• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
» Vicki Vortex
Vic took it all in: the deadly butt maneuver, the fight between Richard and Lilian happening off to the side for some reason she didn't get, and of course, the death metal album cover exploding into a threat display of blood and viscera right in front of her eyes. Ezra mentioned something about leaving, which was probably a good idea, but watching Scourge get manhandled by another flesh tentacle monster made her hesitate. Vic stood there like it was the corner of a party of people she didn't know. As Lilian took her place at her side, Vic looked to her, a troubled crease in her brow hidden behind her heart shaped sunglasses. She didn't know she had a daughter.

She was momentarily distracted by that line of thought from Richard, whose drink thievery inspired a fire in Vic that forgot the enemy it should be directed towards, and was still smoldering there as Ezra's voice buzzed in her ear. She passed him her empty cup in response, slid up her glasses and stepped forward.

"Go pick up your kid," she said, directing her voice over her shoulder to Lilian. She cracked one of her fingers with her thumb as she turned her attention to Scourge. "I'll wrangle the other one."

Lilian and Ezra's hair was blown into a frenzy. She'd disappeared. A cyclone weaved through the battlefield in a snake-like tunnel. The roar of destabilizing force tore past Richard. "Don't talk so fast," whispered on the wind. Richard had stolen her coffee. She was stealing this battlefield.

The tornado SLAMMED into the tentacle monster - the green one. Not stomach mouth. Scourge. His heavy boots slid across the ground before the immense pressure picked him up, sending him spiraling into the air. Whipped around and around, at a velocity that would tear at the flesh of a weaker being, then stopped. Almost two hundred feet in the air above the action. Wind was keeping him up, pushing against his body with just the right speed to keep him in place but not send him up any further... not the most stable platform. Felt like a water bed. The body of Vicki Vortex materialized right beside him, leaning back with her legs and arms folded and looking a lot more comfortable than he was.

"Hey Frankenstud," she greeted. The vibrations on the wind carried her voice to his ears despite the roar of air surrounding them. "Leave this to the lady with the lasers." She swiped down with a finger, like lazily scrolling through a feed on her phone. An invisible spear ripped down, striking the enemy from above to push him to his knees and pin him under a crushing wall of air pressure. A perfectly packaged target for a fuck-off big laser. Vic leaned back and flicked the sunglasses back down, satisfied. "You thrown any ragers while Dadmum's been away or has the lady got you whipped?"
code by @Nano
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Lilian Anderbilt.png
  • Mould watched with mild disdain as the flesh-blossom tore into his leg. “Like a bad case of athlete's foot,” he grabbed a spear out of the holster on his back and aimed it mid-thigh. The point sliced through his flesh and hit bone. Driving the heel of his free hand into the hilt of the spear provided enough force to snap his femur. Feedback simulating pain flashed across his senses.

    The flesh-bloom writhed and burrowed deeper into the severed part of his left leg. “Hope you like it hot.” His thumb moved slightly and primed the payload on the spear he held, with a grunt it slammed into his severed leg and burst into white heat, incinerating the bloom and his left shin.
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"Absolutely zero clue who he is, but I'm calling him Roja. Keeps speaking Spanish, and he's clutching a Red Bandana, so..."

Yukisa nods slightly.

Yukisa examines the scene for a few seconds as Richard starts fighting Roja. While doing so she is taking some steps backwards to really take in the reach of this monster.

‘It’s all moving? Every part? Individually of the main part?’ What a strange hunk of writhing flesh this is.

Yukisa looks over to Richard, “Richard, you're are going to need a lot more ice than that….”

Also why is Richard trying to hit the green guy too? Strange. Yukisa disregards the big green man entirely and runs into the action.

Yukisa makes note of the veins going after Richard while he’s dodging away and slices them away from him with her icy arm blades while she quickly approaches Roja.

Yukisa turns to Roja, about 14 feet away at this point. “Hey dimwit! Eat this!”

Yukisa takes a breath that quickly turns icy as her body transforms into solid dry ice. Crackles in her carbon icy form can be heard as she grows exponentially larger than she was before within a matter of seconds. She is now on par with the size of Roja. She takes large quick strides towards the flesh beast until she and it are face to face. Yukisa raises her right hand as it turns into a very large pointy blade and stabs the flesh monster straight in its gaping chest mouth in hopes of having the carbon melt into gas so the monster breathes it in insead of the air. She did this so that it would run out of energy, if only a little bit. Afterwards she backs up and releases her arm and leaves it there, regrowing a new one while simultaneously bringing her leg up to kick Roja straight into the side of his head with an incredible amount of force that slides him about 10 feet across the pavement.

The flesh beast is currently slowed and toppled over onto the pavement as Yukisa turns her head to listen to the voice of Emma through the intercom.

“Immobilize the criminal then take cover, I have a plan.”

'Well, that's already been done….. But it couldn't hurt to do some more damage to this sad sack of shit...'

Yukisa's attention shifts back to Roja. For good measure to immobilize the flesh beast further, Yukisa's fingers turn into large spikes of dry ice and she thrusts all ten of them into various places of Roja, pinning him into the ground.

Quickly afterwards, Yukisa returns to her normal size and dissipates into a blizzard, and begins to lead evacuating civilians past the police barriers along with her snow. She reappears in solid ice form with the people she carried over, they continue running off, further away. Yukisa opts to stay close in case the flesh monster tries any funny business before the blast happens.

♡coded by uxie♡

It looked like Ezra got his answer finally when Vic suddenly evaporated into a whirlwind, flying over to the meat monster and green giant. She seemed content to stay floating in the air with the big guy.

”Huh, must be a friend of hers.“ He absently tossed Vic’s empty cup in a nearby bin. Can’t be littering now. He’d tag a place with graffiti but littering was just a dick move.
Ezra soon became aware that he was standing with the scary woman that had kept looking at him before. She was apparently taking charge of the situation. Awesome. Someone had a plan and was even making sure the area got evacuated! Still, she made his metal spine crawl. He didn’t really have a good reason to try and get away from her though. His generators were ramping up higher then they had before. Giving a deep droning sound and charging the air around him with energy.

[The Storm began to howl inside. Light glowing through his eyes, mouth and ribcage.]

The meat monster with tendrils everywhere was being held down by wind and ice now, wasn’t it a bit early for winter? The thing was at least being restrained. Which was good cause Ezra really didn’t feel like having to be connected to that gross thing trying to bind it down with the wire on hand. It wasn’t that he didn’t have enough, he just didn’t want to touch the thing. Gross.

Suddenly, something was fired above the creature that filled the air with some weird powder. Glasses lady told Vic to do some fancy air stuff with it. Vic had some cool powers if she could do all that. Ezra let out a whistle ”Wow, this is pretty cool. If you ignore the horrifying flesh monster that’s growing everywhere.“

Vic looked like she wasn’t amused being told what to do given the double middle fingers she gave. But the air dome was still made. Looked like some kind of hellish snow globe with the monster man, ice and powder swirling inside. Oh yeah, this was definitely cool.

That was when Scary Lady gave him an order. Light it up. Oh . . . OH! The powder was explosive! That’s clever. He liked that a lot. And it was basically giving him permission to blow something up. Ezra bounced on the balls of his feet and cracked his neck in preparation. ”This is gonna be loud.“
He considered his options before coming to the most simple course of action. Direct current was always the most flashy anyway. With no warning, Ezra blitzed forward straight into the dome. He reached out and took hold of whatever of the flesh he could. The only thing going through his mind before Ezra let loose was, Oh god this things so gross!!


A blinding flash filed the dome. Powder and air igniting together alongside what was essentially a multiple directed, point blank lightning bolts. The sound was practically deafening. Even the ignition was almost entirely drowned out by the peak of Thunder. Glass in the surrounding area shattered from what of the blast wave escaped the dome while car alarms began going off all around.

Ezra however casually stood at the blasts center. A shroud of magnetism and plasma blanketing him from the devastation he brought on.

[The Storm laughed]
HADEAN_Scourge_Banner.jpgThe blow from Roja had sent Scourge stumbling. Pain seared through his vein-throbbed temples, his yellow peepers wide amidst heavily-wrinkled brows.

