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Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

Crisis got pretty close to his dorm but it seemed like the boy from earlier was...following him? Irritatedly he turned around and glared at the boy " Was there something you needed?"
"Huh?" He asked as he looked up from his book. "Need? What makes you say that? Crap! Did I ask for something?" He asked worried his short term memory had once again kicked in.
He sighed and shook his head " No, are you following me?" Crisis asked him. The last time someone did this they tried to steal from him, If this boy is trying to do that he has another thing coming to him.
"I wasn't following you. I was heading to my dorm." He siad as he rubbed the side of his neck. ((How does this dorms work? Does he just go to a random dorm or is he set up with other?))
Shade looked at his bag, he had finished unpacking pretty much, he didn't bring much. "I suppose I can go with you..."

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Crisis narrowed his eyes at him " Your dorm is this way?"

(( You can just pair up with someone but theirs three beds in a room i believe))
He looked away and scratched his head. "I'm pretty sure it is." He siad as he tried to remember, he knew it was in this general area. ((Do you all ready have two roommates? If so so you know who doesn't?))
" Wait you don't know where your dorm is?" Crisis asked him.

(( There's just one so you room with my charrie if you want))
"I-I do...I think." He mutters before looking around and smirking. "Yeah I remember this is my dorm." He siad with a grin as he points at the dorm that Crisis was heading to. ((okay that works))
"......Your rooming with me?" He walked over to the room and looked at the names Violet's, His and......Ash? He turned back to to the boy and raised an eyebrow " Your Ash?" He questioned.
He nodded. "Yeah that's me Ash Rift." He said with a small shy smile. "I guess you are not Violet, so your name is Crisis...right?". He asked nervously as he rubbed his shoulder.
He looked at him then sighed and opened the door and walked in the room " Yes, i'm Crisis...The girl, Violet is most likely out doing whatever but i'll tell you the same thing i told her. Don't bother me and don't mess with my things and we'll be fine okay?" He walked over to his bag and pulled out a red jar and opened it and the room started to smell like a nice floral remedy.
"Oh yeah oh course I'm doing art its my life," Violet replied to Shun. Once they had walked around the school Violet waved good bye to Shun and walked back to her dorm. To her surprise when she walked in Crisis and some other guy were talking. Violet stood at the door with open eyes. " Ok Crisis I'll just let you explain to me what's going on here," Violet told Crisis. She sat on her bed and looked at the stranger in her room wondering who he was.
Crisis narrowed his eyes at her as he took his shirt off " He's our roommate." He started to apply the jars contents on his shoulders.
Shun gave a small smile. She seemed nice and at least he didn't know of any elves that were in art class. Shun waved good bye and began to wander a little more around the school. Suddenly, he struck upon an idea. Shun hurried to his dorm, seeing Crisis, Violet, and another boy next door. Shun hurried into his room and picked up his sketchpad. Then he ran out, in a hurry and went back outside. Shun then found a nice spot under the shade of a tree and stared at the school, trying to get a good picture of it. After sketching lightly a little bit, he began to darken the lines, making a drawing of the school from the perspective of where he sat, under the tree @EarbudsOnMute
Violet got up from her bed and looked at the names for the dorm. "Crisis, Violet, Ash" How did she not see the other name at first she thought. She shrugged and went back into the room. She stood up infront of Ash and put her hand out to shake his. " Hi I'm Violet your new roommate nice to meet you," Violet introduced herself to Ash.
Zaki made her way onto the campus.

Ah, new place, new start. Right? Nothing from my past can get me here... She thought to herself as her mind trailed off into her unfriendly childhood memories like it often did when she was alone.

She shook the memory from her head and then stopped when she realized people were looking at her strangely.

Stop it! People are going to think you're crazy! She thought to herself as she just kept on walking.

You're not crazy unless you answer yourself.

You just did.

"Shut up! All of you!" She mutters to herself as she walks along the path. The first thing she wanted to do was figure out which dorm was hers, although she wasn't sure how.

Should I just walk up to a random dorm room door and say 'Hi, I'm Zaki! How'd you get your room?'

No that would just be stupid.

