Grand Adventure: Red Skies at Morn


  1. The combat should take place in the thread of the defending ship.
  2. YOU MOVE TOO FAST. RpNation doesn't always give people alerts to busy threads. Before you kick ANYONE, you need to send them a message and ask them. Often, the answer will be "I didn't see the thread moving". Also, you have a LOT of people in this roleplay. More people means waiting longer to take turns posting. Three days is not fair to the roleplayers in school who have homework and other priorities, and it doesn't account for those in non-American time zones. This is going to be a bulky beast to handle, and you have got to approach running this baby with that in mind.
welian said:
  1. The combat should take place in the thread of the defending ship.
  2. YOU MOVE TOO FAST. RpNation doesn't always give people alerts to busy threads. Before you kick ANYONE, you need to send them a message and ask them. Often, the answer will be "I didn't see the thread moving". Also, you have a LOT of people in this roleplay. More people means waiting longer to take turns posting. Three days is not fair to the roleplayers in school who have homework and other priorities, and it doesn't account for those in non-American time zones. This is going to be a bulky beast to handle, and you have got to approach running this baby with that in mind.
I never planned on banning anyone after 3 days. The 3 day mark was when I send them a message asking what's going on. I figured a week of absolutely zero word whatsoever would be a decent time frame to consider kicking someone. And even then I wouldn't just outright kick someone without putting it to a vote first. I'm fully aware shit gets crazy in real life and that there's a lot of people to keep track of, I get it.
combat thread could work, though it might make for confusion. Though its a nice idea, its like everyone is in their own server then they have a place to all come together, and it keeps the ship stuff separate.

But that is if we're solely talking fighting ships, what happens when two ships are docked at the same location, they would have to interact or eventually something. That's where I think an additional thread would be nice, but opinions! [throws confetti]
i'm honestly good with whatever's decided about the activity thing?? i myself will not be one of the most active people because I am in college and i have work and dragon age.

but i'll try to get on frequently enough to at least say if i can't post for some reason or whatnot.

@welian OH HEY LIZZ. i'm as observant as ever AND JUST NOTICED YOU how u been gurl

I am currently in the process of subsuming the universe and preparing to eject my soul from this plane of existence so that I may avoid student loan payments.


So right now I'm finishing up a web design certification, and then I'll take three classes (e-commerce, software design, and JavaScript) which will give me a web developer certification, and then I'm gonna go for the Associates in Applied Science degree which will get me guaranteed admission into any state school so long as I maintain a 2.5 GPA, at which point I'll probably be looking at schools with decent networks administration/computer science programs. It's actually been really fun so far, I took a bomb-ass typography class and I made some wicked work there, learned how to use Illustrator, and I've been making websites at school. I took some business classes because I thought marketing might be a good secondary student but everything was chock full of corporate buzzwords and ridiculous pseudo-psychology. Only the business math and the intro classes were useful, because Excel, taxes, budgets, and business plans. I'm also in a public speaking class and it's fun as hell, but I always end up talking too fast when I get nervous.

On the bright side, lots of people I'm hilarious and gutsy, which is nice.



Well, here at ---------- Loaning, we certified loaners, will loan you the money to pay off your loans! We even have respectable percentage returns!

10% for every week you're late.

man you got more of a plan than i do

mine is like. finish my degree in december. take a toefl course in the spring, hopefully???. apply to various places to teach english abroad. hopefully go to japan????? maybe germany???? FRANCE???? teach english (GOD WHY HAVE I DECIDED TO TEACH SOMEONE TELL ME I HATE TEACHING)

plus lots of crying, hopefully no panic attacks (i'm on meds please let that be enough when i go abroad oh GOD), and wishing i could steal my cats from my roommates and take them with me (but link would never allow that, even if zelda might).

@Girouette alternative??? WHAT ALTERNATIVE???

basically the alternative is: be rich or get a fuckton of good scholarships (or y'know one full ride)

Go into the sciences. People will PAY you to attend school.


I love you and I am legit disappointed in the rest of the group that it's taken this long to get a genderqueer character.


What you've got is better than no plan at all, honestly. If you can stomach it, offer yourself up for English tutoring at your school so that you can list it as relevant teaching experience on your resume.
(cries into bowl of mashed potatoes that was my dinner)

ALSO WAIT, GENDERQUEER??? OH HELLA TELL ME WHERE. i am all about that shit i am that shit hella (though i didn't add any of my own nb folks in here so. uh. whoops?).

suddenly i'm more excited than i was before
Erik said:
(cries into bowl of mashed potatoes that was my dinner)
ALSO WAIT, GENDERQUEER??? OH HELLA TELL ME WHERE. i am all about that shit i am that shit hella (though i didn't add any of my own nb folks in here so. uh. whoops?).

suddenly i'm more excited than i was before

I made an RP based on an idea that I've been sitting on for a very long time, it's basically magical ladies fighting the monster of the week - Arcana, a land where only women have magic, and magic is power, therefore women rule and it is a matriarchal society set in a time period analogous to early/just before steampunk.

There have been many amusing discussion in the OOC about women leading courtship, a non-ironic men's right movement, and the double whammy of infertility in a world where magic depends on having a functioning uterus.

A world where gender roles are flipped around, and @simj22 is the first to officially propose a potentially trans* character - at the very least, someone who crossdresses and therefore already does not quite fit perfectly into the binary.

There's a lot of people who have signed up for it, even Zahzi is on board, but I haven't started it yet because school and fuckton of setting stuff to type up.

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