The jolly green mutant smacked his right fist onto his left palm. "That's what I'm TALKIN' ABOUT'!" He charged across the pavement, his every step an earth-quaking stomp, until-

A violent gust struck him. Cold and loud and strong enough to make his bloated frame as trivial as a feather. The giant flailed and thrashed, his arms striking the air in great, futile haymakers. "What the-... GAAAAAARGH! Who dares?! I'll have you strung up and FU-"

Vicki Vortex appeared beside him, cool as a cucumber. The lines of rage smoothed away from his eyes, transitioned into a cheek-puffing smile, and a guffaw that jiggled his chest. "Gyehe-HEH! Cooper!" He greeted her, then winked for emphasis. He remembered.

"You thrown any ragers while Dadmum's been away or has the lady got you whipped?"

"HA! I'm a free-range gigolo, baby. I make my own fun." Scourge scoffed, chortled, and leaned closer, as if letting her in on a wicked secret. "And what's a party without some good finger food, EH?! Lucky this city has REALLY good Vietnamese." His eyes glimmered with recollection. "I'll have to take you to my favourite joint. Their súp cua óc heo is to DIE for."

Scourge watched the bombardment that ensued from the safety of his wind platform. He whistled, then held a hand up, shielding his eyes from the swathe of wind, light, and sound that enveloped the area with pure power.

"UGH… ain't no way he survived that," Scourge muttered. He leaned forward anyway, fists clenched and eyes peering, ready for anything.

  • Peter Radovan Title.png
    US Bank Tower, Los Angeles, California: March 20th, 2045, 7:55am


    "MOTHER FU-"


    “Agreed. Agent Radovan disobeyed direct orders from his superior to be here; the cascade failure of communication in the agency is due solely to his incompetence.”

    Peter cast a blasé look back at Emiri. "Nobody likes a Narc. Also, the Kitsune didn't get away because I disobeyed orders, she got away because you blundered in here like a bunch of Terrorists at a Tea Party."

    He scratched at his chin absentmindedly as he rejoined Hudson and Nina. "And honestly, the only reason I'm not supposed to be here, or anywhere for that matter, is because some people are scared of me. Or more specifically: losing their jobs because of me." Peter chuckled to himself.


    "SON OF A BI-"


    The Task Force Gray agents ignored the banter. They truthfully did not care for who was supposedly to blame. Task Force Gray values results, and the results of today spoke poorly of everyone in the room.

    One of the agents had been pushing Avery along, trying to urge her out of the room, along with the others. The Gray agent who seemed to be in charge turned to the subordinate. "Knock it off. We've got better things to deal with." He turned his gaze to Emiri and Avery. "Do what you like. But I'm aware of the situation with the asset you're with. If she escapes, know that it will reflect very, very poorly on all of you. So consider this a chance buff out the scratches today put on your reputation."


    "RAT BAST-"


    As Moore sauntered back to the entrance of the vault, Emiri seemed to nearly bounce after him, as if all the energy had returned to her. That was certainly reassuring, at a time where he needed it. Moore grinned at her request, letting out a soft sigh, one more of relief. "Actually, I'd already been intending that. She's going to be working under me from now on, and I've been speaking with the Director of SINS about having all of you work under me as well. Jamie would continue to be the one you go through, but I'd be coordinating more missions and projects for you to be doing."

    He glanced back at her sisters. "If that's something you're all in favor of."



    A few minutes later, Peter, Hudson, Nina, Moore, Avery, and the Sibyl sisters had all arrived at the main lobby once more, having taken an uncomfortable elevator ride together.

    What greeted them, rather than any gratitude, or condemnation, was a room filled with people who looked incredibly frightful, trying not to make eye contact with anyone, looking down, and all hoping the flurry of obscenities that were being hurled around didn't get thrown at them.


    The shouting was coming from none other than Douglas MacNamara, the Director of National Intelligence. The man in charge of SINS, the CIA, NSA, and a plethora of other intelligence agencies, both known and unknown.

    "MOORE!" His attention now rested on the group who'd just arrived.


    The group quickly escorted the red faced man to yet another elevator, with each person filing in, passing the seething Douglas.

    He clasped a hand on Peter's shoulder as he went by.

    "Ahh, Peter my boy! Glad you're here and we can start to settle this mess!"

    "Oh? And this mess is to do with..."

    Douglas pulled out his phone, pulled up a video, and began to play it for the group in the elevator.

    He skipped towards the end of the video, images of supers flashing by as he did so.

    “And the Armed Forces of the United States of America. We all stand united, from this day, and forever more.” The words came from Victor Novadrak, the Secretary of Defense.


    Moore looked with concern to the others in the elevator. "What... Did he do sir?"

    Douglas took a moment to breath deeply as he cast a narrow eyed glance between everyone. "This video. That's what he did. A little campaign ad showing all the good work being done by the DoD and DOHA. Those are HIS agencies. Not ONE of my agencies was shown here. None of YOU are being recognized for your work, and neither am I!"

    The quiet, unsaid part of all this, was clear to Peter, and becoming clearer to Moore.

    Douglas's hatred for Victor was not a particularly old one, nor even his hatred for the DoD or DOHA.

    It was the kind of hatred that could only fester when fresh, 'undeserving', competition entered the ring.

    The election had only concluded a few months ago, and despite Douglas MacNamara's very enviable position in government now, he was unsettled by the meteoric rise of Victor Novadrak. He was young. Inexperienced. Untested.

    But he was already the Secretary of Defense. And if he proved he could do a good job in this role, he'd be fast tracked for even higher positions one day. Positions Douglas was also eyeing up.

    The elevator stopped on the top floor, and the group filed out, following the corridors towards the Board Room.

    Douglas stopped suddenly and threw his hands in the air. "ARE YOU JOKING!!!"

    He turned around and shoved the phone in Moore's face, and then in Peter's.

    "We have ANOTHER crisis on our hands? What even IS that thing! [REDACTED] tentacle monster tearing up Santa Monica? Peter, do you know a guy? I swear, I'm gonna MURDER someone before today is over!!!"

    Peter looked at the monster shown in the video, is eyes narrowing slightly as they scanned the images back and forth, analyzing it in detail. He plucked his phone from his pocket and nodded. "I know a guy sir, I'll take care of it." He gave a two finger salute and sauntered off.

    Douglas led Moore and the others into the boardroom.

    Peter pulled up the video on his phone, and sent it off to a number in his contacts.

    "Hey Buddy, how's it going? Listen, I hate to bug you, but there's a little problem going on in Santa Monica. I think we both recognize this, don't we? Get it taken care of. - P."

    He looked at the phone again, watching the video of the beast tearing up bits of the street, more veins of flesh piercing up from below. Peter recognized it better than Doug did, but it concerned him what this might mean. This was not going to be an isolated incident.

    One last look at the contents of the video however, and his suspicions of something else started to come together.

    He recognized the heroes who were fighting the monster.


    Moore, the Sibyl Sisters, and Avery were all sat down, while Douglas paced around the room. They group all sat on one side of the table, backs towards the wall, facing the other side of the table, where the DNI paced back and forth, with large windows behind him.

    "Listen Moore, I don't expect you to understand everything, but it's VERY important we start taking a more aggressive approach to these incidents. We need good optics. A show of strength."

    He stopped pacing and began tapping his foot on the carpeted floor. "I've heard information through my various agencies that something might happen soon. Something big. They're thinking it might be a terrorist attack, and with what's been happening lately here in California lately, I'm partial to believing it."

    Doug turned to face the Sibyl Sisters, and specifically Avery.

    "Her." He pointed to Avery.

    Moore looked to Avery with some confusion, then back to Douglas. "Sir?"

    "Moore, I understand there may be a group of unregistered heroes who're connected with some of the latest incidents in California. Don't know who they are, what they want, or anything. That changes today. Your task is to get Miss McCulloch to infiltrate their group, find out who they are, what they want, what their connections are, who they shop with, who does their hair, etc. etc. I want to know EVERYTHING."

    The door to the room swung open gently as Peter entered, giving a brief nod to Douglas.