She sighs. She could get on her own nerves quite a lot.

She pulled her hood up over her head before quickly removing it.

You're trying to look friendly and inviting, remember?

She huffs at herself again and just plops down under a tree near another tree that held a boy with ears and a tail(@rapjack123 )

This is harder than I thought. She thinks to herself as she buries her head in her hands.
" Yay!" Keith grabs Shades wrist and drags him out of the dorm room. They begin to walk around the school.

"So why don't you tell me about yourself?"

A loud voice fills the hall coming from all angles

" This Is Mistress Treedagger all students please report to the commons for mandatory supper and a few short announcements"
Zaki hears the announcement and gets up with a sigh.

Where the heck are the commons? Zaki asks herself, yet again talking to herself.

She wonders through a door that takes her inside and in a hall with a bunch of rooms with numbers on them.

This must be the dorms. Of course I find them now. She decides to wait outside the rooms for someone to exit their room so that she can ask them if they know where the commons are located.

Maybe I'll make some new friends in the process. She thinks to herself as she leans against a wall.
Carver suddenly lept from the ground at the sound of the distant voice. Cursing silently, he wondered how he was supposed to be in the commons as a lynx.

He turned to Yin nervously.

"Y-You should go. I'll just have to try and figure out how to shift back on my own. Thanks for... everything." His voice was strained, and he could feel his eyelids as if they weighed a thousand pounds. @Maxwelle

God he needed sleep.
Lexia wandered through the halls, after the opening ceremony, her hood up and hand shoved into her pocket along with her dorm key. 'She stepped aside for anyone who walked past, but was quite tempted to snap at them instead. "This Is Mistress Treedagger all students please report to the commons for mandatory supper and a few short announcements" The headmistress's voice filled the hall, and she sighed, then began roaming the halls once more, attempting to find the commons.

"Hell, I haven't even gone to my dorm yet." She muttered under her breath, cursing the headmistress out even quieter as she walked. She was still carrying her backpack with her junk in it on her back anyway.

After walking through multiple halls, and getting herself completely mixed up, Lexia opened a door, and enters a hall with multiple numbered doors. The nametag next to the doors proved well enough their own point, and she cursed under her breath again. "Now the stupid dorms decide to pop up. That's just perfect." The muttered pharse was followed by another quiet stream a curses. Still, to avoid getting lost, and to ditch her bag, she walked down the hall until she found a room with her name by it. Along with a person named Zaki, but she shrugged that off. She used the key, entered, and dropped her stuff on the closest bed. She then left again, locking it behind her, and leaned on the door. One of the other students might know, if not, she'd just follow one of them anyways. She waited there, cursing a few times quietly before growing silent.
Crisis put his shirt on after finishing putting on the creme from the jar and put it away then grabbed another treat and gave it to Nah. " Watch the room while i'm gone Nah." He leaves the room and heads for the commons.
Zaki saw another girl walk down the hall muttering under her breathe.

Issues much? She said to herself as she watched the girl walk into a room and then come back out.

Another person also came out of a room. It was a boy with white hair and she could tell by his ears that he was elf.

He was rather handsome but she pushed that out of her head as she asked him for directions to the commons.

While Shun was sketching he noticed a girl sit down near him. His ear perked up, and his tail swished as he looked at her. Shun looked back down at his half finished sketch. I can finish later, he thought. Shun wanted to get to know new people so he figured this would be a good opportunity. He was about to get up and walk over to her, when an announcement came on, telling everyone to head to the commons. Shun looked back at the girl but she had already gotten. "Aw...missed chance," he muttered to himself as he got up and began heading back to his dorm to drop off his sketchbook. When he approached his dorm he saw Crisis was being approached by...was it the same girl from earlier? Shun walked into his room, leaving the door opened a tiny bit as he was going to walk back out anyway. Shun walked to his bed and plopped the sketchpad there. Then he turned to walk back out. @Wolfette157
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Shade made a noise of surprise as Keith suddenly pulled him away. He was not expecting to pulled so suddenly at all. As the announcements came on though, he automatically started moving towards the dinning hall.

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