Half-Breed Institution

I guess, I mean part of how she forms is with water the rest through emotion so...yeah I can work with that.
Shog said:
Thank you. Would you please just let it go? It's my job to point out what could be made better for the RP and when you sound bitter about me doing that it makes it several times harder. If pushed too far I will break and let this RP die, most likely never again to even contemplate making it again. I know how stupid this sounds, but I need to get it off my chest.
No, I can't just let things go like that, especially when I seem to be criticized for every single thing I do. All my actions in the roleplay are just ask a problem to you, aren't they? In plenty criticized in real life, and have the most poor self-esteem imaginable. Not to mention I suffer from severe depression as well as certain mental disorder, so hmm, all therapists and psychiatrists ever do is tell me what to do and how to do it, and eventually criticizing and putting me down for not remembering every single fact and detail that happens in my f*cked up life. That's all I've even been seen as, as someone to criticize and like fun of.

So, just a side-note for you, in not going to take some more remarks, especially on my only free weekend, by someone who is practically the same age as I am. So, please just leave me alone and stop targeting me like everything I do is flawed.

I have extreme anxiety, and that one day of our debate left me with a sleepless and worry filled night of staring at the ceiling of my bedroom.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

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Dude...really? He is trying to run this rp. You are being very rude here. If you don't like how he is trying to keep things level and to the rules you should leave the rp instead of bagging him.
I'm not going to lie and say I know exactly what your going through, but my self esteem isn't exactly up their either. I am a nerd in a school of jocks and ranchers and fit in no where in real life. I write and RP to pretend I'm something special. I am a negative person that looks for flaws in everything. I don't actively search out flaws, but it just happens. And for the record, I didn't exactly sleep the night of our debate either, and it helped to make my day crappy as well. I'm not going to pretend to know what your life is like, but mine isn't pretty eigther.

And thank you for backing me up @Peaceswore, that means a lot to me.
No problem @Shog if we had people going against the rules others would get bored quickly so seriously good job. And I really suck at encouraging people so... yeah. Everyone has a crappy moments in there life, I hope yours is over soon so you can have the non crappy moments. *Face palms* (And now I feel stupid)
Um again sorry to sound like a negative nancy but It's going to be hard for me if the speed of the rp is going to be fast like it is now with all the less than 5-7 sentence answers.
rosamortelle said:
Um again sorry to sound like a negative nancy but It's going to be hard for me if the speed of the rp is going to be fast like it is now with all the less than 5-7 sentence answers.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

I think it's fine, but if you are talking to a certain person or even mention them you should tag them. If we do only long responses I have a feeling the rp will slow to a stop. *Shrugs* But that's just what I think.
Peaceswore said:
I think it's fine, but if you are talking to a certain person or even mention them you should tag them. If we do only long responses I have a feeling the rp will slow to a stop. *Shrugs* But that's just what I think.
Well, I don't do short responses.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Ok then you do long responses. If you are talking to someone they just have to wait till you respond... And I'm not the admin. Sorry just giving my idea on things. ^^;

@PlaguedWithInsanity Please keep OOC here. So it doesn't clog up the thread.
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Peaceswore said:
Ok then you do long responses. If you are talking to someone they just have to wait till you respond... And I'm not the admin. Sorry just giving my idea on things. ^^;
And that's plenty fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and yours is an excellent observation if I do day so myself. ^,....,^ Long posts do take a while to fabricate, and it's not everyone's forté, and that's quite alright. I just don't favor making short posts myself. The least I will go is two paragraphs.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Oh, just an FYI, I will be busy for a couple hours at a family event.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

@Shog I'm a little mad you didn't tag me for this. You know I like your RP's, but you didn't bother to tag me... Not to mention I was in the previous one, so clearly I would want to be in this one...
Kiyoko Tomoe] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5999-shog/ said:
@Shog[/URL] I'm a little mad you didn't tag me for this. You know I like your RP's, but you didn't bother to tag me... Not to mention I was in the previous one, so clearly I would want to be in this one...
To be perfectly honest, I can't remember your user name. It took me a moment to recognize you when you made that post.
Shog said:
To be perfectly honest, I can't remember your user name. It took me a moment to recognize you when you made that post.
Used to be UltraYuseke. Little bit of a change, since that old username was well, old... Also didn't exactly fit right. That's why there's been a name change to Kiyoko Tomoe.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Used to be UltraYuseke. Little bit of a change, since that old username was well, old... Also didn't exactly fit right. That's why there's been a name change to Kiyoko Tomoe.

Either way you're here now. Oh, and it almost looks like the person in your profile has their arms crossed so it fits perfectly with your first post.
Shog said:
Either way you're here now. Oh, and it almost looks like the person in your profile has their arms crossed so it fits perfectly with your first post.
Also, if you get a closer look at the picture, it's quite far from crossing her arms. Speaking of the picture, I still haven't changed it like I planned to a week ago... I'll just quickly get a good picture up. I'll make it the same as what I'll use for my character's appearance ^.^ (Yeah, assuming that I'm allowed to join from that "Either way you're here now." part. Do correct me if I'm wrong Dx)
Ignore the giant gun pointed at your torso and just walk away. Otherwise, I may just have to pump some energy bullets through your stomach until you leave me to my nap in the park *innocent smile*

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