    "Any questions before I continue?" Douglas inquired.
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  • Helene tuned out the chaos that was happening below: the creature didn't have any extra-dimensional markers on it, so as long as she wasn't in direct peril then it wasn't her concern. The Mana from the Plume had her undivided attention. Something about it felt strangely familiar, buried deep within the other aspects of the signature.

    Hey uh... I'm no Rocket Surgeon but... I think we might want to make some space.

    "Yes, just a moment," she replied with a distracted air. She was busy pulling the individual aspects of the signature apart and... there, a familiar shade of [Blue]. She flicked her mismatched eyes to where Achilles' shade was peering over the edge of the rooftop.

    Stuff is happening down there should I uh...

    "Not unless we're in direct peril," Helene replied in a distracted tone.

    You know... I'm not really sure we have 'a moment' to be standing around up here... you know, willy-nilly.

    Achilles was using finger quotes in an exaggeratedly sarcastic manner... he probably picked that up from Kindle. Helene exhaled slowly and held her hand out to the Plume... The signature would get de-aspected in her Reservoir talismans and she'd lose the opportunity to examine it further, but she wasn't leaving without it. Without other means to recover her energy, the opportunity to expand her reserves simply could not be passed up. She whispered to the Plume and felt it move... and a tug. She squinted... was it connected to something?

    It was suddenly pulled out of reach, and her hand closed reflexively to try and fight it when things started to spiral out of control. She was thrown from her feet, struck by an invisible force that should have been accompanied by a deafening sound. Instead her ears just rang as her vision was occluded by dust, and as she tried to push herself to her feet, the roof gave way. All she could think as she fell with chunks of the building filling her vision from above was... this was such a stupid way to die.

    "Oh please," grunted Achilles, as he she felt one of his massive arms materialize around her waist, pressing her tightly into his manifesting chest. "You're so dramatic." They impacted the ground, and the building collapsed on top of them.

    Helene felt herself gently lowered in the dusty darkness, and she coughed quietly. Achilles' form loomed over her, his shield the umbrella that kept the rubble from crushing her. She exhaled shakily as Achilles rose to his feet, shifting the rubble off of them as though it were no more than a foam movie prop. The slabs of brick and reinforced concrete slammed heavily to the Earth at his side.

    "Were you worried?"

    "Disappointed," she replied. "I should have been paying better attention," she admitted. Achilles smirked.

    "Does this qualify as 'direct peril?'"

    "Unfortunately, it does," she muttered, taking a moment to survey the scene through the clearing dust.

    The creature was a little close for comfort, and it wasn't just remaining idle: it was spreading, consuming, replicating like a virus. She made an educated guess that a significant portion of the creature's body had burrowed itself underground. The explosion had done little to slow its spread, though it seemed hesitant to enter the areas still burning from the explosion, and only begun encroaching on her space once the fires had cooled. Across the crater, through the dust she spied a young man... Man?

    [The Storm crackled, writhing electricity beneath his skin chased by familiar script in unfamiliar patterns. The Storm's head enveloped the skull, trailing tendrils to a point, oversized arms sheathing its limbs and orbited by so much wire.]

    Helene tilted her head. An Astralform? Mr. Beaks fluttered down casually and landed on the man's shoulder, remaining in the [Immaterial] She raised an eyebrow. The tip of a spear lanced past her vision, piercing the torso of a humanoid shaped mass of tendrils and ripping it from the ground. Achilles slammed the creature into a fire, causing it to scream and writhe. Its tendrils reached for Helene, and he flicked it back into the crater. Right... time to pay attention now.

    "Ben. Tank. Missy. Nibble," she called quietly. As each name was invoked, a pair of glowing red embers winked into existence in a nearby shadow. Four inky black shapes peeled out of the darkness, sucking the light away as they moved. Pointed ears alert, the massive hounds formed a line in front of her, each more than four feet tall at the shoulder.

    "Squid," she called. Nothing. "Where's Squid?" The hounds turned their heads in unison towards the other side of the crater, where one of the hounds was licking a chunk of dry ice enthusiastically with its flamed tongue, sending thick white clouds up into the air rhythmically. She slowly brought her hands up to cover her mouth.

    "Nyaaaaaawwww! ...STOP THAT WE'RE CONCENTRATING!" A smile creased the corners of her lips. Squid wasn't very bright, but he tried his hardest. Helene's face settled back into a neutral expression as she pointed at the creature.

    "Burn it."

    The four hounds bared gleaming ivory fangs as black smoke roiled from their mouths as their bodies each erupted into flame.
  • Rokket’s eyes widened under their helmet. There he was. Standing on the rooftop as if nothing had happened, like millennia hadn’t passed. Rokket felt confused, abandoned, and a little concerned; then they saw his compaion. Achilles was standing next to some girl. Ire filled their body, if it weren’t for the suit they were wearing, certainly they would have reacted with violent haste.

    Instead, they turned towards the Peacemakers and Mould’s voice roiled out from the speakers in the suit, “Regroup! We are falling back. That means you, Tik and Tok!” Then they turned back to Achilles and launched into the air, Rokket was getting to the bottom of this one way or another.

    Metal on concrete sounded as Rokket landed on the rooftop, standing on the opposite side of the building as Achilles. They cocked their head slightly and drew the spear on their back with one hand, holding it so the crossguard rested against their shoulder. Then with their other hand, they began to remove their helmet. Metal slid into metal as the helmet adjusted itself so that it could be taken off.

    The person before Achilles stared into his eyes. He recognized them.
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"Someone you know, Achilles?" Asked Helene with a note of amusement.


Don't say "No" with a suspicious uptick...

"No?" He squeaked, and then grimaced. Lying was hard. Helene raised an eyebrow at him, the corners of her lips cracking into a smile. He snorted and giggled quietly before stifling it and looking at her sternly. "It's not funny."

"It kinda is," she teased, then tilted her head towards the cafe, walking to his shield side with little care as his spear wooshed over her head. "Toss me onto that awning. I need some space to work, and you can sign an autograph for your fan."

Achilles rolled his eyes. The dogs had set up a fairly robust perimeter of flame and were pushing towards the creature, tackling anything that tried to breach to the ground with their burning bodies and vomiting flames upon them as their massive jaws clamped down to violently shake the infected creatures. Achilles was sweeping anything that got past the dogs into the flames with his spear. He scooped Helene with his shield and gently lofted her up to the cafe awning, where she landed gracefully.

Helene turned, holding her hand out to the battlefield. The wind picked up as she spoke, and the incantation was a chorus of whispers. Spidery tendrils of black arced from her fingertips as she reached into the Aether. Black mist poured from her palms, coalescing into an enormous shape. Fur bristled out of the darkness, then talon and scale, twin canine heads of the darkest black with burning coals for eyes, a serpents tail, and a crest of wicked obsidian spikes running the length of its spine. It growled, reverberating through the stone. Its saliva was lava, and thick plumes of black smoke curled from its mouths.

"Othrus!" Two pairs of ears flicked back towards her. "Turn it to ash," she commanded. Othrus stepped forward, snapping up a charging Prion tendril as it ran towards Richard and Lillian. The creature stepped past them with surprising care given its enormous size.

"What are you doing here?!" Achilles addressed Rokket tersely through the mounting chaos... though admittedly it was getting more and more difficult to hold a proper conversation through all the barking, flames, smoke, and the shrieks of burning flesh tendril monsters.
Rokket watched with plaintive silence as the exchange between the strange person and Achilles commenced. They seemed to know each other, and for whatever reason, he was acting... unusual. 'Whatever...' With a huff, their arms crossed and they waited for Achilles to toss the stranger off the roof. A call came in from the team leader, but they silenced it as quickly as it started up, they wanted answers, and only he had them.

"What are you doing here?!"

Outrage struck Rokket's face as they slammed a fist into their palm and repeated in the exact same pitch and cadence, "What are you doing here?!" Their fingers started rapidly signing questions at him, 'Who was that? Where have you been? WHY are you here?' He wasn't catching all of the queries, too absorbed in fighting the abominations back, if he even understood sign language. Rolling their eyes they put the helmet back on and spun their spear in a downward arc, bisecting a creature as the spear cracked into the ground.

