, mainly as they are rather intimidating, and he sucks at remembering that they are a "they", and wants to avoid offending Uzo. They often work together to treat the more serious or when there are more Orphans with wounds, and respects Uzo's healing abilities and has no malice for them.

Aleister: Sandrew dislikes Aleister, as his more mean-spiritedness and sharp tounge are very much something he sees as a very, very bad trait that could get him seriously hurt. However, despite his discontent, he treats Aleister just as well as the rest of the Orphans and likes that he is at least honest with people, at least most of the time. He dislikes Aleister's distaste of the Royal Guard, as, though he knows the story, he was able to forgive the Royal Guard, as not all of them, of course, would act in a way similar to the ones who killed the other Orphan.

Lucian: He is unsure what to think of Lucian. At times he seems to act like a younger Aleister, at others, he acts kindly and cheerful. He wants to be much more close with that much kinder side, but fears him in a similar vein to Aleister.

Mes: thuroly hates. Whereas Aleister or Lucian may be unfavorable to him, Mes outright is the exact opposite of what Sandrew strives to be in demeanor. Whereas he is kind, soothing, and gentle, she is rough, crass, and rude. Though Sandrew avoids fighting and her at most every turn he can, whenever they speak, they seem to come to blows. As a result, if she is in a room, he is not. If she wants food, he isn't going to be cooking that evening nor dining with everyone should he need to, so on. She brings out the worst in him, and at one point, he completely boycotted healing her as he grew more and more sick of her personality.

Vera: As he has no real need of weapons, they don't interact much. Still, he appreciates what she does for them.
...Yeah uh sorry, got a little carried away.
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Altross Banor

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Race: Human

Occupation: Squire to a Landed Knight

Picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/paladin_by_shade_of_nekura.jpg.51c287d085201d39faed9422252d1355.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113420" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/paladin_by_shade_of_nekura.jpg.51c287d085201d39faed9422252d1355.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: The young squire has lived a laborous life. At the age of 7, the comforts of his own home was traded for the arduous task of serving Sir Vernon, a short-tempered and lazy master. The knight's insignificance, for he presides over the guards of the Eastern Quarter of the capital city, chafes on him, and he spends his irritation on his treatment of Altross, who bears it bitterly, and releases that resentment on the criminals he captures. It has become such a common practice that Altross has forgotten any happy memory, and thinks life full of hardship and nothing else.

Personality: Bitter and unhappy, he speaks with disdain to those in station below him, and obsequious manners to those above. He has no relationships beyond the professional, and to those that are peers, he holds at a cold arm's length, unwilling to risk their betrayal, and so it would remain easy for him to betray them if need be.

Fighting Ability: Trained with a tennis ball at first, now he holds a sword in hand. Aside from the bow, he has basic training in all knightly weapons from the lance to the blade. With the arming sword alone, Altross has fought a fair few duels on Sir Vernon's behalf. He has scars and stories to tell thereof.

Magic: Healing spells derive their power from the sun's light. He knows how to heal broken bones and stem the blood flow of fatal wounds, as well as the reverse of some curses. But he is still learning his runes and has yet to approach any advanced techniques.



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