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Finished [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] CITC Library Arc: Title Trials


Roleplay Artist
This RP is a continuation of Finished - [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds: Library Arc
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra, Old Section, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Femboy Femboy SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Elvario Elvario


Pandora looked to Victorique and nodded, “%Yes actually I can speak analog, I must admit however I was uncertain how a hybrid like myself might be seen entering this space, so I will say that I did hide some details about myself with all of these ongoing appraisals so that I would simply appear to be completely human instead.%”

At one point or another Squink and Oden had made their way over away from the arena to join Pandora, Kane, and Victorique on the search for knowledge, apparently more interested in searching for books, scrolls, and tomes in a dangerous area rather than being relatively safe with a show, if anything the librarian had said was to go off of.

It was at this point that the Gargoyle was present.

Kane Blackburne

Kane would look over at the other two who came, it seemed that Iro had tagged along as well in order to continue supporting Squink in some capacity.

“Huh? You three are joining us? If it’s cool with Victorique it’s cool with me, just so you all know the area we’re entering is supposed to be dangerous or something like that from what I heard, gonna be taking on some trials, so if either of you want to turn back I get it, but if you seriously want to help maybe you’ll find something that’ll make it worth your while.”

He’d shrug a bit not sounding like he was sure one way or another that what he was saying was exactly true or not, but he could hope everyone would get something out of it, for him he was getting to help his first real friend it felt like which was enough at the moment.

Pandora gave a small bow and smile to the new arrivals, “Glad to see you decided to come, but as Kane says, it is notable that this area is supposedly more dangerous I’ll see what I Can do about keeping you all safe."

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

Iro would perk up as well, “Yes! Me too! I will try my best to help you Squink!”

After Victorique asked the Gargoyle if it could give her any information on the trials that were to be, it would speak up again.


“For those who yearn for knowledge beyond the mundane, you trials will determine how successful you are in this endeavor, you may need to show your proficiency in content areas to prove that you are a true scholar, or maybe you will need to use your problem solving skills, I just hope that you won’t have to clear the ways forward with combat alone… with all of this said only experiencing the trials first hand will let you know the paths you must take in your journey, it may not be the same for everyone here..”

“Now then if any of you have any other questions you may ask them now and if you are truly prepared you may proceed.”

The Gargoyle would wait for any questions and when the group was all set would disappear in a small blue flash of magical energy.

The large doors opened, revealing a large hallway of stone that had a high ceiling with ornate pillars that seemed to have more symbols carved into them, At the end of the hallway was another large sizable statue on a podium of sorts a muscular man in armor with wings and a sword who looked down at the group, there was an inscription in terran on the base of the statue, and on either side of the statue on the left was a large redstone door that had some more carvings on it, some of which looked sort of like military symbols and weapons.

On the right side was a large blue stone door that also had carvings among them depicted were trees, scrolls, skulls, and hourglasses.

Kane would have his axe at the ready as he looked around the space, “Better be extra careful if they’re serious about this trial business, this first room could have traps or something.” He’d say examining the tiled floor and looking at the walls around them.

Pandora also looked like she was at the ready to engage if something came out to attack them just in case.
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Squink Femboy Femboy | Oden SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Languages: Common | %Analog%

“Hmmm. I guess we better stick with Common or Terran, in that case.” She'd reply to Pandora, not wanting her to get kicked out due to being exposed after speaking a suspicious language. “Though you're pretty talented if you managed to pull that off. Not sure if I'd be able to do the same... though I guess I'm more about investigating than tricking... Makes me wonder if I'd have figured it out without asking...” She'd probably not get an answer to that anytime soon.

To her surprise, Squink and Oden joined back up with them. “Did you two get tired of that 'Sage' battle stuff already?” She'd ask first, though she did recall something. “Right, if you're here to help, I won't say know, but you're here by your own plans, so I'd not owe you anything. Except, of course, helping Squink with the mind-reading attempts. That sound fair?” She'd better make sure about that, before they'd get any weird thoughts about the deal here. Kane and Pandora said about the same it seemed.

The only downside? Pandora promising to keep them all safe would mean more danger for Victorique, as her attention would be divided. Perhaps the others coming here was to her disadvantage after all? Well, there wasn't much she could do about it right now.

That brought her attention back to the Gargoyle. Although it was wingless and a not all that ugly, so she wasn't even sure if it really counted as one. Either way... “Problem solving skills shouldn't be too tough. Content knowledge... should be somewhat possible. Though If there's combat need for someone just for looking up knowledge, I'd be both surprised and disappointed.” She looked at the Pandora and Kane. “Guess I'm glad you two tagged along. I'll owe you a drink should you have to duke it out with something at some point.”

All things considered, it didn't sound like the Gargoyle would say much of use. So even if she'd ask questions, she doubted the answers would be worth it. “I'm good.” She'd reply.

Seeing how many symbols there were, she'd take her time trying to read and/or translate them. Or to figure out what they might mean. [Ultimate Detective B]. She'd also inspect the inscription on the stone statue ahead of them. “Let's hope that statue won't come to life and try fighting us.” She stated. Expecting it might just do that, as she'd seen her fair share of movies. “Though if it does, you keep it occupied whilst I figure out if I can turn it off. I mean, I hope it won't, but let's have a plan just in case...”

Ultimate Detective – Appraisal B Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight B, Investigation B, Perception B, Law B, Energised B – Character combines all their applicable senses and knowledge to get to the bottom of a mysteries or to be on high alert for clues, dangers or hints. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

“Redstone doors.. how ominous. Like marching into hell itself. Yet we'd be closer to heaven.” She mumbled, as she was thinking stuff through. “Who knows, maybe they just signify the types of challenges? Blue fork knowledge, red for combat? Occam's razor might apply. The simplest solution might be correct.” She'd add to it.

To her surprise, even Kane and Pandora were taking this rather seriously and with a lot of care. “Putting traps in the first room? That'd be rough. Though if I had to guess... moving statue. Then figure out how to stop it before it kills you. Then again, I'm trying to decipher the text and those symbols as we speak. Perhaps that'll teach me more.”
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Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

Having seen all that she really desired to see with the duel-thing that was happening on top of the library, Squink didn't find such pointless conflict that interesting and thought it was kind of silly to promote such violence over little disagreements. It wasn't so fun and fair after all, especially for whichever one was going to end up being publicly shamed for the enjoyment of others. She did say she was going to help the others after all once she had taken a look, though was a little confused what sort of 'trials' Kane might have been warning them about. Maybe she could have some sort of chance to be useful, but then again there likely wasn't anything that Victorique and Kane wouldn't be able to handle. Smiling softly as Iro had joined them too, she gave a little bow of her head in thanks for the construct coming along.

"Right, uh, I'll try not to get in the way or anything. The Sages thing wasn't all that interesting, it just seemed like pointless mean fighting just to best one another over their opinions. I don't get why they can't just talk it out in private and need a whole bunch of random strangers like some sort of audience just to... I dunno, publically justify something that has no relevance or doesn't matter to every stranger that is watching... " Squink answered softly, at least glad that Victorique remembered the whole mind-reading thing. Maybe the trials or anything else would give her a chance to practice her capabilities or be actually some sort of useful.