A synthesized voice crackled out of the helmet, "Heard about what happened, way back when..." Another thing flung itself forward. Raising their heel, they slammed it into the head of the creature, carrying it to the ground in an axe-kick. Its flesh began to writhe upward and the jet engine on their shins released a thrust of blue-hot flame, incinerating the fleshy mass. "You doing okay?"
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Achilles groaned, lazily bouncing a flesh creature with his shield, which gonged near comically as the creature smashed into the undercarriage of the upturned truck, nearly folding it in half.

"Rok... R... I can't. 'Who??' R-... that's too fast. 'Where...?' R-Rok. I can't with the whole... one-handed thing. I'm not smart, and you know this, stop yelling!" Achilles stammered, trying to keep up with Rokket's signing. He set the butt of his spear on the ground and leaned against it with a sigh as he watched Rokket put their helmet back on with that signature note of exasperation.

"Oh is that- are you done with me? Is that what's happening right now? Unbelievable," huffed Achilles, as he planted a hand on his hip stubbornly, though his face softened at the mechanical voice. "I'm... Yeah that whole deal at Troy... was a thing... that happened, and I'm... fulfilling a promise I made a long time ago," he answered sincerely.

Man . . . That was really loud, And bright. Very bright. But it was cool! Maybe he could make an explosion like that on his own? Questions for later though.

Ezra took stock of the situation and . . . . Well . . . Ok so things might had gotten worse. The flesh was everywhere and attached to police. Which was already uncomfortable. But when he [squinted] there didn’t seem to be any sign that that any of this was the original monster guy anymore. Cool, so that explosion didn’t just force a man thing to undergo forced asexual division.

Didn’t really explain why the wiggle bits were moving on their own. Maybe getting involved was a bad idea? But it looked like the scary woman’s plan was a good solution! Also, where did all these weird dogs come from? I mean they were fighting the meat things so that was good right? Oooooh no it just set in that this might be on the news and there’s probably going to be pictures of Ezra in places. ”. . . I’m probably gonna get in trouble for this. I just know it.”

This was the kind of scene Widget had explicitly told him NOT to get involved with. And oh geez one of those wiggly meat things was looking at him funny. Or at least he thought it was. ”Oh I am not dealing with this anymore. Your not a person anymore, So I don’t have to feel bad about this.”

Ezra kicked on his Overdrive and zipped forward towards the creature.
With an impulse of energy one of his hands shot out like a tasers barbs, attached to his wrists still by dozens of arcing wires and thread. It grasped at the power line which was somehow connected to the creature and began siphoning the electricity into Ezra with a thought.

[An inhuman shape flickered around Ezra’s galvanized form

This wasn’t even remotely fun anymore. People were getting hurt or dying. A flicker of anger sparked in his chest. Ezra’s [form] shuddered. More wires shot out of his other hand. Coiling through the air like they were alive before punching into the creatures muscly flesh. Ezra didn’t grin this time. There was only annoyance on his face. The energy that engulfed him radiated his growing irritation. Whatever happened after this, he was done with this mess.

”BURN.” Every cell in the creature’s body was then engulfed In malicious, unnatural lightning.

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  • Her plan worked perfectly. The powder hung in the air, creating a shroud around the beast. The vacuum that Vicki created ensured there was no medium for the blast to propagate through; except for straight down, where the flower had been spreading. The result was quite spectacular, a white-hot inferno flared into existence, the ground shaking as the shockwave rippled through asphalt and into the sewers below. She averted her eyes from the blinding light. If the main body hadn’t been destroyed, at the very least, it was pruned far enough back to be disposed of.

    As quickly as the vacuum bomb went off, it stopped, the oxygen necessary for the reaction to continue having been exhausted all at once. She was done, everyone else could deal with any surviving vestiges, she had more than earned her rest. The ground began to shake, spiderwebbing veins of flesh erupted from the ground, water flooding the streets as they tore through piping and found purchase on the surface. “More of a weed than a flower then.” The tendrils began to tear through the foundation she was standing on. Her footing adjusted on reflex as the building lurched, then it began to come down all at once. A spare piece of rubble hit her across the head as it fell; everything went black.

US Bank Tower, Los Angeles, California: March 20th, 2045, 7:55am

Reputation? Avery snorted. What reputation?

She totally doesn't fucking care what other people think of her. Her eyes slid over towards the sister standing next to her, and she fought to ignore the feeling of embarassment that coiled in her stomach.

Yeah, she totally doesn't care.

She spun around on her heels, making eye contact with the agent that pushed her forward. She pulled down the skin underneath her left eyelid with her middle finger and stuck her tongue out before flashing a shit-eating grin and turning back around.

Part of her wants to dawdle and mosey at her own pace, but something about the authority with which Moore and the others walked meant buisness she shouldn't skip out on. Avery had to fast walk to keep up, nearly jogging at times when she slacks in the pace. She couldn't help but notice the crisp echo of dress shoes that rose from the group around her that dotted her lower vision with cool tones. In the back of her mind, Avery's reminded of that one scene from Reservior Dogs. Her own beat-up shoes were much quieter in comparison, only emitting the occasional rubbery squeak against the hard floor in protest when she'd have to dig in her heels to slow herself down after jogging to catch up, or try to catch herself before slipping on a corner (the traction was absolutely ruined since she slid to a stop before Radovan earlier; if he wasn't so fucking weird she would demand he owe her a new pair). The annoying noise would cut through the air with a deep autumnal red and she managed to stop herself short from wincing each time it rang out.

She listened in dutifully to Moore and the sister's office banter, although confusion still swirled around her head. She, eventually, dismissed it with a shrug.

Whatever. This might as well happen. Could be worse, I guess.

Avery changed her mind when she found herself inches away from the back of Peter Radovan's suit. Nevermind - this is fucking purgatory.

Elevator music chimed away faintly from above, and Avery had touble seperating the colors swirling about her vision from the muddled reflection in the shiny metal interior walls that echoed the colors of the people crowding in this tight space altogether infinitely, like some shitty mirror maze from a carnival. The man who had strangled her mere minutes prior and showed her visions that she's sure will haunt her worst nightmares for years to come shuffles on his feet casually, forcing Avery to sway with his movement lest she brings herself to his attention once again. She's close enough to smell the cologne Radovan uses. Her elbows are touching the two sisters on either side of her, and if she steps or leans back in any way she would press another into a wall. Avery uses every last molecule of self control in her body to keep as still as possible, willing herself into a living statue. She's practically holding her breath.

... Is he... humming along to the fucking elevator music?

Radovan shifts again - a natural human movement, near imperceptible, but odd for whatever kind of beast he is - and Avery, in her human folley, does not catch it in time. He leans back ever so slightly, enough so that the tip of Avery's nose brushes against his coat. The mundane contact makes her wince.

The ding as the elevator doors slid open was the kindest gift God has ever graced her with, and she every muscle in her body relaxed at the gift of freedom. She lets out the breath she was holding.

... Only to be graced with another awkward elevator ride, this time with an enraged man. Great.

The way everyone else seemed to scatter before this guy, while Moore and even Radovan seemed to bow their heads respectfully - it's clear this guy was The Boss. Just one glance at his beet-red face and being forced to listen to his tantrum, though... He's earned no respect from her. She'll stay out of his way, though. She's gotten in enough trouble as it is.

The elevator dings once more, and they get off at another floor. While they loiter in the hallway, crowded around a phone with its speakers playing aloud some indistinguishable roaring of some kind of disaster that tomato-guy clearly isn't fond of, Avery slips a few feet away to the water cooler. Tomato-guy sends Radovan off (thank God), and Avery shuffles dutifully into the boardroom.

The tension is thick, radiating off of The Boss in waves. Everyone else is seating on the opposite side of a long table, while he paces about. It feels like a parent-teacher conference.

Avery places her paper cup on the table, and reaches out to grab a mint from the tray in the middle of the table. She fumbles with the plastic wrapper on it for a few heavy moments, the silence in-between the Boss-guy's statement broken up by the crinkling of plastic before she just decides to bite it, dragging the mint up with her teeth.

