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Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

The pen was moving across the paper, the eyes being made lashes around, though she noe and then had to stare at the girl to make sure she got it all correct. The hair, the eyes, the nose. Michelle was a perfectionist. And the drawing could not be anything but perfect. Though she was confused if she should add in Aiden as he sat by Chloe. But she chose against it.
Chloe looked at Michelle. She was shocked by how much time she spent on one single drawing. Above all, Chloe knew it was going to be a great portrait by the looks of Michelle's concentration. Not wanting to distract her, she went against telling her that it was good, but she was going to wait till it was finished before popping out the compliment. But Chloe still was a little surprised at how much Michelle must have loved drawing and how she let it consume her time.
Manuel looked a bit flustered. "Nah it's alright man. Darkan says I should try talking more. When I actually really don't get the point of that." He smirked at the boy and nodded at the chair next to him. "You can sit down if you want to." He observed the boy, was he a sport freak? Or would he be like a girl chaser? Well he did look a bit like that.

"Wow that's pretty long, I've been playing since I'm six so that's euhm... also 11 years!" He laughed. "You know I really hope they have some sort of music class here." Looking at Jack who seemed to really listen to him, he wasn't used to that. with 6 sisters he was mostly ignored or just forgotten once in a while.
"Well, if not I suppose we could convince them to" Jack grinned back to Darkan. "After all, music is a healthy way to get out emotions" It was true too. Even scientists were backing up the advantages of playing music.

Eventually, the drawing was done, and Michelle packed down the other papers and the pen, but lt the drawing remain on the table, before she walked over to Chloe, holding it out for her, her own head slightly bowed down, not looking the girl in the face. It was in a way Michelle's way to say she weren't scared of someone, to give them a drawing of them.
Aiden laughed slightly. It was a soft laugh, gentle and kind. "Yeah she kinda is most of the time I think" he replied softly. A sense of nausea began to rise up in his throat but he choked it down, not wanting to be too shy or anything, it didn't really work. "So..." Aiden starrted, usure what to say now.

Addison simply shook her head in response. She didn't want to invade Aiden's friend making after all. Instead she just stayed where she was quietly observing the room for now, hoping she could get away with staying in here for a while before she got caught being where she shouldn't.
"That's true. I love to put all of my emotions in my violin. We should play together sometime!" He said enthusiastically. "How old are you actually? Maybe we are in the same class." He said smiling friendly at the boy. A piano and a violin would sound great together he thought to himself, that's like a combo of sadness and emotion.
"17, and yourself?" Jack hadn't exactly expected he would get this well along with someone so soon, and that he would find someone with the same interest as himself, in music. Maybe even one of the others in the room were a singer? "We should try to start a band really. At least if we find more musical people"
"Yeah sounds great. We only need a drummer maybe and a singer. Oh, and I'm also 17." He said friendly, looking over at his cousin. "So she's like a sister to you right?" smiling a bit because he thought about Manuel saying that sentence. Well he wasn't like a sister of course, he was like the big brother he always wanted.
Chloe looked down at the drawing she was given, and she gave Michelle a huge drawing. "It's wonderful! It looks exactly like me!" Gushing, she gave Michelle a wide smile. "You're really talented." She looked at the drawing one more time, observing all the detail that was poured into making it in the final picture.

Matthew nodded at Manuel, and sat down. "Thanks. Did your friend force you to come here?" He thought, remembering how his dad forced him to come here because of the great basketball. Matt avoided making eye contact. He knew from what he'd seen of Manuel was that he was a fine alone. It reminded him of his self in some aspects. They both liked cigars and were loners... they just were from different social classes.

Matt was a jock. The flirt. The "it" boy at his old public school, but by the looks of it Manuel was never really any of those things. He looked like he was born into the loner stage. Not wanting to be rude or stereotypical, Matt dropped the thoughts, playing with the lighter in his pocket wondering what it'd be like if he just lit up the whole "perfect" school just then and there.
Manuel looked up at the boy playing with his lighter. "No, the orphan house couldn't handle me anymore so they dumped me here. Darkan just wanted to come with me." That was actually a lie, the Darkan part. He didn't want Darkan to be alone on their old school. So he practically forced Darkan into this school, Manuel took another cigarette and lighted it up. "So who forced you here?" He asked never looking at the boy's eyes, only at his lighter.
"Understood." Matthew pondered over whether to lie or not, but after a little thought, he sighed. "The person who forced me here was the person that forced me do everything I hate." He didn't have to go into detail. Anyone that could see would be able to categorize him as a prep or as a jock. "My dad." He clarified in case it wasn't obvious.
Olivia sighed softly, pausing just outside the gates to the building. Examining the exterior of the building as well as the surrounding people, Olivia shrugged slightly and took one last hit of her cigarette before dropping it on the ground. With her head pointing down, she mumbled "Well, Mason, prepare for hell," and with that, she started walking up to the school, now simply ignoring the people around her. Something was off, that was blatantly obvious. The people here were acting unnatural... Then again, anyone not partaking in anything remotely interesting made them odd to her.