When they were transported and Squink could see the doors, she thought the same thing that the halfling pointed out that it may have corresponded to the challenge that awaited behind it.
"W-would there really be traps everywhere like that? I thought this was just a library... " Squink asked, slightly concerned as she focused her levitation to lift her off the ground out of concern she might accidentally step on something she shouldn't. Looking around at the symbols and such, she silently contemplated what any of it meant.

"M-maybe if the blue door is the smarts one then we'll have a better chance through there? Well, I probably would anyway, a-although I wouldn't know if I'd be able to figure out any hard challenges they have in this trial... " she answered softly.

1. Flight [F] + Energized [F]
2. Arcana [F] + Energized [F]
Oden (#ACA9A7)

Character Sheet
E: 0/1​

"Indeed, I wasn't expecting much but the novelty went away quickly. It was just a magic battle." Oden commented with a slight sigh in response to Victorique. She had seen plenty of battles and spars in her lifetime, and she had to say, compared to those in Kuridan, this was nothing much. There wasn't even anything on the line. Additionally, there wasn't even much for her to learn from watching them, considering she was not a mage. They had already talked about what 'theories' they were fighting for aloud as well... whoever won dictated nothing to her.

Turning back to the little halfling's declaration of fair ground, the old owl simply chuckled and bobbed her head in a subtle nod. "Sure thing." She wouldn't say it, but she wasn't really here to help Victorique. The two had barely interacted after all. Rather, she initially only came back because she wanted to study potentially interesting matters in the library, but now, she was curiously here to observe the trial and find out what may lay beyond. But, regardless, she left the fae to assume what she wanted to.

"I'm not one to shy from danger, but thank you Kane, and Pandora, for the warning." The old owl bobbed her head in both greeting and gratitude, before rotating her head around to take in the sights. "For there to be a whole trial... the information that lies beyond should hopefully be worth it." She mused thoughtfully, wondering if they'd truly learn something worthwhile, or if this was all just a facade, a ruse, or perhaps even outdated.

Having finally reunited with the group, Oden preened her wings to the side for a moment, briefly holding gazes with the Gargoyle as it spoke. Upon entry to the trial realm, the old owl looked around carefully, before following Squink's lead and taking to the air. Unlike the ilithid however, she flew higher up beyond average reach, considering the tall ceiling, and spent her time examining the tallest of the pillar's symbols, as well as any other secrets hidden on the walls or ceiling this high up.

  • Reminisce E
    • Culture E, History E, Academia E, Insight F
    • Oden wields her decades of knowledge to her advantage, recalling any relevant cultural norms/shifts, old tales, and historic feats that could aid in her situation.
  • Flitting Ascent F
    • Flight F
    • Oden instinctually propels herself into the sky to escape incoming danger or manoeuvre herself for an uplifted strike.
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra, Old Section, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy SilverFeathers SilverFeathers


“I Imagine that would be a wise choice.” Pandora replied to Victorique with a bit of a smile. “Oh you really think so? Thank you.” She replied a bit bashfully once more.

“If your investigation skills are anything like your athletic agility I’m certain you’d have found out and that you’ll find what you are looking for if it exists here.” Pandora replied encouragingly.

Kane Blackburne

“Personally I think it’s more fun to watch people duke it out the old fashioned way.” He’d say with a bit of a grin, gesturing to the albeit now eccentric bread scented and accent shape wise executioner ax which he had gotten in his possession because the old one as was just wasn’t cutting it out anymore.

Unit #2 "Iro"
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

“I liked the magic duel! I was curious which one of them was going to be correct, when did the land and sky people come to be separately? But it’s okay! I’d much rather be helping Squink!”
Iro exclaimed cheerily looking over to her.

Kane chuckled a bit darkly, “Gotcha but if anything really bad happens don’t say I didn’t warn you both.”
It was in part a serious sentiment too, whether or not they were there to help Victorique, which he wasn’t entirely sure if they seriously were, from what he could gather this tribe definitely had a focus on strength being an asset, the stronger you were and the better you could fly or do whatever the better../from what he could gather so far at least, so it really wouldn’t surprise him if there wasn’t serious danger to be had when all was said and done.

He’d then look to Squink, “Can’t be too careful about the possibility, we’re supposedly entering a section that they’re more selective, gaining access to the knowledge here sounds more like something earned rather than a given or a right..least that’s how I interpreted it if that even means anything.”

Kane would grin when Victorique mentioned the possibility of a drink, “If it comes to it sounds good, and of course what are friends for?”

WIth no one asking the gargoyle a question it would nod and vanish in the same light it had appeared in.

With Victorique’s examining of the symbols, Kane would keep his focus on the statue as he moved into the space, having his ax at the ready incase they needed it. Victorique through her skill would gather that it was likely that the Red door symbols were related to aggression and combat not only based on how the symbols were more violently inscribed from a visual appearance but also the subject matter with weaponry, armor, disasters, monsters and the like.

The blue door was much more calm and neatly engraved with subject matter which was less aggressive, though parts still somewhat grim like the skull, there were also symbols for life like nature, and of course the scholarly books, scrolls, and symbols related to various academic disciplines.

What was strange about the script on the statue base was that it sort of looked like there were two pieces of text, Victorique would be able to figure out what they each roughly translated too.

The first one essentially said Soldier of stone It’s knowledge I seek and with power I will gain it, I challenge you.

There was a line between the strange script lines sort of like delineating options.

The second line under the divider said Oh great soldier of stone, it’s knowledge I seek and with friends I will obtain it.

From closer examination Victorique might notice the text itself was magically charged, and around the base there were faint lines of magical circuitry so to speak.

“I mean..yeah sometimes stuff is stupid simple, would be nice if it was that easy.” Kane further added.

Pandora for the time being stayed near him and also faced the statue.

“Yeah gotcha, waiting for that thing to start moving, with so many looking around feels like at least a couple of us should be alert and ready for danger.”

Kane looked over to Squink and nodded once more at her comment, “If we’re sure that the doors are being truthful and we’re interpreting it then it might make sense to just go through the blue one, I don’t really want to split up from Victorique, sure it might mean she’ll have to do a bunch of solving but at least I can make sure if there’s fighting that way too we got her covered. I also wouldn’t discount yourself just yet even if you don’t feel as bright as Victorique, trust me been there, felt that, lifting stuff with your mind and being able to scry into minds might come in clutch at some point.”

As Oden flew up she’d find more symbols beyond average reach, some of them looking more like the ones on the red door others, looking more like the ones on the blue, but what would be most curious was that Oden would clearly see a square red stone button of sorts which could be pressed toward the top of the ceiling and parallel to it was a lapis blue button, it was anyone’s guess if they were simply decorative or could be pressed and actually did something.

Iro on the other hand looked around at the walls and the whole room. "Based on what I am able to decipher I think once we figure out which door we’re going into, there should be something around here to help us open the doors but I am not entirely able to understand what that something is supposed to be given the information here." Iro spoke surprisingly calmly and well spoken.
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Squink Femboy Femboy | Oden SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Languages: Common | %Analog%

She nodded at Squink's reply. “I personally think arguing can be fun, although spectating it must be rather dull. It makes me wonder how they can make such a hyped-up show about it.” As she saw Squiggles starting to levitate, she wondered for a moment. Should just just hop in the woman's arms and be floated around? It'd be the easiest way to get around easily without risk of activating a trap. Then again... She figured she'd abstain from it, for now at least.

