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Finished [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] CITC Library Arc: Title Trials

Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra, Old Section, Sky Kingdom

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Unit #2 "Iro"
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

"Haha I have no idea what food tastes like! But I bet I'd like sweets if I could taste!"

Kane Blackburne

"Bread and whatever's drinkable what I'm pretty used too, some vegetables, can't say I get a ton of seasoning always, but when you get into my line of work at the very least the nobles have the sense to make sure you get enough to eat." It sounded like Kane's culinary experience was pretty limited all things considered still.


"There's a lovely herbal beet Winter Stew from the Kingdom you should really try Victorique some time, maybe when we've gotten business done with in the Sky Kingdom with this you can have some with us at my lady's estate, as she did mention wanting to throw a celebration..perhaps on the same day she provides you that ride which she fully intends on honoring."

When it came time for Victorique to cross Kane nodded, "Hah, thanks, right then if those Valcori still even care about us, I'll throw a prayer your way." He'd chuckle a bit darkly, Even if he was genuinely more concerned than he was probably showing, about her safety when she was crossing the area. With seeing glass on her person,

"Do becareful!" Pandora also added, perhaps out of habit, not like she needed to tell Victorique that.

Then there was also Iro who did a little flip, "See Squink look how much you helped us! You gave us essential intelligence to solve with your floating." He'd say cheerily.

Everyone on the sidelines looked a bit more relieved by the time she made it that far.

With Victorique's ability usage, and the looking glass she'd see that each subsequent pillar had the word for pillar in the common languages, Terran, Beastial, Common, Analog, and Sylvan, She'd quickly learn that by saying the word for pillar in the language it would make it materialize fully and allow her to cross, and in doing so she'd reach the end to the invisible staircase and as soon as she did that a large transparent but outlined with mythic blue energy shot across the gap and created a bridge for everyone present to cross.

Once everyone was safely over Then came ascending the stairs, which Victorique would probably need to help guide the others, as she and Squink got words of congratulations for getting them over the gap. The party, following the stairs reached the top and at the top was a podium with a very old looking text scroll which was on the subject of titles, the very text that VIctorique had to put a great deal of effort to get too. For the others there were also texts on topics of interest should they have any. (Feel free to lmk ooc if anything in particular)

In a sudden flash of feeling, upon interacting with the text, everyone present would feel a deal closer to the divine then they probably ever had, like a larger than life presence was there before them if only briefly, before it faded away, and they were free to take the material which they had earned by completing the trials as a door eventually opened seemingly out of no where leading back to the trial door which they had initially entered.

What choices the group made moving forward with the vast potential the Sky Kingdom held was anyone's guess at that point.

(Narrator Note: I know this didn't go perfectly between slower paces and real life obstacles for multiple participants, but I appreciate you all bearing with me and seeing the RP until it's conclusion. Hopefully in the future I'll get a better handle on puzzle rps and will be able to maintain better pacing should I attempt something similar again. Regardless I think overall this pretty well achieved most of what I was trying too.)

(Do not add to sheet until approved by character mod)
Victorique Sopheana:

Optional Title Acquired- [...Fine] Are you happy now?

Optional Title Acquired- [Great Skra Trial Triumph] Character successfully completed the trials for knowledge in the Great Skra in the Sky Kingdom. Characters who are aware of trials are more likely to acknowledge and respect the title holder's abilities.

(RP Goal Reward:)
Item Acquired: [Title Scroll] - An old looking scroll written in Terran which gives the reader advanced knowledge on how titles work.


Optional Title Acquired- [Great Skra Trial Triumph] Character successfully completed the trials for knowledge in the Great Skra in the Sky Kingdom. Characters who are aware of trials are more likely to acknowledge and respect the title holder's abilities.

Kane Blackburne:

Optional Title Acquired- [Great Skra Trial Triumph] Character successfully completed the trials for knowledge in the Great Skra in the Sky Kingdom. Characters who are aware of trials are more likely to acknowledge and respect the title holder's abilities.

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