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Fandom Hell City (Reboot)

TripTripleTimes said:
It's a cute pic! Nice job Fem~
Im neglecting this rp welp. I'll post something tomorrow and also see in the Akame ga Kill rp if there's anything for me to reply to.

The day didn't past yet? Ciri and emu needs to meet new ppl amg. I need to step on the gass
Not yet. Its about 7 pm
shōgi[/URL] and Go. His goal is to live unremarkably, free of anything of noticeably good or bad, and then to die just as unremarkably as he lived.

he generally believes he can do anything himself, and as such is mortified if and when a woman needs to assist him in any way; his frustrations are similar when he repeatedly finds himself facing female opponents.[/CENTER]




History: As a little kid takuro didn’t find life interesting, and wondered why he was brought in the first place, his expectations of things was rather high. If anything didn’t interest him, he wouldn’t bother it, and leave it be for someone else to fool with it. Takuro was quite smart in school, passing all of his classes, from his early school years to high school, as he enters his junior year at the age of 18, and the other hand he didn’t feel like being much at all, but his parents expect him to do his best, and go to college.

One day, an unexpected latter had arrived on his desk in his room, their was a picture of a city, and fancy words here and there, as he reads it. He had questioned about this letter, and the name hell city was a a bit suspicious, so he decided go ahead, and go.

He told his parents that it was a school trip that he, and only him was invited to they didn’t ask to see it, nor questioned him, they just said alright, and went on their day. This is the beginning of a lifelong journey in hell city, once he had arrived, and what brought him to this place.

Fighting Style: Due to his lazyness he practically doesn’t try to fight at all, but puts enough effort in, in order to get the job done, though he does avoid any conflict that he is in as much as possible.

Strengths: His intelligence is what helps him in most of his situations, if he senses something that is going to happen, he’ll think of multiple solutions, and problems to get out of them.

Weaknesses: Takuro is really lazy, and careless this can be effective during the long run, if he isn’t careful. {/slide}


Character Dovelopment





@Misuki Tatsumi Hello and welcome to the thread, I just wanted to let you know while your CS is mostly fine - this RP isn't specifically intertwined with much supernatural and most of those aspects are used for plot use - the closest thing one could get to a supernatural being right now is a possessed human which is basically your normal person with a voice in their head (They will have a future plot purpose and become a more interesting playable class but right now they are just voices who could be useful in other ways). So I'll have to ask you to take out any specific power's or abilities please before being accepted.

@Hanjizoe I liked your character, especially since you are using Shikimaru - I think it would be interesting having an INTP character in the mix considering how lacking they are right now (Which is funny considering I'm an INTP.) Just make sure to get your bio filled when you can - refer to the lore if you want idea's for what you should add to your bio but apart from that I'm very lenient on what your bio is actually like and only ask for a minimum of two paragraphs. Apart from that you're accepted (Just please, remember to write your bio in the near future)
Bolts said:
Oh that is good. Though I am not much of a working guy as you probably could tell, it's good someone enjoys their job. He said smiling at Bismarck. Then the whole thing processed in his mind. He raised a finger and opened his mouth but nothing came out. He questioned what he was about to ask. Did... Did you say house elf? What is that? Some company?
Drakerus said:
Lenzin Thavidu

"No thank you. I wouldn't want you to spend money on me unnecessarily." he said politely to Peter as he turned to regard Bismarck, "My name is Lenzin by the way, Len for short. It's a pleasure to meet you." he greeted. He then remembered him mentioning something about an elf.

"What exactly is a...'house elf' if you don't mind me inquiring?" he asked curiously. He'd never heard of such a creature before but if they could repair windows as flawlessly as what Peter was describing then they might be quite interesting to learn about.

@femjapanriceball @Bolts
Normally this would be awkward but on the other hand...

Drakerus said:
Normally this would be awkward but on the other hand...
Not like we could let things like that slide. Also bb might be very interested in his ability xD
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Could you make some cool picture of Hitsugya wearing all black and holding a ball of black fire in one hand and half of his face kind of like a black dragon.

SnowStorm42 said:

  • Name: Ryan Devlins

    Alias/Title: Killshot

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Weight: 178 lb.

    Height: 6'2

    Race: Human


So the thing here is that BB is an AI which means Len's nanites could technically have an effect since I'm assuming he's machine related. That said, I'm not sure you want Peter to be cured just like that. I could definitely see Len attempting and then getting refused by BB. I'm wondering what you want to do though.
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You can have than run through lens mind and just leave it up to me to decide in my next post. ;p idk if Len would think about how the others would feel about it. Like Shiro.

Drakerus said:
So the thing here is that BB is an AI which means Len's nanites could technically have an effect since I'm assuming he's machine related. That said, I'm not sure you want Peter to be cured just like that. I could definitely see Len attempting and then getting refused by BB. I'm wondering what you want to do though.
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Drakerus said:
So the thing here is that BB is an AI which means Len's nanites could technically have an effect since I'm assuming he's machine related. That said, I'm not sure you want Peter to be cured just like that. I could definitely see Len attempting and then getting refused by BB. I'm wondering what you want to do though.
Bolts said:
You can have than run through lens mind and just leave it up to me to decide in my next post. ;p idk if Len would think about how the others would feel about it. Like Shiro.

Basically this if BB is kill.
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