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Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

"Yeah, I'm okay- just the smoke coming from the two boys in the room... I have asthma." She said shyly, and nodded. "Nice to meet you guys." She could feel Mason's eyes shifting all around the room as he noticed the many people that were gathered in there already. "Don't worry." Chloe urged, seeing his pain. "Headmistress Jennings will be here soon -and -" She was cut off by her own coughing. She wished that she could believe her own words by saying that Miss. Jennings would be there soon enough. It was hard to breath with fainted smoke, but she pushed through it.

"So why did you guys come to Grove Academy?" She pressed, smiling at Olivia and Mason. Olivia was on the ground, looking around. Ah, Chloe thought to herself, an observer.
"I'm sorry..." Mason did feel sorry for her, but there was nothing he could do without causing problems. He wanted to ask the other guys to stop smoking but he couldn't even get the courage to do that if he wanted to, anyways. Mason nodded softly, smiling lightly and more genuinely now. "Well I'm actually here because I was forced to go here... Same for Olivia. Our parents are both pretty pissed at us right now," he said, shrugging his shoulders a bit. Mason wasn't really up for elaboration right now so he was kind of hoping the headmaster would be in here soon.

Resting her gaze on the ceiling for a moment, Olivia closed her eyes then opened them slowly. It was certainly going to hellish here, she already knew that for sure. From the way the other newbies were talking, however, she thought it might not be too bad if she stuck with them. Turning her gaze back on the others, Olivia noticed Chloe looking in her direction. The girl seemed a bit too straight-edge for her but she did seem nice so she decided to return the decency with a soft smile. If only she knew how freeing it is to be bad.. Even just for once... Olivia thought to herself.
Axel continued walking down the flawless hallways, glancing behind him every so often to make sure that his sister was still following him. Just in case she fell off the edge of the planet. He chuckled dimly at the thought leading her into the room they had been told to go to.

"Look, Roslyn, humans. Teenagers to be precise and in their natural habitat."

Axel mused, his own azure eyes swiftly making their way around the room pausing at a couple of faces before moving on again not wanting to stare.

Ross glanced at her brother, her exterior not changing even though internally she bubbled slightly with annoyance. Not finding his joke very humorous. Even though he seemed to think it was funny from the way his baritone voice rumbled in laughter.

Sighing, she slipped behind him using his body as a way to shield herself from the awkward eye to eye contact that happened when she glanced around. Ross was sure everyone was staring at her, considering she had a nose ring and some tattoos the peaked out slightly from under her collar. Huffing softly, she tried not to think about anything deciding just to follow her narcissistic brother towards a group of people he deemed rather worthy to socialize with.
Addison, sat on the side had been paying attention the what had been going on and felt bad for Chloe. "Oi boys!" she called across the room. "Get rid of the smoke will ya? Can't you see it's kinda having some bad side effects on another human being?" Her comments weren't unpleasant, just blatant, upfront and slightly sarcastic
Chloe looked up at Addison her eyes full of thanks. "Thanks." She whispered, looking over Mason and Olivia she smiled faintly. "I'm sorry about that." She added on. Her eyes followed over to the boys smoking who had barely turned to look over at Addison.

"Why should we?" Matt called back, lowering his cigar. His eyes followed over to Chloe who was coughing a storm, and he rolled his eyes.

Luckily, Headmistress Jennings walked into the room at the exact same time, taking away the cigars from smoking boys. She cleared her throat, and in a loud echoing voice, she yelled towards the kids. "Welcome one and all to Grove Academy!" Jennings yelled in a nice and calm tone.

(I'm going offline- I have to leave for supper, I'll be back tomorrow morning. Thanks. )
Susannah slid smoothly out of the backseat of her father's car, closing the door with a firm push. The dark-haired girl smoothed out her plaid skirt and re-applied a light layer of lip gloss to her lips while waiting for her older brother to exit the car. Anderson stepped out in a similar fashion, his bookbag on his bag and football equipment hanging from a duffel bag on his right shoulder. He raised his eyebrows at his younger sister, straightening his tie. "You ready for a new school year, Sus?" The two siblings walked almost eerily in sync with each other, holding a conversation about their classes, teachers, and plans for the new school year as they did so. They fell in line with the other students that were walking at the same pace as each other, eventually reaching the front door of the building.

Headmistress Jennings waited for them as they walked through the door, beaming at the two extraordinary siblings. "Ah! Well look at who we have here, the spectacular Sauveterres!" Both of them replied in unison with a "Good morning Headmistress Jennings, it's nice to see you." The headmistress walked the two of them over to a room, motioning for them to enter. "I know you guys aren't new students, but I'm going to put you with this group of newcomers so they can get a feel for what we expect here at Grove Academy." Susannah and Anderson both nodded, entering the room.