She feels the seal of the wrapper give way and the cool mint hit her tongue right when he points at her. She freezes, empty wrapper hanging between her teeth and her pointer fingers.

"Wha?" She should probably stay off of his radar, but he pointed her out first. The response came reflexively, half-muffled as she finishes ripping the wrapper out of her mouth. Her teeth kept hold of a corner of the flimsy plastic, though, and tore it off when she did so. It remained stuck on her bottom lip for a moment before she could blow it off onto the floor, mint clacking against the inside of her mouth. This was a terrible idea. "Why me?"

Interactions Sepokku Sepokku | Lord Saethos Lord Saethos
  • He just kept talking. Anima gave a pleading look to Sophia, who steepled her hands together and said a silent prayer to Danielle. Rubbing her knuckles against her forehead, Danielle tried to will away the growing migraine she was experiencing as her sisters fought to nurse the wounds Cadence had left across their psyche.

    'Holy shit. Did Douglas always talk this much?' The three sisters exchanged a tired expression as they did their best to tune out the rest of the conversation.

    Cadence let a wolfish smile creep across her face. Douglas continued to speak in a frenzy and Emiri patiently waited for the exact right moment to speak. Quietly they ran the scenario over in their head, again and again, adjustments taking shape as new information came into the noosphere, with Douglas as worked up as he was, there would be no second chances at this.

    "Any questions before I continue?"

    Cadence’s hand shot into the sky, and a relaxed shake of her wrist requested the floor for just a moment. “I’ll go with her.” Emiri and Douglas’s eyes met for a second then she began to disseminate the sound logic that they had spent the last ten minutes creating.

    Emiri pulled up several mock-ups she had hastily rendered of what Cadence might look like with several minor adjustments. One of the profiles closely resembled Avery. If they cut her hair just right and bleached it out and then dyed it… After only a minute of alterations, Emiri was able to parse out a perfect alias for her sister.

    “Permission to lift Protocol Three for the purpose of expediency?”


    She overlaid her psychic drawings over Cadence's face in a topographical map until the rendering was indistinguishable from reality; she was a dead-ringer for someone who could be Avery’s sister. “We’re already inserting a new agent, might as well double down; It increases our risk of failure by point zero zero zero eight percent and serves to grant us potentially fifteen hundred percent return on investment.”

    With a scoff, Cadence took over the presentation, “You want Optics, we'll give you Optics. Our last field test already proved Agent McCulloch displayed brilliant optics." A flash of crimson shuddered across the psychic link; striving to prove its point in a feedback loop of psychic energy. "We just need to coordinate. The icing on the cake, of course... I will be in the unique position to back up agent McCulloch; while also doing away with any redundancies that would usually come up when Sibyl is being let off the leash.”

    Avery had led a pretty nondescript life up until this point, it wasn’t hard to falsify documents that she had a younger sister. Emiri pinged Jamie that she had the paperwork ready, he accepted her request; five nauseating seconds later and the McCullochs had always had two daughters.

    Emiri tossed a tablet onto the table that sat in front of them all, “Avery and Cadence McCulloch, ready for deep cover infiltration."

    "Why me?"
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Rokket’s head cocked as they listened to Achilles remember the whole Apple incident. That bitch Eris really knew how to make a mess of things. Their expression softened at the pain in Achilles voice; it was hard to imagine what exactly he had lost that day. Raising their gauntlet, they fired off a few rounds of energy into the fleshy creatures as they approached. They were fighting a losing battle here. Had Achilles been keeping up his training? If they let him borrow Gae Bulg, could he cast it through the heart of this beast?

Critically, Rokket looked Achilles up and down, his technique was a little sloppy; too reliant on his shield. Before they could ponder the nature of the promise Achilles was fulfilling, Mould’s voice ruined the moment, “Start regrouping or I’m going to forcibly recall the suit.” Rokket didn’t move, their eyes still on Achilles, someone they weren't sure they would ever see again. At the very least they should give him his father’s spear, Chiron had made them promise.

“Not in the mood for your shit today Rokket.” Their HUD flashed red as the word: ‘Recalling’ flashed over and over. The jets around their shins activated as the suit lifted off the ground. They tried to reach for Achilles, tried to outstretch a hand, but the suit was going into lockdown and returning to headquarters.

The bottom portion of the helmet slid open, revealing Rokket’s mouth, “Peleus.” A brilliant spear of Astral Ash materialized and stabbed into the ground next to Achilles. The boosters on the suit’s arms activated and they soared away from the battlefield.

  • How she's feeling...

    SHATTERING monster booty. Lol.



"Chizuki! More ice! Freeze the spots I shoot, and give me some more snow to work with! Vic! Whip up some ice and sharp stuff, tear this thing to shreds! But keep it contained!"

Yukisa nods at Richard’s call outs as she currently can not speak. Firstly, she poofs into a snow cloud and releases a blizzard out onto the street for Richard while following him. Then she solidifies to ice and proceeds to fire out ice after each of Richard’s bullets, hitting the exact spots where he’d shot.

After noting that Richard was leaving some ice around for Vic, Yukisa also releases random shards of ice for Vic to use while continuing to help Richard freeze the masses of flesh. It was quite easy for her to come up with more ice.

While Richard goes off to help Emma, one of the flesh creatures writhes up behind Yukisa's leg and trips her while she isn't paying attention. She lands backwards with a crackle of some ice. The flesh attempted to consume her but soon realized it wouldn’t be able to since she wasn’t in her human state.

Her iced body morphs into dry ice and effectively freezes the flesh zombie attached to her leg, Yukisa then sweeps her leg around in an arc above her head and breaks the flesh into pieces as she reverse somersaults and hops back up to a standing position.

"By the way, I'm not helping you for free. I'm expecting to never see you, or your green friend, again. Hope that's crystal clear." Is what Yukisa heard as she caught back up to Richard. She cocked her head slightly to the left. She hasn’t gotten any information on if this Emma is a bad apple yet but Richard for certain isn’t too keen about her.

‘Because of the green guy….?’ She recalled that Richard did in fact try to go after this ‘Brutus’ guy earlier.

Just then Yukisa had a thought. She turned to face the direction of the beach. The ocean wasn’t too far away. They need lots of ice to freeze the rest of the flesh crawling around so….. Why not head for the water?

Yukisa goes up to the two and temporarily un-ices her head so she can speak. “Richard, now’s not the time to pick fights with Brutus and Emma,” she says in a straight deadpanned manner.

“Anyway I was thinking, the ice seems to be working to stop these things so we need a lot more of it, and I mean a lot. An easy way to do that is to lead all this flesh to the beach so we can get to the ocean and freeze this shit once and for all.”

“That sound like a plan?”

♡coded by uxie♡
Achilles held Rokket's eyes for a long time, though he squirmed a bit under their scrutiny when he felt their gaze become critical. Probably thought he had an over-reliance on his shield. And what was wrong with that? A shield was a fantastic defensive weapon! Learn to love the shield, Rokket! Achilles flinched, however, at Rokket's sudden ascent, raising an eyebrow as they reached for him.

"Rok, wait!" Achilles lunged, reaching in return, then sliding to a stop and setting his feet when he saw he wouldn't clear the distance in time. Their departure certainly didn't appear voluntary... was someone controlling their actions? He pulled his arm back to throw his spear, maybe he could disable those boots? Was he accurate enough to do it and not take one of Rokket's legs?


The word resonated through the Astral Sea and Achilles froze. The ash spear split the air and embedded in the fractured concrete at his feet. His arm relaxed. Right. He still had a job to do. This spear though... his eyes flicked between it and Helene as one of the creatures leapt towards her. She backpedaled effortlessly, and with a gesture a massive tail flickered into existence for just long enough to swat the creature into somebody's apartment. If she recognized this spear, there was a chance... well. Burn that bridge later. People needed him to be strong right now, and not buckle under the thought of potentially upsetting Helene.