Victorique smirked at Pandora's reply. Why was making her seem bashful such good fun? Either way, it was. “You're welcome.” She'd reply. “Let's see if I can prove so.” She would state, regarding how well her investigative skills held up compared to her athletic ones.

When Kane spoke up, Victorique barely heard his words, as she was distracted by something else. “Ehm... why does your axe seem like it was freshly baked in a bakery? It even smells the part.” That was one of the weirder things she'd encountered lately.

She'd verbalise her findings aloud as she went through them. “Well, the red door seems rather obviously more aggression and combat based. Weaponry, armour, disasters, monsters... It's pretty obvious, yet I can't see any trickery or subversion in it either, so I think it's just a straight-up choice for those wanting a fight. Same for the blue door seeming al ot intellectual, nature, scholarly stuff, scrolls, stuff like that... Guess I'll be taking blue.”

“The script on the statue is more mysterious. 'Soldier of stone it's knowledge I seek and with power I will gain it, I challenge you' is the first line, whilst 'Oh great soldier of stone, it's knowledge I seek and with friends I will obtain it' is the second one. Perhaps the red door is meant to be a challenge taking on individually, whilst the blue door can be challenged as a group? That'd make the most sense to me.” She concluded.
Oden (#ACA9A7)

Character Sheet
E: 1/1​

"I see. Here's hoping everything's as straight forward as it seems." Oden commented quietly in response to Victorique's translations and findings. Though everything so far seemed rather simple, it didn't hurt to remain cautious, even in the first room. Oden even pondered the possibility of inter-room puzzles, trying to commit some of these repeating symbols to memory just in case for later use.

"There's a red button and a blue button up here. I would like to hopefully assume they correspond to the doors. Should I press the blue one then, Victorique?" The old owl called out from her high position above, her wings stirring slight gusts of air as she peered down at the halfling for confirmation.

"Just press the blue one." At her reply, Oden didn't hesitate to simply press the lapis button. Either door seemed fine and doable, but she was more content following along and working with the group.

  • Flitting Ascent F
    • Flight F
    • Oden instinctually propels herself into the sky to escape incoming danger or manoeuvre herself for an uplifted strike.
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

"I guess maybe people just like the attention or validation, and people just wanna watch because... I think maybe people will respect them or see them as smarter if the winning side aligns with their views, or something... I don't really get it either" Squink answered to Victorique about the debate, not really sure how long said debate was supposed to go on or if it was really that big of a deal. Then again, some people just got really excited and into the most weirdest or random of things at times so perhaps it was one of those times. Hearing Kane's acknowledgement over the potential use of her abilities, she smiled a little.

"T-thanks, I guess maybe there's a chance on one instance they might... " she spoke softly, looking to Iro who was still as chipper and cheerful as ever. At least he could remain so confidently happy in what felt to atleast her as nervewracking times.
"Right, thanks Iro, although I'd also consider lending a bigger hand to Victorique and the others since they'll likely have a better idea on what needs to be done. I wouldn't know, but do you have any other special scanners or clue-finding things or something that could help finding and figuring things out much easier? Maybe to just even spot out traps or something, i-it's okay if not it's just a little question that might be asking too much" Squink gently asked as she chose to remain in suspended levitation as to not accidentally touch anything or set anything off.

1. Flight [F] + Energized [F]
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra, Old Section, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy SilverFeathers SilverFeathers


Pandora nodded, “Of course you can Victorique, I believe in you!” She’d say encouragingly , with a soft smile.

Kane Blackburne

“Oh this thing? To be honest the old one wasn’t really cutting it anymore, guess I’ve been feeling a lot stronger lately? I don’t mean to brag but felt like the old one could break really easily if i gave it my all in a swing..so I went and got one done using some good ol’ salary funding, you see there was this high intelligence dog who..knows how to bake, and apparently forge weapons of devastation as you can see.” He’d then gesture to the paw print insignia which had been put into the metal.

“Anyway, should get the job done and seems to be high quality.”

He nodded when she explained the doors, not entirely sure if he would have come to the same conclusion on his own to even remotely figure out what the heck they were supposed to do.

He listened to Victorique when she read the text, “Yeah that sounds about right..” Before looking up at seeing what Oden was doing when he heard her,

“Geez I guess that’s why they kept mentioning wings are helpful…” Noticing just how high up the buttons were and the awkward location making it essentially a requirement unless you had magic or great athletic feats to get yourself up there, then again breaking through the doors might have been possible if you were strong enough, but they did look pretty thick..

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

Iro nodded, “Very well then I will do my utmost to assist Victorique then too since by doing so I’m helping you help her!”

“Oh abilities like that? Well I think I just showed off my translation abilities not that long ago, I can decipher some text, but some of this is very old, some of which Victorique is suited to read more perhaps..but there is also my ability to detect hazards, as that was something i was given by my creator to ensure guests are safe on the ship and avoid tripping or uneven ground…so I May..be able to detect some of that!”

Iro’s eyes promptly started glowing a forgey yellowy orange color as he looked over the ground around.

“Oh Squink! Please do not step down where you are right now I think there might be a hidden pressure plate below you which I am uncertain what it will do if it is triggered!”

Iro called out after.

??? Trial Statue

(Not to scale, smaller than this but still fairly [Large] + Wings)

While all of this was developing..suddenly the stone figure began to rumble and shift as the first line of text began to light up in a reddish glue on the statue stand followed by the second stand lighting up a bluish one, the armored winged statue sworded figure began to move creating a stone grinding sound, meanwhile the blue door at the switch being touched suddenly began to open up gradually.

“[YOU THERE, YOU CHALLENGE ME TO DUEL?]” The statue called out.

“[FIGHTERS ARE LOOKING MUCH PUNIER THAN I REMEMBER! VERY WELL THEN GIRL! I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE!]” The statue announced pointing a stoney hand over at Victorique.

Kane was alarmed by this, as was Pandora who went on stand by,

“[The gods damn it! It looks like reading that triggered it, We gotta get through that door!]”
Eventually the blue door probably opened up enough that Victorique could squeeze through it If she hurried, and from the looks of things the statue appeared very much focused on her ignoring the others but taking a chance could prove to be risky for the others the sound of stone grinding against the floor from the blue door moving and that of the statue moving, filling the room.

"[HEY You! Big guy! Eyes on me, your real opponent! If you aren't careful you might just lose your head!]" Kane would call out to try to serve as a distraction for Victorique, to which the statue started to turn toward him.


The time to act was now, to get through the door before things got ugly.
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Squink Femboy Femboy | Oden SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Languages: Common | %Analog%

Having told Oden to press the blue one, she was ready to proceed through that door and be done with things. Though, truth be told, she did get a minor power-trip from even the Owl asking her what to do. “Thanks.” She would be nice enough to thank the Owl.

As for Squink, she'd tilt her head. “Attention and validation? I guess those are nice, but those are much nicer to earn through solving a case.” That was her own opinion, at least. “I bet I could argue them into smithereens either way.” She added, feeling rather confident on that part.“Makes me wonder if you could win any debate simply by mind-reading your opponent.”

Pandora's encouraging words took her off guard. The normally salty halfling wasn't one that was used to genuine praise, so now it was her own turn to be confused and a tad embarassed. Just like she'd been when Eliza praised her at some points prior. “Ehm... right. Sure.” She'd mumble in reply. Not sure what to think about any of this. She still struggled to believe anyone would genuinely mean such words.

