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Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

As Crisis turned to walk towards the dorms he was crashed in to . As he fell he sighed inwardly 'Great' The thought to himself. "I'm really sorry I didn't see you!" He looked up at the girl with her hand out and narrowed his eyes then stood up on his own and dusted himself off. " It's fine..." He turned away from her and walked off looking for his dorm.

Shun laughed nervously when Leo joked about not jumping on his back. "Oh n-no I would never do that," he said, holding his hands out peacefully. Shun then turned to his own bag and began to unpack his things and placing them neatly into drawers. He didn't say much else as he didn't know what to say. He had a few folded shirts that he then put into a drawer and closed it. "I suppose you won't be able to use the bed right?" Shun said, laughing nervously. 'Of course he wasn't using the bed, he's half horse.' Shun thought.
Violet watched as Crisis got up on his own and walked away. She stood there her hand still tilted out. She shrugged to herself and began walking to find her dorm. She wondered what would happen if tried to make friends with an Elfin. She tried to find the most friendly looking Elfin girl. She spotted an Elfin that looked as peaceful as a butterfly. Violet walked up to the Elfin and said, "Hi I'm Violet nice to meet you!" The girls face went from happy to disgusted.

" What do you think you're doing shape shifter? You don't have the right to speak with us Elfin! Now scram!" Violets happy smiles turned into a frown and within a second small tears weld up in her eyes. She ran back through the hall not making a sound. She ran so fast that even Crisis saw her pass him. She turned into a black cat and ran even faster. Soon she burst out the door of the school and bam she had jumped right at a persons face. Once again they both fell. Violet turned back into a human. She got up and wiped one of her tears away. Then tilted her hand to the person who was a girl this time. Violet read her name tag and it said " Everliegh" and the bottom which had the race said "Hafling- half elf and human" Inside Violets head she prayed for this girl not to be snotty or mean.

"Sorry about that it was in accident,"

Leo smiled and said,"I would if that bed was big enough to hold me, and could withstand my weight. Unless you want to see a centaur split a bed in two with his body weight, I think you should take it." He then looked over at the padded tarp left for him and said,"Eh, that's usually what I sleep on." The centaur then returned to his bag, he found two more shirts that he forgot about and took out a few more fruits (and some smuggled candy that was hidden under everything). He put everything were it belonging and said,"Well, that just about does it for me."

Shun laughed lightly and finished unpacking his own stuff, and he placed his personal sketchbook on a nearby desk. Not he was trying to hide it from anybody but it was a personal item with sentimental value. He went to the bathroom to wash his face. Then he came back out. "So what are you going to do now?" Shun asked. He didn't have anything else to do so he figured he could back out and meet anybody that might be formed next to them.
Leo pondered to himself for a moment and said,"I'll probably just tour the campus, try and figure out where everything is." He then added,"Maybe in a bit, I'm a little tired..." He then took a small candy from his "secret" stash of food and ate a bit of candy. He then said,"I'll probably get going in a second, I should get familiar with this place."

Crisis watched as the girl ran in tears while the other Elfin snickered behind him these type of people annoyed him. He just shook his head and headed down the hallway until he stopped at a door with his name scrawled on it he looked down to see who else he was rooming with and it read Violet. ' Not like i'm going to be friends with them or anything...' He thought to himself. He opened the door and claimed the left side of the room setting up his hawks perch and putting all his things away. After he was done he creaked the window open and laid down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. " A roommate...this might be troublesome."
Shun nodded. "Well I'm going to go meet the people next door," he said, before waving a farewell for now and walking to the door. His long tail swung from side to side at shoulder height. He didn't like dragging his tail on the floor. It could get dirty and then he'd have to wash it later. Shun took a peek out of the door before stepping out of the room.
Leo waved as he left as well. He made sure to lock the door so no one broke in (Even though he was sure that it wouldn't happen). The centaur began to walk around campus, enjoying the scenery as much as he could. He did his best to avoid any elves, centaurs and elves had a bit of a "rocky" relationship. Leo couldn't remember how many times elves had sneaked into the village and hopped onto their backs, either trying to tame them to be mounts or just for the fun of it all. They literally saw centaurs as mounts with human halves. Leo knew that not all elves were like this, but he wasn't really ready to find out if any of them were like that. He continued his examination of the campus with a smile on his face. He then came to a small archery range with a nice tree nearby, Leo laid down in front of it and began to view the rest of the scenery.
Shun watched the centaur walk down the hallway and leave the building. He looked down the other hallway and saw some elves laughing and snickering at another shifter. He frowned thinking about how elves were usually conceited and arrogant. He didn't like them at all. Shun figured perhaps he could get to know them since they were next door to him. He saw a boy walk into the room. Shun made his way over. When he got there he knocked lightly on the door. While waiting for the door to open, one of the elves from before stepped on his tail. "Ow! Hey, watch where you step!" he said, but they just laughed at him and walked away. Shun gave them what he hoped was a glare but only came to be something like a disappointed look.

