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Realistic or Modern Here's to the New Memories

Lana looked at him and whimpered some shaking her head "Its not fair daddy!! I don't want a sister anymore!" She sobbed trying to pull away from him "You love her more than me!"

The nurse sighed heavily looking at Carmen "We don't know who did this but whoever did ripped his intestines and nearly got his stomach. He is very touch and go at the moment....I'm afraid m'am its less than a fifty percent chance he makes it through the night
Jeff shook his head, "Lana you are a big girl. I'm not going to accept you whining like a baby anymore.. You need to talk to me, why don't you want a sister anymore? And where have I ever made it seem like I love her more? I love you both just the same." He promised her. "Do you understand why Mommy has made you come live with grandma and grampa?" He asked her seriously, keeping her planted in his lap.

Carmen frowned watching him carefully and just rubbed his arm gently, worried sick about him but thanked the nurse when she was finally left to privacy with him and just curled up in the chair as much as possible, placing his hand on her bump when the baby started moving, "Don't you even think about leaving me right now mister. Your son wants to meet you so bad and I need you to help me raise him." She murmured to him, "If I can get through the hell of cancer then you're gonna fight through this for me you understand? I'm not going anywhere baby I'm right here." She promised, sitting there until she fell asleep from exhaustion of being so worried about him
Lana whimpered quietly but nodded some "They told me she was bad daddy! That she was gonna take you from me." She admitted before she started sobbing and pointing at her head "I want it to shut up!" She yelled before crying some more

Lance came in later with some food for Carmen sighing heavily as he looked at Charlie "The police have been getting videos from neighboring stores.....they think they might have a suspect." He said quietly to her
She took it from him and frowned a little but nodded "Alright... they said it ripped through his intestines, went through his diaphragm, just missed his heart." She mumbled, "Any higher and he wouldn't have made it this far." She told him, rubbing at her face some, "I know he can make it but it's gonna take time." She sighed a little and stood up to go call his mom while Lance could watch him.

Jeff frowned some and looked at her, "Lana baby look at me, look at me, who told you that?" He asked her getting both more worried and a little pissed off now that no one had bothered asking her properly what was going on in the whole time he'd been in the hospital, "Iris is not trying to take me from you I promise you but you gotta talk to me okay? I can't help you if you don't talk to me." He coaxed, pulling his phone out and texting Max to get over to his parent's house.
Lana whimpered some and held her head some "The mean lady! She sound like mommy....my mommy." She whimpered holding him tight "Daddy I scared!"

Max rushed over as quickly as she could frowning when she arrived to find Lana sobbing in Jeff's arms "Whats going on?' She asked softly

Charlie's mom answered the phone frowning when she saw the time "Carmen? What are you doing calling so late? Is rhe baby okay?" She asked wondering if maybe she had gone into early labor
"Charlie's been stabbed." She told her quickly, trying to hold back the tears but telling someone and saying the words out loud somehow made it all the more scary. "He was about to go into his signing and someone came up to him and attacked him, we don't know who yet or why but he's uh.. he's really not doing good... You need to come out here." She told her, "Like next flght get out here." She mumbled, rubbing at her face a little, "Me and baby are okay, we're here with him but... Jane it's bad." she whimpered.

Jeff frowned, "Hey, hey, slow down pumpkin, I got you, I'm not going anywhere." He promised her, rocking her gently and looked up at Max when she got there "Look, mommy's here, she's not gonna hurt you, baby girl we both love you so much and we just want to help you okay... Who is this mean lady?" He asked her quietly, still rocking her and trying to soothe her, feeling sick to his stomach at what this could all mean for his daughter.
Lana whimpered some and shook her head some "She in my brain! She sound like old mommy! She look like her." She explained meaning her biological mother

Max took her daughter's hand looking at Jeff worriedly "Its okay baby girl,I promise." She whispered taking a deep breath

Jane went wide eyed as she listened to her daughter in law and took a deep breath "We'll be there by tomorrow okay?" She murmured "It'll be okay honey alright? We will be there."
He frowned some and picked her up, carrying her upstairs with some difficulty, taking her into what was now her room at this house and just sat with her for a while, "I promise you sweetheart, we are going to help you but I want you to know, the most important thing for you to remember princess is that me and mommy and Iris and your grandparents, we all love you, so very very much okay?" He murmured softly to her, rocking her gently until she fell asleep and he lay her down in the bed, rucking her in and went downstairs, sitting back down on the couch and rubbing at his chest. This was certainly not what his doctors had meant when they told him no stress and strict bed rest.

Carmen nodded and swallowed back more tears, "I've got my cell on all the time... if you can't get ahold of me, Lance has his, I'll text you his number, he's Charlie's agent right now." She whimpered, talking to her for another couple minutes before hanging up and going back in to sit with Charlie, rubbing his hand gently.
Max looked at him and rubbed his back some "I didn't know what to do Jeff....I'm so sorry." She whispered taking a deep breath "Jeff we have to get her help...she needs it."

Charlie seemed to twitch a bit groaning softly and moving his head before he passed out again sending off a few alarms
He frowned some, leaning back and just raising his hand to tell her to give him a minute while he caught his breath, "Sorry... I shouldn't be carrying her... Look... I'm not mad that you had her come stay here, I agree, she's not safe around Iris right now.... I'm fucking pissed though that a, no one bothered to tell me and b, no one bothered to try and dig deep to find out why she was acting out like thiss... she's hearing and seeing things Max! That's not her being a brat." He muttered.

