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Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

Lorkhan said:
That's cause everyone else has magic. Take that away, and he'll be mopping the floor with everyone.
And saying that if they didn't have magic he would win is stupid. Of course if you took his weapons away the magic guys would always win.
LordOfThePitch said:
Not the other melee fighters, who are all far more powerful.
He's about 150 years ahead of them in terms of skill and experience. I think he can manage.
LordOfThePitch said:
He's still nothing in combat. Nearly everybody here is a master strategist. Yet another one won't really do much, especially if they can't fight.
Well shylock may have been a general of a army but he is no master strategist.
Anybody can win in a fight, sure, some of the characters are -very- powerful, it isn't based on only magic, artifacts and such, skills, tactics and such also comes into play, Some use brute strength and others use magic, but we are all still mortals, if your character got shot by an arrow, they'll bleed, heck the Wood elf is probably fast in that armor which may look heavy to everyone else, your character might just say "He is a bit slower because of that armor." But of course not human slow.. But still, a lucky or a well-placed jab with a spear to the chest isn't something must shrug off, and if they do, they'll still have to deal with the bleeding/loss of energy, disruption of concentration, etc.
Sigismund said:
Anybody can win in a fight, sure, some of the characters are -very- powerful, it isn't based on only magic, artifacts and such, skills, tactics and such also comes into play, Some use brute strength and others use magic, but we are all still mortals, if your character got shot by an arrow, they'll bleed, heck the Wood elf is probably fast in that armor which may look heavy to everyone else, your character might just say "He is a bit slower because of that armor." But of course not human slow.. But still, a lucky or a well-placed jab with a spear to the chest isn't something must shrug off, and if they do, they'll still have to deal with the bleeding/loss of energy, disruption of concentration, etc.
That means that they can also be killed by the same things. For instance, an arrow to the eye. What can he possibly do? Nearly every character has a way of doing something to it. A spear is nothing in an arena with the best mystical fighters ever.
LordOfThePitch said:
He's still nothing in combat. Nearly everybody here is a master strategist. Yet another one won't really do much, especially if they can't fight.
Idk why you are being so judgmental towards everyone else characters when you should be looking at your own. In a successful team we need diverse characters. Cailan has more than a century of combat experience, with a prominent name. Charisma is an important trait as well, he will be able to negotiate and resolve issues within the team. His character is developed, and well written/thought out. Just because he can't instantly one shot everything like your character, does not mean he is a weak character.
Shan'she doesnt use magic.

And Heinrich's magic cannot harm Neutral or Good people.

Shan'she may be a ruthless swordswoman but Heinrich's skill with a mace is about as good as youd expect. What more strategy can be put into a bludgeon other than hit them in the soft bits as hard as you can?

Brinie said:
Idk why you are being so judgmental towards everyone else characters when you should be looking at your own. In a successful team we need diverse characters. Cailan has more than a century of combat experience, with a prominent name. Charisma is an important trait as well, he will be able to negotiate and resolve issues within the team. His character is developed, and well written/thought out. Just because he can't instantly one shot everything like your character, does not mean he is a weak character.
I'm hardly being judgemental. I'm just pointing out how they'd not be able to do much in a fighting situation. A prominent name is also completely worthless in this situation. His experience is all he has. That's it. A lot of these fighters are charismatic. Don't take a critique of your character as a personal insult. It only means you'll dismiss what I'm saying and call me judgmental without doing anything about the issue.
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Again, we don't know how Cailan actually fights, we don't know his tricks or combat secrets, and I am sure an elf at that age, surely has quite a few, he might just be able to wear down the magical fighters in a prolonged match, and use finesse to deal with stronger.

To quote. "The best way to trick a fool is to let the fool think that he is tricking you." By playing smart, and tactically, he might just still win in a fight, after all, his character survived this far, so he isn't a useless cannon fodder.
Sigismund said:
Again, we don't know how Cailan actually fights, we don't know his tricks or combat secrets, and I am sure an elf at that age, surely has quite a few, he might just be able to wear down the magical fighters in a prolonged match, and use finesse to deal with stronger.
To quote. "The best way to trick a fool is to let the fool think that he is tricking you." By playing smart, and tactically, he might just still win in a fight, after all, his character survived this far, so he isn't a useless cannon fodder.
He hasn't "survived this far". We havent even started. And nothing to do with arrogance or being fooled. Half of these people could instantly smite him. It's not that those ones are OP. It's that he's not even remotely powerful enough to fight in the arena.
LordOfThePitch said:
I'm hardly being judgemental. I'm just pointing out how they'd not be able to do much in a fighting situation. A prominent name is also completely worthless in this situation. His experience is all he has. That's it. A lot of these fighters are charismatic. Don't take a critique of your character as a personal insult. It only means you'll dismiss what I'm saying and call me judgmental without doing anything about the issue.
What I'm trying to say that the tournament is not the end of this roleplay. Sure, you created a strong character, but nothing more than that. Jackson lacks any sort of real personality with very little thought, you just wanted to make a character that could kill everything. I like characters like Cailan because you can tell that someone spent time on brandishing a character.