@Wynn @EarbudsOnMute
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Aura watched everyone run around in and out of their dorms. She sighed and unzips her front pocket in her backpack, carefully taking Chan-Chan out and putting her on her shoulder. "Room...319! That's right here, I hope my room-mates aren't the messy types." Taking a deep breath, she opened the door to her dorm and to her surprise, her room-mates mustn't have gotten here yet. "Perfect, now if I just place everything there-oh goodness no! Far to messy, I'll just colour co-ordinate those and file these..." Aura had completely gotten lost sorting out and hadn't realised that it was already mid-day and she should probably get to know some people. She wasn't much of the talkative type, but she tried her best. After inspecting her room one last time, she took a step out of her room, Chan-Chan in her cat basket inside. "Please, just for once let there be nice elves...just for once...just once."
Leo had fallen asleep underneath the tree, boy what a mistake that was...As he was sleeping, one of the three elves climbed up onto the tree and dropped down onto his back. Leo quickly woke up when he felt hands pulling on his ears as a elf yelled,"Onward stallion!" Leo suddenly reared back, forcing the child off of his back. Leo then turned around, raising up his two front hooves to scare the trio or troublemakers away. The one that was on his back screamed and began to run off with the rest of his cohorts. Leo landed back on his hooves and sighed before saying,"I knew that it would happen at least once...at least I scared them off."
Crisis sat up as soon as he heard the knock hoping it was a teacher or something he opened the door and saw a boy with a tail. A shifter.. he narrowed his eyes a bit at the name tag then looked the boy in his eyes. " Is there a problem?" He asked.
Aura quickly runs from her dorm to the other end of the school, searching for the library. "I give up, there's so many people here no-one would notice me or talk to me. Maybe I can find my place of peace in the library, since I do love to read..." Aura opens the door labelled 'Library' and scans the aisles of books for anything of interest.
Violet walked away from the entrance and back into the building. One tear still in her eye she searched for her dorm. Finally she had found her name and bellow it, it stated her room mates name. "Crisis" She thought into her head that Crisis was a familiar name. She ignored it and walked in. She took one look at her room mate on his bed and her mind immediately remembered that she crashed into Crisis earlier. Inside her mind she hoped he wasn't racist.

" Hi again. So since we're room mates I was wondering if we could agree on no racism?"
Crisis looked up at her and something unrecognizable flashed in his eyes. " Racism?" He question her, Did this girl really think he cared about her not being Elfin? How stupid. " Not only do i not care about what race you are i don't care for you or anyone period, So don't worry about me bullying you. Just don't bother me or mess with my things and we'll be fine." He turned away from her as soon as the window creak open further and a unusual black and blue hawk came in and flew on his perch. Crisis walked over to it and caressed it's head. " Did you get a good look of the place Nah? " The hawk nudged at his hand a bit almost as if he was saying yes.
Shun looked up at the elf. "I-uh..I-" he was trying to say when a girl walked past him and into the room. He noticed she was a shifter. Wasn't she the girl getting bullied by the other elves? Shun turned his attention back to the elf. His ears perked up, "I just...settled in next door a-and I just..thought I might get to know my neighbors," Shun said, timidly. He distracted himself by massaging his tail and he diverted his eyes away from the elf as he said it.