Luckily enough, Kane's bread-axe made for a good distraction. “An intelligent dog who baked you an axe..?” That was totally not weird. “If I didn't see it for myself, I'd have thought you fell out of the Sky Kingdom and landed on your head. Yet... well... considering you're wielding an axe that smells like bread, the intelligent dog part isn't as weird any-more either... I guess.” Perhaps this world was too weird to question sometimes.

She sighed when the statue started moving. “My bad.” She admitted. “I did think it might be triggered by reading the phrase, I just didn't expect the translation of it to still work.” She had to admit that was an oversight. “I should've been even more careful to paraphrase, rather than merely translate.” She could admit to her shortcomings, at least.

“Assuming this is a beginner challenge, why don't you try beat him for real?” She asked Kane. “Could be good training for you and I'll have Pandora, so I should be good. Besides, should something go wrong in the intellectual challenge, having someone take the strength one as a back-up might be neat.” She suggested, as she made her way to the blue door. “Show it that your axe was baked in a day, but that your skill with it has been tempered by years of training.” She stated, as she got ready to head through the blue door.
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

Falling a little hesitant after hearing Iro point out something that was apparently directly below her, she best believed that it would probably be the safest bet to just avoid touching the ground... or probably, literately anything, until someone who could better recognise these things or knew what they were doing could investigate. If she hadn't thought to even fly, then she wouldn't have had a clue what she might've ended up accidentally triggering.

"O-oh, thanks Iro, that's a cool... detectivey thing you have there, I wonder how much it lets you see. I wouldn't know how something would detect hidden traps like that unless it lets you see them through walls or something, or look for... very small gaps or unnatural... thingies, or something... I wouldn't know at all how that would work... " Squink awkwardly spoke as she lokoed down at the ground directly beneath her, listening to Victorique.

"Um, I wouldn't really know if that would be true. You'd still probably have to think of all the right things to say yourself, they'd possibly figure it out if you started magically knowing everything they thought, that and... well, it doesn't really maybe seem like hard proof if you just mind-read someone to find something out. Maybe it'll help as a clue, but it's not like it's fact... I mean, people could just think of anything. Like how you thought of... uhm, nevermind" Squink spoke, trailing off a little and deciding to not put too much thought into what she was about to say.

Seeing as it didn't seem like they could so simply go through the blue door at the moment, Squink just held hesitant unsure what to do wondering if anyone else had a better idea.

1. Flight (F) + Energized (F)
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Oden (#ACA9A7)

"Fortunately you have two fliers with you then." Oden light-heartedly chuckled back in response to Kane. "If need be I have arrows as we-"

Her voice was abruptly cut off by the violent quaking of stone, followed by the trial statue's booming challenge. Though never particularly large-sized for her kind, it was at times like this that she wished she was a bit smaller in stature, as it seemed the halfling was the only one that could make it to safety quick enough to dodge their new adversary. Clicking her tongue, she instinctively flew towards the hesitant Squink, just in case any hazardous stone fell or the statue's ire suddenly turned towards her.

"Be careful. Find an opportunity to fly through the door when you can." The old owl reminded her friend gently, before reflexively drawing her bow and taking aim at the statue's head from above. Her pupils narrowed slowly, taking her time understanding the inhuman creature's movement patterns, before letting loose a deadly arrow shining silver in the firelight.

  • Flitting Ascent F
    • Flight F
    • Oden instinctually propels herself into the sky to escape incoming danger or manoeuvre herself for an uplifted strike.
  • Take aim at Trial Statue
  • Silence C
    • Fighting Style [Kyudo of the White Dawn] [Bow] C, Range Technique Core C (1,000ft), Accurate Technique Core C (Target Spd - 4)
    • Oden focuses intently, putting her all into a single arrow. This seemingly ordinary arrow is near undodgable, able to streak across vast distances inescapably towards its target.
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra, Old Section, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy SilverFeathers SilverFeathers


Pandora would have nodded at Victorique with a smile.

Kane Blackburne

“Yeah just as smart as any blacksmith at least from what I could tell, probably good at baking too from the looks of the place. Guess shouldn't’ be as surprising as it was for me, after all fancy stuff like magic is a thing and we got [Beasts] so why shouldn’t an animal who walks on four legs whose also has the same level of sentience be possible?” He’d reason.

Unfortunately this conversation was not one which was going to last from the looks of things with the statue moving around.

“Gotcha, I’ll take care of this oaf then, Pandora, Squink, Iro, and Oden get to the blue door before this thing starts swinging at you too.” He’d brandish his axe.

“Are you sure you don’t want any help Kane?” Pandora inquired,

“Nah I got this, should be a peace of cake if it’s the first challenge like she said, I’d rather you keep Victorique safe.”

Pandora would nod before heading with Victorique into the next area.

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

Before everything started unfolding Iro did a little flip, “Thanks Squink! Copper did impart me with useful abilities to help guests better navigate dangerous areas thankfully! Hopefully there won’t be anything too hidden i won’t be able to detect, but I’ll keep looking out for threats anyway.”
When things did get on though with the statue, Iro called out
“Also you should get a move on!”, Grabbing Squink’s hand gently but firmly, before heading toward the door wanting her to follow as well.

Unfortunately as Oden was attempting to give supportive fire on the large sentient statue suddenly the walls near the space which Oden occupied began to grind and shift and she was enveloped in a stone square, blue runes glowing around them, finding herself encased in a magic shell and suddenly she was unceremoniously ejected in the magical stone transportation not only out of the trial room but through a portal, and was being sent back toward the surface realm in the direction of Widersia.

“[Do not be alarmed your [beast] friend has just been ejected from the trial, because they did not receive clearance to be in this land, she will not be harmed and was sent back to the place of landfolk.]”

The statue spoke while trying to hit Kane.

“[Damn it! Oden got ejected! You better be telling the truth!]” He’d grit his teeth, knowing full well Squink would probably be quite worried.

Kane’s bakery axe then clashed with the large stone sword, cracks running down it.

For those of the group that made it through blue door which had enough space to open up the next room was revealed.

It wasn’t as tall as the first one, the ceiling being considerably lower, the floor had a lapis Lazure tile pattern, with some more red stone tiles spread throughout. What was more unique was that in the center of the room there were four podiums which were low enough that Victorique could probably even reach the top, and throughout the space. The right most podium had the number one written in beastial below it, the middle podium had the number two written in beastial below it the one next to it had the number three written in beastial below it. and the left most podium had number 4 written in beastial below it. The podiums had spotlights while the rest of the room was dimmer. Along the walls there appeared to be art which was perhaps telling a story of sorts in a traditional Kuridan woodblock print style art.

On the Right most wall closest to the entrance, there was a depiction of a wolfman who was wearing ornate samurai like armor sitting at the second most important position of authority in the room, while the central most important chair was empty. There were other important looking beast figures sitting around him who looked like they were discussing something.

On the farthest wall from the entrance the same wolfman looked like he was leading an army of multiple squadrons of soldiers across a battlefield, bearing clan flags, which shared the same symbol of the clan flags which were flown over the castle they seemed to be attempting to besiege.

And on left most wall there were four or so panels each with numbers in beastial below them once again. The left most one on the wall had the number one and depicted the same wolfman was wearing simple robes and looked like he was in a traditional Kurian court, with a judge. The panel marked number two after that showed the same wolfman with bloodied bandages around his eyes in some sort of dungeon, the panel marked number three after that showed him in the same dungeon with bandages around his ears, and the panel marked number four in beasital under it showed the same wolfman with a bloodied bandaged gag in his mouth.

