Half-Breed Institution

Lets wait until Bull v Susanoo :P no one has seen him fight yet.

Or were you shipping Bull x Rey?
I was actually thinking Yamai would fight Susanoo at some point, since Yamai's a snake yokai, Yamata-no-Orochi was basically an eight-headed and eight-tailed snake, and then Susanoo killed Yamata-no-Orochi. I was also thinking Yamai could accidentally give birth once more to Yamata-no-Orochi, and/or somehow get her hands on the Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi, which was found in Yamata-no-Orochi's third tail by Susanoo after Susanoo had killed Orochi, a blade that Susanoo was unable to cut or damage.
Yamata-no-Orochi, Susanoo, Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi, Inari, Amaterasu... They're all from Japanese mythology. Susanoo killed Yamata-no-Orochi, and found the Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi inside of Yamata-no-Orochi's third tail while slaying the beast. It didn't really come as random at all, given that Yamata-no-Orochi is basically a snake with eight heads and tails, thus tying to Yamai in some way since she's a snake yokai. Destiny would probably have it that Susanoo's death would be by a snake of some sort wielding the blade Susanoo found within one of Orochi's tails.
Still highly random. I don't think giving birth to basically a god is right.
It's not giving birth to a god exactly... It's more of unknowingly assisting in the return of a god. We could say that Yamata-no-Orochi's been trying to cling to some sort of life strong enough for some time now after being killed by Susanoo, and Yamai just ends up accidentally providing Orochi the perfect means to return to life.
Yeah... Not a fan. That's kind of odd. Not even sure how Yamai would connect since I think more or less Susanoo is at Macguffin stage for Haru. See if he becomes important later maybe.
Well, Yamata-no-Orochi holds direct connection to Susanoo, and through two ways indirect connection to Amaterasu. Orochi's connections are through having been killed by Amaterasu's brother, and through the Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi, which had actually made its way to Amaterasu at some point. Yamata-no-Orochi would definitely become tied to these events through the purpose of trying to reclaim the blade Susanoo stole from Orochi's third tail, putting Orochi as trying to bring himself back to life, then a second goal of killing Susanoo, having no knowledge the blade is no longer with Susanoo, but either with Amaterasu, or lost and in the hands of somebody completely random.

Yamai would be able to connect to that easily, as Orochi could possibly be trying to manipulate Yamai, who makes the best target due to Orochi having knowledge about snakes thanks to being a kami that basically is a snake, and end up getting Yamai to bring Orochi back to life without Yamai knowing of it. Yamai could also somehow end up with the Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi, which would place further ties to the whole situation for Yamai. Still, this is all just ideas, and by no means to I plan to force these ideas into the RP if it's not really liked by most of the people, as well as I may just decide not to use the ideas at all.

On a side note, I was the one who assisted Orenji with the mythology, so I'm glad to see that the ideas Orenji presented and I helped ORenji a little with are being used ^.^
OrenjiGatsu said:
"I'm pretty sure that a god very, really old," Haru said," he wouldn't have a cell phone. This is close to where he should be though. Now he could come if we try to show him that we want him over here somehow. Something that would get his attention."
I just realize this was Christopher Columbus's post.
Because if you hit someone going that speed you would cause an explosion, the equivocal force from her hitting someone at that speed would cause the other person to break apart entirely from the force that is hitting them

also the force she would have to endure from that would be about the same as a highly designed and efficient stealth bomber does.

she would almost be sturdy enough to be hit by the blast from an atomic bomb and not get hurt (notice the blast, not the bomb itself.)
Ok but why does it matter? She's just there to help. Do you just not want her there or something?
no, I don't want her ungodly op and being able to tank an atomic blast, if she could move that fast she could solo everyone in one hit while everyone could hit her as hard as they could at the same time and not effect her.
Airagog said:
Because if you hit someone going that speed you would cause an explosion, the equivocal force from her hitting someone at that speed would cause the other person to break apart entirely from the force that is hitting them
also the force she would have to endure from that would be about the same as a highly designed and efficient stealth bomber does.

she would almost be sturdy enough to be hit by the blast from an atomic bomb and not get hurt (notice the blast, not the bomb itself.)
Although that is true I get that. I still have to point out that she cannot cause any damage to anything. So the effects would not occur.

For example say she was thrown with a great force into a tree. Say the force was great enough to break the tree. She would certainly feel the pain (probably die), however the tree would not be damaged. Because, she is unable to harm anything.

She can't even trample grass.
you don't understand.

she couldn't be hurting anything, the sudden kinetic release of energy would kill everyone.
Airagog said:
no, I don't want her ungodly op and being able to tank an atomic blast, if she could move that fast she could solo everyone in one hit while everyone could hit her as hard as they could at the same time and not effect her.
No she would die from a atomic blast. She isn't immortal. But I get it.

Airagog said:
you don't understand.
she couldn't be hurting anything, the sudden kinetic release of energy would kill everyone.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, No I get that too. I understand...

Although she could easily just gradually slow down as she got closer. Besides this is fantasy not reality. She's a unicorn not a jet.
doesn't matter, physics are physics. And no, the force exerted from the explosion of an Atomic bomb maybe about a mile away would be about equivocal of the amount of force that would be exerted on her body would be that much. Not to mention her body would experience much much more drag and resistance than a stealth bomber.
Airagog said:
doesn't matter, physics are physics. And no, the force exerted from the explosion of an Atomic bomb maybe about a mile away would be about equivocal of the amount of force that would be exerted on her body would be that much. Not to mention her body would experience much much more drag and resistance than a stealth bomber.
Well, what would you recommend?
Maybe 100mps with a constant rate of acceleration of about 29 mps which would be about the force of 3G.
Airagog said:
Maybe 100mps with a constant rate of acceleration of about 29 mps which would be about the force of 3G.
you do know that that would take a day. Or more. This is fantasy, the laws of physics shouldn't really apply. But whatever I'll just retract the whole post. You know, a bull suits your personality well, stubborn.


Don't worry about me crashing your thing. I wouldn't dare. But....

@Penance Gracia for trying to help. I am going to rewrite the entire post. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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