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Fantasy Half-Breed Institution

Haru then translated that. "Alright then," Inari said in Japanese," we've better get our move on. We will be going to a traditional house in Shimanae Prefecture, which was the Izumo province. There you would put out your alcohol and wait for Susanoo to come. When he comes, say that you are giving him that as a gift. He should then accept it and drink it all then. We'll be waiting outside the home waiting for the moment to strike. When he is either drunk enough or passes out we'll come in and do the rest. If anything goes wrong and he tries to danger you, we'll come in. Alright then, let's get moving along. Oh and by the way, if you ever need me, go ask a fox that has more than one tail, I'll be there for you." She then started to walk back towards all of the Kitsunes.

Haru translated all of that for him. "I guess we're going to Japan now, let's hope that she has a fast way of getting around half the world."

Penance said:
Andrew then got an idea and smiled wide. He crouched down and started creeping behind an-li. Then walked out without her noticing and sat beside her. "Hey" he said
An-Li was deeply engrossed in their plan. She didn't know if it was a good idea, even with the approval of Inari. I would survey this, for the sake of peace. I should follo-......!!! An-Li screamed and nearly jumped out of her skin in surprise. She looked at Andrew hand on her chest, and face bright red. "A-Andrew you nearly gave me a heart attack." She looked at him and smiled. She began to laugh and rested her head on his shoulder, making sure to be careful of her antlers. "You scared me half to death, jerk."
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]An-Li was deeply engrossed in their plan. She didn't know if it was a good idea, even with the approval of Inari. I would survey this, for the sake of peace. I should follo-......!!! An-Li screamed and nearly jumped out of her skin in surprise. She looked at Andrew hand on her chest, and face bright red. "A-Andrew you nearly gave me a heart attack." She looked at him and smiled. She began to laugh and rested her head on his shoulder, making sure to be careful of her antlers. "You scared me half to death, jerk."

Andrew laughed at how much she jumped. He then wrapped his arm around her. "Heh, sorry couldnt miss the opportunity" he then looked at at the others trying to figure out what they're talking about. "So whats happening here?" He asked an-li
She looked at them curiously, then whispered in Andrew's ear. "I think they are planning to attack Yamato no Orochi, the Eight forked serpent. My Japanese history isn't very good, but they intend to use the same way that Susanoo used to kill the beast before. They are going to use alcohol to weaken him and then will finish him off. It's history is somewhat similar to a story from my country regarding Yu the Great vs. Xiang Liu of Gong Gong. But I don't think that it's a good idea. They are interfering in a world not meant for them. I was planning on following them and stopping them if need be. Although Orochi is a chaotic creature everything can be set to peace without the need violence." She moved away from home ear and blushed, "I just think that violence isn't the answer. I mean Gong Gong was always blamed for such catastrophes and without reason killed. I don't see why no one could work out their disagreements." She nervously looked to the ground not sure what else to say. She felt the need to try to broker peace.

Andrew scratched his head trying to process all of this "personally i dont think we should mess with any of them. I mean think about it, its either fight a giant bull man and some fox people or attack a god and i dont like the odds in both fights"
Penance said:
Andrew scratched his head trying to process all of this "personally i dont think we should mess with any of them. I mean think about it, its either fight a giant bull man and some fox people or attack a god and i dont like the odds in both fights"
An-Li looked at him worriedly, "but what if they suceed in defeating him? How will the world stay in balance? What will be the after effect? I don't know why, but I feel as if something ominous will occur if they succed."
Andrew crossed his arm and thought about it. "Hmm as true as that is, what if they dont succeed? We'll have a very angry god on our hands"
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Penance said:
Andrew crossed his arm and thought about it. "Hmm as true as that is, what if they dont succeed? We'll have a very angry god on our hands"
An-Li nodded, "yes and I could calm him. Or at least I hope so..." She looked a little worried. She pulled her hair behind her ears and continued "I have been practicing calming creatures and spirits and have seen good sucess so far. I'm sure it would work." She didn't sound very certain, her hands were even trembling.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]An-Li nodded, "yes and I could calm him. Or at least I hope so..." She looked a little worried. She pulled her hair behind her ears and continued "I have been practicing calming creatures and spirits and have seen good sucess so far. I'm sure it would work." She didn't sound very certain, her hands were even trembling.

Andrew saw she was trembling and he held her hand "hey if wanna go" he said looking in her eyes "then i'll be there to help you. Besides how cool would it be if you could calm a god?" He said jokingly trying to relieve some tension
Penance said:
Andrew saw she was trembling and he held her hand "hey if wanna go" he said looking in her eyes "then i'll be there to help you. Besides how cool would it be if you could calm a god?" He said jokingly trying to relieve some tension
An-Li's worries flew away as he spoke and she smiled at him. Trying to hold back all the emotions she had st once she softly spoke. "Yeah it would be pretty cool." She leaned in closer and kissed him. She stayed there for a few minutes before pulling back. Her face turned red "thank you."
Dysis and would say in a light and playful tone "Wow Bull, you can go from wise ancient beast to classic Texan in a second." Glancing from one to the other she would say "Now are we one hundred percent sure this won't go wrong? And I hate to play the 'what if' game but if it does are we prepared?" She would give them both a worried look, the the previous playfulness now long gone.