Anderson scanned the room, and glanced at Susannah when he saw that a few of the newcomers hadn't even bothered to wear their uniforms. He frowned at the smell of cigarette smoke in the room, and shook his head. Susannah simply laughed, knowing what he was thinking. "I know, but they're new here. What do you expect? I'm pretty sure we were like this at one point, too."

"Yeah, good point." The two siblings walked over to take their seats and sat down in unison just as Headmistress Jennings stepped into the room and welcomed the students to Grove Academy.
Olivia's eyes immediately flickered to the entering pair. She had heard the voices from down the hall, well, at least she hoped it was from down the hall anyways. And then, they appeared. Olivia shifted her position slightly; her curiosity had been piqued. The new girl, well, the new one to the room that is, had a nose ring and even a few tattoos showing. Though Olivia wasn't sure how she made it into the school with them, she was easily fascinated by things of this sort. It was also clear that she was incredibly uncomfortable, as most of them appeared to be.

Mason turned his attention on Addison, a girl who had spoken up for Chloe. He sent an appreciative smile her way just as headmistress Jennings wandered in and virtually saved the day. Leaning back gently in his seat, Mason kept his eyes on the headmistress, not really sure what words to expect from her.

Olivia's eyes didn't move at all until the headmistress came into the room. Following her in with her eyes, Olivia glanced back once more then turned herself to face the woman. Annoyance suddenly washed over her with her upon further staring. It was actually kind of hard to give someone dressed the way she was full attention. It also seemed like the woman had tried, but failed, to hide her real age through some form of injections or voodoo, perhaps. Olivia smirked at her own thoughts but kept her eyes on the headmistress.
Addison pulled a face and was about to retort when Jennings walked in. Uh oh... She flattened herself against the wall and her mouth zipped shut quickly. She wasn't meant to be there... oopsie. However Addi did notice the smile from Mason and simply shrugged. It was no biggie, just called being a decent human being. But still, she needed to be invisible right now. Safe to say she wasn't what Jennings would want near her brand new pupils with her reputation.

Aiden had retreated back into himself but was still paying attention to everything going on around him. There were a lot of people in here now, too many new ones for his liking. But he was saved from feeling too awkward with the arrival of Headmistress Jennings. Well she seemed nice enough at first glance he had to say.
"I see we've got some new - and returning students." Jennings pointed out, her eyes following on Addison, Susannah, and Anderson. "That's perfectly fine. We're just going to need to teach the new ones how this school... works." She winked at Susannah and Anderson, turning back around. "So how shall we work with dorm rooms?"

Chloe watched Jennings take stare at each student for a small amount of time. Shivering to herself, she readjusted. Weird. Her eyes fell onto Matt who was sitting in the corner staring at the teacher as if he was searching for something he'd never find.

"Okay. Who here didn't come with someone they knew?" Jennings asked, watching Chloe and Matt raise their hands. "Anyone else?"
Jack felt Michelle cling to him further, almost as if she was terrified of having to share room with another person. Well, it was understandable. She suffered nightmares, and sometimes it was impossible to calm her down with just words, and she didn't like being touched by just anyone. So the dark haired boy just placed his hand on top of that of his cousin.

If she ended up placing the two of them in different rooms, he would have to ask for some switching up, as Michelle clearly wouldn't, seeming scared of the woman already.

Perhaps if they were devided by gender, Michelle could survive, but if they were one male and one female in the rooms? He could already imagine all of those nights Michelle would leave her room at night.
Jennings scanned the room, looking at everyone. "Is that all?" Noticing that there really was only two students to know anybody, she clapped. "Okay- your room mates shall be the person you came with. As for Chloe and Matthew- you two will be together in a dorm. No worries though- each dorm as a bedroom with two beds and a living room with a pullout couch."

Chloe frowned, looking over at Matthew. He was a smoker. And a stranger. Blinking back tears, she gave a smile. It couldn't kill her- could it? Her eyes fell over to Matthew who was standing up to protest. Maybe if she asked for a solo room... she shook it off. Feeling so alone, she got up, looking at the headmistress with a bright smile. "Sounds nice. Where's the bathroom, may I ask?"

Mrs.Jennings pointed to a room with a "F" above it, and Chloe ran to it, opening the heavy door, flooding into one of the stalls. Nobody else was in there, so she let out a strangled cry. Tears flooded out of her eyes.
He was horrible! Unspeakable! She thought as more tears escape. Out of all the people in the world she could have roomed with she got a smoker, a jerk, and someone completely rude.