Achilles let go of his spear and shield, and they dissolved into black mist as they clattered to the ground. His helmet and cuirass did the same as he stripped them off, revealing the spiderweb of scars across his chest and back... cruel letters of remorse written to a past of misspent trust. His eyes flashed as he grasped the weapon, and arrays of enchantment and Greek script came alight in shimmering blue flame along the entire length of the weapon, traveling up his arm and down his chest and back. He dislodged the spear's blade with the heel of his buskin and spun it into his grip with a flourish. The air vibrated with tightly restrained brutality around the weapon. He leapt up to the awning next to Helene and opened his mouth to speak, clamping it shut immediately as he caught her gaze up and down on him. She raised an eyebrow, like she were admiring a prime cut of meat, and his cheeks flushed.

"You should take your shirt off more often...," she teased. The corners of her lips curled into an amused smirk.

"UH!" He turned away, unable to maintain eye contact. "I-I have a selfish request to make..."

"Fret not. I saw," she soothed, stretching a hand up towards the departing form of Rokket. "Skittles! [ίχνος]!" The word cut through Astral space, and a bronze beaked bird with rainbow speckled wings peeled out of her shadow, soaring high above the scene for a moment before cutting away to follow Achilles' armored friend from a safe distance.

The Wiggling thing seemed to just keep flailing as Ezra fried it without mercy. True be told, it was starting to unerve him a bit how much electricity he had to pump into this thing. Maybe he would need to crack back up to the equivilant of a lightning bolt? Oh he was gonna be so burnt out if he had to keep this all up. Was it more concerning that Ezra was currently trying to carboize some dude's flesh that had morphed into another creature and not finding it all that weird? possibly. Maybe. Potentially even. He was distracted again, even now. He kinda wanted to pet one of those flaming dogs now.

The crackling electricity began resonating. Who knew lightning could sing? It was uncanny, like a funk cover of a classic song. It was so clear he could even hear the words in his head:

Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
(Just the two of us)
Just the two of us
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I

Wait... Was his pocket vibrating? His phone was ringing. Oh no His Phone was ringing.

In a moment of panic, Ezra released his hold of the power line and retracting his hand and wires. "Excuse me, i need to take this!" Not even checking to see if the wiggly thing was alive or dead, he launched a hand up towards the edge of a nearby rooftop. while quickly digging through his pockets with his free hand.

Asending quickly to his new perch, Ezra took a moment to catch his breath, reduce his [field and energy], and pulled out his blocky tinker phone.

"Hellooooo~?" His voice was about as casul and innocent as it could be. Ezra tried his best to turn away from the ongoing chaos bellow and put his other hand up to try in vain to shield the phones speaker from the unwanted sound. The sharp intake of air, like someone trying to prevent a migrane preceded the response. A jet of flame and lava from the cafe shrieked in the background.

"What are you doing?" he was asked, tersely.

Ezra replied a little too quickly. "Nothing, got the thing you wanted. What are you doing?"

"Oh, that's wonderful," the voice replied in sarcastic monotone. "Keeping a low profile, then? Like we discussed?" Asked the voice, in that rising tone that suggested he already knew the answer.

Oh he was so double dead. "Alright, okay, so . . . . . . I was minding my own business." He began to pace along the rooftop. Widget already knew. of course he did. This whole mess was probably on the news or something. . . that was probably it. that or anytime there was an incident the tinker checked som tracker on him to see if Ezra was somehwere nearby. Wait a minute. He didnt really have the time to continue that thought however.

"You can't see me squinting at you, but I am squinting at you," the Tinker replied in an agitated tone. A news chopper whooshed by overhead. "I am literally squinting at you. We are making eye-contact. Right now. On four of my news feeds from Los Angeles. So. One thing . . . Did you- Two. Three things . . . An indeterminate number of things.," the Tinker rumbled. He had that expression on his face like what he was hearing was physically painful. It came through the Tinker's voice, like that one time Ezra swallowed the "minty magnet."

"Is this a new manifestation of your ability; do you have an escape route, and do I need to drop ordinance on it?"

Ezra began to look anywhere that wasnt at the helicopters or open space. "I didn't want to be on tv today." Ezra grumbled to himself, inwardly shrinking at Widget's tone. Guess he wasn't going back "home" anytime soon. He took the second to look over the edge of the roof to see if things down bellow might have gotten better, despite better judgement. Nope. That "possessed" man just exploded into more meat things. gross.

"So there was a weird meat monster man that was attacking people, actually he was mostly attacking this really Thicc green muscle man, but everyone else with powers was still trying to stop him. there were weird flesh flowers and vein roots too. Also lots of ice. Im pretty sure that was power related but not from the meat man or me. oh right, this scary woman that keeps staring at me occasionally told me to blow up the meat man, there was powder in this cool wind bubble my new . . . friend? we'll call her friend. my new friend made." Ezra took a second to breath before continuing. "So the man blew up and became all these wiggling things and now everything is horrible and i wanted to just go hang out with my potencial new friend, also THIS WEIRD BIRD KEEPS TRYING TO LAND ON ME FOR SOME REASON!? Thats the situation."

"Huh," remarked Widget, like he were looking very closely at something. "Unrelated question: there's not a white-haired person in flamboyant attire laughing maniacally anywhere that you can see, is there?"

"No Widget, Kiran Kingsley isnt here. or at least i'm pretty sure he isn't."

"If you keep invoking his name like that, he's going to be!" Replied Widget, in an annoyed tone.

"Stop being supersticious and get to the point already!" Ezra's aura surged momentarily with his growing frustration.

"Ow! You shocked me! . . . That's concerning," he muttered, as he took a breath.

Ezra held the phone out and inspected it, confused. He hadn't shocked Widget though. He was too far away to possibly do that in the first place. ”You know what, No need for a point. I'm leaving before people start getting arrested." With a huff, the blocky tinkertech phone was snapped shut and shoved back into one of his many pockets. He wasn't really in the mood to be yelled at further if there wasn't going to be any solutions to the situation. And Widget was supposed to be the smart one?

Looking up Ezra noticed Vic was still airborn and had big green and muscley with her. Huh, so thats where he went. In a spur-of-the-moment decision, a pen and scrap paper, probably a reciet, were pulled out and Ezra scribbled down his number.

A Grapple hand was launched, it latched onto one of the big man's legs. Ezra quickly realed himself up to the two floating super's. This did mean that he was now spider monkey-ing himself on the green man. "Sorry dude, also wow you got muscles like steel! hold that thought." Ezra had to yell a bit over the wind Vic was whipping up to keep her and the big man afloat. he ratched out, grabbed one of Vic's hands and put the paper in it. "My number! Call me!"

He gave the two a thumbs up along with his goofy grin before leaping away. While in freefall and picking a direction away from the ongoing chaos, Ezra unspooled his wire and took to swinging from building to building. And this time paying attention so he DIDN'T run into any power lines that suddenly come out of nowhere.

  • Richard Mackenzie Title.png

    A Cafe, Los Angeles, California: March 20th, 2045, 8:00am

    Richard cast a bitter glance back at 'Emma', before returning his focus to getting them to escape. The situation had deteriorated fast, but it seemed more help had arrived? A big guy, looked like some kind of warrior from Greece or something, and a strange looking woman who seemed to surround herself with a whole host of nigh demonic looking animals. Fortunately, they all seemed to be on the side of fighting Roja right now.

    Ezra had seemingly gotten into a one on one match with a humanoid portion of the fleshy mass, which was taking an unnatural amount of electric shock. Odd, didn't seem like it had resistance to it before...

    After it seemed like the thing wasn't dropping, Ezra gave up and began to find higher ground. He seemed a bit... Spooked? Richard wondered what had gotten into him, but no real time to worry about that for now.

    "Emma," Richard called back to the other super as they made it closer to the police barricades. "I'm not sure you're in the loop here, but it's 'Brutus' who keeps showing up to attack my team. If you want me to drop any grudge with your friend, he's gonna have to probably stop tryign to attack us every chance he gets."

    What Richard did start to worry about was the humanoid Ezra had just been fighting.

    Dead bits of flesh peeled away and feel to the ground, quickly being eaten up and recycled (to the best of its ability) by the fleshy veins. As the skin fell away, the reason the creature managed to survive more slowly became apparent.

    Its body was covered in a shiny, glittering layer of some kind of silvery metal, tightly woven around its body. And beneath, it appeared there might be a thin layer of rubber, to act as additional absorption.