[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]An-Li's worries flew away as he spoke and she smiled at him. Trying to hold back all the emotions she had st once she softly spoke. "Yeah it would be pretty cool." She leaned in closer and kissed him. She stayed there for a few minutes before pulling back. Her face turned red "thank you."

Andrew turned red and smiled "no problem" he then remembered something "hey you still havent asked for that wish yet." He grinned deviously and got closer to her "have ya figured out what you want?"
Penance said:
Andrew turned red and smiled "no problem" he then remembered something "hey you still havent asked for that wish yet." He grinned deviously and got closer to her "have ya figured out what you want?"
An-Li smiled at him, "not yet, but when I do. You'll be the first to know. I promise." She would have leand in to kiss him again when suddenly the chipmunk had jumped on Andrew's face. He began to climb up and down his head and around his face squeaking angrily.

Andrew was freaking out trying to grab the chipmunk "not again!!" He then made a shadow grab it and get it off his face "stupid rodent" then the shadow tossed him a few feet away
An-Li slowly got up and walked over to the creatureally picking it up. "Oh you poor thing." The chipmunk was uninjured, but was going to mink her affection let out a miserable squeak. She cupped it in her hands and sent out a glowing wave of healing energy and peace. The chipmunk happily curled up in her hands and smiled. An-Li made her wa uh next to Andrew still holding the creature. She smiled "this little guy has been following me throughout the forest for sometime now. I apologize for him attacking yout like that. It's quite odd for chipmunks to show such animosity."
Andrew scoffed "him and his buddies in the woods pelted me with freaking acorns" he said looking at the chipmunk annoyingly.
StoneWolf18 said:
Dysis and would say in a light and playful tone "Wow Bull, you can go from wise ancient beast to classic Texan in a second." Glancing from one to the other she would say "Now are we one hundred percent sure this won't go wrong? And I hate to play the 'what if' game but if it does are we prepared?" She would give them both a worried look, the the previous playfulness now long gone.

Bull smiled, "Just cause I speak country, don't mean I'm a bumpkin. As for if it goes wrong, simple. If it goes wrong then I have to beat him and make him promise not to hurt the kitsunes any longer. I think I can at least tire him out and then someone else clean up." Bull said with a nod.
Airagog said:
Bull smiled, "Just cause I speak country, don't mean I'm a bumpkin. As for if it goes wrong, simple. If it goes wrong then I have to beat him and make him promise not to hurt the kitsunes any longer. I think I can at least tire him out and then someone else clean up." Bull said with a nod.
Dysis would nod "Well ok then, this should be interesting..." She would say calmly with millions of thoughts clouding her mind as in 'We're going to be fine' and 'Oh shit were screwed.' Along with many others. Then shaking her head at an attempt to clear them.
Penance said:
Andrew scoffed "him and his buddies in the woods pelted me with freaking acorns" he said looking at the chipmunk annoyingly.
An-Li looked at Andrew surprised "really? How strange. Chipmunks are really quite passive creatures." She stroked the tiny chipmunks fur gently. Then laughed a little picturing Andrew being pelted by acorns she smiled "well aren't you a little Napoleon? I think I'll call you that. Do you like it?" The chipmunk looked up and nodded then he climbed up her shoulder and nuzzle her cheek. An-Li smiled and picked up the chipmunk and let him climb up her antlers. She turned to Andrew "what do you think? Does he look happy?" The chipmunk glared down to Andrew and gave him the 'your dead meat' movement by punching his paw into his other.
Andrew just squinted at him. "Yeah full of joy" he said sarcastically he then stuck his tongue out at the chipmunk. 'Im gonna kill that thing the first chance i get' he thought
Penance said:
Andrew just squinted at him. "Yeah full of joy" he said sarcastically he then stuck his tongue out at the chipmunk. 'Im gonna kill that thing the first chance i get' he thought
An-Li couldn't notice the sarcasm in his voice so she smiled happily. "Good! I think I might keep him as a pet. I'very never really had a pet before so I hope I can take good care of him." She looked a little worried, the responsibility was so very great. She was now in charge of the protection of another life, this was a very big deal.
'Dammit i cant kill it now!' He thought angrily "i've never had one either" he then chuckled "to much responsibility" he saw how worried she was "hey dont worry how hard is it to raise an over grown mouse?"
Penance said:
'Dammit i cant kill it now!' He thought angrily "i've never had one either" he then chuckled "to much responsibility" he saw how worried she was "hey dont worry how hard is it to raise an over grown mouse?"
The chipmunk angrily threw a acorn at Andrew's head. An-Li smiled at him "thank you," she kissed his cheek and looked into his eyes "you are the kindest soul I'be ever met."

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