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Fandom Hell City

Sinister Clown]@femjapanriceball @ScytheMeister7 [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20446-ayumukatsuchia/ said:
@ayumukatsuchia[/URL] @The Unamed Character
This is just an interest check, let me know if you still want to be apart of this rp
I'm so so sorry! I think I might drop out.

I don't feel like I'm good with this rp..its a really good rp! But not exactly for me.
femjapanriceball said:
lol now I can see Bismarck like "tralala walking down the street doing delivery stuff~" while the twins ogle him and ask him questions about his job xD
Lmao. Pretty much.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]I'm still in on this. Or is this for something else?

I just wanted to see who and who wasn't interested in this Rp still.
TripTripleTimes said:
Ill write something for the leolam, but be free to post before me!
Would you prefer me to post for Ciri first? I left you with a kinda awkward post to reply to, is why I ask.
Yeah. I'm still interested. It's a good way to pass the time....though I'm a bit busy with building a huge ass Colosseum with a re-enactment of the Punic Wars
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Still in, uhm since I also still have Tera but idk what to do with her I guess she can join Lyra Harp now since there isn't a org for fire lovers anymore xD @femjapanriceball
Now that I think about it the twins need a gang now too. ....@femjapanriceball *stares evilly* You said you need more members? > :D
NyxNightmare said:
Still in, uhm since I also still have Tera but idk what to do with her I guess she can join Lyra Harp now since there isn't a org for fire lovers anymore xD @femjapanriceball
Mitchs98 said:
Thief for Elizabeth and Fighter for Maria :3.
Okay got it on the sheet for the org. Welcome to Llyria Harp! *fanfare as Bismarck randomly pops up and gives the twins a cake*

Me: ....

Bismarck: What? That's what I promised? Remember? "Join Llyria Harp, we have cake" :3
femjapanriceball said:
Okay got it on the sheet for the org. Welcome to Llyria Harp! *fanfare as Bismarck randomly pops up and gives the twins a cake*
Me: ....

Bismarck: What? That's what I promised? Remember? "Join Llyria Harp, we have cake" :3
Niice. Expect a stalker post momentarily.

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