Mason watched Olivia finish off her cigarette, cringing slightly each time she hit it. It was a nasty habit but he couldn't stop her from doing it. Smirking slightly at her comment, Mason glanced around curiously then had to rush to catch up with her. Frankly he didn't understand what she meant at all. The people here looked to be perfectly fine and he didn't see anything wrong about them. The only issue he did have so far was the ugly uniforms they were being force to wear but he supposed that's what you got when you went to a private school.

Approaching the woman, presumably the head mistress, Olivia and Mason came to a halt. "Well, hello.. Who do we have here?" Olivia ignored the question entirely, leaning slightly to the left to peer over her shoulder and check out the school. Mason, on the other hand, decided to take the more pleasing approach. "I'm Mason and this is Olivia," he said kindly, smiling softly as the brunette woman flashed Olivia a glare then hesitantly showed them the way to the room where the others were.

Olivia kept a blank expression across her face, choosing only to look around, admiring and judging the building's interior. The people here had already freaked her out so she avoided starting conversation with anyone in the room. Deciding to take up a seat as far away from everyone as possible, she sat down and let her bag fall to the ground beside her.

Following suit, Mason wandered into the room, only offering the occasional glance to the others. Assuming everyone here was probably new as well, Mason decided to sit closer to the group in hopes of maybe figuring out why they were in this specific room and what was going on with everyone else. He glanced over to his right to check on Olivia out of habit but quickly turned back to face the front of the room.
Chloe noticed the people instantly. She always did. By the way they sat she could tell they - or maybe just at least the girl - did wan't to be here. There was already so much smoke in the room as there was you'd think we'd all be on fire by then. Chloe glanced over at the new kids, coughing uncontrollably. She had asthma, and all this smoke was making it hard for her to breath. "Hi - I'm C-chloe." Her voice broke as she was introducing her self. Covering her mouth with her sleeve trying to shelter her lungs, she walked away from where the smokers were sitting. Taking deep breaths, she looked at Mason who had sat by her group. "And who are you guys?"
Jack looked ovr at Michelle who had actually moved over to the girl, having taken that big of a step already. And to be honest, he was proud. His cousin rarely dared moving further than out of his arms reach, unless they were at home. "Yeah, she's like my own sister. Technicly, by law, she's my adopted sister now" All of those family situations that girl could have been in, she had ended up with the one she had. "What about your buddy? More or less family?"

Blushing a little at the compliment, she glanced up, her blue yes big in that little face of hers. "Thank you" Her voice was weak, almost like a mouse. It was really more of squeeks whenever she spoke, rather than a proper steady voice. Then again, she rarely spoke, but girls were safer to speak with than boys.

Though, when yet another boy came in and joined the group, she took her chair and sat it right next to Jack, using him as a kind of shield.
"Aaah fathers, the most unuseful species of this world." He said with a disgusted at the sort. "So I assume you were forced into sport are something?" He said a bit annoyed. Why did people brag about their parents just because they forced them to do things? I wish my parents forced me into some stupid thing instead of disappearing and abusing me.

Manuel wasn't the kind of guy that would classify himself under something. He has always been a loner. At the beginning and at the end of his life he will be alone. There's nothing to to about that.

"He's like an older brother to me." Darkan told Jack. He looked over at Manuel who was actually talking to someone. "We are both so different from each other but still we can't live without one another." He said smiling at what he was saying. "But yeah he isn't really family I do have 6 sisters thought." He said laughing at the insane number.
Matt breathed. "Sort of. Before my mom died when I was born. When she was pregnant she told my dad she wanted a son that was good at sports. My father kind of lingered on those words too much. Growing up he told me mom would never love me unless I was an athlete, and he wouldn't either. Forced me into sport after sport." Shrugging, he looked at Manuel. He knew that his situation probably sounded like dandelion fluff compared to Manuel's. "So, what's your favorite kind of hobbies?" He asked anxious to get off the subject of family lines.