Spread around the podiums on the ground were some small statues of what looked like monkey beastmen in traditional Kuridan garb,

Statue #1 looked like they were standing straight up right in a neutral position.

Statue #2 had one covering their eyes,

statue #3 had one covering their ears,

statue #4 had one covering their mouth

Statue #5 had one sitting in a meditative position

Statue #6 had one wearing a robe with a visible Chrysanthemum seal on the back of it, and what looked like an additional figure, one monkey stabbing the one wearing the robe in the back with a dagger. The stabbing figure had hundreds of small eyes depicted on what they were wearing.

In the dim light there was some additional text written in beastial here and there near some of the depictions on the walls, and on the far wall there was another stone door which looked like it would need to be opened, thankfully for now at least there didn’t appear to be anything else which needed to be fought.

(Narrator Note: Feel free to ask any questions ooc)
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Squink Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | %Analog%

Upon hearing Kane agree to take on the strength challenge, she'd wave. “Alright! See you on the other side mate!” She figured he'd be able to pass the strength test easily enough.

To her surprise, however, Oden got launched away before she could even pass the blue door. “Goodbye?!?” She kind-off responded, confused and on instinct. “Oden got kicked out, they said something went wrong when she went through the checkpoint, but that she'll make it safely to the surface.” She translated for Squibble.

As they made it into the next room, things slowed down a bit. Which gave her ample time to reply to some of the thing S-Quick had said previously. She also figured that, now that Oden was suddenly gone, she could at least try and do this thing called 'being nice' and stuff and maybe perhaps try talk to Sqramble a bit more.

She looked at Squiggle as she replied. “I mean, sure. You'd have to say some things yourself, but if your opponent wonders about a weakness in their argument as much as once, you'd know exactly how to target them next, wouldn't you? I'd say that's a major advantage.”

As for what she thought off, she sighed. “That was a minor hiccup, okay. I'm not used to focussing on stuff and the more you try not to focus on something, the more you end up focussing on it. It'd be the same with arguments. You'd try not to think about what arguments you can't counter and therefore think of them.”

That said, Victorique was pretty annoyed that something was brought up, until she had an absolutely perfect idea. “Okay, try mind-read me again. Just do it.” She'd state, as she'd first try to recall an odd shrimp woman she'd met at the bottom of the continental lake.


However, she did her best to imagine someone she hadn't met next. Basically, she was picturing a male version of Squabble, one that was a lot more muscular and hunky, with larger tentacles and more blue-green hues instead of purple-blue ones. She wondered if she could imagine a person like that vividly enough for it to be mind-read as if she'd really met the fictive male Ilithid.

With that out of the way, she could focus on the actual challenge at hand. Being the detective she was, she'd first scan the room fully, for additional clues and to read all the texts she could spot.

Ultimate Detective – Appraisal B Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight B, Investigation B, Perception B, Law B, Energised B – Character combines all their applicable senses and knowledge to get to the bottom of a mysteries or to be on high alert for clues, dangers or hints. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

That said, even at first glance, she had a few theories. “It seems like the type of puzzle where we just have to get them in the right order of the story. Hmmm... Some leader figure, what were they called again in the beast nation, Showguns? Yeah. Shoguns. Seems like one of those had a meeting first... would you be in a meditative or neutral positions in a meeting?” She wasn't sure, as she was rambling out her thoughts aloud.

“Numbers two, three and four seem like the 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, but if they all happened during the trial, I guess they'd all go on the fourth podium. Then in the order of the panels, number two, three than four.” Something clicked. “Right, then standing in a neutral position would be the starting point of such a trial. So statue one should probably go on the third podium before all those on the fourth podium?”

That'd leave statues 5 and 6. “Then I guess the meditative position could be the one for the meeting on which the characters seems to have betrayed his boss or something, so that'd put the sixth statue on the second podium.”

“Would you mind putting them up for me?” She'd ask Pandora, as she kept a bit back from the podiums to have a better view of it all.

“So, on the right podium (#1), statue five (#5).
On the middle-right (#2), statue six (#6).
On the middle-left (#3), statue one (#1).
One the left podium, statues two, three and four (#2, #3 & #4).”

She'd nod to herself. “That way, it seems to tell a story of someone who betrayed his Shogun by stabbing him in the back. Then the allies of said Shogun marches their troops against him. He lost that battle, got put in front of a martial court. Then as a punishment, his eyes, ears and tongue were removed. Or something along those lines.”

Happy with that explanation, she turned to Squagmire and Pandora. “What do you two think, does that sound logical? Also, does either of you know what those eyes means on the stabbing figure? That bit confused me a bit.”
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Squink was a little surprised when Iro took her hand, at least glad that he was pleased by the compliment and planning to freely go along with him until she looked back to Oden to see if her owlkin friend was going to be able to manage to come with them. Though instead of what she expected to see, she was greeted with the sight of Oden being encompassed by magic stone for some unknown reason. Hesitating a little, she kind of felt like she wanted Iro to stop pulling her along in case Oden was in need of major help.
"O-Oden, are you okay?... " she asked nervously, not sure what had happened to make such a thing happen, she was unable to understand about Kane mentioning the ejection and falling rather overtaken by a feeling of guilty worry as she had no clue what she could or should be doing in such a situation.
"O-Oden??" Squink asked again, slightly louder as she felt herself pulled by Iro into the way of the blue door so they were able to make it and progress in time. Whilst it was good that they actually made it, she felt a lot more concern of where Oden could be or what happened to her more than whatever awaited them as a reward for now. It had been a very, very long while since she had really done anything major or been anywhere without the company of Oden, much less in such a strange place like the Sky City that she didn't have any rightful reason to be visiting in the first place other than for fun. Oden could at least fly, but Squink was still extremely concerned where her friend could be.

With the trial bringing them to a new room, Squink silently hesitated and looked around the room not daring to step foot on the floor. With Kane now separated fighting a statue, and Oden who-knows-where, Squink felt a whole lot less confident about the everything in the everywhere. Fearing and thinking the worst for her owl friend, she was mostly too distracted to even consider a word of what Victorique was beginning to say other than that Oden should safely be sent back down to the surface. While it should have been comforting to hear, it didn't much help soothe her mood. It was like being a lost child without their adult in the middle of a store... except you know, Squink was lost in some challenge trial in a floating city without their well-known bird friend who was abruptly ejected via the means of magic. But close enough.

"U-uh, oh, y-yeah... " Squink awkwardly said to Victorique, the ilithid honestly had no idea what most of what the halfling said but was just mindlessly going along with it like she heard any of it, clearly fidgeting and a whole lot more touchy now that Oden was gone and Kane was temporarily split from them.

Hearing Victorique ask for her to mind-read again, Squink was a little hesitantly silent but just eventually went along with it rather wordlessly.
"Um... okay... I see some... orange anglerfish-worm-crab, fish thing-person... " she muttered softly, looking visibly a lot more downtrodden and demotivated at the moment as she just waited for whatever the next thing to appear in Victorique's mind was, a little embarrassed and just turning her head away once she noticed it.
"I-I don't know, i-it failed I guess, t-that must'nt be right... " she added on, wondering if she somehow subconsciously thought that but unsure how she could think of something so... so... something like that, a time where she was concerned about her friend.