Meanwhile, in the classroom, Matthew stared at Mrs.Jennings.
Co-ed?! With the perky bitch?! Sighing, he straightened up, looking at Mrs.Jennings. "Is that okay with all of you?" Nodding, Matthew got up. "May I be excused for a second?" He asked, knowing what Chloe went to the restroom. Why else would a girl go to the restroom after hearing bad news?

He ran into the bathroom, staring at the big "F" room. Taking a deep breath, he followed into the room, watching, and hoping nobody else would be in there. Sure enough, muffled sobs came from the last stall. Walking, he went over to the door, and knocked on it gently. "Chloe?" He breathed, the cigars in his pocked felt a little bit heavier.

"Go away." She said in a voice that you could tell she was trying to mask the tears, but after a second, her voice sounded more shocked. "Matthew?" Chloe wondered aloud.

"Yeah, it's me." Matthew nodded. "Open the door." Slowly doing as she was told, Chloe opened the stall, staring at the blonde girl that came out. Her straight hair was a little messy, her massacre was running, and her nose was red from crying. "You look..."

"Horrible?" She guessed with a forced laugh. Matthew stared at her, not knowing what to say.
She looked beautiful, even make up messed up and all. Wait- what was he saying?!

"Yeah." Matthew lied, and Chloe started sniffling again. Rolling his eyes gently it felt like he was trying to say no to a tiny little bunny. Reaching towards her, he wiped some tears away with some toilet paper he had gathered. Giving her a small smile, she gave one back. "Ready to go back to class. We can survive this whole room mate thing."

She looked up, arching one eyebrow giving a small smile. "I don't know. You almost killed me earlier." Chuckling, we both left, re-arriving into the huge room, and a lot of eyes were on them, including Headmistress Jennings.

"Let's all get ready for the tour." Melissa Jennings urged, shooing everyone out of the classroom and into the ball room.

Darkan walked over to Manuel and put his arm around his shoulders. "So we're going to share a room don't we?" He smirked, taking the other boy's chin in his hand and squeezing in it.

Pulling Darkan's arm away from his face. "Put don't get to excited about it, I'm not like your sisters." He said irritated while giving a glance at the boy. But he couldn't be mad at him so he laughed afterwards. "I'm sorry but don't get to bossy about the room. You don't want to so me angry."

"I'm sure I won't be the bossy one in the room." Darkan looked at the other with a teasing look. "But there's going to be one rule in our room!"

"Only one?" Surprised by the sentence he just heard coming out of Darkan's mouth. "I expected more from you." Chuckling at the boys face when he said that.

"Alright shut up, I was going to say. I don't want clothes lying around everywhere in it. Certainly no underwear!" Poking Manuel knowing how much of a slob he is.

"Alright mom." He laughed and looked at his friend. Actually satisfied that he could share a room with him and no irritating stranger, who smells and listens to awfel music.
"Boys." Miss Jennings turned to Darkan and Manuel giving them a warning glance. "Come on now. Stop the chatter." She turned back to the ball room. "This here, is the main entrance. A dance will be hold on Friday for the entrance students. When it's not used for dances - it'll be used as Mr.Fryer's classroom. Every new student must take dance for their first year, period two."

Matthew groaned. He hated dance- in fact- he wasn't fond of music in general. He knew it was going to be torture for the rest of the year. Cursing under his breath, he scanned the room to see everyone else's reaction.
After hearing that Manuel looks in disgust. "Hell no, I'm not going to a dance. I will be at my room than if anyone needs me." He said not going for an argument and staying with his choice. Manuel didn't really mind dancing, on his own. But with other people? He didn't like the idea at all, so he wasn't going to do it.

Darkan looked at his friend knowing that there was no way of getting him to go. He thought it was pretty cool actually, getting to know more people and enjoying the music. It couldn't be bad and he wasn't a bad dancer either so he was safe for now.
Sighing, Miss.Jennings knew that every year that was students who didn't want to dance. She wanted to stop them- but she never had time. The rebels were always the first to go. They go into their room.... they never walk out if the same. "Please don't go to your room, Mr. The tour is in works." Truthfully, she didn't care about the tour- she cared more about the well-being of the student. He reminded her of the many students that walked down the halls perfectly now. They used to be like him, well, before.... it..
Darkan hold back Manuel who tried to go to his room. "Please stay? For me?" He said smiling at his friend, almost begging the boy to stay. Knowing that he couldn't handle it when Darkan looked right into his eyes with that desperate look.

He sighed. "Alright. But I'm not going to the dance." Putting his arm over his friend and looking like he really didn't care about all of it. Not like he did but, somehow he didn't want to be a bad student this year. This was his change to actually get good grades, making his future a bit better. Manuel never really tried to study, a bad habit of him he really wanted to lose.
Melissa Jennings smiled to herself. Even though Darkan didn't know it- she knew it. He had just saved his friend's personality- for now. Walking up the stairs to the second level she went down the long hallway, her white dress dragging on the floor behind her. "This is where the first year classes take place." She pointed out the normal subjects, and some of the electives including computer, shop, home ec, and a bunch of others.

