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Realistic or Modern heroes and villains, two sides of the same coin. ic

Ayame Amano
CS link

"Onikiri. It's been a while," John said, his massive frame shifting slightly. Names had never been his strong suit, especially now that he was getting on in years, yet he remembered hers well from both their time together in the Monster Alliance and the fact she was a fellow Draxx veteran.

Ayame gave a small nod, "Indeed, it has."

"I felt it was only right to pay my respects," John said, looking around anxiously. "Are the others with you?" he asked, hoping to avoid an awkward situation with Weredog.

Ayame shook her head, sensing the undercurrent of tension in Steel Shark's voice, hinting his discomfort with the current leadership of the Monster Alliance. "No, I came alone. The others... they have their ways of coping, or not coping, as the case may be. Weredog said he was too drunk to come, probably for the best, given his...complicated history with Jackal and the Sentinels."

Interaction: Scatterbrain Scatterbrain as Steel Shark
John breathed a sigh of relief before returning his gaze to Ayame. "How are you anyway?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. He felt a certain kinship with Ayame. Her relentless battles against the Yakuza mirrored his own war with the Draxx, and her struggle with vampirism reflected his ongoing conflict with his shark and alien aspects.

( Jackson123 Jackson123 Sorry there's not much for you to sink your teeth into. :closedeyescryingfrown:)
Ayame Amano
CS link

"Life has been... as usual," Ayame said. "The Draxx invasion shifted a lot of things for us in the Yakuza. On one hand, it brought unity because there was a common enemy. On the other, it brought new power struggles, as gains from the black market surged. The Oyabun is trying to navigate a shaky peace with the Mafia that has been trying to encroach on territories we traditionally hold, and the Wakagashira and Shateigashira are both pushing their own agendas."

"Inter-gumi conflicts have escalated since the Draxx invasion," she continued. "The chaos left behind has been fertile ground for old grievances to resurface, and everyone wants a piece of pie in the reconstruction business opportunities."

Then, shifting her focus away from her own burdens, she looked up at John with a curious tilt of her head.

"And what about you? How are things in the Space Force? I can only imagine what it would feels like out there in the vast final frontier."

Interaction: Scatterbrain Scatterbrain as Steel Shark.
As Supernova walked through the once hopeful halls, now foreboding.
It was almost as if the great monument of justice itself felt the great loss of the Jackal. Tears dripped down her path as she looked at the status of heroes now dead. One of her closest friends now being one of them.

At first there was only one set of footsteps. Soon there was two. Judging by the sound, whoever owned the second pair made absolutely no effort to hide their presence. It was as if the person wanted to make themselves known. Which was very strange considering it was, as she slowly turned around to face a, familiar, but not comforting, old friend. It was Professor Why.

". . .I noticed you left the funeral. . ."
Supernova turns around seeing the man, at that moment, if human sanity made a sound when it broke you would hear hers shatter like a glass screen.
in a quick and violent motion she slams how on the wall of the hall possibly breaking a few bones.
"you fucking human trash." she yells at him, her eyes turn bright red before turning bright as her laser eyes activate. "what makes you think you have any damned right to be here? and what makes you think i shouldnt just blast your fucking head off your shoulders right now"
she holds the man by the neck lifting him slightly of the ground.
The Professor remained passive despite the sharp pain he felt in his ribs. He figured at least six were broken and quite possibly even a leg. Unfortunately, he would live. He was actually more concerned by how aggressive Supernova was. The bright red glow in her eyes bordering dangerously close to a dark path. As amazing of an opportunity this was. To turn her to the dark side. He came with. quite surprisingly, more sincere intentions.
He stared at her an angle just right for her to see herself in his shattered glasses. A broken, hostile, almost villainous. . . woman stared back. He sighed through his faceless mask as replaced his glasses with a new pair.
"Half my budget goes into these. . ." He said while wiping them before putting them on.

"I did not reveal myself to patronize you woman." He said with some disappointment.
"I followed somehow hoping that a familiar, albeit, criminal face could console you.
But even considering that. . .
This is a bit much now innit?" He shook his head somehow despite his neck being pinned against the wall.
"You don't want to be me." He whispered rather ominously.

"To answer both your questions. . .
I don't."
He swung his legs awkwardly before continuing.
"I came to the funeral hoping that, you heroes with your embarrassingly naive, but admittedly, happier ideologies would perhaps, allow me to say goodbye. . .
To him. . . But maybe I was just right all along. That there is no meaning to life and that everything is permitted." He tilted his head.
"Do you want to prove me right Supernova?"
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Ayame Amano
CS link

"Life has been... as usual," Ayame said. "The Draxx invasion shifted a lot of things for us in the Yakuza. On one hand, it brought unity because there was a common enemy. On the other, it brought new power struggles, as gains from the black market surged. The Oyabun is trying to navigate a shaky peace with the Mafia that has been trying to encroach on territories we traditionally hold, and the Wakagashira and Shateigashira are both pushing their own agendas."

"Inter-gumi conflicts have escalated since the Draxx invasion," she continued. "The chaos left behind has been fertile ground for old grievances to resurface, and everyone wants a piece of pie in the reconstruction business opportunities."

Then, shifting her focus away from her own burdens, she looked up at John with a curious tilt of her head.

