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Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

Sun's ear folded back when the girl didn't respond to him. "I-uh...well I guess I should get going," Shunnsaid, timidly to the two. Out of the corner of his eye though, he saw a sketchpad. She likes art like me! Shun thought, curiously peaking back into the room to get a better look at it. @EarbudsOnMute
Detach myself from my animal side? Carver pondered, closing his eyes and attempting to clear his head, and imagining what Yin told him to.

After almost a solid minute of intense imagining, he gave up and sat back. He had at least begun to adjust to the stark contrast between this body and his own.

"I just can't seem to do it." He said in annoyance.

"Perhaps I just need to wait, and it will happen on it's own? I've never been in this body this long, and every other time I've begun to shift, I'd switch back before I'd even fully changed." He pondered aloud.
Violet looked up from her sketch book and saw a cheetah looking straight at her. She stared right into his eyes giving him the "why are you staring at me" look. She flipped a page of her sketch book and wrote a word on it. She turned it around so the cheetah could see and it said "Pervert".
Crisis closed his book and stood up and walked to the door " I don't have to tell you anything." He told her coldly. He then walked out the room and headed outside so he could get away from all the people. He found himself a tree near the entrance of the school and climbed it getting comfortable and opened back up his book and continued reading.
Shun was taken aback and hurt by the girl's depiction of him as a pervert. His ears folded back and the elf walked past him, stepping on his long tail sgain. "Ow!" He said, sitting down and massaging it. "I-I'm not a pervert!" Shun tried to say, defiantly. "I just.. I really like to draw too...so I was curious to see what kind of thing you drew," Shun said, diverting his eyes and still sitting by the door and massaging his tail that has already been stepped on twice. He looked back at the girl, his eyes showing that he was hurt by her statement. @EarbudsOnMute
" Ah! Dude your a dude!" Keith said surprised and then grins didn't matter hat was still hot.

"Yes you can help me you see I have a problem..." Keith walks in uninvited and jumps on Shade's bed "... I'm incredibly bored would you please entertain me?" Keith smiles looking eagerly at the blue fae. @darkminathegone
Ash was walking around reading a book pretty absent mindedly, and rather bored out of is skull. After walking around a bit he let out a small yawn and sat underneath a large tree. He thought about taking a nap, but decided against it in fear that some of his bullies will take advantage of him. So he just continued to read. @anyone
Violet rolled her eyes at Crisis as he walked out the room. How emo can he get she thought to her self. When she saw that Shun was offended by her calling him a pervert she laughed a little because it was a joke. She put her sketch book down and turned into her black cat form. She jumped down off her bed and went up to Shun.

" That tail's gotta hurt by now Crisis crushed that thing," Violet exclaimed to Shun. She smiled at Shun and fliped her ears back and fourth showing him that she was just joking about earlier.
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Shun let out a sigh of relief. "Oh," he said. Shun massaged his tail a little more. "Yeah..it happens a lot cause of how long it is. Sometimes I forget to keep it off the ground and people step on it," he said, lifting his tail so it peeked over his head. Shun saw that the girl turned into a black cat and followed queue, turning into a cheetah. He looked down at the black cat with his ears perked up. "So the elf's name is Crisis? What's yours? My name is Shun," he said, introducing himself formally. @EarbudsOnMute
"I'm Violet. Nice to meet you," Violet introduced herself to Shun. "Oh and Crisis is emo or something I have no idea why though. It's ok I guess cause it might be fun to have a happy and cold person in the same room." Violet described Crisis to Shun. She looked at how much bigger his cheetah form was than her cat form. She grined and turned to look at her window. She noticed Crisis sitting in the tree reading a book. Violet closed her eyes, shook her head , and smiled. She turned her head around back to Shun and started to walk. "I was about to go look around the school wanna come?" Violet asked Shun happily.
"Nice to meet you," Shun said. He looked up at Crisis who was sitting by a tree, reading. He laughed a little. Shun then looked back at Violet. "Sure I'd love to go see the school," he said. "There sure is a lot to see," he said, getting up and walking to the door. Shun waited for Violet to catch up and transformed back into his human form. His long tail swung at shoulder height, side to side, like a pendulum. Shun gave Violet a timid smile. @EarbudsOnMute
Shade sighed as Keith stayed and laid on his bed. He raised an eyebrow at the half dwarf. "I don't entertain, why don't you go bother our other roommate?" Shade continued unpacking, ignoring Keith pretty much. @Mikaera

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Yin glanced at him sadly, her tail drooping. "Well, I'll stay in this form until you switch back." She didn't very well want to leave him alone. He looked like he needed a friend... Friend? Yin a friend? How strange it sounded. "It's always hard at first, but an important thing to do is try and be comfortable and relaxed. Your animal sides react harshly to negative emotions. Because your animal reactions and human reactions differ so drastically, it also becomes hard to switch back." @Thief Of Hope

Yang was in his room, laying on his bed, and staring at the ceiling. "Why was she taking so long?" Yang had never been alone this much before. Him and Yin were always together... What if she finds someone else to be close with? Yang's expression grew dark. No... She is mine after all.
Leo continued to watch the two animals converse, but felt like he really couldn't do much. He then said with a yawn,"Yell if you need me." And began to go back to his dorm room. He then opened up his bag in order to fumble around for his keys. He finally opened his door and returned to his dorm.
Shade just looked at him, he was getting annoyed, but he knew he shouldn't. Shade sighed as he said, "Please don't kick my wall..... Shouldn't she be here by now?" Shade looked out his door curiously.

Using Tapatalk
"sorry." Keith takes his feet of the wall. "I don't know we did get one, right? Uh Mary? I didn't see three keys when I got mind." Keith frowns. "That's weird." "Welp I'm bored I'm going to look around, wanna come what?"
Violet watched as Shun turned back into his human form with a long tail and big ears. She turned back into her human form and catched up with Shun. "Are you doing art as an elective?" Violet asked Shun. They walked out side and talked as Crisis still sat in the tree and read his book. Crisis turned his head and saw Violet and Shun talking. She pulled her shining black hair up and put it into a bun. @rapjack123
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Shun nodded his head enthusiastically. "Yup, I really like to sketch," Shun said. As they walked outside, Shun glanced over at Crisis before looking back at Violet and giving a small smile. "Are you taking it too? Probably, since you have your own sketchbook," Shun said. @EarbudsOnMute
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Crisis closed the book and stretched " Ow...." He frowned and rubbed at his shoulder. His muscles were feeling achey. " Maybe i over did training before i got here..." He said out loud to his self . Looking back in to his room he looked to see if the guy and his 'roommate' was still there, Luckily it looks like they were leaving. So he hopped down from the tree and headed back to the room.
Ash saw another elf suddenly jump out if the tree. Which made him suddenly shout in suprise before clamping his hands over his mouth, hoping he didn't piss off the guy.
Crisis stopped walking and turned to the voice that came from behind him and frowned at the guy. " Did i really scare you?" He asked.
"A l-little. I didn't hear you and I thought you were someone else." He said meekly as he hugged his book to his chest he still locked a bit frightened but he was all in all okay.
Crisis looked at the other elf then shook his head " Sorry about that." He turned and continued walking to his room.
"It's fine." He said before he heard something behind him which made him flinch. He hugged the book a bit tighter before getting up and walking to the elf. "Is it...never mind." He mumbled. Since he was also heading to his dorm it looked like Ash was following Crisis

((On phone so sorry for short and crappily written posts))

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