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Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

Mitchs98 said:
Lets just say I've made my new cap 6. xD
Lmao. Niice.


She shall be my character.
Is she going to have the guns or not?
Lorkhan said:
Is she going to have the guns or not?
Yes. It's going to be her magic. I completely reworked them from the game.

DemetrioMachete said:
Noel Vermillion? I approve!
Yesss. Noel is bae.

I completely reworked Arcus Diabolous to fit a CS setting too. I originally made her for a Akame Ga Kill RP but I've been wanting to use her elsewhere.
Mitchs98 said:
Yes. It's going to be her magic. I completely reworked them from the game.
Yesss. Noel is bae.

I completely reworked Arcus Diabolous to fit a CS setting too. I originally made her for a Akame Ga Kill RP but I've been wanting to use her elsewhere.
Well, I know who I want on my team.
LordOfThePitch said:
Well, I know who I want on my team.
Here's the straight rip of the CS without me editing it whatsoever;

Name: Anne Solaire

Alias(s): Arcus Diabolus, Blue Gunner.

Age: Looks 20, real age unknown

Gender: Female

Allegiance: Revolutionary Army

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Marital Status: Dating Rin Shinohara @LeSoraAmari



  • Height: 5'4
  • Weight: 126 lbs



  • Ramen
  • Candy
  • Target practice
  • Rin(Kek)
  • Rain
  • Sushi
  • Reading


  • Plain noodles
  • Spicy food
  • Slow music
  • Constant fighting
  • Being woken up early without good reason


Despite her appearance, how long she's exsited, and the fact that she's the leader of Night Raid Anne is a extremely childish person outside of combat. Most of the time she isn't serious in the least and takes everything as a game, an extremely fun game that she considers herself a master of. Life is very much an adventure for her, she doesn't take much seriously at all. She constantly plays pranks on her fellow members, especially her boyfriend Rin. This coupled with the fact she has very little sense of shame or embarrassment leads to some very interesting things.

Despite her childish attitude Anne is actually very intelligent, being childish only in personality, not in mind. She is an expert strategist and tactician, which is why she was chosen as the leader of Night Raid. Her plans are usually foolproof by design, but unfortunately she can't be held accountable by those who execute them.

In combat however Annes' personality shifts entirely. She becomes completely calm and serious, focusing entirely on the fight. Nothing distracts her at all until her target is dead or incapacitated.

Biography: WIP

Anne has three guns that she wields and can summon at will, each with their advantages and disadvantages as well as the amount of stress and energy it takes to wield them. It is impossible to permanently disarm Anne, as it impossible for someone else to wield her weapons. As far as disarming her, all she requires is a simple gesture to return her guns to her hands. As far as someone else wielding them they simply won't fire.

Anne wields two massive hand-cannonesque guns for her primary weapons, these guns having ability have the ability to blast holes into wall if sufficiently charged. To charge it is as simple as holding down the trigger, once the barrel glows the bullet in the gun is ready to blast through nigh anything save for other Teigu. These guns give Anne a significant speed boost when wielded for the sacrifice of raw power unless she takes time to fire charged shots. Normal rounds are capable of piercing unarmored targets with ease and punching through armor after suffecient damage dealt.

Anne's second gun, and second preferred weapon, is a massive shotgun. Her movement is severely hindred when using this heavy and bulky weapon despite inherent Biological Teigu strength. This weapon is capable of majorly wounding someone in only a few shots, making it the most powerful yet most draining weapon in her arsenal. Sustained combat with this weapon is impossible, thus making her usually only use it to finish a fight.

Anne's third, and arguably most versatile gun, is a huge HMG about the same size she is when propped upright. This gun is capable of firing 40 rounds per second of low damaging bullets. Accuracy is next to non exsistant and maneouverability is arguably worse than with her shotgun, making this weapon better for use against large crowds or as a suppression weapon.

Trump Card; Ballistic Rain:

Anne's trumpcard, which she can only use once every four days and completely drains her combat capabilities is fairly devastating. Anne crouches down and overcharges both of her guns far past their normal limits and fires the shots into the air. The shots subsequently split apart and rain down like flak shells, peppering the ground roughly 200 feet in front of her with sporadic and semi powerful explosions.

Extra: Anne's core is outside of her body on a necklace that is worn by Rin.
Mitchs98 said:
Here's the straight rip of the CS without me editing it whatsoever;
Name: Anne Solaire

Alias(s): Arcus Diabolus, Blue Gunner.

Age: Looks 20, real age unknown

Gender: Female

Allegiance: Revolutionary Army

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Marital Status: Dating Rin Shinohara @LeSoraAmari



  • Height: 5'4
  • Weight: 126 lbs



  • Ramen
  • Candy
  • Target practice
  • Rin(Kek)
  • Rain
  • Sushi
  • Reading


  • Plain noodles
  • Spicy food
  • Slow music
  • Constant fighting
  • Being woken up early without good reason


Despite her appearance, how long she's exsited, and the fact that she's the leader of Night Raid Anne is a extremely childish person outside of combat. Most of the time she isn't serious in the least and takes everything as a game, an extremely fun game that she considers herself a master of. Life is very much an adventure for her, she doesn't take much seriously at all. She constantly plays pranks on her fellow members, especially her boyfriend Rin. This coupled with the fact she has very little sense of shame or embarrassment leads to some very interesting things.

