Half-Breed Institution

So you have no problem with that, yet you can turn shadows into trees, flying knives, stone walls, etc... Then sandman can put a person to sleep in just a minute with a little sand on the wrist. I honestly haven't been doing much at all. All I've really done is dodge a few sweeps, make her get badly hurt even though dodging because of her lack of experience plus the fact she was rolling, and then made herself get hurt even more just to stay awake like two more minutes as well as get hurt to free her own hand. Pretty much everything I've done is pretty undermining of her skills, basically saying she's unable to do much without hurting herself. On top of falling asleep when her poison wears out of herself, she'll feel a good deal of pain from that poison.
The sand is meant to put people to sleep and i put in the CS that a strong enough will could keep them awake.
First off my character can't do any of that, but I get your point. However, you are forcing a situation that he supposedly can't get out of. If you are just starting out I don't get why your hallucinations would be so powerful. Now if they were weaker like the make him see double or just a few things that aren't there and just slight numbness than that's cool. But saying you can cause terrible hallucination and pain on your first day doesn't make sense. If this were like a few months later than totally understandable, but just not right now.
I'm not really saying there's anything wrong with it, just that what I've done hasn't exactly become overpowered. If anything, what I've done is pretty weak compared to everything else that's been used currently, and that there's no legitimate reason to actually say my stuff's overpowered.

Peaceswore said:
But saying you can cause terrible hallucination and pain on your first day doesn't make sense.
Well, it kinda does given that the hallucinations are literally designed for pain and all that. Plus, it was two snakes that injected poison, not just one. Of course it would be amplified pretty well, so that adds to make it hold sense. She doesn't have any other way to exactly hurt people anyways, and the pain wouldn't have any effect after it was gone since it was just pain, not physical damage. It's like being slapped. It stings, but once the stinging stops, you're just fine.

Not to mention it wouldn't exactly last all too long, and it was possibly induce pain if I remember what I typed correctly, meaning he doesn't even have to go along with there being pain. As for the hallucinations, I wouldn't exactly say they were all too terrible. After all, just translating things into a decent and quite possible perspective, since grass if it were made shiny and silver, would look like rubber spikes. Not to mention if not paid too much attention to, a person could actually mistake a tree for being bent.
AngeliclyAwesome123 said:
Is there going to be a time when I can sign up, or is the "no longer accepting" thing permanent?
Depending on where things go, it won't be perminant, but it is still in effect.
Drumonkey said:
(Are you going to grandmothers house? or to visit your dead mother?)
to get the thing

that makes worth

the journeying.

to see the king

to sell the cow

to make the potion

to see

to sell

to get

to bring

to make

to lift

To go to the Festival!

Into the Woods!

(The play, Into the woods lol)
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]to get the thing
that makes worth

the journeying.

to see the king

to sell the cow

to make the potion

to see

to sell

to get

to bring

to make

to lift

To go to the Festival!

Into the Woods!

(The play, Into the woods lol)

(Trust me lol I know it well. I think one of my favorite songs is Agony)
I agree although I did like the play a little more, the movie (although a good size and very close to the play) felt a little rushed.

Bur what bothered me the most were the people who I went with. When they left they said "man Disney's changed." I went on a good 2-3 hour rant on the fact that it was a play 1st and how Disney is ruining fables with their sugarcoated endings.
I was so mad. I love the original Grimm, Hano ect. Stories they had morals, reason and importantance.

Disney movies? You learn nothing, from the originals to the current ones.

(I know saying this next part is gonna send smack my way) Even Frozen had a weak overall lesson. You know it's not even a lesson it's a saying.

I miss when things didn't always work out. That maybe sometimes you work hard and things don't succeed Or they don't go your way. At least then you get a twinge of reality. I mean Enchanted had a good take on it, but still let it end with nothing learned.
I liked all the grimm stories I read those were clear and easy to follow lessons and some were stated at the end even

I agree with you about frozen though, but you have to admit they did good where the princess didnt meet a prince and fall in love with him then marry him. Although the whole movie was weird and to be frank ridiculous
I grew up on Grimm and Hans I never knew the Disney versions till 10. They just felt so empty, and all the things that mad e the princesses special just dissapeared when they fell in love (with exceptions of course)

I enjoyed Frozen's stray from marrying the first person you meet. But she's dating/ engaged? to the 2nd. Yes Elsa is independent and that's great, but it wraps up so nicely it's weird.

I do think it was rediculous as well. Entertaining, but the whole conflict was rediculous and unrealistic. They over dramatized a lot of things.
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I suffer enough with a four year old who's obsessed with the movie!! I FEEL YOUR PAIN AND THEN SOME!!

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