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Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

Crisis looked at the girl and frowned ' I think i've talked to people way more today than in the last several years...' he thought to himself. Pointing down the hallway he answered the girl " It's down this way ." He turned from her and continued walking .
Shun was walking out of his dorm a little too quickly because he ran right into Crisis as he went out. He fell back and landed on his bottom. "Ow..." he muttered to himself. I need to be more careful.. Shun thought to himself. Shun stood up. "S-sorry about that," he said. @Wynn
Crisis felt something bump in to him and he turned and glared at Shun, Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath and trying to calm his nerves he looked back at Shun " It's fine..." He said irritably and turned and walked away.
Leia sighed, having heard the other students conversation about the location of the commons, and began to walk down the hall, in said direction. She moved at a medium pace, and stayed near the right wall, her eyes set in front in case a door was opened ahead of her. It was probably best not to miss the 'mandatory supper and annocuements' the headmistress had spoken about.
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Violet thought about Ash's name appearing on the dorm. Soon enough she realized that each time someone entered the high school they would randomly get put into a dorm and the dorm room would get bigger and add another closet and bed. Suddenly the dorm grew and she knew someone had been picked to come to her dorm besides Ash and Crisis. She stepped outside her dorm and looked at the names. " Crisis, Violet, Ash, Hazel" She smiled in relief knowing that a girl was going to join her. Hazel the name ringed in her mind as if she heard it before. She shrugged and waited at the door for her new roommate.
Hazel was amazed at how big the school was. As Hazel walked down the hall the only thing that she was focused on was finding her best friend. As a girl walked past Hazel, she was sure that the girl looked familiar. She ran over near the girl just to make sure and she was right, and she was, it was her long lost best friend, Violet. "Violet, it's me Hazel! Remember me?" she shouted.
Violet jumped up in excitement and hugged Hazel tightly. " Oh my gosh Hazel I missed you so much! Were roommates!" Violet exclaimed to Hazel She grabbed Hazel's and and dragged her into the dorm. Violet pointed at Crisis and then to Ash. " These are our roommates Crisis and Ash," Violet told Hazel.
Leo was still in his room when he heard the announcement come on. He quickly threw on his bag and began towards the dining hall, avoiding a few elves and other races that have a bone or two to pick with centaurs. He then arrived in the dining hall and took a seat on the ground, it wan't like he could sit in a chair, and sighed as he waited to see what the announcement was for.
"Hello Crisis and Ash," Hazel said witha big smile on her face. She was so excited to have finally found Violet that she could hardly hold back her tears of joy. Hazel wrapped her ams around Violet and said to her, "I am so happy that I found you!"
Ash left the room ignoring the girls hand as he headed to the dinning room. He was able to stay small and avoid his bullies he found a seat as far in the back as possible and waited for the announcement.
Crisis ignored the new comer and walked to the dining hall and sat down. ' Another roommate? You have to be kidding me!' He thought to his self.
Shun had just finished dusting himself off and was mumbling something about not being careful. Then he heard a pair of girls talking loudly. His ears perked in their direction and he stole a few curious glances in their direction. Who is the other girl? Shun thought. It can't be another one of their roommates could it? I thought dorms only had space for three, Shun wondered. @ColorTheWind @EarbudsOnMute
Hazel watched the boys walk away, feeling a little annoyed but mostly focused on Violet. She was thinking about all the adventures that they would do together and all the people they would meet.

Hazel looked across the room and notices a boy looking at her. She didnt know who he was so she slowly walked up to him and said, "Hello, are rooming in this dorm too?"
Shun was surprised when the girl walked up to him. "Me? I-uh- no but I'm next door," he said, timidly, and pointing to his dorm door with his name on it. After a moment of awkward silence Shun put his hand out. "Sorry, I didn't tell you my name. Call me Shun," he said smiling. His long tail swished from side to side.
The boy with the ears and tail bumped into whoever Zaki was talking to. Zaki was going to offer him help up but before she could, he was already talking to some other girl. With a sigh, she turns and pulls up her hood. Who cared about making new friends anyway? She begins to walk down the hall, following after the guy who had pointed her directions.

@rapjack123 @Wynn
"Nice to meet you too," Shun said with an enthusiastic nod. Then he saw another girl, actually, it was that girl sitting by that tree! Shun tapped her shoulder just as she walked away. "Hey.. weren't you sitting by that tree earlier, close to me? I wanted to go say hi but they called us in before I got the chance.." Shun said.

Violet watched as Crisis and Ash walked away and rolled her eyes. She didn't notice that Hazel had walked out the room and started to talk to Shun. Violet immediately became aware that her best friend had disappeared. She stuck her head out the dorm and saw Hazel talking to Shun. Violet smiled and turned into her black cat form. She padded on the ground making her way through the hall to Hazel and Shun. Once she made it Violet turned back into a human. " Hi Shun I see you met Hazel. She likes art like us too." Violet announced to Shun.
Zaki feels a hand tap her shoulder. She hears a voice. She turns around as she pulls off her hood. It was the boy with the ears and tail, who evidently now had a name as Shun.

"Yeah, that was me." Zaki says quietly as a black cat saunters up to them and turns human. She hears the cat/human say something about liking art.

Interesting, they like art like me.

Shut up.

Stop answering yourself.

Zaki lets out a sigh as her inner voices begin fighting with themselves again. She stopped herself though, certain that others had heard her outwardly noise.

"I'm Ruzaki, but call me Zaki." She says to Shun

"I was actually trying to find my way to the commons-whatever that is-but im not quite sure which way it is. I think the boy that was here earlier had pointed out that way. Want to go with me?" She says as she gestures down the hall. It was probably the most that she's said to someone other than herself for a long while.
Yin looked at him with worry when he said she should leave. Still, it was mandatory so she gave him a small nod. "If you ever need anything, come talk to me." Then, she took off to her dorm. I hope Yang wasn't too worried.

Yang had been standing outside his door waiting for Yin. Shifting back, Yin greeted her brother with a smile. "Oniichan!" Suddenly walked forward and wrapped his arms around her. "Don't ever leave me again..." he whispered into her ear. Yin withdrew slightly. This is strange for Onii... She thought. Still, he was her brother so she tried not to think much of it. Taking each others hand, they began to head to their destination.
Leo watched as a few more people walked into a cafeteria and only turned around and waited to hear about what this whole announcement was about. His ears would occasionally twitch, but he didn't really seem to care about the people who had just walked in. The centaur simply sighed and said to himself,"How much longer?"
Torar walked into the commons with a sigh. "Guess I dozed off while searching for my dorm room.." He muttered to himself. "Guess I'll find my roommates here if it's supposed to be mandatory."

He glanced around the room, with his deep red eyes, split down the middle with simple catlike slits.

He gave whoever walked past a quick scan, trying to guess what they were like, and also taking note of the obvious races.

Torar stayed at the edge of the room, leaning on one of the walls, in an attempt to avoid actual contact with anyone.
"Do you mind coming with me on a tour of the school? I want to see more of the school but still want to catch up with you." Hazel asked Violet shyly.

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