Despite her childish attitude Anne is actually very intelligent, being childish only in personality, not in mind. She is an expert strategist and tactician, which is why she was chosen as the leader of Night Raid. Her plans are usually foolproof by design, but unfortunately she can't be held accountable by those who execute them.

In combat however Annes' personality shifts entirely. She becomes completely calm and serious, focusing entirely on the fight. Nothing distracts her at all until her target is dead or incapacitated.

Biography: WIP

Anne has three guns that she wields and can summon at will, each with their advantages and disadvantages as well as the amount of stress and energy it takes to wield them. It is impossible to permanently disarm Anne, as it impossible for someone else to wield her weapons. As far as disarming her, all she requires is a simple gesture to return her guns to her hands. As far as someone else wielding them they simply won't fire.

Anne wields two massive hand-cannonesque guns for her primary weapons, these guns having ability have the ability to blast holes into wall if sufficiently charged. To charge it is as simple as holding down the trigger, once the barrel glows the bullet in the gun is ready to blast through nigh anything save for other Teigu. These guns give Anne a significant speed boost when wielded for the sacrifice of raw power unless she takes time to fire charged shots. Normal rounds are capable of piercing unarmored targets with ease and punching through armor after suffecient damage dealt.

Anne's second gun, and second preferred weapon, is a massive shotgun. Her movement is severely hindred when using this heavy and bulky weapon despite inherent Biological Teigu strength. This weapon is capable of majorly wounding someone in only a few shots, making it the most powerful yet most draining weapon in her arsenal. Sustained combat with this weapon is impossible, thus making her usually only use it to finish a fight.

Anne's third, and arguably most versatile gun, is a huge HMG about the same size she is when propped upright. This gun is capable of firing 40 rounds per second of low damaging bullets. Accuracy is next to non exsistant and maneouverability is arguably worse than with her shotgun, making this weapon better for use against large crowds or as a suppression weapon.

Trump Card; Ballistic Rain:

Anne's trumpcard, which she can only use once every four days and completely drains her combat capabilities is fairly devastating. Anne crouches down and overcharges both of her guns far past their normal limits and fires the shots into the air. The shots subsequently split apart and rain down like flak shells, peppering the ground roughly 200 feet in front of her with sporadic and semi powerful explosions.

Extra: Anne's core is outside of her body on a necklace that is worn by Rin.

If you don't mind me saying this, she seems very out of place considering the setting.
Lorkhan said:
If you don't mind me saying this, she seems very out of place considering the setting.
I intend on editing her. That was just a straight rip from the other RP.
I am making a character later today, if that's okay.

This sorta started up while it was midnight over here.

Anyway I should be back from work around 15:20 ish! Then I'll get to it.
@Amber KB I need to know if she's acceptable thus far before I finish the rest of the sheet, if you have time to check.

Anne Solaire


Name: Anne Solaire



Gender: Female



126 lbs

Sky Blue


Body Modifications:

Distinguishing Marks: None

Clothing: See the above picture.

Armor: Anne's clothes are actually lightly armored as is, and as such is pretty much the only armor she ever wears for ease of movement. It's not exactly heavy armor, but it will protect against light blows and lessen damage from others.


Arcus Diabolus is the name of her magic as well as the weapons she wields to use it. Her magic is fairly unique, her and three others being the only ones able to use it. Weapons will not fire for anyone other than herself.

  • Minor Powers:

  1. Re-Arm: Anne makes a simple hand gesture to return her weapons to her hands should she get disarmed of them. Simple as that.
  2. Rapid Fire: Again, fairly simple. Anne fires magic arc shots at a varying pace depending on how fast she pulls the trigger. The faster she fires, the weaker the damage done. Likewise a slower more moderate pace would do more damage.
  3. Charge Shot: Anne holds down the trigger for several seconds and charges up a shot capable of denting solid stone. Drains a moderate amount of energy and overheats the pistol in question for a decent period of time.

  • Major Power:

  1. Meteor Shot: Anne charges both guns to twice their normal limit and proceeds to fire both shots into the air. The resulting shots are fairly massive, however they taper off into hundreds of extremely small shots that explode upon contact with anything, including her, in a 25 foot radius in the direction she fires. This drains a massive amount of energy and severely overheats the guns, making them and herself useless combat wise for quiet some time.
  2. Tracking Shot: Anne fires a charged shot, however this shot tracks down whatever target she has it locked onto until it hits something solid or the target dissappears. She must keep her gun aimed at the target for short period of time to lock onto the target. This drains a moderate amount of energy and carries the same overheat penalty as a standard charge shot.

Personality: 1+ paragraphs.

History: 1+ paragraphs.
if you're gonna use guns, be sure to have some sort of magical reason for them, because that type of gun is not very Lore-Friendly
They could explain it in the bio. Maybe they are an artifact of some sort or just straight up not entirely 'physical' objects, they did mention that her magic was unique.
Last edited by a moderator:
Amber KB]I'm sorry. I know that and I got it right the first time. I should have paid more attention [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
Huh? Its fine! I wasn't mad or anything. I was just stating I was a guy. It happens quiet often since I only play female characters, tbh. Don't worry about it d:

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