King of Sorcerers and Warlocks
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While he was thankful for the apparent lack of screaming or assaulting of his poor dislodged cranium. Ezra did feel like it should be somewhat odd that everyone present were all being rather chill with a talking head on the table. The one he had been talking a moment ago even propped him up!
Well isn't that nice of her.
She then twisted him to face the man across from her rather then talk. “Can you take this?”
That felt a tad rude. "Oh, okay then. " The man then started to ramble on about stuff Ezra had no context for and he instantly got lost. Not wanting to interrupt, he fell back on his default when he was lost. Ezra smiled and nodded politely. Careful not to knock himself over and potentially expose the cross section oh his neck to present company. That was about the moment when he heard someone behind him speak up.
"So, I don't believe I caught your names." Yes! A chance to cut into the conversation! Or it would have been if he suddenly hadn't been grabbed by the hair and lifted off the table. “Anyway. Seriously, are we going to do anything about Kevin or not because I’m about to toss him.”
His eyes glowing and sparking with his spike of frustration, Ezra grumbled before speaking up. "My name is Ezra, Not Kevin. And tossing me is rude!" He had almost forgotten that his hat had come off after being clotheslined by the powerline. With being held up by his hair, A clean seam that was stapled together could be seam running across his forehead and all the way around the scalp as is someone had sliced the top of his head clean off then put it back. That was around the time that his body rolled up to the table surprisingly casual . . . after having run into a nearby street sign the moment Ezra's head was snatched up. He had manipulated his wires and thread to wear his hat like a wireframe mannequin head and had pulled the hoodie on to have some semblance of a human head. Pedestrians either didn't want to get involved with whatever was going on or were just not paying enough attention.
"And here's the rest of me. Can be hard to pilot myself around hehehe." Nothing on his body looked damaged. Neither were there any signs of electrical burns from the power line. He held his hands out towards The woman holding him and made the grabby motion. "If you wouldn't mind, please and thank you." The frustration in his voice had melted instantly, Though his small burst had left a static charge in the air.