"Yin, you must learn to be more sociable," Yang said in a soft voice, looking down at his sister. She only ducked her head, ashamed of being scolded by her brother. "Let's go for a walk, yeah?" Yin nodded, perking up and they soon left the dormitory. Finding a bench close by the entrance, they sat there together, staring into the sky. "I hope you begin to like this place, Yin," Yang sighed. I like any place with you, silly brother, she thought, looking up at him.
Carver sighed as he once again set his book aside, pressing his palms into tired eyes.

Yawning slightly, he stood and stretched, deciding a walk would do him good after such a long time of sitting.

With a slight hop, he opened his door and exited the dorm room, beginning a journey to nowhere in particular.

After a while, he found himself by the entrance of the school, and with a quiet yawn, found a bench to sit down on. Looking around with tired eyes, he spotted two people sitting not too far from him. They looked to be about his age, although probably older, and were the only other two people in the area. They seemed to be siblings, he judged. It made him feel uncomfortable, as if he stood out.

As much as he just loved meeting new people, Carver decided he'd instead rest his eyes a moment before going back. He couldn't quite remember doing so, but his eyes were shut, and he could feel himself drifting off to sleep. Am I really this tired? He wondered, but never got around to answering himself, as he had just fallen asleep.

His torso slid down the bench, so that his head was resting on it's rough wooden seat.
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"Onii." Yin said softly, pointing in the direction of another bench. It appeared there was a student unconscious on the bench. "He must have fallen asleep," Yang said in answer to Yin's interest. A nap outside did sound rather nice in this weather. It was a very comfortable day and it seemed only right to enjoy it. "Let's play a game," Yin said with a smile. "Haha, okay. How about Hide and Seek?"

Yin immediately frowned at this because it meant splitting up from her brother in an unfamiliar place but she did like the game. "Okay." Because they have always done so during a lot of their games, they took on their animal forms. The wolf turned towards the bench, ducking his head, and counting with each wave of his tail. Wave. One. Wave. Two. The little fox took off behind a nearby building to hide from her brother.
Leo, who was fed up with those elves, decided to go outside and look around the outside of the campus. He saw someone passed out on a bench and a wolf facing a bench. The centaur simply said to himself,"Most likely shifters messing around...I hope..." He then looked around and saw a few building and some trees. He looked back at the wolf and the person out cold on the bench and simply went to a nearby tree and settled down under it. Maybe now he wouldn't be disturbed by the same trio again.
Crisis raised an eyebrow at him and shook his head " Get to know her. " He said pointing towards Violet and turned away from them both. He gave Nah a treat then pulled a book from his bag and sat back down on his bed and started reading.
Carver felt as if someone had just popped a balloon in the back of his mind.

He suddenly jumped up, shouting as he fell off of the bench, and onto the ground, legs shaking. He felt as if he has jumped off of a cliff, only to immediately hit the ground. Pushing himself onto his feet in a stupor, he rubbed the bruise on his forehead from where he had hit the ground.

"So much for sleep...." he muttered angrily, rubbing his temple with a palm.

Damn nightmares he thought bitterly, and looked around, his eyes adjusting to the light.

What he saw was a little bit confusing.

The siblings that had been there before he fell asleep were gone, replaced by a single wolf, wagging it's tail, and a centaur sat underneath a nearby tree. A centaur. All he could do was nod at the scene, and wonder in the back of his mind if he was still dreaming.

He felt uneasy, looking at the wolf. It seemed unnatural, and he began to suspect that it may be a shifter. Sighing, he sat back down on the bench. Sleep was out of the question, but he at least aimed to enjoy the sunlight while it lasts.
Shun looked at the elf pointing to the girl inside and he looked from around the elf to look at her. Shun gave a small wave and let go of his tail. "Hi," he said, rather timidly. Then he suddenly felt am urge to say something more. "I hope those elves didn't hurt you," he added, his ears folding back a little. Shun tried to give an encouraging smile.
On Yang's tenth wag, he turned around and howled to signal he was done counting and on his way. Sprinting in a direction far off from where Yin had gone, he began to look for his sister. Yin, seeing that he had gone that way, ran out into the main yard to find another hiding spot. She was sure he would come where she had been next. He came barreling from behind the building faster than she thought he would and she quickly hid under the nearest bench.... where the sleeping boy was laying.

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