"And what about you? How are things in the Space Force? I can only imagine what it would feels like out there in the vast final frontier."

Interaction: Scatterbrain Scatterbrain as Steel Shark.
John listened intently as Ayame spoke and couldn't help but feel partially responsible for the conflicts she was facing with the Yakuza. It's a familiar story, when an external threat appears, old rivals often band together, only for new conflicts to arise once the dust settles. It was easy to forget that war doesn't just end when the enemy was defeated. The aftermath can last for ages and often be more challenging than the battles themselves. Rebuilding, dealing with the scars left behind, the power vacuums, those were all battles in their own right.

When she shifted the focus to him, he took a deep breath, a slight smile crossing his face. Despite everything that had happened to him, John still saw himself as a scientist and astronaut first. Out there in space, dealing with scientific challenges and the vast unknown, that was his comfort zone. But here, on Earth, dealing with the complexities of being a superhero, it was... different. It was hard.

"As for Space Force, it's been... an adventure. The vastness of space is awe-inspiring. After the Draxx invasion, there's been a lot of focus on ensuring something like that never happens again. We've been working on advanced defence systems and deep-space reconnaissance missions." He looked up at the stars, his thoughts momentarily drifting. "However, space can also be rather foreboding. Out there, it's quiet. Too quiet, sometimes. You have time to think, to reflect on everything. When it's really quiet, I swear I can still hear the Draxx out there, lurking in the darkness."
Soaring through the air was a common past time of one Sampson Summers, it was where he'd spent most of the day, under the guise of a patrol. He was even in the air when his communicator had gone off, signaling a recall. He'd not thought much of it at the time stopping his leisurely float with a kick of the legs to accelerate back to the direction of the hall. With his quickness All-Star found his way to Red Port quickly and upon flying through town he'd first seen the headline.

Jackal dead, brought low by a bullet.

He'd never stopped flying so fast in his life, standing suspended in the air seemingly too stunned to move for the shock of the headline.

(Short Timeskip)

Sam hadn't had time to change, maybe he had but it'd probably be better for All-Star to be here than some random dude. Not that he figured anyone would be looking at him anyway.

A legend such as Jackal dying was enough to stifle even Sam's ego for a short time. He was trying to stay quiet and respectful among the other trainees while his mind went a mile a minute trying to figure out what this all meant. He'd seen Jackal from afar in life but they'd never conversated 1 to 1, in that save that'd served as his job interview Jackal hadn't stuck around to talk to the potential rookie, apparently being needed elsewhere. Sam had sworn he was gonna catch his attention one day and now that he could never do that... it left a pit in his stomach.

He wasn't sure if he could call it grief but it didn't feel good.

His position among the trainees put him near a growing group near that giant girl, Fragile. He couldn't help eavesdropping just a bit and almost slapped himself in the face when she said something he should've figured out, the bombshell earlier that evening had left even his overdrive brain a little scrambled. "You're onto something there" Sam would slap himself right into the conversation. "Either way though we're gonna have something extra to watch out for after this."

PlusUltra PlusUltra TwoFacedTim TwoFacedTim Crow15572 Crow15572
Ayame Amano
CS link

Ayame's gaze following John's as he looked up at the stars.

"It sounds like a double-edged sword," she remarked. "The solitude gives you space to think, but those thoughts aren't always welcome. It's a different kind of experience, isn't it? From outside view looking at this tiny, fragile ball of life we call Earth hanging in the quiet void, shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere."

"Down here, the noise never stops. Constantly moving, constantly fighting. Sometimes, I envy your quiet moments, even if they come with their own shadows."

She shifted her stance slightly, her hand subconsciously resting on the hilt of her katana beneath her coat. "Do you find it changes you? Being so far from everything else, from everyone else?"

Interaction: Scatterbrain Scatterbrain as Steel Shark
Ayame Amano
CS link

Ayame's gaze following John's as he looked up at the stars.

"It sounds like a double-edged sword," she remarked. "The solitude gives you space to think, but those thoughts aren't always welcome. It's a different kind of experience, isn't it? From outside view looking at this tiny, fragile ball of life we call Earth hanging in the quiet void, shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere."

"Down here, the noise never stops. Constantly moving, constantly fighting. Sometimes, I envy your quiet moments, even if they come with their own shadows."

She shifted her stance slightly, her hand subconsciously resting on the hilt of her katana beneath her coat. "Do you find it changes you? Being so far from everything else, from everyone else?"

Interaction: Scatterbrain Scatterbrain as Steel Shark
John paused, considering her question. "Being far from everything does change you. It makes you confront parts of yourself you'd rather ignore. It forces you to reflect on your purpose and your place in the universe. When you're out there, it's just you and the silence. You can't escape your thoughts... your fears. It makes you acutely aware of how different you are..." He sighed, the weight of his thoughts pressing down on him as he glanced down at his armoured hands. "How much you've changed..."

John returned his gaze to Ayame, his sombre tone gradually becoming more upbeat. "Yet it also reminds you of the fragility and beauty of our home. It makes you appreciate the connections you have, the people you fight for, back on Earth. The solitude gives you time to reflect on those connections, to remember why you do what you do. It's the people we care about, the bonds we form, that give us strength. It's a struggle, but it's one we all share, regardless of where we are. And knowing that makes it a little easier to bear."

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