Half-Breed Institution

:D true that.

I still weigh 4x more than the other combined...

"I'm not fat, I just got a sweet hockey body"- Eric Cartman.
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Is it too late to join?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

And should I join as a female or male?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
@Penance @OrenjiGatsu
Pertaining this entire ordeal, I have made a character with both illusion as well as shadow manipulation. Is it alright with both of you that my character shares those two powers with your characters? If not, I'll just have to create a new character, despite the one I just posted being one I've been wanting to play as for a while, but haven't yet been able to because of failed roleplays.

I, personally, dont have a problem but if he says dont do it then i dont see what the problem is. I mean a some other people changed their CS a few times and didnt complain about it that much
Some people haven't had a character they've wanted to do, but had three rps that have crumbled before said character can even develop. She puts a lot of thought into her chats.
Airagog said:
Some people haven't had a character they've wanted to do, but had three rps that have crumbled before said character can even develop. She puts a lot of thought into her chats.
The one I posted, of course, was only a tidbit of all the information that the character actually has, because it was a character from quite a while ago, and I don't want to reveal all of his information yet.
@Shog just thought I would take a minute to voice concern over a character that was literally just posted. I feel threatened by a character whose power states control elements.... That is a bit much, especially when there are currently 4 including me who can manipulate fire in some way (the kitsune, the wisp, and there is one other that breathes fire).

I don't want to start anything again, but I feel obligated to point this out from the rules: "The magic world is not known by mortals, so know nothing (or very little) about it." That was my biggest pet peeve from the original and the biggest reason I let it die
Shog said:
I don't want to start anything again, but I feel obligated to point this out from the rules: "The magic world is not known by mortals, so know nothing (or very little) about it." That was my biggest pet peeve from the original and the biggest reason I let it die
So, you expect my character to know NOTHING about the magical world? Hmm, because humans obviously have horns protruding from their skull, as well as half of their bodies being GOAT LEGS. Oh, and humans also have gray skin last time I checked. :)

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

I misinterpreted that as just a picture used to help get your point across. I take the blame for this, but "You must have a human and monster form" (as quoted from the rules). That was another reason I let the first one die.

Now what the hell do you want me to do? How many times do you want me to change my character like this?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Well just out of curiousity, would it be possible for your character to possible remain the same but have human like prosthetics such as makeup, fake legs (hollowed out legs), and wears good to hide horns. I mean then it could still work with looking human. I mean just as a possibility.

Also sorry to butt in like this
I admit that it's my fault for not catching it earlier, and for that I am sorry. However, I can't let you limbo the two rules that were ignored so much that I aided in the death of the first version of this RP. I will try my best to help you in any way I can, but I will stick by those rules.

Thank you for trying to help @rosamortelle, but no.
Fine. I will look for another picture for her once I get home from water polo (in about 2.5 hours) if I can get ahold of a computer that late.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

PlaguedWithInsanity said:
Fine. I will look for another picture for her once I get home from water polo (in about 3 hours) if I can get ahold of a computer that late.
"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Thank you for being so understanding.
There. I have inserted different pictures, and will fix all the formatting as well as any other imagery descriptions so they all belong in the correct place.

Now, do you have any more criticizing about my CS?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Fixed my intro post, but still have to get access to a computer if at all possible.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Thank you. Would you please just let it go? It's my job to point out what could be made better for the RP and when you sound bitter about me doing that it makes it several times harder. If pushed too far I will break and let this RP die, most likely never again to even contemplate making it again. I know how stupid this sounds, but I need to get it off my chest.


They don't know what cabin they are in yet. I never actually said that, so it's understandable you thought so, but this was in my last post: ""To your right is several rooms where your councilor is waiting for you. They will help you find out who you truly are." She then stepped back from the microphone and waited for people to move on."

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