When it came to the puzzle, Squink was a little too lost in the mind to concentrate as well as had no idea what was going on with the puzzles. Just awkwardly watching as Victorique tried to figure things out and piece it together, she just nervously stood there like she was pretending to understand.
"Um.... y-yeah, ok... " she quietly nodded, having no real clue what the puzzle even was about, she couldn't make sense of what the statue order should be in the slightest. Squink had noticed some of the wall-text, but thought Victorique should probably too be able to notice and figure it out because...

Well, she's a detective, that's like her job. It'd be a bit awkward if Victorique couldn't manage. The challenge was supposed to be difficult anyway, Squink already felt way over her head just being present in the first place.

1. Flight (F) + Energized (F)
2. Psychic Commune: Magic (D) + Telepathy (F) + Empathy (F) + Seduction (F) + Energized (D) + Magic Range (E) + Indirect Affinity (E) + Magic Targets (F) + Selective Magic (E) + Spell Duration (E) - Use enhanced capabilities to invade the mind of a target using mental powers in order to converse, listen in or even just speak into their mind. Seduction assists with convincing and gaslighting people into doing things. (De Grade) (1 Post Cooldown) (to read Victorique's mind)
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra, Old Section, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Apparently the challenge wasn't as difficult as one might assume, Victorique's ability allowed her to see the logical pattern in relation to the story easier, and pulled upon her knowledge of The Republic. Pandora was agreeable in assisting her, putting the statues where she wanted. Even by the time that Victorique was asking what people thought after she had arranged the statues, the door glowed and the space opened up revealing what the next room, which for some reason sort of looked like it was incomplete, a gray mass of a enigma which wasn't defined and didn't' appear to lead anywhere, but if the group wanted to proceed they'd have to head into the unknown.

Unit #2 "Iro"
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

"Not that it matters so much now but If my memory banks serve me correctly the eyes are related to greed in the Republic culture, maybe a symbolic reflection of the motivation for the betrayal!" Iro spoke in an overly positive tone given the more grim subject matter.


Pandora had sort of just been standing by on guard during this ordeal looking around every now and again, "It would appear your assessment of where to put the statues was a correct answer, regardless of whether your interpretation of the story is correct you got just as I thought, you're a natural." She'd reply cheerily enough,

However her expression looked a deal more serious when looking ahead at the door, which was considerably less known now, "Be careful moving forward there might be dangers right around the corner.." She said looking like she was ready for combat one again.

When the group presumably braced themselves and passed through the door, they were led to what looked like an outside space, but the sky was a strange purply dusk hue, and before the group was three stone platforms which had more runes on them floating above what appeared to be nothing but sky below, the area they were standing on from the door the group entered being a stone ledge which had enough room for two of them to stand in front of each other on the ledge.

Kane Blackburne

Surprisingly Kane was already waiting near the ledge, and it looked like he was trying to figure out how exactly he was supposed to clear this particular obstacle with the lack of flying, options, what was a bit more strange was that the three stone platforms didn't really look like they actually led anywhere sort of just ending in the sky abyss.

"Oh hey I'm guessing you solved whatever that room was ahead, that big stone statue guy wasn't as tough as they looked, but to be honest I'm not exactly sure what we're supposed to be doing here other than trying to cross these rocks and..I'm definitvely the least equipped to cross here."

He'd even have to admit clearly not thrilled at the prospect, he'd probably have to have Squink telekinesis him across when he had been skeptical and apprehensive of her using those sorts of skills for that purpose given she didn't exactly brim confidence when she used them, not feeling like plummeting to his death just yet if he could avoid it.

Near the corner of the platform the group was standing on now, there was a glint like light reflecting off of a piece of glass, revealing what appeared to be a small ring sized stone circle with rune carvings on the edges and some sort of glass in the center of it.
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Squink Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | %Analog%

She sighed, as Squink was just acting depressed. Here Victorique was being nice about it and trying to distract her and all that as well. “Yeah, she looked pretty fascinating! Don't you think so too?” She asked, still thinking that shrimp woman had been one of the prettier and more peculiar folk she'd met.

The next bit made her confused. Not right? Did she not manage to visualise... Aha! Squibble was just embarrassed. She nodded. “That one's on me, my bad. I just wanted to know if I could imagine something I'd never even see and see if I could have you mind-read it. In this case I was trying to imagine what a male of your race would look like and might've gone a bit overboard. It seems like I can fool you though, sort-off, which is interesting. Thanks!” She hoped that might help cheer her up, somehow.

Noticing the girl was still rather upset and depressed, she sighed. “Oden will be fine. Trust me. Help me figure out so you'll have something to brag about when you meet her again. Here, I'll even hold back on trying to solve stuff, perhaps, so you know, you can do stuff?” She wasn't sure why, but she did genuinely try being nice. In her own way. Which was by trying to use [Ultimate Argument] to convince Squirtle not to be sad.

Ultimate Argument – Appraisal B, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight B, Perception B, Persuasion B, Law B, Energised B – Character takes in any information they can from someone and uses it when carefully picking their tone of voice and mannerisms to convey their argument in the most persuasive manner, tailored to whatever might suit the person they're trying to convince. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Victorique had never been known as being no the most sociable adept.

With that all out the way, it was puzzle time again... which she apparently got right already. She sighed. That saved her some embarrassment. A detective getting a puzzle wrong would've been horribly embarrassing.

“Ah, reflection and betrayal? Thanks Iro.” She thanked he united, having mostly ignored it thus far, but giving credit where credit was due.

She'd chuckle at Pandora's praise. “Thanks, but ehhh, that was a dosage of beginner's luck as well, trust me.” She'd state, not wanting to take too much credit, as she had indeed sort-off been winning it. Somehow she didn't want to let down Pandora now. Odd.

“That's why we got you, no? The dutiful mechanized marvel, here to protect me from all danger~” She joked, as that was more like what Kane had been doing. Wherever he'd ended up at.

Oh... “Oh, hey Kane!” She'd say, waving at him. That was a fair bit of a coincidence. She looked around. “Trying to cross them would be too easy for those that can fly. I bet there's more to it.”

She'd reply, as she saw the reflection of glass. “Oh, check this! ” She'd state, pointing at it. “There's some sort of glass here! Perhaps there are invisible barriers to those that will just try to jump or fly across? I bet it's some sort of maze! Perhaps there are also invisible platforms we can jump too or walk on!”

She looked through per pockets. What did she have that she could use to see if there was something invisible? Her tobacco... but that was not an option. She'd turn to Pandora, Iro and Squink. “Does any of you have something we can throw ahead? To see if it would bounce off of some invisible walls, land on invisible platforms, or the likes?”

Honestly, a simple rock would do, but she didn't even have that. Perhaps she should pocket a few, just in case something like this were to happen again? For now, the best she could do was to use her [Danger Instinct] to see if her senses would pick up on anything dangerous if they were to go platform hopping. Or if she could gather more information on what was ahead in general.

Danger Instinct – Appraisal B, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Perception B, Energised B – Character relies on their ability to pick up on details that might be harmful to them, giving them a stronger awareness of all sorts of details regarding people, creatures and environments that might indicate danger. - Grade Be – 3 post Cooldown
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra, Old Section, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

It was at that point Iro would have probably noticed that Squink wasn’t feeling great, so the construct would offer his presence.