    The thing had woven a Faraday Cage around itself. It turned to face Richard and Emma.

    Oh no no no no no-

    Richard took a few shots, some of which managed to pierce the cage, but too late with Ezra now distracted. Many of the rounds were getting caught up in the metal weave, making it so this thing was not going to go down easy.

  • How she's feeling...

    What was all of that?



Yukisa had wooshed herself after Richard for a bit but lost him in a crowd of civilians that were also running for cover.

She found herself in an alleyway a decent length away from Captain Valor and the Cafe. She immediately plops into a pile of stacked up cardboard. Yukisa brings up her right hand and wipes some of the sweat off of her forehead.

“Oh fuck, my apartment!” Yukisa jolts herself back up to a standing position, and pirouettes to face the direction of her apartment.

“It should be fine right?"

“It’s a good few blocks away…. By the math it should be relatively okay… I hope.”

Yukisa looks up the side wall of the alley way she’s in, noting some window ledges that lead up to the top of the building. She ices up again and a moment later, she is hopping on the ledges to make her way up. She lets the momentum carry herself across rooftops all the way back to her apartment building.


Her apartment is mostly in one piece, a stray piece of glass here and there from the broken windows are scattered about the floor. Small pieces of rubble from the ceiling can also be seen.

“Well… this is fine. Ha ha…”

She walks in further from the window she entered from. It was silent. Dead silent. Not a single soul was left in the building except for Yukisa. Everyone had all evacuated much earlier.

“It could be worse…” She says while peaking back behind her at the toppled buildings that were closer to the now dilapidated cafe. That was her favorite cafe too… Yukisa shakes her head dejectedly.

A sigh is heard. “Welp. Guess I have some work to do.”

Yukisa whips out her phone from the backpack sitting on her living room couch. She taps in some numbers.

Ring, ring. The other line picks up. “Hello. This is the owner of Taeru Apartment Complex. We’re going to need a great deal of repairs done.”

“Yes, yes it was involved in that… Unfortunately.”
Yukisa picks up her backpack by the strap on the top, and walks into her bedroom. She places the backpack on her bed with a thwap sound.

“How long will repairs take?”

“Three weeks? Alright, thank you. Have a nice day.” She ends the call.

“….Well shit. Looks like I won’t be buying anything extravagant for a while.” She sighs again.

Yukisa changes out of her ‘hero’ attire and into something more relaxed, a black fitted T-shirt, and some black sweatpants. She puts on the same sunglasses she had on earlier in the day and her black sneakers.

She opens up her closet then pulls out a large suitcase and starts to place her clothing into it.

Yukisa closes up her suitcase and taps away on her phone, buying the first dent in her wallet, then the next, which is a hotel to stay at for three weeks. She places her backpack onto her back then takes her suitcase off the bed and walks herself out of the door of her apartment.

The upper floors of the building have the most damage, so those tenants will have to also find other places to stay temporarily while the ones closer to the bottom can stay.

More tapping across Yukisa’s phone is heard as she updates the website for Taeru Apartment Complex with an announcement reflecting the damages and how long the upper floor tenants will have to stay out, plus the increase of rent to cover the costs of repairs.

Yukisa trudges across the street to the parking garage next to her building. She doesn’t use it often, but she does have a car, a black Lexus LC Hybrid Convertable, customized with silver racing stripes starting from the hood and ending at the top of the trunk. Yukisa figured it’d be cheaper to take her own transportation for now when she needs to go anywhere since her car is half electric.

She opens up the trunk and places her luggage in. A few minutes later Yukisa is on the road, heading down the coast line for a few minutes before turning to go further inland.


30 minutes later she arrives at the hotel. Thanks to her connections, she managed to haggle the price cheaper because a friend of the boss at her lab owns this particular hotel. Wasn’t much of a discount, but it was at least something.

Yukisa has arrived at the door to her room, she walks in and places her luggage down. Yukisa empties her backpack a tad, but keeps her notepad and pen in, along with her laptop.

As Yukisa was about to sit down upon the bed, she had a hankering for a frozen treat.

Yukisa places her backpack back onto her back and sprints back out to her car. “Ice cream here I come! Thank goodness I at least have enough money for ice cream.”

On the drive to the ice cream parlor, what all had happened finally began to set in. Sitting there at a red light, Yukisa tried not to think about it by distracting herself, however, distractions can only do so much. “What even was that flesh thing anyway?” Just thinking about it gave her the heebie jeebies. It’s fleshy spawns were consuming people… Yukisa did a hell of a great job poker-facing through all that…. But now that she was alone, she was properly shivering from the flashbacks of what that thing was doing to those poor innocent people.

The light turns green and she is brought back to the present for a moment. “Ice cream! Yes, Ice cream. I'm getting ice cream. Ice cream is my comfort food so let's not think about that yeah? Don't worry about what happened. It's all been taken care of after all......"

She couldn't help but think what would happen if there was even a slight chance of more of that flesh somehow surviving....


Yukisa parks on the street in front of the place and walks into the ice cream parlor, it’s a fairly small joint. The inside is about as big as a University dorm room.

“Hello, how are you today?! And what would you like to order?” The ice cream server appears to be a high school student, she seems to be a pretty peppy one at that.

“Honestly, I need to just relax and shut my mind off for a bit.”

“Huh?” The girl raises an eyebrow.

Yukisa skims her eyes through all the flavors for a few seconds before settling on one. “I’ll have an orange sherbet cone.”

“Oh, yes coming right up.”

A minute or two later, the server hands Yukisa her ice cream and says “I hope you take it easy!”

“Yeah thanks, I’ll try.”

Yukisa walks back out of the ice cream parlor with her fresh cone, and proceeds to sit in her car while she slowly licks away at it.

The others that were at the scene earlier came into her mind for a moment. She was with Richard before Captain Valor smashed the flesh beast into oblivion, they got split apart after running away from the blast though…

“I hope he and the others are okay.”

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • Not one to pass up an opportunity, Cadence picked up the tablet off the table and quietly used the excuse of Douglas’s exasperation to remove herself and her sisters from the meeting. Emiri followed closely behind while the three others lagged a small distance behind.

    “Are you sure about this?” It wasn’t the first time Cadence had jumped at the chance to get an assignment that gave her a degree of autonomy, but it was the first time she’d be actually “on her own.” Though SINS would probably never leave the sisters completely alone, Emiri suspected Cadence would be checking in with her handler only the required amount and not a single time more.

    Cadence depressed the button that called the elevator to her, “Not at all.” Her eyes met Emiri’s for a brief moment, ‘But we can’t be the only party sitting on our laurels.’ The elevator let out a ding as it arrived and the doors opened. The Sybil sisters stepped inside as Cadence tapped her finger against the button that would take her to the floor of the SINS plastic surgeon.
Richard Mackenzie Title.png

  • Tu Nedhé Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada: December 19th, 2042, 8:20am

    Tıdeè, Tinde’e, Tu Nedhé, and Tucho. Formerly known as Great Slave Lake, these are the names traditionally used by the respective First Peoples of these lands, and the new official names.

    During the warm periods on this frozen landscape, certain areas turned into bogs, the permafrost thawing into millions of pools and ponds, pockmarking the land.

    During the cold winter months however, those pockmarks would reverse, creating thousands of bumps in the land, pingos, that dotted the areas around the 10th largest lake on Earth. Seated on the frozen shore of this lake, nestled precariously into some of these pingos, was a disused water treatment and research facility. Once a highly advanced operation, a combination of newer technology, and better locations, led to the plant's closure.

    And yet, the lights of the facility shone brightly once more.

    At 8:20am, sunrise would be closing in soon, but darkness still enveloped the land, cut through only by the exterior spotlights of the water treatment plant. A snowstorm blew light, dusty flakes of snow across the ground and air, much like sand dunes in the wind. Visibility was precarious, but surprisingly clear as the snow dust largely was blown around on the surface of the ground.

    Around the perimeter of the water facility, several figures of the terrorists who’d taken up residence could be seen leaving the building and patrolling the surrounding area. Richard watched across the ledge of an iron sight, eyes narrowing as he watched them.

