Grand Adventure: Red Skies at Morn

Oh don't worry too much. I will be bugging the ever-loving crap out of people if need be, reminding them of their obligations.


Hey! Glad to see you here.
I'll be posting, might not be as prompt as some due to Uni, but I'll be posting :P
Please, with the group we have here, everything should be fine.
I don't go back for about 2 weeks, and well...I've been here everyday since I joined 8D

Just lurking. In the shadows.

I am the night.

With a flashlight.
i'm slowly figuring out how this website works

and by slowly i mean i figure something out and then go sit on tumblr or watch lauren play more dragon age (while wishin i was dragon aging)

hooooopefully i'll like. actually be able to post consistently. i am in college and classes are back up and i have work AND (lists life chores, conveniently leaving out dragon age obsession). i'll make the attempt at any rate.

um but ngl i am currently confused about which character imma use to do this? like. i could use bezek. and i think i might. bezek my sweet child from the first version. a star man. the first star, technically, in that i was the one to create the star race and then bezek was my first star character (other than bellatrix who i didn't flesh out).

and that thing about the emotions is new to me so i'm gonna have to learn what things have been thought up for the stars in my absence lmfao
well i can at least wiggle my ears, so i could attempt to figure out about the playing.
Should I..

  1. Take a shower tonight and go to bed with three feet of wet hair
  2. Take a shower tomorrow morning and go to class with three feet of wet hair

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