Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(No idea, basically I don't think he cares right now. A 12 year old walked in on us, doesn't matter did "that")
(Oh, okay. Cx)

Oswin looked to the door, where Naomi was standing. With a small yelp, she pushed Carlos off of her, scrambling to get fully under the sheets.

"I'm guessing you've never heard of knocking," she hissed, brushing her sweat-clamped hair away from her face, still panting mildly.
{Im my head, this is how I saw that scene where Carlos was trying to comfort Lucas. (but in this its raining and theyre outside and.... yeah. This is just what I saw. Cause Im weird.)}<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb1799c6_ScreenShot2013-06-01at10.34.07AM.png.763d373ffe744551da7560881883b5be.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb1799c6_ScreenShot2013-06-01at10.34.07AM.png.763d373ffe744551da7560881883b5be.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Carlos was forcefully dropped from cloud nine. He remembers hitting the floor and a Naomi staring at them. He stared back at her, until he realized many things, He hurriedly put his pants back on. "You saw and heard nothing"He told Naomi. 
(suddenly everyone wants Carlos, unfortunately 90% of the shares had been taken by Oswin xD )
Naomi looked confused, "Well, I do-didn't have to knock on my brothers or friends doors. So I just assumed..." She noticed Oswin scramble under the covers, "Whats going on?" She then noticed Carlos, "What the..." She said, and covered her eyes.

(Uh oh, little girl alert!!! Twee hee.) 
(Naomi is gonna become like Zwei at some point... yayyyy. I like being insaneee)
Tony was walking past the room back to the elevator when he saw camera-girl standing in potato-girls door way. He poked his head in and snorted at her question. He didn't say anything directly to her, he just walked away singing, "Theeeey just had seeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxx, and thought it was nice~!"
(Imma make this soooo awkward!!!)

Naomi moved her hands, and asked Oswin and Carlos"Whats sex?" with an innocent and confused look on her face.
"SHUT UP, TONY," Oswin yelled in a sing-song tone, then gave Carlos a 'give me my f*cking clothes' look. She then turned back to Naomi. "It's a little hard to explain, kid. It's getting late...why don't you find a room and go to bed?"
Tony poked his head back in the room, with a sh*t eating grin. "If your not gonna do it, can I explain what it is?"

{Wow...... Really short post.} 
{Actually I was gonna have it be a mature response (for once) If he gets to explain.}
"What is it!" Naomi whined, stomping her foiot. For once, she wanted to not be treated like a little kid, "And why are they naked?" She asked, pointing to Carlos and Oswin.

(Oh my gosh, I am rolling on the floor rioght now, so excuse any errors...)
Oswin was done with people in general. She ripped the bed sheet from the bed, threw it over her shoulders and wrapped herself in it, and hopped out of the bed.

"Yes," she said,"please explain. OUTSIDE OF OUR F*CKING DOOR." With that, she slammed the door in their faces and locked it.
He took the hint and tossed Oswin her clothes.

(I am ashamed of my post's length. lol length xD )
{Oh my god Sol......}

Tony looked over and down at the young girl. "Sex." He tapped his chin. How do I explain sex to a kid. He thought for a moment and then got his answer. He focused on her again and smiled. "When two people trust and love each other enough, they have sex. Its just something people do when they feel that they love each other enough." He smiled again. Please don't ask for the details.

{Im waiting for Lucas to get dragged into this......}
(Lol, gonna make this more awkward)

"Well, I can assume that. Since they are always eating eachothers face." Naomi said, making a face, "So, that dosen't sound like the deatails of it."
{Shut it, my mind isn't thinking straight yet xD }

Carlos had put on his clothes and checked his gear. Everything seemed to be in order. They had just been walked in on by a 12 year old. "I'm sorry for scarring you for life, Naomi." He said more to the door than anything else. He had waited for Oswin to get dressed as well. "That.....was awesome. I don't have words for it."
Oswin leaned against the door, smiling at Carlos. As she caught the clothes he threw at her with one hand, the bed sheet dropping off of her to reveal her body. As she began to slowly get dressed, she gazed at Carlos with a smile.

"Did we really just have sex?" She asked, giggling a little bit.
"yeah, I still don't believe it, Potato Girl. But we just did." He could only manage a short reply. He was still wrapping his head at what just happened.
Oswin sighed, pulling on her pants and her shirt over her head, leaving her shoes and jacket on the floor. She then hopped back on to the bed, sprawling herself over the top covers, putting her hands behind her head and staring at the ceiling.

"What does that mean?" She asked after a moment of silence, "For us, I mean? Are we...a 'thing?' "

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