LordOfThePitch said:
I'm hardly being judgemental. I'm just pointing out how they'd not be able to do much in a fighting situation. A prominent name is also completely worthless in this situation. His experience is all he has. That's it. A lot of these fighters are charismatic. Don't take a critique of your character as a personal insult. It only means you'll dismiss what I'm saying and call me judgmental without doing anything about the issue.
Your criticisms are pointless though. I am sure the creator of Cailan's character did not intend on creating a character that could destroy everyone. Instead he made a fleshed out character with a good background. I can however tell that you created Jackson wanting TO destroy everyone. He lacks a personality and he has a bland background with very little thought or inspiration put in to it. Comparatively, when you look at other characters there is no real room for growth or development. He's a mage, and he can kill everyone, that's it really. The tournament is just the first real "story" point of this roleplay, to introduce our characters and show off their abilities. I am not sure how Jack would really fit in to the team afterwards because he has no real flavor to him. He'd make a powerful fighter sure, but a good character? I'd work on that before you critique anyone else.
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Brinie said:
What I'm trying to say that the tournament is not the end of this roleplay. Sure, you created a strong character, but nothing more than that. Jackson lacks any sort of real personality with very little thought, you just wanted to make a character that could kill everything. I like characters like Cailan because you can tell that someone spent time on brandishing a character.
Your criticisms are pointless though. I am sure the creator of Cailan's character did not intend on creating a character that could destroy everyone. Instead he made a fleshed out character with a good background. I can however tell that you created Jackson wanting TO destroy everyone. He lacks a personality and he has a bland background with very little thought or inspiration put in to it. Comparatively, when you look at other characters there is no real room for growth or development. He's a mage, and he can kill everyone, that's it really. The tournament is just the first real "story" point of this roleplay, to introduce our characters and show off their abilities. I am not sure how Jack would really fit in to the team afterwards because he has no real flavor to him. He'd make a powerful fighter sure, but a good character? I'd work on that before you critique anyone else.
I didn't put much of a backstop you because 99% of RPs with this kind of setup don't need them. When I made my character, this wasn't nearly as fleshed out as it is now. Back when I'd made him, this was just an arena fighting thread to determine who got to fight even more monsters after the main arena. So I made a character that could fight, and kept the story and personality minimal.
I'd be more than fine with going back and fleshing out the character more if that's a concern.
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LordOfThePitch said:
I didn't put much of a backstop you because 99% of RPs with this kind of setup don't need them. When I made my character, this wasn't nearly as fleshed out as it is now. Back when I'd made him, this was just an arena fighting thread to determine who got to fight even more monsters after the main arena. So I made a character that could fight, and kept the story and personality minimal.
That's fair. I'm aware that the overview was not there when the thread was first posted. Whether you go back and flesh it out is entirely up to you. The GM already gave your character the ok as it is now. He can be a better character with more polish though, now that all of the information is there for you. I don't want to sound like I'm telling you what to do, since this is not my RP and don't want to overstep my bounds or anything (' :| ).
What is all this about OP characters and who is going to win? The roleplay hasn't started yet and you're already planning a scapegoat for victory??? If I wanted too I could explain how any single one of our characters will win the tournament and make your character sound like a fool in the process. It's okay when you have a prediction for who is going to win but it's a problem when you debunk someones character.
Reznor said:
What is all this about OP characters and who is going to win? The roleplay hasn't started yet and you're already planning a scapegoat for victory??? If I wanted too I could explain how any single one of our characters will win the tournament and make your character sound like a fool in the process. It's okay when you have a prediction for who is going to win but it's a problem when you debunk someones character.
Just passing time with OOC drama while we wait for the RP to start. (' :) )
As long as it doesn't turn into ranting or gets more complicated, nothing bad is going on, just restless people.
Brinie said:
Just passing time with OOC drama while we wait for the RP to start. (' :) )
Dear christ... Look, The tournament is the first step to the story of mercenaries from different walks of life... That is it, the first step and nothing more. The winner of the tournament can be placed in the first tier but then be brought down to the third tier as time progresses.
Reznor said:
Dear christ... Look, The tournament is the first step to the story of mercenaries from different walks of life... That is it, the first step and nothing more. The winner of the tournament can be placed in the first tier but then be brought down to the third tier as time progresses.
I am well-aware, in fact I've explained that it was the first step in the story just a few moments ago.
Indeed, we shouldn't put the Tournament into the big thing, it's just a story-starter and character introduction moment, afterwards, everyone is put into groups and they can all act accordingly on how they think of it, later it can change by many reasons, heck.. There might be a moment when a third tier shines and everyone else have to follow and execute their plan!

Nobody is the big protagonist here and we all share the limelight with each other, so let's not step on each other's toes -too much- now, ay?
For those of you unaware the main plot takes place shortly after the tournament, within that time we will begin to learn about everyone's character as they develop in the roleplay. But after the tournament you're placed into the team with the very same people you have defeated, you being the victor of the tournament doesn't hold merit to any of the roleplayers it holds merit to the NPCs who've heard about you in a tournament.
It is the first point of conjecture though, so it is unsurprising that it is the most talked about topic at the moment. I'm sure when things kick off we can start actually plotting things between our characters.

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