    Atomwaffen. Absolute scum of the Earth. During the briefing for the mission, some seemed confused as to the reasoning of the terror group’s plan. As Richard and others indicated, Great Slave Lake was the 10th largest on Earth in terms of area, and 12th in terms of volume. An absolutely gargantuan quantity of fresh, relatively pure, water.

    And these Neo-Nazis intended to poison the whole thing. Fill it with some kind of toxic chemical that would leave the whole thing undrinkable for decades, possibly centuries. Water that could leak into other rivers, lakes, and water systems, leaving potentially hundreds of thousands of kilometers of Canada uninhabitable.

    In a world where climate change was still wreaking havoc, this meant even less fresh water to have to meet humanity’s growing need. These men wanted to condemn humanity to life of Hell, all for their pathetic attempt at self-actualization, at feeling important.

    "Targets spotted." An English accent called through Richard Mackenzie's ear piece. "Do you copy White Death?"

    Richard didn’t respond verbally, instead, covered almost entirely in snow, he opted to respond with a thumbs up. In the darkness, it was nearly imperceptible, but night vision helped with that.

    “Simo copies.” A man with a Southern Accent responded, watched the nearly invisible form of the White Death through night vision scope. “How many targets are we looking at Specter?”

    “Eight in the exterior. Not sure about interior yet. Daisy… Is our Canadian friend really sure he’s equipped for this?”

    Daisy, the Southern man, looked over to where White Death laid, thumb still pointing up. He smirked. “Seems he thinks he is.”

    “I thought Canadians were all about politeness, not…”

    “Don’t fret Specter, he’s just peachy over there. Trying to live up to his namesake.”
    Daisy chuckled to himself.

    Richard was wielding a Mk. 4 Lee Enfield rifle, with no scope to ensure there would be no glare. Like Simo Häyhä, he’d filled his mouth with snow, and covered his body in it as well. There would be no hot breaths escaping his mouth, or anything else to give off a thermal signature to the Atomwaffen guards. As far as they were concerned, they were dealing with a ghost.

    White Death, Daisy, Specter, and several others made up the international special forces team that was going to thwart this operation, but this was by no means going to be an easy one. They had to send in some of the best, to handle some of the most dangerous. This made Specter uncomfortable with Richard’s unorthodox methods, but he had to trust White Death knew what he was doing.

    The Atomwaffen member leading this operation was a powerful super. Current intel indicated that, as long as he could physically see a person in front of him, he could take control of their mind and nervous system. His favorite weapon, it seemed, was making his enemies commit suicide. It was difficult to verify all intel on him, but so far it was presumed that his psychic connection only worked when he could see the person he intended to build the connection with. One more reason to be a ghost.

    “Ready folks?” Specter spoke apprehensively. “3, 2, 1…”

    With the heavy noise of wind, the distance, and the snow covering, Richard’s Lee Enfield fired off slightly more muffled shots. Three Atomwaffen guards were down before they even had time to realize anything had happened, and the other five were now too far away to realize what occurred behind them.

    Five more shots, these ones from Daisy, Specter, and a few others. In about five minutes, someone inside was going to realize contact was lost with their outside guards. It was still dark out, but the sky was slowly turning from black, to a navy-blue color. They sat and waited as three more guards eventually exited the facility, searching for their comrades.

    By the time they stumbled on the bodies, it was too late. One shot from Richard, one from Daisy, and one from Specter. The three immediately rushed towards the facility now, along with a group of seven others. “Guards down, moving in.”

    “Roger that.” Specter radioed.


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  • Mould tried to limp along with Tik and Tok on either side of him, in truth he was mostly being dragged along by Tik who was randomly activating his power in between spitting out a few choice curses that he repeated like a mantra.

    “Shit fucking titmouse. Crap on a rye cracker,” Tik sped forward in a two-second burst, dragging Tok and Mould along behind him as they retreated back towards Headquarters, far past the evacuation area. Pistolero lagged a few blocks behind them, not fairing much better.

    “E-ego death. I-I’m one with the fresh flesh flower. One with fresh flesh. We are all f-flesh.”

    It didn’t matter how far behind he got now that they were out of immediate danger, as long as they knew where he was. Tok wasn’t fairing much better than the druggie. Tik looked towards his brother, who hadn’t said a word since earlier. The two of them did their best to gently set Mould down on the steps outside Headquarters. The three of them looked up to the sky as a sonic boom shook the city and Valor left orbit.

    Rokket’s armored form landed nearby, giving Tik something besides the doom and gloom to focus on. It was the first time he had actually seen them close up. More importantly, why was the team Tinker not the one utilizing the only battle suit the agency had? He spared a glance towards Mould’s mangled leg, ‘He definitely could have used it…’ The Tinker wasn’t exactly bleeding though, or entirely human it appeared, irregular drops of blue welled up and fell off the fringes of silvery tendons and bone.

    A synthesized voice crackled out of the metal suit, “What’s the big fucking idea Mould?!"

    “You can stay and get killed by Valor when you're not wearing my tech. Speaking of... Back to the workshop." The person in the battlesuit raised both their middle fingers at Mould but turned and started toward the building nonetheless.

    Pistolero stumbled towards the twins, somehow having procured a white rectangle-shaped pill that he was rolling back and forth between his fingers. “Rough day,” He grunted before swallowing the pill and laying down on the grass in front of their office. The sky was mostly clear, except for the ring of clouds that Valor had left behind as he flew.

    Tok finally put a hand on Tik’s shoulder and broke his silence with a quiet mumble, “I think we need to be better heroes.”

US Bank Tower, Los Angeles, California

The Boss managed to keep his temper under wraps as he answered Avery's kneejerk-question. Still, though, she could sense the invisible axe above her head, ready to drop at a moment's notice if she would refuse to play along to whatever whim suits him.

His attention soon slid off of her, and he resumed his agitated state. Avery bit down onto the mint in her mouth and crunched on it while the Boss guy yelled and beat the desk.

'Optics'... Was that what she wanted? To be the center of attention? She braced her foot against the leg of the desk and tilted her chair back. Whenever people said she was acting out as a teen to get attention, she fucking hated it. It made her want to act out more. But did she actually want that deep down?

How little does she know of herself?

It was only when the sisters began talking again that she tuned back in to whatever was happening in the boardroom. Grotesque mock-ups of an amalgamation of the sisters' face and hers - the chair Avery was propping up onto its hind legs fell to the floor fully with a thud. "Avery and Cadence McCulloch, ready for deep cover infiltration."

The remnants of the mint clinged tackily to her molars, and she had difficulty prying them open. She managed to do so, releasing with a slight click of her tongue. Her mouth felt dry.

"I don't have a sister..." Wow... Was that really all she could say in the moment? Her voice sounded much weaker than she intended. Like a little kid.

Apparently it wasn't convicing to anyone else either. The meeting concluded with a squaring-together of paperwork, suits shuffling, handshakes all around, and - once more - Avery left several steps behind.

. . .

Avery broke up the accidental staring contest she had gotten into with her reflection by throwing her bathtowel over her head and vigorously scrubbing it against her head until her scalp was sufficiently protesting. The steam had long since cleared out of the bathroom, but the air that met her in its stead wasn't as cold as she was used to in early San Fran mornings.

Avery's turntable churned away faithfully, playing side one of Abandoned Luncheonette, track four beginning to thrum through the speakers as she pads over to her new bedroom. Her new digs aren't so bad. Cozy, but it's technically government subsidized so... Whatever.

She eyed the boxes of records, stacks of CDs. None were broken, chipped, or so much as scratched.

Hall & Oates filled her vision with sepia tones, and Avery drifted through her new apartment like a ghost. Her clothes were already put away when she got here. Artwork and posters strung up. Speakers plugged in. It's as if she was already living here of her own volition, some Twilight Zone approximation of her life.

... On second thought, maybe her actual life is the Twilight Zone version at this point.

A phone buzzes on the her sidetable. Definitely bugged. She reaches for it with numb fingers, grits her teeth when she reads the caller I.D.. Her hand hovers over the screen for a second before finally answering it. "... Hello."

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