“Hm, I can tell that Oden’s departure is not sitting well with you among other things!”

The construct responded with a stilted voice as perusal, perhaps this time a bit more chipper than the current situation called for.

“I am to believe that Victorique is correct, her perception is much higher than the average individual, as far as what I learned of the Sky Kingdom, they would not lie about Oden’s well being, it is not advantageous for them too in this instance.”

“Oh certainly, it is my purpose to assist where I can!”
Iro would do a little flip when Victorique thanked him in that way. Praise generally tended to have that effect on the bot.


Pandora smiled at Victorique and giggled a bit “As you say I’m a [Mechanized Magical Marvel] am I not? Similar to Iro I know where I excel and I’d like to think I have a good sense of judgment on skill evaluations such as these, just as I excel at protecting people who need protecting.” She’d reply supportively still in a bit of a light hearted response.

Kane Blackburne

“I seriously hope they put some platforms in, Otherwise I might just owe whoever designed this area of the library a knuckle sandwich later for thinking they’re funny after all of the effort it took us to get up here.”

Indeed Kane was going to be absolutely pissed if this was just some sort of practical joke for people who came from the land, that thought had crossed his mind, and he really hoped it wouldn’t be proven true.

As Victorique spectated what the next part of the challenge was, Iro would make his way over to the small circular glass piece and examine it, picking it up.

Pandora on the other hand looked ahead, like she was in thought when Victorique spoke.

“Hm..I could try taking a leap of faith, I Feel pretty confident I’d be able to get back to the platform with my augmentations.. Or..” She’d take out what looked like a ball of yarn from a pocket on her uniform and offer it up to Victorique.

WIth such a high grade of Danger Instinct, particularly the sight enhancement, Victorique would in fact be able to see the faint outline of barriers in the distance in a finite space around them, suggesting there was more to the area than just a freefall to one’s death if one made a wrong step.

What was proving to be a bit harder was the actual platforms to step on,at least for the time being, there must have been something pretty powerful at play in order to be able to counter at least some of her abilities..almost as if a certain annoyed one who kept giving her titles to try to deter her title quest was watching what she was doing and was feeling a bit petty.

Even so Kane would speak up, “Wait! Before you throw that, I think I got a way to help..”

Kane would then brandish his axe, “Something I’ve actually been meaning to show ya for a bit Victorique.” He’d say with a bit of a confident smirk, before he’d suddenly bring his axe back and toss it off the edge of the platform.

However instead of it simply careening into the abyss, Kane would extend his hand out like he was grasping for it and suddenly the axe would coming flying back at him and land neatly in his hands.

A small pin of sorts on his cloak could be seen which gleamed a little bit of some sort of white haired elf with the number 116 below it, which was presumably responsible for this ability.

“Didn’t hit anything, let’s try again..”

Kane would throw his axe again at a different angle and suddenly it would clang against a seemingly invisible platform which looked like it was actually a distance all of them could jump away, what was less known was exactly how wide the platform was, but thankfully the axe left a bit of a slash mark on it’s surface which was now visible, before the axe came back.

“If we want a better idea of how much room we got to work with, might be worth tossing the yarn ball over it to see how much space the string goes over.” He’d conclude.

While this was going on, Iro was looking around with the glass and his orangey eye looked through it until suddenly Iro looked more alert, “ I think I found something helpful for the task at hand!, one of you should take a look at this!"

If someone took the glass and looked through they’d be able to see three invisible round pillar like shapes in the distance which were outlined in a blue magic outline, spaced and wide enough that someone could jump from pillar to pillar across, however they were a good distance away probably about halfway across from where they were heading, furthermore the outline of an invisible staircase of sorts which ascended upwards could be seen by looking through the glass.
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

Squink, having had not the time to respond before the others moved on with their investigation of the puzzle and not really sure what else she could do to assist seeing as it felt like the others already had everything under control and that herself with her own thoughts and feelings was just being more of a burden than anything by now.

Only briefly nodding and giving a small hum of agreement when Victorique and Iro had prior spoken to her, for the moment she just chose to rather quietly stay back and let the others figure it out so she wouldn't distract them or get in the way.
"I'll just... let you all figure it out, since I don't think I'm of any use here... " she added softly, whether or not she thought they'd even hear or listen.

1. Flight (F) + Energized (F)
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Squink Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common

It seemed like Pandora was still living up to her title and task, though the extend of supportive and genuine sounding comments was making her feel weird again. People being this nice to her didn't feel normal, making her think there had to be some external motive to it or something. It definitely still felt weird. It also made her wonder what the girl would want from her later on.

Kane was a lot simpler in that regard. He was less nice, more plain and his motives were pretty much simpler. Dude just needed a friend. “Platforms or not, it's clear they wanted winged folk to have an edge in these.”

“I can definitely see some outlines of barriers and thingies.” She'd mutter. “Yarn? Hmm. That might work.” She stated, as she'd tie the end of it to something like a rock or coin to put some weight to it, so she could lasso it and retrieve it if needed. “Also, I didn't think you'd be into knitting.” She stated, a tad surprised at Pandora's hobbies.

Clapping her hands together, she watched Kane's latest trick. “Now that's a neat one!” That could indeed be useful.

She was surprised at what Iro found, as she took a look at it and spotted it showed where the invisible pillars were. “It shows some invisible pillars and an invisible staircase.”

Suddenly hearing Squink say she was of no use, Victorique reacted a tad irked. “The hell do you mean? Either me or Pandora risk our life trying to hop from barely visible pillar to barely visible pillar, or you just casually float over to the invisible stairs and use that fancy mind-magic of yours to share memories or visions of where those pillars are or something.” She'd suggest.

She clicked her tongue. “Worst case, otherwise, I'd have to use the yarn to try reach the other side whilst marking a path. I think my parkour should be barely good enough, perhaps if someone can give me a boost, but it'd be iffy.” She had no fear of heights, but still, it wasn't a thing she was eager to try.

She'd offer the glass thing from Iro and Pandora and Squink as well, so they could have a look too, should they desire it.
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

Squink hesitated and fell a little nervous when Victorique abruptly called her out on her choice to just momentarily sit out and let them figure it out, imagining it would have been easier for them if they didn't have to worry or hold concern that she too was a part of their group. Fidgeting with her hands, she awkwardly eyed around the room.

"U-uhm, c-could you just... fashion like, a monacle out of the yarnstring and glass or something so you could see it the whole time. I-I guess I could maybe try float over or with people, but I've never really... done that over like, a ledge or anything before. I only started doing it earlier today, and even then that wasn't too far off the ground... " the ilithid murmured softly, hesitantly walking over to take a closer look although feeling rather inner turmoil by the idea of such a potentially dangerous drop below her. At least where she was doing it before, it may just be a broken ankle or leg... from this, it'd be a whole lot more broken than just that. Not like the other thing was that good of an option to begin with.

"I-I guess, I can... maybe, try... " she hesitantly mentioned, supposing she could perhaps give it a go to try and see about if there are pillars and where they are, or where they're supposed to actually be going to. For an intelligence puzzle for flying people in a flying city, a puzzle where you just had to cross a gap didn't feel like it'd make much sense as some sort of immense test.