Chloe looked up at Michelle and gave her a kind smile. It was nice of her to do a drawing, truthfully, she didn't except anyone to draw her ever.
"I like to read a lot and music always keeps me interested." He said inhaling from his cigarette an blowing it out. "And you? Something else then sports?" He kind of began to respect the boy, not because of the daddy issues but because he also lost his mother. Manuel had no intention on telling anyone his family history. He was way too cocky for that
Matt was amused. Intrigued, even. "I love reading, what kind of books do you enjoy?" He questioned. Matthew would of asked about music, but he wasn't musically inclined not even the slightest, so he'd look like a fool talking about such things.
"I enjoy thrillers, horrors and a lot of fantasy books and you?" He asked smiling at the boy. Did he really just made a connection with someone? He was kind of confused but didn't want to go to far on it.
Smiling back felt weird for Matthew. Sure he was the "it" boy in his past- but fake smiles and big egos were part of the job. It was rare when he actually gave someone a real smile. "Thrillers, Sci-fi and horrors." They had similar taste in books, so it kind of took Matt off guard. Not knowing what to say, he just nodded.
"You know I don't want to be a jerk but you look like a rich asshole." He said laughing with himself, blowing some smoke out again. Manuel was never scared of telling people the truth what he thought about them. He would also go in an argument if he didn't agree with someone.
He gave Darkan a genuine smile, while Michelle almost clinged to him, holding onto one of his arms as if stuff was getting scary. Then again, he could see how stuff was getting scarier, with so many males gathered in one room. She wasn't even used to being around more than three males at the time anymore so.

"and I think it's enough with 3 of them" His two twin sisters, or half sisters as they were, and Michelle. He didn't really need more family than that.
Matt didn't know what to say. He's heard it before. Multiple times- but what could he say? He was a perfect math for a rich asshole. But he was only a mediocre family. Not rich, not poor. "Well it'd be a lie if I said I never heard that before." He took a puff in his cigar, shaking his head, chuckling. "I wish. I'm just middle income."
Stuffing her hands into the pockets of her faded jeans, suddenly feeling out of place among the prim and proper. Everyone here seemed to be perfect, like her brother, only less inviting. Crystal blue orbs glared at the front entrance of the school, though she came to realize how much it actually looked less of a school and more of a mansion. Adjusting her onyx leather jacket, Ross found the subtle hint of nervousness creeping up on her despite the blank exterior.

"Are you listening to me?"

The masculine voice of her brother snapped her from her thoughts, causing her dark grey military boots to slide to a halt.


Her voiced sounded raw, a little rushed almost as if she hadn't used her vocal cords for days. Ross watched Axel with a blank look, seeing him sigh his eyebrows knitting together to form an almost pissed off expression.

Adjusting his backpack over his left shoulder, Axel wondered how she had gotten so good at blocking any emotion from entering her features. It was rare that she conveyed anything behind that stoic mask anymore. It was almost to the point where he wondered if emotions were even able to be felt by his sister.

"Listen. Just....try to make some friends okay? The last thing I need is my baby sister following me everywhere."

Axel taunted, his carefree expression blasting at full force.

Ross watched him for a moment, not saying anything at all.

His stupid "I major in vacation" shirt was distracting.

Along with those dumb neon green shoes he always wore.

They were specially made or something like that. Ross couldn't remember the befuddling reason as to why he liked them.


Ross mumbled out, walking into the gigantic school with her brother following. A wide grin plastered across his face, his hands resting nonchalantly on the back of his head as he walked.
Mason was slightly startled by the girl who had appeared to be talking to him. Turning his gaze on her, he tried to force out a smile, more of a grimace coming out in the end. "I'm Mason.. And this is Olivia.." he said, motioning towards her, earning a slight smirk and a wave from Olivia in response. Mason turned back to Chloe, immediately noticing she seemed to be in distress. "Are you okay?" He asked, glancing around to see what could be bothering her. Mason couldn't pinpoint anything specifically, seeing as it could be many things. For him, his minor distress was coming from the slowly crowding room. For her... Well there were really a lot of possibilities.

Olivia simply sat back and observed everyone. She was quiet, she always had been. Unless, of course, she had a reason to speak. In this case, she'd rather observe than talk to anyone. Her brother had always told her she seemed to learn more by this than engaging in conversations but Olivia didn't believe that, at first, until she began watching people more closely. Reading people was something anyone and everyone could do if they chose to do it long enough with dedication but not many people did, hence the sh*tty things people get themselves into because they didn't know who they were around, at least fully anyways. Nonetheless, she liked to stick to her guns and keep her silent observations to herself just as she did with her words.

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