Manuel's and Darkan's mouth dropped at the same time. "This can't be real..." They said synchronized. Manuel began laughing confusingly, not knowing how to act at the sight of the beautiful hallway in front of him. He knew this was a poshy school but that it would be like this, he'd never imagined.

Darkan couldn't be happier, he never had seen so much space in his life. Growing up with six sisters in a normal sized house, almost never getting outside because of all the care he had to take for his 2 younger sisters and the house. "You know, I had second thoughts when you practically forced me to come here. But now I'm happy you did." Being honestly about how he felt, something that he almost never did.
The headmistress smiled at the student's awe - face. "This is where you will roam- only here. The other floor and hallways are strictly for second ; third ; four ; fifth- and the list goes on. Here there's a gym, cafeteria, in-door swimming pool, indoor boxing rink, skating rink, auditorium, arcade, library, sound-recording music room, and so much more. Outside are fields, woods, out-door swimming pool, hunting grounds, picnics, outdoor volleyball, and much more activities. Everything here had to be perfect."
"Alright. I'm going to the library. Hey, Matt want to come with me?" He asked the new guy he talked to a few minutes ago. Manuel wanted to give there 'friendship' a try, not knowing if he would like one but oh well. Looking at Darkan "You're probably going to the music room?" Darkan nodded , Manuel watched him heading to the new room.
Matthew smiled faintly, nodding. He was happy that he was atleast talking to someone. He thought that if they tried they really could become friends. "Sure." He motioned Manuel into the library, and his jaw dropped when he saw it. "Um, dude..." He called out to Manuel, looking in. "She wasn't kidding when she called it a library... A huge one."

Manuel looked over at the library, not saying a word. He was enthusiastic but sad at the same time. Why do I deserve this? He wondered to himself, getting a big frown on his forehead while looking down at the ground. Putting his hands in the pockets of his black chained pants. "Yeah it's great." He said softly, trying to hold the emotions he had at that moment.
Olivia raised an eyebrow when Jennings said everyone could room with who they came with. She almost wanted to ask if they could switch but she decided against it. Mason would be more comfortable this way, anyways, and there was really no issue with them being roommates. The only question that still remained was how the headmistress allowed genders to mix when it came to rooming. That was definitely something Olivia was not expecting, but again, she didn't really see anything wrong with it.

Mason sent a smile Olivia's way, letting her know he was comfortable with the idea. He, too, was confused as to the rooming situation but he simply went with the flow. Hearing Chloe speak again, he turned his head just as she left the room in a rush. Mason had no idea what was going on until he saw the guy get up and leave after her. He was the one who was smoking... And he's the one she's rooming with now. Now it made sense.

Standing up and following the headmistress on the tour, Mason was rather amazed by the building. From the outside, it looked like a standard building you would picture they used for this type of school simply because it was pretty similar to those you would see in a movie. On the outside, however, the building was simply incredible and every inch was covered in heavy, yet tasteful, decor that made it almost mesmerizing.

Following the group at the back, Olivia took her time taking in the surroundings but paying more attention to her phone. An old friend from her hometown was supposed to text her at some point but it didn't look as though that was happening anytime soon. Olivia wasn't really surprised, though, the dude was kind of a dick. Officially growing irritated, Olivia shoved the phone back into her pocket and crossed her arms over her chest. I could really use another cigarette right about now...
Michelle visibly breathed out. No stranger to share room with. She got to share room with her cousin, who knew how she would be during night. She could have her one safety with her.

Jack saw his cousin relax, and loosen her grip on him, and slipped her hand down to his hand, instead of holding around him. It just would have been too impossible to let completely go of him.

"Can I keep you as my dancepartner?" The young blonde whispered, looking up at her cousin. He was one of the few males she would even go near, without suffering break downs later on. Recieving a nod in return, she smiled gently. it was always easier when she had someone to rely on.

They walked side by side, listening to the headmistress.

Michelle's eyes were almost as big as plates when she looked around, seeing the different way. It was so far away from what she was used to. It was almost like a child let loose in a candy store.

She would get to be there, without being harmed for being somewhere she wasn't supposed to be?

It was perfection!

After the headmistress stopped speaking, michlle was all excited. And beside her, Jack was more excited about the recording studio.

He could record piano! He could record piano, and Michelle could hide away and draw. It was quite much what they both needed.

"Should we go check out the cafeteria, or the swimming pool?"

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