1. Flight (F) + Energized (F) to go investigate
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra, Old Section, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Kane Blackburne

"Yeah, I can see why some of those guys kept feeling like they had to hammer in the fact wings were pretty important." He'd have to admit at this point, the fact that they had lost one of their primary fliers when she would have come in clutch was most unfortunate too between the Republic knowledge of that last puzzle and this part...oh well hopefully Oden was okay, Kane had no reason to believe the Sky Kingdom had a reason to be usually cruel to the owl who hadn't committed a crime or anything of the like.


Pandora gave another bashful smile, "Oh..I'm actually not usually the one making those sorts of things, Eliza actually usually is."

Kane gave a bit of a grin when Victorique mentioned it was a cool trick. "Apparently I can bond this magic badge thing with whatever melee weapon I got on hand and it'll come right back like a boomarang but better, I actually have a lot of control on the route it takes, I think it'll definitely be pretty useful for when I Get sent on more..proactive tasks." Kane spoke carefully, very much insinuating there was likely to be a time when Kane would need to hunt someone down and he'd need to throw his blade to get them.

Iro happily let anyone who wanted to look through do so.

Kane would also take a gander through the glass, 'Yeah..looks like we'll need to figure out the first bit, then can use the glass to get over the second.."

By the time Squink was talking with self doubt, Kane was quick to agree with Victorique, "Come on Squink, you're capable of doing all sorts of cool stuff, Can anyone else here us float ourselves places naturally in the Sky Kingdom? And I know you got things to share that are on ya mind from time to time, don't feel like you gotta hold them back all the time you know? We want to hear what you have to say, like that idea about the looking glass thing, it's a good one."

Kane would say reassuringly to Squink, even if he had been somewhat apprehensive of her powers to start, what she had done so far had shown him she was much more innocent than he might have assumed before, and even had more utility than he first thought.

Unit #2 "Iro"
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

Iro would give a bit of a hop,

"They're right Squink, your abilities should prove to be useful in this situation! If you can float across and help map out the path forward we should be able to get across this obstacle. I would becareful about not going too high, I have a feeling that there might be obstacles in the way to prevent someone from simply flying across to the end with caution, I would recommend trying to find out where the pillars are, starting with where Kane's weapon hit, I believe that the next pillar should be close to that spot."

"That's a great idea, it'll let us get through the second part much easier if it's mobile and unlikely to fall."

Pandora then took the looking glass from Iro and forged it into something which could be worn around someone's neck, by delicately drilling into the end with her finger tip, and inserting the yarn.

While Squink went to go and investigate, she'd see a faint barrier above her as she moved along closer that didn't look like it'd be a good idea to touch bits of electrical energy running through the magic, likely what Iro had been talking about.

There was enough room to jump between pillars, but not to fly all the way across without needing to interact with the pillars.

Squink would first find that what Kane had hit with his axe was the very first pillar, should Squink land on it, she'd see it become fully visble to her and the location of the next pillar would became partially exposed, still making the amount of landing area there was somewhat an unknown variable without making a precise jump or air manuever on her part.

What did become apparent to her was that the strategy to cross would be crossing the pillars first and then using the glass piece to see the other half.

Depending on how far she went each one would be revealed to her should she land on them, and part of the next one would become visible.

"See anything of interest?" Iro would call out when she got a good distance away.
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Squink Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common

She sighed at Squibbler's initial hesitant. She was really bad at this sort of stuff. “You ehh... you got this!” She stated, giving the purple gal a thumbs up. Probably looking pretty foolish and awkward in her miserable attempt at getting Squiggy to feel a tad more self-confident about this plan. It was easier to just nod along with Kane next, who did a better job at it.

“Speciesism, I tell you.” She remarked, regarding Kane's mention of the need for wings.

“Right, I see.” She'd answer Pandora. Something that slipped her eidetic memory because the narrator playing her doesn't have one, but that she could now vaguely recall.

“Oh yeah, that reminds me of... this one dude in a this old story about deities... Dude had a hammer come back, I think?” She tried recalling stuff about Thor, but shrugged it off. Past life her hadn't been too much into that stuff. “But yeah, that sounds like a useful thing. Especially as you can fake out being disarmed and catch folk by surprise. They won't know what hit 'em.”

She'd nod. “My senses should be sharp enough to spot them, if something or someone hits them.” She'd state, thinking she could spot the impacts with the invisible well enough and use her eidetic memory to recall the exact locations.

For now, it seemed like Squack was playing the protagonist, so Victorique just filled her pipe with tobacco and lit it up. Taking in a few puffs of smoke. She'd really needed that. She figured either she could to jump across the pillars based on memory or be floated over. Or perhaps Square would solve it well enough for the rest to join her with ease. Either way, for now, things were up to Squirrel.

It did mean that she got kinda bored instantly... “So ehh... favourite type of food?” She asked, trying to find something to talk about to fill some time with. Working those S-grade social skills of her.
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori, Frequent Flier

Squink's awkwardness pretty much tripled by the amount of appreciation she was getting to her unique talents, nervously fidgeting her hands together as she tried to concentrate on investigating rather tham being overwhelmed by embarrassed thoughts. Eyeing the thing that didn't look like it should be touched, she hesitated before floating away from it a little.
"Uh, there's a barrier thingy there that looks like it'd shock me or something... it's kind of hard to see what any of it is for... " the ilithid spoke softly, looking to see where the pillars were and touching them gently.

"So, I guess you can jump across the pillars here and there to get to the other side, and then there's maybe something to look at with the glass thing. I don't really see or get anything else over here otherwise, maybe it looks like you have to touch or do something with the pillars but I'm not really used to or get any of these puzzle things like this. It looks like you can kind of see the next one when you're touching one of them, so maybe it's not entirely blind to jump between them. I'm... not entirely sure what else to even look for... " she mumbled softly, gesturing and pointing to where she was able to find the pillars for the moment. Squink couldn't notice or tell what else she was supposed to do or if the current part she was looking at was even a puzzle or more of just some athletic trial, since there was no obvious thing to figure out. Perhaps she just wasn't smart enough for the intelligence trial.

1. Flight (F) + Energized (F)
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Squink Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common

“Alright...” She stated. She wasn't exactly afraid of heights but... “Kane, if I die, you were a neat buddy to have.” She'd call out. “Pandora, tell Eliza to keep a better eye on her brothers if I don't make it.” As for Squink. “You've got a pretty purple colour.”

With that all said, she took a breath. Putting away her pipe and putting it back in her Pocket Dimension, she was ready. Presumably taking the glass thing from Iro, she'd nod. Now she could die without regrets. Though she didn't plan on doing so, as she'd use the information given to her in order to jump from platform to platform.

Halfling Parkour - Fast B, Jump B, Water Speed B, Wall Bouncing F, Wall Running F, Appraisal B, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Acrobatics B, Perception B, Energised B - Character uses their senses and movement abilities to parkour through the environment. - Grade Be - 3 Post Cooldown

Assuming she'd survive thanks to Squink's earlier information and her abilities, she'd meet up with Squink on the same pillar. “Whew... that certainly got the blood pumping.” She'd state, upon making it over. Then it was up to using the glass along with her detective skills to figure out what was up with the last stretch of this challenge.

Ultimate Detective – Appraisal B Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight B, Investigation B, Perception B, Law B, Energised B – Character combines all their applicable senses and knowledge to get to the bottom of a mysteries or to be on high alert for clues, dangers or hints. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

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