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Realistic or Modern heroes and villains, two sides of the same coin. ic



One Thousand Club
Do you feel it, the clump building up in the back of your throat?
The jackal, the leader of the world's strongest superhero team has fallen, nobody could believe it, with his set of powers and intellect who could believe that he is dead.
With his speed and his foresight, how could he die from a damned gunshot.
He and his team were supposed to usher in a new age of heroes with their sidekicks and prodigies, and now the public seems to be split.
If the jackal can die from a gunshot, what makes any hero different from regular humans.
What if someone figured out the jackals' weakness, perhaps he figured out the weaknesses of everyone from the sentinels.
The jackals' funeral will be held in front of the heroes' hall, a building dedicated to the memories and trophies of the heroes. Many heroes from all over the world will attend, the public too.
The jackal has fallen, and maybe the age of heroes has fallen with it.​
in laijutsu dojo. around 9pm. New
The students of Laijutsu have gathered in the main room of the dojo, some of them were crammed and others sat outside on the wooden deck, the place was fuller than usual.
The man walked back and forth, he kept one hand on the hilt of his sword and the other on his face as he wiped away what seemed like sweat, maybe it was a tear, but he wasn't the type to cry. Just the stress that seemed to be coming off of him was the most emotion most of his students have seen from him.

On the wall of the dojo was a picture of the jackal, it was strange seeing him without his mask, as his identity was revealed after his death.
Around his framed picture were multiple candles, flowers and sense being burned.

Laijutsu would walk over to the picture, he paid his respect and made another prayer. He had done this multiple times already.

He turned around to his students, trying to keep his stern expression that his students were used to seeing.

"We lost a great man..." his words seemed stuck in his throat. "A hero so great, any one of us standing here would be proud to have known him or even to have seen him." his tongue moved around his mouth. He took a deep, shaky breath.

"We must all pay our respect, move in groups of three, move silently and do not hesitate to protect any civilians on your way. Do not arrive too late. void, come with me"
Crow15572 Crow15572
in the heroes hall, in supernova's section of the building. New
Supernova sat crying in her chair, the first time any of her trainees have seen her wearing so little color.
She wasn't like Laijutsu, everyone had seen her cry and laugh and get angry, but this was different. This loss was greater than anything anyone could expect. A couple of her trainees were trying to comfort her as her crying was interrupted every now in them with her saying "he was never supposed to die, not like that", "he was so young", "he was my friend".

Outside the room, in the hall leading to her office, stood at least 30 kids and teenagers who were under her mentorship, some of them knew jackal and the older ones had even helped in missions he was part of.

Supernova stepped out of her office, the two kids holding her up as she cried, the funeral was starting in a few minutes, and supernova is the first person making a speech right after the mayor of the city (red port, is the name of the city, yes I just decided that). She seemed unstoppable before.
The star of red port, the earth's shining beacon of hope, the golden girl. All names that the press used to describe her. No one could blame her, everyone in the sentinel was basically a giant family.
the kids followed her outside.

PlusUltra PlusUltra
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over the monster alliance communiaction device. New
"weredog speaking, as you may have heard, jackal, the leader of the sentinels, has kicked the bucket. Let's pray to god it wasn't one of you shitheads because if it is, I will find you. It probably wasn't, we all know what happened to the last guy who killed a hero, brutal." he can be heard taking a swig of something, probably alcohol, "now I know most of you don't like the sentinels, god knows I wasn't on great terms with most of them. And I ain't forcing any of you to attend his funeral, I won't be going there myself. Too drunk to do that. Just go easy on some of the guys these next few weeks. Message over"
He leans over the table he's sitting in, "so quill, you and fancy pants going?"


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