Carmen frowned and sat up a bit straighter, moving to stand up when he tried to open his eyes but stepped out of the way when his doctor came in because of the alarms, stepping out of the way and refusing to leave the room, "What's happening?" She asked worriedly
Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded some "She wouldn't talk to me Jeff! She didn't and wouldn't tell my anything!" She explained to him shaking her head some

The doctor frowned some shaking his head some "Looks like he is trying to wake up but its too much stress on his body at the moment. Maybe you could talk to him and relax him? Comfort him and it might help him fall back to sleep." He explained
"Don't start yellin' at me. Jesus christ you think you got a leg to stand on right now?" He muttered "I'm gonna stay here with her for now." HE told her, "I called you cause I thought you should take Iris home." He muttered, shaking his head some.

Carmen frowned and moved to sit with him again once they were left alone. This place wasn't under their insurance and she wanted to get him to the private hospital they always used but until he was stable enough to transport that wouldn't be posible so she just sat with him still, rubbing his arm gently and just talking to him about what she wanted for their son and what names she was thinking about
Max took a deep breath and gave a small nod moving to make him look at her and kissed him lovingly "I love you Jeff, so much." She whispered before she took Iris and made her way back home

Jane showed up the next morning and sighed heavily letting a few tears fall when she saw Charlie hooked up "Oh Carmen...." she whispered going to sit next to her daughter in law
She turned to look at her and just hugged her tightly. “He took a turn last night. He was doing okay but he started waking up and they think his body was just going into shock a little.” She mumbled, holding his hand tightly still.

He sighed quietly and ran a hand over his face. He still loved max and he wasn’t about to leave her over something so stupid but he was justfocused on Lana right now. He fell asleep on the couch snoring quietly as he tried to get some rest before she woke up again.
Lana woke up in the morning and made her way to the living room to watch some TV. She turned on her cartoons and climbed onto the couch cuddling Jeff close not saying a word.

Jane frowned more and shook her head "Who would do this Carmen? Who would do this to him?" She said crying more as she watched her son
Jeff woke up a little but didn't move much. He'd clearly overdone it the previous evening and now he could hardly move a muscle and his chest ached like no tomorrow "Lana.... Can you go get Daddy some water please?" He asked her quietly, rubbing her back a little.

Carmen frowned a little and shook her head, "I don't know but I wish I did." She mumbled, rubbing circles in her bump, smiling just a little when she felt him kicking and took Jane's hand, placing it over the spot, "It's a boy." She told her smiling a little, trying to cheer her up if only a little
Lana nodded softly and got up going to get him some water before bringing it back to him "Here daddy..I give you ice too." she said softly before she went back to watching her cartoons.

Jane looked at her and smiled widely feeling the baby kick "A boy? Really?" She asked quietly letting a few happy tears fall "Do you have names?"
Carmen nodded "I like Josh, Charlie suggested Aaron but what I do really like is a little quirky but I really like Dusty." She giggled some, "We've already said middle name will be William. After his father." She told her but looked over when alarms started going off and got up, quickly moving out of the way of the nurses and his doctor, swallowing a little "What's happening?"

"Thank you princess... What are you watching?" He asked her quietly, sipping the water and lay back down, hoping this feeling would go away while he kept his little girl close, just wanting her to feel safe and loved.
The nurses rushed in when they heard the alarms going off sighing heavily "Looks like he is going into shock. We need you to step out while we fix this." She murmured

Lana smiled some at him "Scooby Doo!" She said happily kissing his cheek "I love you daddy." She said softly cuddling close to him
She whimpered a little but left the room, watching through the window worrying about him but trying to stay calm still, looking over at Jane and eventually sat down to wait, running a hand over her face, "I can't..... I can't lose him." She whimpered quietly, rubbing her bump in slow circles trying to calm down.

"I love you too princess, we're gonna go see someone this afternoon who's gonna help you with that mean lady voice okay pumpkin, I want you to just be really honest with this lady okay? I'm gonna be there the whole time." He promised
Jane nodded some and hugged her close taking a deep breath "We won't loose him I promise." She whispered quietly

Lana nodded some and hugged him close "Okay daddy...you promise you stay with me?" She asked softly looking at him with scared eyes
Carmen frowned some, leaning back and fidgeting while she tried to keep her mind off of everything until they were finally called back in an hour later and she looked over at his doctor, "When's he gonna wake up?" She mumbled, worried sick.

He nodded again "Promise." He murmured, "Keep the noise down okay?" He told her quietly and fell asleep again so he'd have the strength for their appointment later that afternoon
The nurse frowned and shook her head some "We have medically sedated him, he is on a respirator right now as well to help take the stress off of him." She explained

Lana nodded some and started to watch her shows again not leaving his side the entire day except for eating breakfast with her grandparents
Carmen frowned. “How long for?” She asked her as she sat down again and held onto his hand tightly still just wanting to see him awake again. She thought maybe she would be able to relax a little if she could see him awake.

Jeff finally got up in the early afternoon and went to get changed for the day, “Lana mommy is gonna be there as well okay? You can’t hit her or iris so you understand me?”
Lana nodded some and took a deep breath "She told me to hit Iris daddy...I didn't....I didn't want to." She whispered truthfully to him before hugging him tight cuddling close to him

The nurse sighed heavily shaking her head softly "We can't be for sure m'am. Hopefully the next day or so but we will be keeping a close eye on him." She explained

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